What marketing challenges would arise should a major health care provider drop a service that is socially popular but economically unprofitable?

Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following:

What marketing challenges would arise should a major health care provider drop a service that is socially popular but economically unprofitable?

What marketing strategy could be put in place to minimize negative perception by the community?

Take a balanced view of this question. Avoid stating that the organization should continue all services regardless of the cost – that is not the real world.

Explain why each position is necessary for the organization and more broadly for the community served.

Using the websites listed in Module 3, research informatics positions in healthcare settings. You may also choose to search for healthcare informatics positions at other websites. Be sure to indicate if you used a different search method and where you found each job. Choose three (3) different positions that interest you.

-Describe each position. In your description, provide the title, setting, and 3 or 4 associated duties for each position.

-Explain why each position interests you.

-Explain why each position is necessary for the organization and more broadly for the community served.

-Identify the types of data and systems you would anticipate using in each of the three roles.

-Explain the purpose of the data in each position.

How does developing a culturally competent healthcare workforce influence our ability to achieve the second goal of Healthy People 2020?

The second goal of Healthy People 2020 (USDHHS, 2010) is to “achieve health equity, eliminate disparities, and improve the health of all groups.” In this paper, reflect and write a response that addresses the following questions.

How does developing a culturally competent healthcare workforce influence our ability to achieve the second goal of Healthy People 2020?

What is my future role in moving toward the achievement of the second goal of Healthy People 2020?

What is my plan for improving my cultural competence?

Be sure to demonstrate an understanding of the scope of the course material, terminology, and skills developed throughout this course.

Remember that the fifth step in writing a reflection essay is “plan.” Begin by describing your career plans.

Then describe your plan for further developing your current level of cultural competence based on one of the four approaches described in the Week 14 Module.

Reflect back on the notes you jotted down on the Cultural Competence Self-Assessment worksheet to identify areas to focus on in the plan (e.g., value diversity, know me, share my culture, be aware of areas of discomfort, check my assumptions, challenge my stereotypes). Which of the approaches presented in the Week 14 Module will you use to guide your plan? Why?

Explain how the chosen foundational competencies are related to your project.

The location, size, mission statement, and typical projects/programs of the organization you chose.

Your contact at the chosen organization (2-4 slides)

Provide his or her initials, title, role, and responsibilities, as well as a description and discussion of your meetings/conversations with your contact.

Detailed information on the project completed for the organization (3-5 slides)

The five (5) foundational competencies you have chosen (5 slides)

Explain how the chosen foundational competencies are related to your project.

How does this standard practice affect the gathering of incidence and prevalence rates for HIV/AIDS?

The standard protocol when diagnosing a patient with HIV or AIDS involves contacting the patient’s previous sexual partners to notify them of their exposure to the disease. This allows the patient’s sexual partners the opportunity to be tested.

How does this standard practice affect the gathering of incidence and prevalence rates for HIV/AIDS?

Do you agree or disagree with the protocol and why?

If changes were made to the protocol to assist in data gathering, what changes would you suggest and why?

What immediate steps should you take to prevent tuberculosis becoming an HAI at your facility?

Scenario: You work in hospital epidemiology or infection prevention at a hospital in downtown Los Angeles.

The emergency room at your hospital is chronically overcrowded, and patients often sit on gurneys in the hallways until a bed is available.

You just learned that a patient who has tuberculosis has been in the ER for the last four hours rather than in an isolation room, and he has been in the hallway violently coughing.

What immediate steps should you take to prevent tuberculosis becoming an HAI at your facility?

What could be done in the future to prevent this situation from occurring?

What other information would be helpful as you make decisions in this scenario?

Respond to at least two (2) of your classmates’ or your instructor’s posts.

Your responses should include elements such as follow-up questions, a further exploration of topics from the initial post, or requests for further clarification or explanation on some points made.

Discuss at least three ways that the ethics committee and healthcare administrators can improve the culture of ethics at St. Martha’s.

For this discussion prompt, use the St. Martha’s General Hospital Scenario. After reviewing that scenario, the information regarding organizational ethics that you learned this week, and all of the material that you have learned thus far, discuss the culture of ethics at St. Martha’s.

Give specific facts from the scenario that describe the culture of ethics, related to both the medical and the business side of the facility.

Discuss at least three ways that the ethics committee and healthcare administrators can improve the culture of ethics at St. Martha’s.

What population or individuals does this article apply to (i.e., who will benefit the most from this brochure)?

Brochure essay

i. Explain the main topics discussed
c. Communication (5 points/10 %) -brochure citation required
i. Review information that promotes communication between patients and healthcare providers
d. Personal Reflection (2 points /4%)
i. Why did this topic interest you?
e. Evaluation of brochure (14 points/28% total (2 points each) (Brochure & nursing article must be cited)
i. Was the information provided in the brochure beneficial? Could you incorporate it in your patient
ii. What was done well, and what could have been improved in the brochure?
iii. Was the information presented clearly?
iv. Did current nursing or healthcare related research article support the information presented in the
v. What population or individuals does this article apply to (i.e., who will benefit the most from this brochure)?
vi. Who else can use this information?
vii. Will this information increase patient safety?
f. Evidence Review & Application (5 points/10% total)
i. Evidence was integrated from a recent (5 years) scholarly nursing journal article to support your answers.
g. Conclusion (5 points/10%)
i. Restates main ideas
ii. Includes supporting information from body of paper

iii. Summarizes the benefits of following the brochure’s advice to a person at risk

Compare and contrast the data and comment on the quality of healthcare in a separate paragraph.

In this assignment you will go through the process of comparing data from multiple hospitals to determine the quality of care. Crucial to the quality plan is data. You will review three hospitals in Hospital Compare. Select three hospitals that have data and not just “No difference from the benchmark.”

Those will not be accepted as they do not provide data to promote the learning process. The hospitals can be from any state in the country.

Compare and contrast the data and comment on the quality of healthcare in a separate paragraph. NOTE: Compare and contrast only three issues (see the issues in the instructions).