Post a statement of 300-350 words, making the case in support of their proposition. Post two further statements of 200-250 words, each responding to an argument made by a team member from the opposing side.

Alfred Young’s The Shoemaker and the Tea Party

Shoemaker and Tea Party Group Discussion – Shoemaker Group 2

This discussion revolves around the events covered in Alfred Young’s The Shoemaker and the Tea Party: Memory and the American Revolution.

In preparation for this assignment, you will each be named to a team comprised of about ten members. Over the course of the discussion, each team will be debating over two competing propositions:

  1. The decline in class inequality in America – that’s what stands out most about the Revolutionary era.”
  2. “The persistence of class inequality in America – that’s what stands out most about the Revolutionary era.”

Debate “position” assignments:

If the last two digits of your birth year are ODD, you take #1 debate position.

If the last two digits of your birth year are EVEN, you take #2 debate position.

The debate will go through two phases:

First Phase

For the first phase, each member of your team will have posted a statement of 300-350 words, making the case in support of their proposition.

Second Phase For the second phase of the discussion, each participant should post two further statements of 200-250 words, each responding to an argument made by a team member from the opposing side.

In formulating your replies, illustrate your points with examples from Alfred Young’s The Shoemaker and the Tea Party: and, where pertinent, from other assigned readings on the Revolutionary period.


Write a short essay of 250-500 words which considers how Olympe de Gouges and Toussaint L’Ouverture, as well as the Haitian Declaration of Independence, are in conversation with previous documents but state their own and original political demands for women and enslaved people of color.

World history unit 6 paper

In this unit you will consider the way that revolutionary ideas can be transmitted and take on a life of their own. When you have read the chapter and the discussion and documents of the French Revolution carefully, write a short essay of 250-500 words which considers how Olympe de Gouges and Toussaint L’Ouverture, as well as the Haitian Declaration of Independence, are in conversation with previous documents but state their own and original political demands for women and enslaved people of color. Be sure to give examples and quotations to support your arguments.

When you have posted your own essay, comment on two others.

Chapter 22, and documents 22-1,22-2,22-4——–Online World history book

A History of World Societiechos, 12th edition Vol 2


Write an essay of 250-500 words describing these ambitions, using examples, and explain what flaws, if any, you find in their arguments. How does Twain lampoon Leopold?

Modern Euro history paper 6

In the attached documents, you will find material on Cecil Rhodes, Henry Morton Stanley and King Leopold of Belgium. All three men believed that European control of Africa was inevitable and that their own states (Britain for Rhodes and Stanley, Belgium for Leopold) were inherently superior to any African civilization.

Write an essay of 250-500 words describing these ambitions, using examples, and explain what flaws, if any, you find in their arguments. How does Twain lampoon Leopold? Once you have posted your essay, comment on two others.

chapter 24, document 24-4, 24-5

Online Euro history book

A History of Western Society, Valchoue Edition, Volume 2



Why is slavery such an emotive issue? Who do you think should be held responsible? Give a good explanation 500 words

African Studies

Why is slavery such an emotive issue? Who do you think should be held responsible? Give a good explanation 500 words


What did you find most interesting/thought-provoking/upsetting? How does the content learned in this module connect to current events/issues?

Module 5: Early Spanish Colonization and Indigenous Responses

Answer the following questions related to the content of Module 5: Early Spanish Colonization and Indigenous Responses. For full credit, make sure that you post (written or video) your reflection answers AND positively reply to at least one other classmate. Subscribe to this Discussion Board for notifications.

Refection: Write 1 paragraph for each question (4 -6 sentences / 250 + word count X 2, as there are two questions). Use parenthetical citations when referencing the lecture PPT, for example use (Mod 5) for Module 5 lecture and reference the name of the reading articles and the title of the video clips when citing those resources.

Or, Create a Video response using Canvas Studio!!!

  1. What did you find most interesting/thought-provoking/upsetting?
  2. How does the content learned in this module connect to current events/issues?


  1. How does the content learned in this module connect to you? (this is not a literal question. Think of gender roles, job specialization, trade as in shopping and technology, dogs, cats, and brewing beer)

Suggested Reply to your classmates:

  1. What did they make note of?
  2. Was their Reflection similar or different from your observations?



Watch the section of his biography from PBS American Experience. When you finish reflect on Carter’s story. How did Carter’s perceived “weaknesses” turn out to be strengths in the Camp David situation? What specific actions did he take during the negotiations that helped them succeed?

Camp David

Watch the section of his biography from PBS American Experience. When you finish reflect on Carter’s story. Presidents bring strengths in some areas and not in others. Presidents also have the presidency that history hands to them. How did Carter’s perceived “weaknesses” turn out to be strengths in the Camp David situation? What specific actions did he take during the negotiations that helped them succeed?

Afterword: Sadat and Begin were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1978. On October 6, 1981, Sadat was assassinated during the annual victory parade held in Cairo. Begin resigned in 1983. Carter was defeated in the 1980 election. But the treaty negotiated at Camp David in 1978, still stands– over 40 years later.



Write a 1500 to 2500-word autobiographical essay examining your relationship with the Africana cultural heritage. Discuss, in detail, the historical and cultural context in which you grew up, your family structure(s), and how it meshed with the African in ‘African-American’ culture.


You are to write a 1500 to 2500-word autobiographical essay examining your relationship with the Africana cultural heritage. Discuss, in detail, the historical and cultural context in which you grew up, your family structure(s), and how it meshed with the African in ‘African-American’ culture. Provide as much detail as is necessary and that space will allow. Discuss your cultural background as it impacts your thought processes and worldview.

Conceptual Development

In your cultural autobiography, you should go beyond merely stating, for example, that you are a Black, Jamaican descended, English-speaking male etc. or a second-generation Jamaican American, multilingual female who was raised in a working-class family etc. How does Africana Studies address the story of you and your family? How can the constituent disciplines in Africana Studies (History, Sociology, Psychology, Political science, etc.) shed light on the complexity of your story? Frantz Fanon wrote that true education must, “make the history of the nation part of the personal experience of each of its citizens.” Choose two disciplines that are relevant and analyze your life using at least one distinct model from each discipline. For example, how has institutional decimation affected your community? Be clear, name the model, the discipline and discuss how it relates to your life.

Consider the major event that occurred during your birth year or upbringing. How does that event speak to the historical context that shaped your life? How should you grapple with telling your own story in a raging sea of history? This should take some careful thinking.

Use of Evidence

Utilize the previous research and content relevant from the course to tell your story.

Review the BLHAC concepts and Africana Studies theories as evidence to support the argument presented in your Cultural Autobiography.

Incorporate the voices of the most significant “Thought Leaders” that contribute to the telling of your Cultural Autobiography.

Reflect on the different “Ways of Knowing” to determine the types of methods and evidence utilized in the discipline of Africana Studies that will support your Cultural Autobiography:

  • Archival Research
  • Document Analysis
  • Case Studies
  • Field Notes
  • Focus Groups
  • Interviews and Surveys
  • Literature Review
  • Mapping
  • Participant Observation • Primary Sources
  • Rituachols and Tradition
  • Secondary Sources


How narrow or broad do they range over ancient sources? Can you detect any similarities between the two scholars? What are their attitudes toward the ancient world.

Ancient Economy

Compare and contrast the approaches to the ancient economy as exemplified in M.I. Finley’s The Ancient Economy and M. Silver, Economic structures of antiquity, Chapter1. You might begin by considering the following. What is their view of models versus evidence. What kind of evidence is deployed.

How narrow or broad do they range over ancient sources? Can you detect any similarities between the two scholars? What are their attitudes toward the ancient world.

In considering M. SIlver Chapter 1, where would you locate his attitudes in terms of the current debates about the ancient economy? Which author do you think best frames the understanding of the ancient economy and why?


In what ways was the judiciary designed to limit the role of politics? Are the courts completely immune from politics in their work? Why or why not? What role does politics play in Supreme Court appointments and confirmation proceedings?

The Founding Fathers wanted the courts to be protected from politics.

The Founding Fathers wanted the courts to be protected from politics. In what ways was the judiciary designed to limit the role of politics? Are the courts completely immune from politics in their work? Why or why not? What role does politics play in Supreme Court appointments and confirmation proceedings? Should there be term limits for federal judges, including Supreme Court justices? Why or why not?


Discuss the origins of the Bavarian Illuminati; the cultural and political climate in the United States in 1798; support for this theory from European authors such as Barruel and Robison; support for these theories by Morse and Dwight; and why this theory ultimately failchoed to gain political traction.

The Masonic Conspiracy

In late Spring of 1789 Jedidiah Morse, a prominent New England clergyman, warned of a Mason conspiracy that sought to undermine Christian and republican founding principles of the new formed, United States of America. In an analytical essay, discuss how this fear of a Bavarian Illuminati conspiracy reflected cultural and political anxiety on the part of people such as Morse and Yale University president Timothy Dwight.

In your essay, discuss the origins of the Bavarian Illuminati; the cultural and political climate in the United States in 1798; support for this theory from European authors such as Barruel and Robison; support for these theories by Morse and Dwight; and why this theory ultimately failchoed to gain political traction.