Choose Pulmonary Tuberculosis (TB) of the infectious respiratory disorders from this module to discuss the multidimensional care strategies for this disorder. List these interventions based on priority and include rationale as to why you prioritized in this manner.

Infectious respiratory disorders

Choose Pulmonary Tuberculosis (TB) of the infectious respiratory disorders from this module to discuss the multidimensional care strategies for this disorder. List these interventions based on priority and include rationale as to why you prioritized in this manner.

Identify a public health concern that contributes to health risk or disease. Identity at least three agencies that are involved in addressing this health concern. Why is it important for those agencies to collaborate?

Public Health Infrastructure

Identify a public health concern that contributes to health risk or disease. Identity at least three agencies that are involved in addressing this health concern. Why is it important for those agencies to collaborate?

Address the topic below:

  • Background facts about the public health concern including incidence and prevalence.
  • The role that the three agencies play in public health including their mission and sphere of influence.
  • How these agencies collaborate and any challenges to collaboration
  • Your recommendations to facilitate collaboration and effective public health response

Your paper should meet the following structural requirements:

  • Five-to-six pages in length, not including the cover sheet and reference page.
  • Formatted according to APA 7th edition and Saudi Electronic University writing standards
  • Provide support for your statements with in-text citations from a minimum of five scholarly articles. Two of these sources may be from the class readings, textbook, or lectures, but the other two must be external. The Saudi Digital Library is a good place to find these references.

Based on the information you reviewed, do you think restorative justice approach would be affective in addressing the issue of school-to-prison pipeline. Why or why not?

Middle Childhood Supplementary

In order to complete this assignment:

Review the news article published in 2015 using the link below

2- Review the attached scholarly journal article published in 2021 which provides a relatively more comprehensive review of studies on school-to-prison pipeline and the implementation of restorative justice approach to address this issue.

Based on the information that you reviewed, give an example of racial disparities regarding the implementation of school discipline policies. (.2)

Based on the information you reviewed, do you think restorative justice approach would be affective in addressing the issue of school-to-prison pipeline. Why or why not? (.3)

What would you recommend to address this issue? (.5)

What are developmental “ages and stages”? What is meant by the phrase “whole child”? How do these inform your practices when working with young children?

Journal: Developmental “Ages and Stages


The purpose of the reflective journal is for you to reflect on your values, perceptions, and beliefs about caring for young children.


These journal entries should be at least 1 paragraph in length. You will be graded on the depth of your responses to each question. There is no right or wrong answer. Just your thoughts. I will provide feedback in the form of questions that may ask you to dig deeper. These assignments are eligible for resubmission and should be a minimum of 500 words.

Reflective Prompt

Based on the readings and classroom discussions, please complete Portfolio Worksheet 5 questions.

What are developmental “ages and stages”?
What is meant by the phrase “whole child”?
How do these inform your practices when working with young children?
What resource(s) would you recommend? (books, websites, articles,…)

When handling sterile gloves with a nonsterile hand, which of the following is not considered sterile?

Week 10

Chapter 17 Infec2on Control
Microorganisms that cause infec3ous diseases can be classified as:

  • a. Ly3c
  • b. Endogenous
  • c. Pathogenic
  • d. Nosocomial

2. The best method of preven3ng the spread of aerosol infec3ons is by:

  • a. The pa3ent wearing a mask
  • b. The healthcare worker wearing a gown
  • c. Handwashing
  • d. Wearing a sterile glove

3. All of the following are types of indirect transmission EXCEPT:

  • a. Fomite
  • b. Vector
  • c. Aerosol
  • d. Touching

4. The common cold is an example of an infec3on by a:

  • a. Bacterium
  • b. Virus
  • c. Fungus
  • d. Protozoan

5. The term that best describes the absolute removal of all life forms is:

  • a. An3sepsis
  • b. Medical asepsis
  • c. Disinfec3on
  • d. Steriliza3on
6. A person is biTen by a mosquito and develops an infec3on. This type of transmission is known as:
  • a. Vector
  • b. Fomite
  • c. Nosocomial
  • d. Iatrogenic

7. A health care worker is accidentally punctured with a contaminated needle. This type of transmission is known as:

  • a. Vector
  • b. Fomite
  • c. Nosocomial
  • d. Iatrogenic

8. A pa3ent is admiTed to the hospital. Three days later the pa3ent is diagnosed with clostridium difficile. This type of transmission is:

  • a. Vector
  • b. Fomite
  • c. Nosocomial
  • d. virus

9. An infec3ous microbe can gain entrance into the human body by:

  • a. Ingression
  • b. Penetra3on
  • c. Both a and b
  • d. Neither a nor b

10. Handwashing uses which if the following methods of infec3on control

  • a. Chemical
  • b. Physical
  • c. Sterile
  • d. Both a and b
Chapter 18 Asep2c Techniques

1. When handling sterile gloves with a nonsterile hand, which of the following is not considered sterile?

  • a. Outside of the cuff
  • b. Inside of the cuff
  • c. Finger3ps of the glove
  • d. Thumb of the glove

2. The goal of asep3c technique is to:

  • a. Protect the health care worker from infec3on
  • b. Remove all infected material
  • c. Protect the pa3ent from infec3on
  • d. Remove all viable microorganism

3. The first rule of caring for a tracheostomy pa3ent is:

  • a. Watch for secre3ons
  • b. Establish communica3on
  • c. To have the contact of the MD/RN in charge of the pa3ent
  • d. ATempt to finish the procedure as quickly as possible

4. Which part of a sterile gown is considered sterile:

  • a. The sleeves and from the waist up
  • b. The en3re gown is considered sterile
  • c. Only the front of the gown is considered sterile
  • d. Only ¾ of the sleeve is considered sterile

5. You will be scanning a pa3ent with a foley catheter. You have to move the pa3ent from the stretcher to the MRI table. You know that while moving that pa3ent the foley catheter collec3on bag has to be:

  • a. Above the level of the bladder
  • b. Below the level of the bladder
  • c. At the level of the bladder
  • d. Needs to be hung on a pole to allow gravity to drain the bag

Chapter 19 Nonasep2c Techniques

1. A female pa3ent who is total care has finished using the bedpan and needs assistance cleaning the perineum. To prevent infec3on it is important to:

  • a. Wipe the perineum in circular mo3on
  • b. Wipe from the mons pubis toward the rectal area
  • c. Wipe from the rectal area towards the mons pubis
  • d. If the pa3ent has an adult diaper no need to wipe

2. A pa3ent is scheduled for imaging of the colon. You will be instruc3ng the pa3ent on bowel prepara3on for the exam. Ader you instruct the pa3ent on what to do it is important to:

  • a. Ask the pa3ent to repeat the instruc3on just given
  • b. Recite facts to the pa3ents to make sure they understand
  • c. Give pa3ent sta3s3cal fact about the exam
  • d. Since no ques3ons was asked there’s nothing else to be done

3. You will be scanning a pa3ent with a nasogastric (NG) tube. While taking care of the pa3ent it is important to:

  • a. Have suc3on ready
  • b. Prevent accidental withdrawal of the tube
  • c. Be extra gentle moving these pa3ents because having an NG tube is uncomfortable
  • d. All of the above

4. You will be administering a barium enema to your pa3ent for their exam. It is important to posi3on the pa3ent:

  • a. Prone
  • b. Their led side
  • c. Their right side
  • d. Supine

5. Emptying of fecal material from the intes3nes

  • a. Vomi3ng
  • b. Flatus
  • c. Defeca3on
  • d. Enema

What are some strategies you can use as a health care manager to overcome HR challenges? What are some current and future HR issues in health care? How may effective HR management handle these issues?

Healthcare response 1


Read each sections question and response. Respond to each sections response in 150 words.


  • What are some strategies you can use as a health care manager to overcome HR challenges?
  • What are some current and future HR issues in health care?
  • How may effective HR management handle these issues?


  • What are some strategies you can use as a health care manager to overcome HR strategies?
  • What are some current and future HR issues in health care?
  • How may effective HR management handle these issues?


  • What is a current legal challenge in health care? How would you respond to this challenge as a healthcare manager?
  • What is a current ethical challenge in health care? How would you respond to this challenge as a healthcare manager?
  • Do you perceive your identified legal or ethical issue as a bigger issue? Explain your answer.


  • Current legal challenges in health care?
  • Current ethical challenges in health care?
  • Legal vs. Ethical. Which is bigger?


Buchbinder, Sharon B., Shanks, Nancy H., & Kite, Bobbie J. (2021). Introduction to health care management (4th ed.). Jones & Bartlett LeAarning.

Describe the current state of the internal environment of the organization. Describe the data sources that need reviewed prior to conducting a SWOT analysis? Give examples and definitions of at least 3 indicators in each category.

Assignment #9 – SWOT Analysis

Delivery Method: Voice Over Power Point or Video – No Paper component

1. Research an organization.

2. Prepare as if you were presenting in-person a 15-minute presentation consisting of no more than 20 slides

3. Power Point needs to be presented as succinct bullet points in at least 24-point font with no more than 3-4 bullet points per slide.

4. Speaker’s notes are to be used to expand on the information being presented in the Power Point presentation. The speaker’s notes need to be at least 2-3 paragraphs with in-text citations.

5. Proper spelling and grammar need to be used throughout the presentation and in the speaker’s notes.

6. References – team decision

Presentation Content

1. Describe the current state of the internal environment of the organization.

2. Describe the data sources that need reviewed prior to conducting a SWOT analysis? Give examples and definitions of at least 3 indicators in each category.

3. Identify the major stakeholders and their level of involvement by replicating Exhibit 8.10 p. 194.(Chapter 8 is good for this)

4. Discuss the use of qualitative tool(s) in performing a SWOT analysis. Describe the tool(s).

5. Review Exhibit 8.12 -SWOT Analysis Template as a guide to facilitate your responses. List as many responses as possible. Include a separate slide for each section:

  • a. Strengths
  • b. Weaknesses
  • c. Opportunities
  • d. Threats

Create another slide with 4 quadrants and label each section: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.

6. What next steps would you recommend to leadership to assure that the findings of the SWOT analysis are acted upon?

7. References.

Identify which areas have improved and attempt to explain why. Compare the ratios to the national financial ratios in the chapter and discuss which are excellent or good, and which ones need.

Assignment #10 – Strategic Financial Analysis

Delivery Method: Voice Over Power Point or Video – No Paper component

  1. Read Chapter 9
  2. Read the Case: Moab Regional Hospital Case Study pg. 237 of text.
  3. Analyze the case
  • Describe the different types of tax designations and differentiate them
  • Sole proprietorship
  • Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • S Corporations (Scorps)
  • C Corporations (C-corps)
  • B Corporations (B-corps)
  • Non-Profit
  • 501(c)(3)
  • 501(c)(6)

Describe Cash Flows and analyze the Income Statement

Describe/define a Balance Sheet and analyze it

Answer the questions at the end of the case study

  1. Identify which areas have improved and attempt to explain why.
  2. Compare the ratios to the national financial ratios in the chapter and discuss which are excellent or good, and which ones need.
  3. Identify what additional information you might request to understand what has and is occurring at the hospital more.

Power Point needs to be presented as succinct bullet points in at least 24-point font with no more than 3-4 bullet points per slide.

Speaker’s notes are to be used to expand on the information being presented in the Power Point presentation. The speaker’s notes need to be at least 2-3 paragraphs with in-text citations.

Proper spelling and grammar need to be used throughout the presentation and in the speaker’s notes.


Discuss two psychotherapeutic approaches that could be used to treat the client in the scenario provided. Describe therapeutic techniques used with each approach. Support ideas with at least one scholarly resource and include in-text citations (2-3 slides).


Types of Trauma
Trauma related to COVID-19 Trauma associated with being first responder or involved in combat.
Trauma related to a natural or manmade disaster Trauma associated with being a refugee.
Trauma associated with sexual assault. Trauma associated with being a victim of racism or discrimination.
Trauma associated with being a victim of a violent crime. Trauma associated with witnessing a terrorist attack.
Trauma associated with spiritual or religious abuse. Trauma associated with a serious medical event.

In a PowerPoint slide presentation, address the following:

  1. Title Slide
  2. Introduce content (1 slide): Slide should identify concepts to be addressed and sections of the presentation. Include speaker’s notes that explain, in more detail, what will be covered.
  3. Describe the nature and prevalence of the selected trauma. Support ideas with at least one scholarly resource and include in-text citations (1-2 slides).
  4. Discuss trauma symptoms commonly experienced by survivors of the selected trauma. Support ideas with at least one scholarly resource and include in-text citations (1-2 slides).
  5. Create a client scenario based on the selected trauma. Provide demographic information about the client, a description of the trauma experienced, and the symptoms the client is experiencing as a result of the trauma (2-4 slides)
  6. Discuss two psychotherapeutic approaches that could be used to treat the client in the scenario provided. Describe therapeutic techniques used with each approach. Support ideas with at least one scholarly resource and include in-text citations (2-3 slides).
  7. Discuss whether or not the PMHNP would recommend psychopharmacologic intervention for the client. If medication is recommended, describe the medication and appropriate follow-up. Support rationale with at least one scholarly resource and include in-text citations (1-3 slides).
  8. Discuss whether or not the PMHNP would collaborate with any other disciplines or professionals in the treatment of the client. If collaboration is recommended or legally/ethically required, describe the other types of providers who may be involved. Support rationale with at least one scholarly resource and include in-text citations. If collaboration is legally required, may use state scope of practice guidelines to support ideas (1-2 slides).
  9. Conclusion (1 slide): Summarize content of presentation. Speaker’s notes provide final comments on the topic.
  10. References (1+ slides): provide references in APA format, may use bullets. Hanging indents not required.