State whether you agreed and/or were convinced by the article’s argument and analysis. Delineates the research questions/topic clearly.
Analytical Response Paper 1
Analytic Response Paper Guidelines include the following subheadings & content:
Include the research question/topic
Delineates the research questions/topic clearly., 3.5 pts
Research method or mode of analysis
- Evidence
- Data, empirical material
- Texts
- Primary source(s) or cultural production(s) analyzed by the author
- Arguments & Conclusions presented in article
Addresses the arguments/findings/conclusions thoroughly.
State whether you agreed and/or were convinced by the article’s argument and analysis.
Discusses research methods/mode of analysis in detail. 3 pts
Clearly stated whether you were convinced or agreed with the articles argument/analysis. 1 pts
Clarity, Flow, Syntax & Grammar Total Points: 15