What is NDNQI and how was it used in the study by Garrard et al.? What is the primary key for the Patient Table? What is the foreign key for the Patient Table? What is the primary key for the Fall Table? Assume that each fall code can be used for multiple patients and each patient can receive only one fall code. What kind of relationship exists between the Fall Table and Patient Table?

NDNQI Injury Falls

For this assignment, refer to the article Reliability and Validity of the NDNQI Injury Falls Measure by Garrard et al. NDNQI fall measures provide a proper method for reporting injury falls, which could be useful for hospitals in comparing their data with reliable national comparison data to develop fall prevention plans.
Based on information presented in Table 1 (Garrard et al., pp. 116-117), an example of data tables that can be created is as follows:

Patient Table
PatientlD  LastName  FirstName  FallCode

001            Smith           Jane           2

002            Doe               John          2

003           Johnson        Mike         1


Fall Table
FallCode     Description

1                 None

2                Minor

3               Moderate

4                Major

5                Death


After reviewing this information, answer the following questions in a Word document:

  • What is NDNQI and how was it used in the study by Garrard et al.? Refer to the Module 6 Readings. A short paragraph is expected.
  • What is the primary key for the Patient Table?
  • What is the foreign key for the Patient Table?
  • What is the primary key for the Fall Table?
  • Assume that each fall code can be used for multiple patients and each patient can receive only one fall code. What kind of relationship exists between the Fall Table and Patient Table?

Identify all keys in each data table (i.e., primary key, alternate key, secondary key, and foreign key) when applicable. List DBDL for each of your tables using the format described in the “Database Design Language (DBDL)” section (p. 181) in Chapter 6 of Concepts of Database Management.

Database Design Language (DBDL).

In the design process, there must be a mechanism to represent tables and keys. The shorthand notation that you have used so far represents tables and primary keys but it does not represent other related keys. An approach to represent tables and keys including primary, alternate, secondary, and foreign keys is Database Design Language (DBDL).
In Module Four, you selected a topic for your Final Project and began designing your database. As of now, the tables should be normalized and not contain update anomalies. Depending on the business model or assumption, check what type of relationships the tables have. If one-to-one, treat it as one-to-many. If one-to-many, no need to change anything. If many-to-many, create a new table to handle the many-to-many relationship.

In this assignment, you will present your tables using database design language (DBDL). On a Word document:
Identify all keys in each data table (i.e., primary key, alternate key, secondary key, and foreign key) when applicable.
List DBDL for each of your tables using the format described in the “Database Design Language (DBDL)” section (p. 181) in Chapter 6 of Concepts of Database Management. For an example, review Figure 6-1.


Is the problem statement concise and a reasonable public policy problem? Is the rationale behind the public policy problem reasonable and understood? Did the team understand the economics of the policy? Was it reasonable and attainable? Was proper research conducted? Does it support the argument?

Public Policy

This paper should be a comprehensive paper that explains the current issue your policy paper will address, a well-reasoned solution, a complete defense of your idea, and detail of who will be affected by your policy. In addition, you will need to show the economics of your idea—how much does it cost? How will you pay for it? Will it save money?

Introduction 20 7% The introduction should introduce the major points of the policy and introduce the reader to the issue at hand.

Problem Statement 20 7% Is the problem statement concise and a reasonable public policy problem?

Rationale 30 10% Is the rationale behind the public policy problem reasonable and understood?

Economic Considerations 30 10% Did the team understand the economics of the policy? Was it reasonable and attainable?

Research 40 13% Was proper research conducted? Does it support the argument?

Stakeholders 40 13% Are all stakeholders represented? Was sufficient research done on the respected positions of each stakeholder? Was the issue that would affect each stakeholder group well defined and accurate?

Recommendations 60 20% Are the recommendations ethical, legal, and possible? Did the recommendations get well developed and have appropriate supportive data?

Grammar and Professionalism 30 10% Does it utilize proper grammar and spelling of a graduate-level paper?

Citations and APA 30 10% Has the minimum of 10 reliable sources been listed on the reference page? Are citations used throughout the paper to support aspects such as the existence of the problem and the attempts to solve the problem thus far? Is the paper formatted per APA style? Is a cover page presented? Is there a header on each page? Are the references presented on a separate page with each reference entry properly formatted?

Total 100 100% A quality statement will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.

Evaluate and explain some of the social-cultural issues that might present potential problems as this plays out across the country. What implications associated with the ACA might lead to a paradigm shift in the ways in which we view access to health care?

Overinsured, Underinsured, and Uninsured

Presently, the United States is a fragmented system that offers a misdistribution of “haves” and “have nots” which impact the cost of delivering health care. The United States is currently a nation of overinsured, underinsured, and uninsured people. In light of the passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), how do you see these issues being corrected so that a majority of the population has access to quality health care? communicate the relevant aspects of the ACA that will impact these issues. Analyze and describe how the role of public policy will affect changes in this distribution.

Evaluate and explain some of the social-cultural issues that might present potential problems as this plays out across the country. What implications associated with the ACA might lead to a paradigm shift in the ways in which we view access to health care?

Select one of the articles you are using for your essay and briefly evaluate it using the criteria listed above. Why do you find the article useful and valid for your essay? Now that you have looked at it more closely, do you find anything in it suspect or do you notice limitations? What are they?

Topic 4 DQ 2

Besides being able to locate scholarly sources of information, graduate students are expected to become information literate, which includes being able to evaluate information to determine if it is actually useful and valid for their research projects and if it is trustworthy and accurate. Generally, sources of information are evaluated on their purpose, timeliness, authority, reliability, and coverage. For example, it is understood that a source whose purpose is to sell something is more likely to either exaggerate or de-emphasize certain information to enhance its persuasive appeal. Sources that focus on a very narrow aspect of an issue may not be useful for supporting broader generalizations. Sources that refuse to acknowledge competing viewpoints can be quite biased.

Select one of the articles you are using for your essay and briefly evaluate it using the criteria listed above. Why do you find the article useful and valid for your essay? Now that you have looked at it more closely, do you find anything in it suspect or do you notice limitations? What are they?

Advocate a policy-maker to enact a specific policy you are interested in. Write a letter to a local, state, or federal representative advocating for a health-related policy or program.

Letter to Senator Tim Kaine about Abortion Rights in the United States

1. As we have learned, policy is one of the pillars of population health. Therefore, for this extra credit assignment, you will advocate a policy-maker to enact a specific policy you are interested in (Abortion rights for women in the US).
2. Write a letter to a local, state, or federal representative (i.e., a senator – Tim Kaine or Mark Warner representative, your mayor, the president) advocating for a health-related policy or program.
a. Be sure that the policy you are advocating the person for is something s/he has the ability to influence (i.e., if it is a federal law, you would want to write to a federal representative; if it is a local policy, you would want to write to a local representative).
b. Provide strong justification for why this policy is essential and what you want the policy-maker to do.
c. Your letter should be thoughtful, persuasive, and based on convincing evidence from reputable and scholarly sources.
3. Writ a formal letter.

Explain global aspects of public health, including the migration of disease, various health interventions, and the array of international organizations that promote public health.

H630 – WK 12 Health Security and Diplomacy

Target: Explain global aspects of public health, including the migration of disease, various health interventions, and the array of international organizations that promote public health.

Look through Listings of WHO’s response to COVID-19.

-Explain why the WHO delayed the declaration of the novel coronavirus outbreak a PHEIC until January 30, 2020.

-Provide evaluation of the WHO activities relevant to COVID-19.

-Then, pick any country – a member- (I like to compare USA and INDIA) and compare how its COVID-10 relevant activities are aligned with the WHO recommendation. Is the chosen country prosperous in Pandemic response locally? Why yes/not?

-What is this country’s role in the Global response to the Pandemic? Is it enough to assure the Globe shortens the time to Pandemic resolution? Why yes/not?

**Remember the health equity and social justice principles when responding to this prompt. Consider the country’s efforts toward Global health security and involvement in diplomacy to assure it. Try to support your conclusions with evidence. Keep a neutral position when commenting on political matters contributing to the outcomes.

Make sure to support your reasoning and conclusions with evidence from credible sources (no less than 2). Format citations and references in APA 7. Try not to write more than 500 words

Class Week Instructions:
Week 12: Health Security and Diplomacy – Future Trends. Emergency response
To close the course, this module closely investigates the health security and diplomacy efforts in the context of emergency response and future trends in public health.

Weekly objectives:

Analyze the importance of security and diplomacy in the resolution of global public health challenges
Discuss political and legislative initiatives targeting the public health needs
Offer insight on the global community’s role in addressing current and future public health and disaster response and planning.

***S.3829 – Global Health Security and Diplomacy Act of 2020 (for reference)

***Global Health Security Bill (as introduced) (for reference)

1. Global health security is integral to foreign policy

2. Global Health Diplomacy and the Security of Nations Beyond COVID-19(3 p.)

3. DeSalvo, K.B., Wang, Y.C., Harris, A., Auerbach, J., Koo, D., & O’Carroll, P. (2017). Public Health 3.0: A Call to Action for Public Health to Meet the Challenges of the 21st Century. Preventing Chronic Disease; 14:170017. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.5888/pcd14.170017

***Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2016). Emergency Response and Recovery. Retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/globalhealth/healthprotection/errb/index.html(for reference)

***Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030. Retrieved from: http://www.preventionweb.net/files/43291_sendaiframeworkfordrren.pdf (37 p. for reference)

***Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (2016). Financing Global Health 2015: Development assistance steady on the path to new Global Goals. Seattle, WA: IHME. Retrieved from http://www.healthdata.org/policy-report/financing-global-health-2015-development-assistance-steady-path-new-global-goals).(for reference)

4. AliMed (2018). Disaster Preparedness for Healthcare Facilities

5. Frequently Asked Questions National Health Security Preparedness Index, 2020 Release (7 p.)

The Globe

1. International Health Regulations- the WHO

2. Global Health. Why Nurses Hold the Key to Global Health Security. (4 p.)

3. Revisiting Global Health Security Measures in COVID 19 Pandemic. (4 p.)

4. Are we ready to deal with a global COVID-19 pandemic? Rethinking countries’ capacity based on the Global Health Security Index (5 p.)

5. Global Health Security: A Blueprint for the Future (1 p.)

6. Global Health Security: Addressing Social Determinants of Health through programs and other initiatives (10 p.)



9. Global health security and universal health coverage: Understanding convergences and divergences for a synergistic response (16 p.)

10. Bio-informational diplomacy: Global health emergencies, data sharing and sequential life (25 p.)

***Kathryn E. Bouskill, Elta Smith (2019) Global Health and Security: Threats and Opportunities https://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/perspectives/PE300/PE332/RAND_PE332.pdf(27 p. for reference))

***Laaser, U., & Brand, H. (2014). Global Health in the 21st Century. Global health action, 7, 23694. doi: 10.3402/gha. v7.23694 (for reference)

11. 10 global health issues to track in 2021

***UNHCR (2014). On Faith-Based Organizations, Local Faith Communities, and Faith Leaders. Geneva: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Retrieved from http://www.unhcr.org/539ef28b9.pdf (for reference)

Identify the initial rationale that prompted the study and then the major change that occurred. Define the significance of this study: Compare the perceived benefit at the time versus the risks. Define at least five protections instituted that would ensure this would not be repeated today?

Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male

  1. A) Identify the initial rationale that prompted the study and then the major change that occurred;
    1. Describe the two profound ethical dilemmas within the


  1. A) Define the significance of this study: Compare the perceived benefit at the time versus the risks;
    1. Describe the key positive and the key negative legacies of


  1. A) Define each of the following ethical principles as it relates to research and medicine
    1. Provide example(s) of the ethical breach(es) for each principle in the study
    2. Compare/explain current advances in research; and where applicable, in patient care


  • Informed consent
  • Autonomy
  • Beneficence / Nonmaleficence
  • Veracity
  • Confidentiality
  • Justice
  • Utility
  • Paternalism


  1. Define at least five protections instituted that would ensure this would not be repeated today?
  2. Mechanics and grammar Paper guidelines:


Title page with name

Calibri 12-point font, double-spaced Include page numbers – 5-page limit

Cite sources – Use AMA style for referencing and bibliography – do not use APA format



Select ONE male or female reproductive disorder or sexually transmitted infection (STI) and conduct research on it. Create a concept map or write a paper about the selected condition/issue for this assignment. Discuss the major concepts as outlined below.

Module 05 Written Assignment: Concept Map of STI or Reproductive disorder

Select ONE male or female reproductive disorder or sexually transmitted infection (STI) and conduct research on it. You have the option to create a concept map or write a paper about the selected condition/issue for this assignment. In your work, be sure to discuss the major concepts as outlined below.

What health care issue will you write about for your essay, due in Topic 4? Why do you think it is important and how does it affect your field of study?

Health care issue

What health care issue will you write about for your essay, due in Topic 4? Why do you think it is important and how does it affect your field of study? Include a draft thesis statement for your essay