explain how you would use these three concepts to augment Wilkinson’s lecture about (a) racial and ethnic inequalities in access to healthcare

Week 3 Paper Assignment – (30 Points) VIDEO TRANSCRIPT BELOW
There is ONE paper assignment for this course that is due in Week 3. It is worth 30 points maximum and has a suggested minimum 2500-word limit, including quotations, excluding abstract and references. Students complete this assignment by doing the following:
• View the following lecture by the public health researcher, Richard Wilkinson: Lecture by Richard Wilkinson. (A transcript for this talk is available.)
• Offer what you see as the three most compelling things you learned from this lecture and explain how these things inform your understanding of relationships between justice and healthcare.
• Wilkinson does not talk explicitly about specific kinds of inequalities in healthcare, such as (a) racial and ethnic inequalities in access to healthcare and (b) health status inequalities suffered by people with mental illnesses, which are two inequalities we study in this course. Suppose you could add content to his lecture on these two kinds of inequalities. Present three major concepts or ideas from the readings in this course and explain how you would use these three concepts to augment Wilkinson’s lecture about (a) racial and ethnic inequalities in access to healthcare and (b) health status inequalities suffered by people with mental illnesses.
• Reasons/evidence and arguments should support (justify) all positions or statements. Generalizations and assertions without justification (e.g., reasons, evidence, or argument) are discouraged and will negatively affect grades.
• Follow APA criteria for quotes, citations, references, pagination, etc. Access the APA manual from MHE 600 or online resources.
• Carefully review the following paper evaluation criteria.
• Direct quotes should make up no more than 20% of your paper.
• Include a word count at the end of the paper
• Submit the paper by the date listed in the Course Site.
• Papers will be evaluated according to the criteria outlined in APPENDIX B – Paper Grading Rubric.

Provide the type of and specific healthcare administration organization to be utilized for the Field Activity Project

Each student will select an organization in which to complete a field activity. Note: The organization will remain anonymous. No part of any collection or analysis of data/information may be utilized or published beyond the course.
1. The field activity may be part of current employment, a formal or informal internship, apprenticeship or consultant. The student may use his/her current healthcare organization or an organization within the healthcare industry for which he/she is not currently employed. The specific name of the organization will s
2. Marketing Strategies
not be revealed in the assignment to maintain anonymity. Current APA formatting must be used.
Field Activity Role Examples:
1. The field activity may be one in which the student is currently completing as part of his/her job responsibilities in a healthcare administration position.
2. The field activity may be one in which the student is assisting in an internship or apprenticeship in a healthcare administration capacity.
3. The field activity may be one in which the student is serving as a healthcare administration consultant in a healthcare facility.
4. The field activity may be one in which the student collects information/data for a specific healthcare organization.
Field Activity Project Examples (but not limited to the following):
4. HR (staffing, performance management, scheduling)

The student will provide the type of and specific healthcare administration organization to be utilized for the Field Activity Project assignment, the summary of the field activity, role, and the timeline of the project/activity (i.e., project plan). The student will receive feedback and permission to proceed from the faculty member. Include a cover sheet with the executive summary. It should be no more than 1 ½ – 2 pages in length in Times New Roman/12-point font.


What would your recommendation to management be based on what you found in the data?

407.3 Translate clinical outcome data into graphical representations

After collecting the data, the next step in data analysis is to take data and translate it into actionable information. One way to do this is to create a data visualization to present the data in an easy to understand form.


Follow the directions below for gathering, analyzing, visualizing and summarizing the data to be presented to the Executive Management team of a hospital in the form of an Executive Summary. You will submit both an excel sheet with the visualizations, and a Word Doc with the Steps 1-4 to create your Executive Summary. Together, the visualizations and Executive Summary should inform Executive Management about factors that contribute to opioid data.

Steps to Create an Executive Summary:

Step 1: Gather Data

  1. Download Prescriber Level Opioid Rates Years: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 (download as CSV for Excel)
  2. Download Opioid Map Data: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 (download as CSV for Excel)
  3. This section should include where you obtained the data and the details about the data sources you are using.

Step 2: Analyze Data

  1. Identify 3 providers from 3 different states with data in at least 2 years in the two data sets listed above.
  2. Import the data into a new Excel Sheet.
  3. Name the new file: Student Name_407.3_yyyymmdd
  4. Students will create data visualizations from this new data set

Step 3: Create Data Visualizations

Use the Excel tutorials in your resources to guide you through the process of developing the following visualizations:

  1. Create a bar graph with data for all three providers showing:
    1. Prescribing trends year over year (2013-2016) for each provider.
    2. Turn in the data table and the visualization.
  2. For the reporting year 2016 in the Opioid Map Data:
    1. Create a pie chart showing what part of Part D Prescribers are Part D Opioid Prescribers across all states.
    2. Using the providers identified in Step 2.1. and using the 2016 County file in the Opioid Map Data and the 2016 Prescriber Level Opioid Rate files create a pie chart showing the percentage each provider contributed to the overall opioid prescriptions in their county. Students will need to examine and draw from various data files to tie providers to counties.
  3. Export the visualizations so that you can incorporate them into the Word Doc described in Step 4.

Step 4: Report Findings and Recommendation to Executive Management

  1. What would your recommendation to management be based on what you found in the data? Drawing from the data manipulations and data visualizations created in Steps 1-3, create an Executive Summary in a Word Doc. Insert your visualizations where needed to support your recommendation, and tailor the summary for Executive Management using the providers and location data as a benchmark.

Submit the Word Doc containing the Executive Summary, Recommendation and Visualizations.

Evaluate potential benefits and challenges for people in your selected countries based on the health system characteristics you have identified.

How does the U.S. health care delivery system compare with other countries’ health care delivery systems? What is the relationship of a country’s economic resources to health outcomes? How does the funding of services influence access to care? How does government involvement in health care delivery inform the patient/consumer experience?
For this Discussion and the Assignment, select two countries to compare with the United States in terms of health care (i.e., compare the same countries in both the Discussion and Assignment). One country must be a developed country, and the other must be considered a developing (low- or middle-income) country: as much as possible, select countries that are of similar size.
To identify the development level of countries, use the following
resources found in this module’s Learning Resources:
• The International Statistical InstituteU.S. : Developing Countries
• World Bank: Country and Lending Groups
Next, review the information in the Learning Resources related to health system characteristics, particularly Chapter 1 in the Shi and Singh textbook.
Research the characteristics of the U.S. health care delivery system and the systems of your selected countries using the Walden Library and credible websites, such as the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) site, found in this module’s Learning Resources.
Consider the following questions as you research each country:
• How is the health system organized? Is there a central governing agency?
• How does an individual gain access to needed services, including specialized care?
• How are health care services paid for? For example, does the country have a national health system with tax-funded coverage, a health insurance system with a single payer, a health insurance system with multiple insurers, or something else?
• What benefits do people in this country experience because of the health system’s characteristics? For instance, are people guaranteed access to health care services? Do patients receive well-coordinated care because their health information is readily available to providers through an integrated technology system? Do they have a great deal of choice when selecting physicians?
• What challenges do people in this country encounter? For instance, is there typically a long wait to see a specialist? Do patients encounter adverse effects because medical supplies are not readily available? Are health care services prohibitively expensive for most people?
By Day 3 of Week 9
Post a substantive and cohesive response to the following:
• Analyze two or more defining characteristics of the U.S. health care system. UNITED STATES/////CHINA///////CAMBODIA

• Explain how these characteristics compare to the characteristics of the health care systems of your selected countries. (Be sure to identify the countries in your posting.)
• Evaluate potential benefits and challenges for people in your selected countries based on the health system characteristics you have identified.

Create a professional letter to the board explaining your marketing ideas and how you plan to reach the target market of the business through your brochure or poster and what you plan to include in it.

Marketing Your Healthcare Business
It is important to understand how to differentiate among the forces that influence the healthcare delivery and systems. Marketing is one of the biggest external influences on the healthcare customers. As a leader you need understand how to market the healthcare business and the process for creating a marketing plan and materials to bring in the customers. Customer perception is a very important force to be considered. It is also important to research the external market, draw conclusions, plan a strategy, and convince your internal stakeholders that your plan is the best plan to get the job done. Imagine yourself as the new administrator for a non-profit vaccine clinic that is governed by a board of directors that will soon open for business. You need to tell the world about the great new products and services you offer and how your business is more just a flu vaccine clinic and you offer much more for the customer. Before you actually take action with the public you need to convince the board of directors that your plan is the best plan for the business.
Part 1: For this assessment, you will be creating a marketing tool for your practice to advertise the new vaccine clinic. You can either create a brochure to send out in the mail or posters to display around town. Consider your audience (who are you targeting?) while you create this item. Think about what would catch your eye as a customer when putting this together. You can create this tool in Word as a poster with clip art, etc. (watch copyright information), or as a brochure or submit it in PowerPoint form. Your grade will be based upon how effective your tool is at addressing the target audience, how well you catch their attention, the quality of the information you provide them, and the overall look of the tool. Be sure to address customer perception.
Part 2: Create a professional letter to the board explaining your marketing ideas and how you plan to reach the target market of the business through your brochure or poster and what you plan to include in it. The letter should include information that is important for the board to know about the marketing tool, your analysis and conclusions about the potential impact of the marketing tool, anticipated reactions of the potential customers, and suggestions on what board members could do to help.
The marketing tool should have all the necessary contact information and services provided by the business and provide visually appealing images. The marketing tool should give a mission statement and explain how the business helps the customer and why the business is in business.
The letter to the board should be at least one page in length and include your analysis and conclusions about the potential impact of the marketing tool, anticipated reactions of the potential customers, and suggestions on what board members could do to help.
Complete this assignment as a ©Microsoft Word document and ©PowerPoint.

Write a report of no more than 1500 words on POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER.

you are expected to write a report of no more than 1500 words on POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER. Explore in more detail the pathophysiology of the condition, and how this understanding influences an evidence-based approach to the management of the condition. In the development of the individual report, please:
⎫ Refer to ICD-10 diagnostic criteria, NICE guidelines, relevant course material and psychiatric research in this assignment using Cardiff University Harvard referencing style.
please see attachment for details if needed. the topic of my choice is POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER

What are the basic elements of an effective medical office financial policy?

Write a 350- to 525-word paper that addresses the following:
The 3 major elements to critical thinking are logical inquiry, problem-solving, and evaluative decision-making. For this assignment, you must exercise critical thinking skills to answer the following questions:
What are the basic elements of an effective medical office financial policy?
In what ways do medical office procedures support financial policies?
What are the consequences when office procedures do not support the financial policy?
What recommendations, strategies, or tools can medical offices use to ensure effective alignment of policies and procedures?
Cite any sources. For additional information on how to properly cite your sources, utilize the Reference and Citation Generator.

Critically discuss and evaluate relevant research in the area of sports nutrition.

Sports Nutrition Dietary Intervention Background:Sanne is a18 year old girl that lives in Netherlands. She is 70kg and her height is 172cm. She wants to become a professional runnerand intends to get a perfect diet to optimise her performance and meet the right Nutrition requirementsbased on UK guidelines. She does not like fish and does not consume red meat. When she consumes meat, which is rarely, tries to opt for lean meats like chicken or turkey. See reported attached to see 3 days of her actual diet analysed. Aims of the essay:

1.Critically discuss and evaluate relevant research in the area of sports nutrition.

2.Evidence and articulate knowledge and critical understanding of current nutritional and fluid requirements for sports performance.

3.Undertake a nutritional assessment and plan a nutritional intervention for an athleteTask: You are required to assess the energy and nutrient intake of Sannefrom The Netherlands(described on the report. Why is it not appropriate?), before providing recommendations to support the training practices. To help with the dietary intervention, you should include a target for exercise performance and body composition andcreate and relate thenutritional recommendations to these specific goals(becoming a professional runner). Nutritional guidance should be based upon pertinentliterature appropriate for Sanne’s goals and exercise schedule. Dietary suggestions need to consider the client’s current intake, including their particular preferences and/or dietary requirements, as well as any cultural factors. You must refer to appropriate scientific literature to guide your intervention.

Evaluate and develop an action plan to address the selected health care issue that will demonstrate the student’s knowledge and understanding of the role, responsibilities, and competencies of health care administrator.

Please include the annotated bibliography!!
The health care industry is growing quickly and ever-changing and involves many challenges. A successful health care administrator needs to have management skills, an understanding of human resources, technology, financing, risk assessment, regulation compliance, and the way the patient population makes use of the scope of healthcare resources your facility has to offer them.
For this project, the student will assume the role of an administrator in a healthcare setting. As a healthcare administrator, the student will select an issue from their current/ previous health care employment setting. Using the evidence-based approaches presented in their annotated bibliography as a resource.
The project will include at least 3 healthcare system components that impact the selected healthcare issue either directly or indirectly. As the health care administrator, the student will need to assess, analyze, evaluate and develop an action plan to address the selected health care issue that will demonstrate the student’s knowledge and understanding of the role, responsibilities, and competencies of health care administrator.
This Project should be a minimum of 15-20 double-spaced pages, not including the references and title pages. All graphs and charts etc. should not be included in the page count and should appear in the Appendix. The paper should be double-spaced, formatted in Times Roman font, 12 points, with one-inch margins all around and adhere to the APA format. The paper should include at least 10-12 citations from different peer-reviewed journals, in addition to other sources (government agencies, healthcare organizations, etc.). Do not use Wikipedia and other non-quality sources, focus on peer-reviewed research articles.

Discuss an issue facing school health advocates with your classmates and explain why this is an issue

Discuss an issue facing school health advocates with your classmates and explain why this is an issue