What do sources from the early Greek world suggest about the relationship between gods and mortals?

Write an essay of no more than 1,000 words on the following topic:

What do sources from the early Greek world suggest about the relationship between gods and mortals?
Choose at least three different sources from Block 1 to support your discussion (that is, three different sources mentioned in any part of Block 1 that date from the early Greek world, c.800–500 BCE). At least one of your sources must be the Iliad or the Odyssey.
Guidance notes
This TMA relates to Block 1 and its associated materials. In TMA 01, you practised reading closely and analysing a primary source in relation to a particular theme. In this TMA, you will practise putting that analysis into effect by closely examining multiple primary sources to build an argument. This TMA is designed to develop your knowledge and skills related to the content of Block 1, to allow you to continue to practise critical analysis of ancient evidence, and to show your ability to communicate knowledge and understanding in an appropriately scholarly manner.

This question asks you to think about the relationship between gods and mortals in the early Greek world. You might start by identifying who the gods were in the period c.800–500 BCE and thinking about what is meant by ‘mortal’ (you may, for example, wish to include both mortal heroes and mortal humans in your essay or just one of these). You may wish to narrow your focus to one context in which gods and mortals interacted (such as warfare), or set character types (such as the relationship between mortal humans and the gods), or include comparative discussion in your answer. You may also find it useful to think more broadly about the strengths and limitations of the sources you examine. Literary authors, for example, may be writing for a specific purpose that influences their presentation of a particular topic, while material objects (such as a painted piece of pottery) may offer us a snapshot of an important mythological episode valued by a particular city at a specific point in time.

You need to refer to at least three different primary sources in order to make your argument, and at least one of them should be the Iliad or the Odyssey. You may use both epics together as two of your sources. Your other primary sources can be literary texts, material culture, or a combination of both. You might want to use a variety of types of source, and think about how the context from which they come could affect your argument. Using specific examples will help you to keep your essay focused, and provide evidence to support the points you make. Again, bear the word count in mind: you may not be able to include every example you come across in your reading. You may use more than three primary sources, but remember that it is better to go into detail about selected key points than to try to include everything and to end up with an essay that is superficial and includes no analysis.

Remember that structuring your essay is important. You should be developing an argument over the course of the essay and coming to a conclusion. A word limit of 1,000 words is not long for an essay, and everything you include should be relevant to answering the question.

The core of your argument should be based on the primary sources. However, you may also choose to engage critically with interpretations of primary sources that are presented in secondary sources in order to contextualise your answer. You do not have to include secondary sources for this TMA, but it may strengthen your argument and enrich your understanding of the primary sources if you do so. Remember that you should evaluate secondary sources properly, if you choose to use them, and also provide a full reference list setting out those that you have cited. Instructions on how to give references and lay out your reference list are in the References section of the A229 Assessment Guide.

Discuss, explain and analyze the nature of the American government (e.g., structure, powers, selection mode, composition) on both the federal and state levels under the Articles of Confederation.

Discuss, explain and analyze the nature of the American government (e.g., structure, powers, selection mode, composition) on both the federal and state levels under the Articles of Confederation. Why did the political leaders adopt this type of government? What problems did the government experience? Why did the founders create a new type of government a few years later? Was the Constitution an improvement on the Articles of Confederation? How? Which was more democratic, the Articles or the Constitution? Give examples. How did the Federalists secure ratification of the Constitution? Did the Revolutionary Era significantly expand human rights for all people in the United States? Explain everything in detail fully.

Provide additional information to contextualize the documentary based on our class discussion,and connect the documentary with the course material

ObjectivesStudentswillbeexpectedtowritea1000-wordcriticalessayononeofthedocumentarieslistedinthecourseplan.Thedocumentaryinquestionmustbeoneofthedocumentarieswithanasteriskbeforeitinthesyllabus.Provideanoverviewofthedocumentaryincludingitsmainthemes,ideas,claimsandconcepts.Inordertodoso,makesuretodiscusstheessenceofthedocumentaryandtosituateitinitshistoricalcontext. You should be able to answer the following questions:

1.Whatisthedocumentaryabout?Whatistheviewerlearningaboutthefieldofconflict studies and human rights?a.Ifyouhadtoexplainandsummarizethedocumentaryandthetopicitself,what would you focus on?

2.Provide additional information to contextualize the documentary based on our class discussion,and connect the documentary with the course material(humanrights,humanitarianintervention,internationallaw,andthecausesanddynamicsof armed conflicts).a.Forexample,canyouprovideadditionalinformationaboutinternationallaw,humanrightsorthecausesofconflictsthatwehavediscussedinclass?

3.Doyouthinkthatthedirectorprovidesanobjectiveassessmentofthetopic?Canyou identify missing information or point of views?


b.Useacademicliteratureinordertodiscussthemaintopicshighlightedinthe documentary.Technical GuidelinesTitlepage​:Pleaseindicatethetitle,yournameandstudentnumber,andthecoursenumber.Referenceformat:YouhavetouseAPAcitationandreferenceformatforyourresearchpaper​1​.Makesurethatyouuseitconsistentlyandaccurately.Indicatespecificpagereferences. Do include a separate bibliography.Sources​:Youmustdrawonatleasttwo(2)externalreputablesourcestosupportyourargument​2​.Somemustbescholarly(i.e.booksandjournalarticles).Nomorethanhalf1 Please refer to these websites for additional information:http://sass.uottawa.ca/en/writing/resources/references;http://sass.uottawa.ca/sites/sass.uottawa.ca/files/referencing_styles_apa.pdf;https://sass.uottawa.ca/sites/sass.uottawa.ca/files/awhc-apa-style.pdf2 For scholarly sources, please refer to http://www.scholarsportal.info/

canbeinternetsources(journalsavailableonlinethroughdatabasesdonotcountasinternetsources).Youmay,ofcourse,drawonthecoursereadings;these,however,arein addition to the required external sources.Substantive GuidelinesThe assignment will be assessed based on the following criteria:Argument​:Yourpapershouldbeorganizedaroundaclearargument.Yourpapershouldnotreadlikeashoppinglist–withonethingafteranother–butratherlikeonesideofadebate.Evidence​:Youneedtosupportyourargumentbydrawingonrelevantevidence.Inthecaseoftheresearchpaper,youwillbedrawingonmainlyscholarlysourcestobackupyourarguments;howeveryoucanalsousenewsandinternetsourcesifyoufindtheyarerelevantandyoucannotfindtheinformationanywhereinpeer-reviewsources.Trytobreak your evidence down into several sub-sections.Organization​:Yourpapershouldhaveaclearstructurewithanintroductionthatoutlinesyour argument and paragraphs that support it along with a conclusion.Qualityofresearch​:Dotheresearchnecessarytosupportyourargument.Drawonreputable,scholarlysources.Makesurethatyouciteallofyoursources.Youmustprovidecompletereferences,includingpagenumbers.BecarefulaboutInternetsources;youareresponsibleforensuringtheirauthority.Makesuretoputanydirectquotesintoquotation marks. Plagiarism is taken very seriously at the University of Ottawa.Style​:Youshouldtrytocommunicateyourideasasclearlyandarticulatelyaspossible.Revisingisacrucialstepinpaper-writing.Dotakethetimetoreadoverandpolishyourwork.Criticalthinking​:Onceyouhavethebasicsdown,feelfreetobecreativeorcritical.Above all, I want to see you thinking.Fine PrintPapersmustbesubmittedelectronicallyonBrightspaceand​cannot​besubmittedinperson.Lateassignmentswillbepenalized5%aday(aweekendcountsas2days).Assignmentswillnotbeacceptedafter7days,atwhichpointyouwillreceiveazeroontheassignment.Youmusthandinallassignmentsifyouwanttoavoidanincompleteforthecourse.Lateassignmentsmustbesubmittedinclassorhandedintothedepartmentaloffice(FSS)ortheofficedrop-boxafterhours,wheretheywillbedate-stamped.Lateness due to illness must be justified with a doctor’s note covering the relevant time.

How did contemporary ideas about savagery and civilisation shape the Congo Free State?

• “Savagery” and civilisation: How did contemporary ideas about savagery and civilisation shape the Congo Free State? OR
• The body as a site of colonization: How and how well did imperialists colonize bodies of the residents of the Congo Free State?

Required book: Kevin Grant (2017), Congo Free State and the New Imperialism, (Bedford Macmillan Learning). Available as an eBook (9781319054151) or paperback (9781457650895).This book contains the primary sources for this assignment.


Mention these drugs history lab. What happened to the lab? How is it presented?

My topic is Pharmaco-genomics –genetically targeted drugs. Look at representation or presentation of Pharmaco-genomics–genetically targeted drugs. Also, what do these drugs do? just basic research on how to shape the project. Mention these drugs history lab. What happened to the lab? How is it presented?
Two page summary of your research project and relevant literature. Format:Page 1: Summarize your research project.Two paragraphs:-The first should introduce the subject of your paper and then specify your research question (What exactly do you want to find out about that subject?) -The second should explain how you are going to investigate that question. What materials are you going to use? What activities are you going to engage in? Page 2: Annotated Bibliography for your project.List 5-10 articles, book chapters, or books that you are going to use for your project. Briefly identify the main thesis of each.

write a critical review of the excerpts from the Dan Harman

paper is a five to seven page analytic paper. You are to write a critical review of the excerpts from the Dan Harman It is to be written in standard 12-point font (Cambria, Times New Roman, or Arial) with 1-inch margins. You are expected to cite/reference material, and failing to do so will result in a poor grade. The preferred citation style is Chicago.

Identify and explain the significance constitutional history of each ( 2-3 sentences per each one)

Identify and explain the significance constitutional history of each ( 2-3 sentences per each one)

1. Barron v Baltimore – case law
2.Charles river Bridge Case
3.Cherokee Nation V GA
4. Missouri Compromise
5. Worcester v GA
6.Ablema v Booth
7.Compromise of 1850
8.Fugitive Slave Act of 1850
9.Kansas-Nebraska Act
10.Massachusetts Personal Liberty Act
11. Dred Scott Case
12.Sommerset Case
13.Commonwealth v Aves
14.Prigg v PA

Analyze  the history of the Civil War which was a primary event in transforming the historical consciousness of the present United States

Analyze  the history of the Civil War which was a primary event in transforming the historical consciousness of the present United States

Use hip hop song lyrics, sounds, origins, artists, relevant information to show how the song reflects the issue in the chapter

Choose 5 H-H songs + read the chapter attached.
Describe the chapter’s subject, Rose’s argument (as many sides of the argument as possible),
● Use hip hop song lyrics, sounds, origins, artists, relevant information to show how the song reflects the issue in the
chapter, argument, or counterargument.
● Accomplish two things:
○ You have read and understood major events/points made in the book
○ Demonstrate your understanding of how music reflects and takes part in African American life
■ Include information from readings if necessary and cite them.

Describe the U.S. military strategy and evolution.

Assignment Instruction III

Now, it is time to pull together the first area of your research paper by writing a 4 page essay on the 19th Century, focusing on your central theme (leadership and diversity).

The final paper is designed to for you to demonstrate your skills of the course outcomes:

  1. Analyze theories of war.
  2. Describe the U.S. military strategy and evolution.
  3. Explain cultural diversity in developing stronger U.S. partnerships.
  4. Evaluate cyber terrorism tactics on current and future conflicts.
  5. Research and write a paper that uses audience-appropriate content, is well-organized, and correctly applies writing mechanics. (General Education Outcome)

For example: if the two areas you chose as central themes are leadership and diversity, you would apply ONE of the two to a war from the 19th Centuries. In this example, you might apply leadership (the theme) to the Civil War (19th Century).