Describe the life cycle of an oceanic plate and the controls on plate thickness and density.

Describe the life cycle of an oceanic plate and the controls on plate thickness and density. Draw annotateddiagrams and specify physical scales where appropriate.

Explain how pyroclastic density currents are generated and how particle concentration and temperature control the resultant deposits.

Explain how pyroclastic density currents are generated and how particle concentration and temperature control the resultant deposits.

Briefly explain how chemical weathering of rocks can lower the global temperature of the planet

Briefly explain how chemical weathering of rocks can lower the global temperature of the planet

Discuss the conditions that are favourable for the deposition of marine limestones.

Referring to modern-day examples, discuss the conditions that are favourable for thedeposition of marine limestones. Describe the types of allochems thatmake up these marine limestones.

Contrast how gender inequality in India (north and south) has had an impact on fertility rates.

Choose a topic and write a 1000-word research paper on:
1. The diffusion of [choose a cultural trait]
By what processes of diffusion did this trait develop and spread from its cultural hearth?
2. Development in Costa Rica and Brazil
Compare and contrast these two countries’ development strategies and experiences 1945-present.
3. Demographic aging in Canada and Japan
Is Canada heading down the same path as Japan?
4. Fertility Decline in East Asia: Was the One-child Policy Necessary?
Compare population policies and fertility rates in China and other East Asian countries 1950 to 2015. Was China’s one-child policy really responsible for reducing its fertility rate?
5. Gender and Population Growth in India
Contrast how gender inequality in India (north and south) has had an impact on fertility rates.
6. Megacity Profile
Pick a megacity in a developing country (e.g. Mexico City, Delhi, Manila, Cairo). Is it “over-urbanized”?
You may choose a different topic, but it must be related to one of the subdisciplines we have discussed in class and be approved by your instructor (send me an MIO).
Your paper must be written in a proper essay format – with a title, an introduction (identifying the topic and its importance, stating a thesis and outlining the main points addressed in the paper), the body of your paper (organized into three or four main paragraphs), a conclusion summarizing your paper, and a references list. It must also include at least one properly formatted illustration (preferably a map) that you have made and discussed in your paper.
In-Text Citations and References List
All in-text citations must follow APA format (see resources posted on LEA). PAPERS WITH NO IN-TEXT REFERENCES OR REFERENCE LIST WILL RECEIVE A ZERO GRADE.
Your paper must include at least one properly formatted thematic map (preferred) or graph that you have prepared (in the same way that you have done in the course assignments, e.g. a diffusion map, a choropleth map, a population pyramid, etc.). Any data source used for information in the illustrations must be included in your reference list. This illustration must be discussed and interpreted in your paper.

To what extent is low priced fast food ethical?

To what extent is low priced fast food ethical?

Explain how Canada’s treatment of natives runs counter to the image of the country as place that is friendly and welcoming to newcomers.

Imagine that you are home – that should not be too hard for most of you (and me!). Your friends/parents ask you what courses you took this past semester. You mention that you took a course on Canada. “Canada?! What the hell did you do that for?!” they might ask. How will you respond? In a one and half to two-page essay, explain to your friends/family information that might impress, depress, and/or surprise your companions about Canada. To complete this assignment, you can use the knowledge you have gained about that country’s geography, history, politics, economy, Indigenous peoples, Quebec nationalism, and culture. In short, you are explaining what Canada is all about to people who (probably) know very little about the place.

Do not throw out simple facts and leave it at that. For example, do not simply say, “Canada has ten provinces,” and stop there. Follow through. So what? Why is it a big deal that Canada has ten provinces? You can say, “Canada has only ten provinces. That is interesting because it is a, physically, larger country than the United States. Can you imagine how the US might be different if there were only ten states? Because there are so few provinces in Canada, they have a lot of power over what happens in the country. As a result, sometimes, people in Canada tend to identify themselves by their province – and not as Canadians. Also, when there are serious problems, say, a global pandemic, it is much easier to coordinate efforts between the federal government and ten provinces than in the US, with the federal government and 50 states.” This is the type of “advanced thinking”Another example could be: “Canada has not treated its native people very well.” That would be correct. However, you would need to explain why and how you feel that Canada has wronged the indigenous people who were here before Europeans arrived. You could explain how the actions taken by successive Canadian governments made life difficult for its native peoples; and how some of those issues are still present in Canadian society. One offshoot of this might have you focus on how more recent governments are attempting to make amends for past errors. You could also explain how Canada’s treatment of natives runs counter to the image of the country as place that is friendly and welcoming to newcomers.

Explain how the actions taken by successive Canadian governments made life difficult for its native peoples

Do not throw out simple facts and leave it at that. I am looking for some thought in your responses. For example, do not simply say, “Canada has ten provinces,” and stop there. Follow through. So what? Why is it a big deal that Canada has ten provinces? You can say, “Canada has only ten provinces. That is interesting because it is a, physically, larger country than the United States. Can you imagine how the US might be different if there were only ten states? Because there are so few provinces in Canada, they have a lot of power over what happens in the country. As a result, sometimes, people in Canada tend to identify themselves by their province – and not as Canadians. Also, when there are serious problems, say, a global pandemic, it is much easier to coordinate efforts between the federal government and ten provinces than in the US, with the federal government and 50 states.” This is the type of “advanced thinking” I am looking for in this exercise. Another example could be: “Canada has not treated its native people very well.” That would be correct. However, you would need to explain why and how you feel that Canada has wronged the indigenous people who were here before Europeans arrived. You could explain how the actions taken by successive Canadian governments made life difficult for its native peoples; and how some of those issues are still present in Canadian society. One offshoot of this might have you focus on how more recent governments are attempting to make amends for past errors. You could also explain how Canada’s treatment of natives runs counter to the image of the country as place that is friendly and welcoming to newcomers.  In other words, take whatever facts you use and explain why they are important.

Perform quantitative analyses on a dataset of your choice from the broad environmental sciences

Perform quantitative analyses on a dataset of your choice from the broad environmental sciences (aquatic, atmosphere, terrestrial, marine, urban, etc.)
Use two fundamentally different kinds of quantitative analyses, at least one of which should have been covered in the module (i.e. at least one of: inferential statistics, correlation/regression, time-series analysis). The two types of analysis should be comprehensive and utilise full range of opportunities provided by the data. Write a report that describes and analyses these data, discussing the likely processes producing the data and any implications for management and/or further study.

/- Note that visual presentation of your data or time-series plotting does NOT count as quantitative analysis.

/- Note that, for example, a simple KS-test that can be achieved with one button in SPSS or one line-command in R does NOT qualify as comprehensive.