What influenced early encounters between Native American and European colonists the most?

What influenced early encounters between Native American and European colonists the most? In your explanation, be sure to explain the overall impact of colonization on Native American societies.
Essays should be structured as such, with a clear introduction, thesis, conclusion and body paragraphs. Any quotes from the readings that are included in your essay should be appropriately cited.

How advanced were Native American civilizations prior to European contact?

How advanced were Native American civilizations prior to European contact? How did Native American communities compare to European society and were European views of Native Americans accurate?
Essays should be structured as such, with a clear introduction, thesis, conclusion and body paragraphs. Any quotes from the readings that are included in your essay should be appropriately cited.

How did they change things or make something happen. Here’s a example just focused on the national bank.

After asking my professor for help with the essay she provided me with the folowing message:

“Just think about the “how” – how did they change things or make something happen. Here’s a example just focused on the national bank.

For more than a year, Jefferson and Hamilton’s debated the need for a national bank. Jefferson argued that a national bank was unconstitutional and wasn’t necessary because it would only benefit the wealth. Hamilton on the other hand argued that in order for the United States to become a participant in the world economy, a national bank was needed to consolidate economic resources and funds. Although they disagreed initially on the idea of a national bank and both attempted to persuade President Washington to support them, ultimately Washington supported Hamilton and the creation of a national bank which allowed the United States to become a industrialized nation and compete in a world economy.

In this case the last sentence would be the thesis. Remember the thesis can be complex and doesn’t have to one sentence.”

Write an explanatory summary of the Gettler reading

ON THE FIRST PAGE – abstract/informative summary for the Gettler reading. Abstracts should be a single paragraph and provide a very concise overview of the reading, including primary arguments and supports. An abstract should not include your response or reaction, but only the ideas presented in the original source.
ON THE SECOND PAGE – write an explanatory summary of the Gettler reading, not to exceed one double-spaced page. An explanatory summary should be in three sections (these may or may not be paragraphs). There will be an opening section with introduces the topic, author and credentials, and your own thesis – likely a paraphrase of the article’s own thesis. The body presents the major findings of the article in your own words. Unlike the abstract, you will also make reference to the author and how he organizes and presents his ideas. Finally, in a last statement, you will summarize the author’s final thesis. You do not include a traditional conclusion in your own voice.

Prepare an in-depth examination of right wing terrorist groups; focus on the KKK. Provide an in-depth analysis, starting with an overview of the group. Analyze the group’s overall ideology and its history. The geographic makeup of the group will be identified along with best known data such as size and activities past and present. The group’s tactics, behaviors, and methodologies of activity, including a discussion of force multipliers and terrorist structures and operational issues such as finance and administration, will be examined.
A minimum of 5 references is required. 5 full pages of content.

What factors fostered the emergence of “republican motherhood” and the “cult of domesticity”?

2006 AP® UNITED STATES HISTORY FREE-RESPONSE QUESTIONS © 2006 The College Board. All rights reserved. Visit apcentral.collegeboard.com (for AP professionals) and www.collegeboard.com/apstudents (for students and parents). GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. 2 UNITED STATES HISTORY SECTION II Part A (Suggested writing time — 45 minutes) Percent of Section II score — 45 Directions: The following question requires you to construct a coherent essay that integrates your interpretation of Documents A-J and your knowledge of the period referred to in the question. High scores will be earned only by essays that both cite key pieces of evidence from the documents and draw on outside knowledge of the period. 1. Discuss the changing ideals of American womanhood between the American Revolution (1770’s) and the outbreak of the Civil War. What factors fostered the emergence of “republican motherhood” and the “cult of domesticity”? Assess the extent to which these ideals influenced the lives of women during this period. In your answer be sure to consider issues of race and class. Use the documents and your knowledge of the time period in constructing your response.

Focus on the person’s accomplishments, paying special attention to their relationship to history.

obituary for Alexius Comnenus who lived between 950-1100. Please focus on the person’s accomplishments, paying special attention to their relationship to history. Spend minimal attention on the personal details of the person’s life

In what ways did the viewpoint of Romantic writers differ from the rational viewpoint of by Enlightenment intellectuals?

Prompt: In what ways did the viewpoint of Romantic writers differ from the rational viewpoint of by Enlightenment intellectuals? How did Romantic art reflect the medieval era and life in the Middle Ages?
Romanticism art

Explore how Genesis 1-3 sets up the rest of the biblical narrative and how the unfolding OT story shows that God continues to work with his people.

  1. The introduction to any story is particularly significant because it sets up everything that follows. In this assignment, students will explore how Genesis 1-3 sets up the rest of the biblical narrative and how the unfolding OT story shows that God continues to work with his people.

The structure of this assignment is flexible. Students may write a paper, construct an outline, create a slide-show presentation, or involve any other medium that can effectively communicate the content.

    • Part 1: After reading Genesis 1-3, list out the ways these chapters introduce the biblical narrative for the following categories. For each category, the student should include several robust sentences that are focused on the text. One word or sparse answers will not suffice. 

What do we learn about:

      • God
      • Humans
      • How humans interact
      • The world
      • The way creation reacts with the Creator
      • The problem of sin
      • The solution for sin
    • Part 2: After reading Genesis 12:1-3, make note of the three things God promises to Abram: land, offspring (people), and blessing. Why are these three things significant? List the three, and robustly explain why they are important. How are they a part of the solution for sin in Part 1?
      • Appeal to your Wright textbook for help.
    • Part 3: In the unfolding story of the OT, the three aspects of God’s promise to Abram continue to be fulfilled throughout the OT.  Do some research on the OT storyline (think about using your textbooks, the lectures, CCU’s online resources, and good peer reviewed content such as thebibleproject.com) and cite places where these three aspects of God’s promise to Abram show up later.
      • Cite at least one example from the Law, one from the Prophets, and one from the Writings. (Refer to the lecture content for specifics on the OT canon).
    • Part 4: Reflect on the significance of seeing the OT as an unfolding story. Conclude the assignment with an assessment of the importance of recognizing this narrative flow.

Submit your four-part assignment as a single file to the appropriate submission area.

Assignment Requirements: A paper should be 3-4 pages, double spaced; a PowerPoint Presentation should be 8-10 slides (with either written presentation notes or a voiceover of you presenting your presentation); An outline should be 2-3 pages, single spaced; other mediums should be equivalent length.

Your assignment must adhere to APA standard guidelines.

Note for Presentations: If you choose to use voiceovers in the place of detailed notes, see the “Technology Quick Guide” on the Course Dashboard for specific tips on how to use free technology to create such voiceovers, such as Screencast-o-matic or ZOOM.

Click on the Session 1 Old Testament Storyboard link and submit your assignment by the posted due date. Review the rubric available in Due Dates and Grades for specific grading criteria.



What are the key similarities and differences between the Ottoman and Safavid Empires? 

1) What are the key similarities and differences between the Ottoman and Safavid Empires? 

10 pts. Exceeding: This response paragraph does not just fulfill the assignment; it also has something original and important to say and the points it makes are supported by the evidence it marshals. It is organized effectively, develops smoothly, and it is written clearly and correctly. It is based on sources that are clearly related to the points it has to make. Findings from the evidence are integrated into a readable response paragraph. It utilizes concepts and examples presented in the course. It is correct in mechanics, grammar, punctuation, and citation style. Student does not review the material in their writing.

Grade (total 10 points):

40% of your grade is based on your writing structure and style, and grammar.

  • pay attention to proper spelling, punctuation and grammar.
    • write complete, clear, and coherent sentences.
    • proper citation style

60% of your grade is based on how well you answer the question(s).

  • articulate a thesis statement that provides direction for the response paragraph.
    • make relevant and consistent connections made between evidence and thesis. Each piece of evidence should add some nuance to the thesis.
    • should demonstrate that you fully understand and have applied concepts learned in the course. Concepts should be integrated into your own insights.
    • body paragraphs should clearly relate to one another. Transitions between paragraphs should be smooth so that response paragraph flows from one issue to the next.