Provide a short overview of accreditation in health care. Include an overview of the most common accreditation requirements. Compare and contrast accreditation and regulation requirements. Detail how accreditation helps health care organizations meet regulatory requirements. Analyze the key Joint Commission standards that apply to this organization. Describe industry best practices for meeting accreditation requirements.
Develop a descriptive title of approximately 5–15 words
To meet your senior leaders’ request, you will prepare a 10- to 12-page summary brief. A summary brief is a common document in management that is used to summarize concepts, issues, products, or projects. Summary briefs often vary in format. For academic purposes, the required format for this summary brief is current APA format, a common format for health care research and academics. Consult these resources for additional guidance on the appropriate use of APA guidelines:
Evidence and APA—This is a tutorial on the current APA style.
APA 7th Edition Example Paper [PDF]—This is an example to help you make sure your summary brief conforms to APA formatting guidelines.
Use the following headings to organize your summary brief for leadership:
Accreditation in Health Care (3–4 paragraphs)
Provide a short overview of accreditation in health care.
Accreditation Requirements (3–4 paragraphs)
Include an overview of the most common accreditation requirements.
Accreditation and Regulatory Compliance (1–2 pages)
Compare and contrast accreditation and regulation requirements.
Detail how accreditation helps health care organizations meet regulatory requirements.
Joint Commission Standards (1–2 pages)
Analyze the key Joint Commission standards that apply to this organization.
Accreditation Best Practices (2–3 pages)
Describe industry best practices for meeting accreditation requirements.
Other Accrediting Organizations (2–3 pages)
Select one accrediting body other than the Joint Commission and analyze the benefits of its accreditation for the organization.
Conclusion (3–5 paragraphs)
Share your informed opinion about whether the cost and required effort for meeting accreditation requirements have value to the organization.
Note: You do not need to perform a full financial analysis here. You only need to share considered insights about the benefits and costs of voluntary accreditation.