Locate and determine the required items that go into a Chicago-style footnote citation.

The purposes of this assignment is to enhance critical thinking skills through historical analysis of a primary source, and build your social and personal responsibility skills by writing a citation of the source. In addition to identifying the main idea, you need to locate and determine the required items that go into a Chicago-style footnote citation. Even while you may not quote directly from the source, it is good practice to include a citation as it gives credit for using the source. Include a footnote citation in Chicago-style at the end of your main idea of the source, and a separate citation as part of an attached bibliography. Expected minimum length of the Primary Source Analysis Paper is assignment is 500 words. This length pertains only to the main idea component and does not include the Chicago-style footnote citation, bibliographical page, or any heading and title details. You need to identify the main idea, the author, who they are appealing to, when they are doing so, and why.

Analyze a propaganda poster describing the danger of socialism to America.

Read the provided source carefully, and think about (1) the historical context in which this document was produced, (2) the reasons and significance of its content (what it says, shows, demonstrates, etc.), and (3) the broader historical significance of this document for historians trying to understand this part of the past, as well as its impact on our contemporary world.

This assignment gives students the chance to analyze a propaganda poster describing the danger of socialism to America. Prior to analyzing this source, students should be sure they understand what Foner writes about when he discusses “McCarthyism” and the Second Red Scare that swept over the country in the early Cold War, particularly who was affected by anti-communist paranoia.

Explain the social, political, economic, cultural, religious, and environmental issues of the town

For your Research Paper- You will explain the social, political, economic, cultural, religious, and environmental issues of the town or area you were assigned. The paper is to be 8 pages of text (double spaced) but could (and should if available) include old maps, pictures, documents, charters, and anything else that may add to the better understanding of your text. Some Tips: Start at the city or town you were assigned. If there is not much information available try contacting the County, sometimes historic information is held at the county seat. Contact local and regional libraries.

Explain why every American should know this history and propose how knowing specific parts of this history could help mend race relations in the United States.

** Letter to the editor of your local newspaper**

-Prepare a letter to the editor of your local newspaper that would explain to all of America why African American History should be taught in American schools.
-Explain why every American should know this history and propose how knowing specific parts of this history could help mend race relations in the United States.
-Use specific facts, events, and people to show how knowing this history can explain the trauma that has affected so many Americans.
-You can add to the letter some ways to heal our nation
-What steps can we use to end racism and division among communities and cultures

Describe these two axes, and describe how one or both axes of conflict leads to one of the following outcomes: social change, colonisation, tyranny, or a historical phenomenon of your choice.

Two major axes of social and political conflict in the archaic city state operate across classes and between members of the same class. Describe these two axes, and describe how one or both axes of conflict leads to one of the following outcomes: social change, colonisation, tyranny, or a historical phenomenon of your choice.
Imagine that a new poem has been discovered which gives us definitive information on culture and society of Dark Age Greece. Describe two ways in which it must differ from the Homeric poems in order to give us this definitive information, which the Homeric poems cannot. You should consider the history and nature of the Homeric poems in answering this question.
The expectations as to length and other technicalities are the same as for the first set of written questions. Some further notes:
– For question 1, you should demonstrate that you can connect specific historical phenomena (i.e., things that actually happened like tyranny, colonisation, etc.) to the forces and conflicts that drove them. Show us those connections.

– For question 2, you are demonstrating that you understand how and why the Homeric poems are difficult to use as sources of information on the “dark age,” and you are doing this by contrasting them with a hypothetical, newly discovered poem. So, what you describe about this hypothetical poem should aim at illuminating some aspect of the Homeric poems.

analyze the reading and the relate it to both your narrative and the real world;

address one reading and write this as a paper with an intro, body, and conclusion. You supposed to analyze the reading and the relate it to both your narrative and the real world; you are supposed to relate this to that of African people and their agency or dis-agency they are experiencing.

Follow instructions on how to write paper — attatched below

Create a avatar leaving in the past and write about how was like to live in that time.

create a avatar leaving in the past and write about how was like to live in that time. I needs to be writing in first person and the city and state should be historical accurate….

Define how TEKS(Texas Essential knowledge and skills) came to be, and how it compares to the rest of the nation.

A research paper that delves into the history of American education and Texas in particular. Please define how TEKS(Texas Essential knowledge and skills) came to be, and how it compares to the rest of the nation.

What is your thesis statement? What is key piece of information that you want the audience to learn about?

In a one–two-page document, convince me that your topic is TED-like Talk worthy.You should do enough preliminary research to know how viable your topic is for this assignment. You only get 5 –7 minutes, so your topic should be focused around a particular national security strategy, piece of technology, policy, etc.

Your proposal should include the following:
•Key argument–What is your thesis statement? What is key piece of information that you want the audience to learn about?
•Justification–Why do you find this topic interesting? Why is it important for the study of national security?
•Sources–A short bibliography of five sources that you have located and used to support your initial research into this topic and that have helped you to narrow your topic down.The sources should be properly cite.

Do paragraphs have main ideas followed by explanation and supported with discussion and information?

1. Does the introduction outline the basics of the argument?
2. Does the paper progress in a logical and coherent manner?
3. Do paragraphs have main ideas followed by explanation and supported with discussion and information?
4. Are terms defined clearly and accurately?
5. Are all borrowed ideas clearly referenced?
An A essay: demonstrates the above skills and qualities to a high degree; is correctly written with few or no errors in grammar, spelling, diction, punctuation; uses a recognized scholarly form of documentation; shows knowledge of the conventions appropriate to the type of essay (argument, description, narrative, analysis, etc.); is written in a way that facilitates the reader’s engagement with the issues under discussion.
A B essay: demonstrates some of the qualities listed above; is for the most part correctly and coherently written, but contains some errors in writing and scholarly form that obstruct the reader’s easy comprehension of the essay; is less sophisticated in its articulation of the core issues posed by the source materials; does not explain the issues as fully as a reader might require in order to understand them.
A C essay: shows only intermittent evidence of the qualities and skills listed above; contains numerous errors in writing and documentation; may begin with a thesis or focus but is not able to sustain it consistently or coherently; requires substantial effort on the part of the reader to understand it.
A D essay: lacks focus or argument; has not dealt with the assigned topic; contains a number of major writing errors (e.g. incomplete sentence, persistent misuse of words, unidiomatic phrases, paragraph fragments, etc.); lacks awareness of the conventions of essay writing or the uses of documentation; consistently fails to respond to the reader’s needs for clarity.