In how far does the Babyn Yar massacre prove the validity of this point? How and why did the shooting at Babyn Yar unfold in the manner it did in late September 1941? How did so many Jews of Kyiv fall into Nazi captivity? Why did they not escape? And which Kyivan Jews did escape the killings? Why did the non-Jewish civilian population of Kyiv stand by and let the massacre occur?

Final exam

Answer BOTH questions in the form of an essay, using full, grammatically correct, sentences.

Address all the points raised in each set of questions.

Use no more than approximately 500 words per essay.

  1. Historians have begun to distinguish a difference in the unfolding of the Holocaust in eastern and western Europe. In how far does the Babyn Yar massacre prove the validity of this point? How and why did the shooting at Babyn Yar unfold in the manner it did in late September 1941? How did so many Jews of Kyiv fall into Nazi captivity? Why did they not escape? And which Kyivan Jews did escape the killings? Why did the non-Jewish civilian population of Kyiv stand by and let the massacre occur?

Illustrate your discussion by referring to some of the document drawn up by Berkhoff and his fellow authors (indicate page numbers to which your refer, for example, or provide a short quotation, or paraphrase something–and refer to the page[s] that you paraphrase).

15 points

  1. The textbook by Boterbloem (History of Russian and its Empire) ends in 2018. Since that year many significant developments have occurred in the post-Soviet region, not least in Ukraine and Russia. What would you change (especially, but not exclusively, in the last chapter) to bring the textbook up to date and continue the story until the spring of 2023? What would you add? In which respects do you differ with Boterbloem’s assessment of Vladimir Putin and the prospects for Ukraine and Russia of five years ago? What would you alter or delete?

15 points

Develop a new “rights” organization to address some aspect of oppression in contemporary society.


Develop a new “rights” organization to address some aspect of oppression in contemporary society.

Your presentation can be either

  • a 700-word (minimum) oral presentation that covers the required information
  • a 300-word description of your organization accompanied by a power point presentation of about eight to ten slides
  • a 300-word description of your organization accompanied by video presentation to the audience
  • a URL link to a website that you have created describe and promote your organization

” Is it fair to look at the Muslim world between the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries as a monolith? Discuss whether or not one could speak of the Muslim world during that period as a uniform world. “

History Question

Following is the topic for paper 1:

” Is it fair to look at the Muslim world between the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries as a monolith? Discuss whether or not one could speak of the Muslim world during that period as a uniform world. “

Choose a social work setting that interests you (e.g., medical, school, mental health, etc). Write a three paged paper answering the following: “As a social worker working in this social work setting.”

knowledge and values in a social work setting

  1. Choose a social work setting that interests you (e.g., medical, school, mental health, etc).
  2. Next, choose a local social work agency from that setting. You can use the agency where you completed your social worker interview.
  3. Then, you will write a three paged paper answering the following: “As a social worker working in this social work setting.”
  4. The responsibilities of a social worker who works in this setting must do
  5. The values the social worker in this setting must abide by (e.g., NASW core values, etc)
  6. Identify the practice level of a social worker in this setting (micro, mezzo, or macro; might be a combination of levels.
  7. You must incorporate the appropriate chapter from the book and the relevant social work practice video from NASW – OH in your paper to support your responses. The practice setting videos are in Canvas under the module “Social Work Setting Practice Videos (NASW- OH).”

Discuss any 2 (two) of the following: (a) to what extent does the article maintain the 30 Years War was a “war of religion;” (b) what does the article say about the war’s military & financial implications; and/or (c) what does the article say about the war’s social & economic impact?

3 articles questions

You may answer 1, 2 or all 3 of the following for extra credit. Questions are worth 15 points each. See Written Assignments: Rules & Rubrics in the Course Document module for specifics on writing, citing and submitting your answers. Follow these instructions carefully!

Question 1  (“Luther: Conservative or Revolutionary?”): Does the author claim Martin Luther was a “conservative” or a “revolutionary,” or both – or neither?! And what evidence is used for his claim? Discuss at least 2 (two) examples from the article.
Each example should be addressed in a paragraph of 5 to 7 sentences, minimum. Rmember to cite!

Question 2  (“The Spanish Inquisition”): How does the author try to prove that — despite the stereotypes that surround it — the Spanish Inquisition actually “wasn’t so bad after all?” Identify & discuss at least 2 (two) pieces of historical evidence used for this claim.
Your answer to each point should be in a paragraph of 5 to 7 sentences, minimum. Remember to cite!

Question 3  (“The 30 Years War”): Discuss any 2 (two) of the following: (a) to what extent does the article maintain the 30 Years War was a “war of religion;” (b) what does the article say about the war’s military & financial implications; and/or (c) what does the article say about the war’s social & economic impact?

Each question should be addressed in a paragraph of 5 to 7 sentences, minimum. Remember to cite!

Write a paper (4-6 pages) examining the Civil Rights Movement in American history using a number of primary sources provided by the instructor. In four to six pages, the paper should attempt to address the struggles, problems, resistance to, and goals of the movement.

HIST 1493 the Civil Rights Movement in American history.

Your assignment is to write a paper (4-6 pages) examining the Civil Rights Movement in American history using a number of primary sources provided by the instructor. In four to six pages, the paper should attempt to address the struggles, problems, resistance to, and goals of the movement.

The entire purpose of the study of history is to learn from the past. Not to idolize it, not to romanticize it, not to tailor it to fit our world view, but to learn from it. History is messy – it is never as neat as a movie or even a classroom exam might make it seem. Our present is shaped by the past, and while it is useful to understand the past, one must never want to live there. 2020 has seen extraordinary times – a global pandemic, protests and upheaval in American life, and no doubt these events will be discussed in a future history class. Yet these events are not new, and comparisons with history could prove eye opening. As debates over the questions of race touch not only American society but even conversations here at Oklahoma State University (such as Friday, June 18, 2020’s vote to rename Murray Hall), it would be helpful to understand the history of race in America.

write a short (1-2 paragraphs) analysis on each week of class readings. Rather than summarize the entire text, you should discuss any single aspect that you think is compelling or confusing, or that relates to the present-day.

Modern World History

This assignment asks you to write a short (1-2 paragraphs) analysis on each week of class readings. Rather than summarize the entire text, you should discuss any single aspect that you think is compelling or confusing, or that relates to the present-day. Be sure to include a specific quotation from the text.

Text: Robert Tignor, et al., eds., Worlds Together, Worlds Apart: Volume C: 1750 to the Present, Fourth Edition (New York: W.W. Norton, 2014). ISBN: 9780393922127

Tignor, Chapter 21: Globalization, 1970-2000,” p. 813-821.

Summarize Kerry’s key points in his report to the Senate Committee. Consider what would be motivating a veteran to say the things he was saying. What was Kerry hoping to accomplish by focusing on the material he did in his report?

History Question

  1. Review the following,
  2. Read the documents carefully and respond to the following questions in a cohesive essay, with an introduction, a series of body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Be sure to use short, direct quotes from the documents to back up your ideas; avoid over-quoting.
    • Summarize Johnson’s justifications for American participation in the Vietnam War. In addition, explain how Johnson hopes to persuade his audience (both present and the wider audience who would hear this speech via television) that America really was doing the right thing.
    • Summarize Kerry’s key points in his report to the Senate Committee. Consider what would be motivating a veteran to say the things he was saying. What was Kerry hoping to accomplish by focusing on the material he did in his report?
    • Assess the positions of these two men. Were there points made by either that especially resonated with you or that you disagreed with? If so, which ones, and why did you feel this way?

Summarize Malcolm X’s ideas on how the black community should and should not respond to white oppression. Analyze how he makes his arguments. What would you critique and what would you support in what he is saying?

History Question

Assignment Instructions

  1. Review the following,
  2. Respond to the following questions in a cohesive essay, with an introduction, a series of body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Be sure to use short, direct quotes from the documents to back up your ideas; avoid over-quoting.
    • Summarize Malcolm X’s ideas on how the black community should and should not respond to white oppression. Analyze how he makes his arguments. What would you critique and what would you support in what he is saying?
    • Summarize Dr. King’s applications of Jesus’ command to ‘love your enemies’ to his audience’s present circumstances. Analyze how he makes his arguments. What would you critique and what would you support in what he is saying?
    • Consider how Malcolm X would critique King’s sermon and how King would critique X’s interview. Which critique would you side with, and why?

Who wrote this text? When did they write it? What do I know about the events being discussed? What is the author’s main idea? What is the text generally about?

Touchstone 1: Case Study Close Reading

ASSIGNMENT: For this Touchstone, you will select a source on a topic in U.S. history to read like a historian. As you learned, doing a close reading means reading the text multiple times, with a different set of questions in mind each time. You will then write and submit answers to a set of close reading questions:

  • Origin and context: Who wrote this text? When did they write it? What do I know about the events being discussed?
  • Meaning: What is the author’s main idea? What is the text generally about?
  • Argument: What is the author’s point of view? Are they trying to convince the reader of something? What evidence do they use to support their argument?
  • Skills: Is there evidence in the text of agility or problem solving skills being used? In what way(s)?

This Touchstone provides an opportunity for you to delve more deeply into a topic in U.S. history and practice thinking like a historian. It will also prepare you for later Touchstones, which ask you to research a historical question and create a presentation to help others understand how historical events can be applied to current issues. Lastly, it will develop your problem solving skills, because being a critical reader helps you to obtain and evaluate the information you need to solve problems.