What do you feel was the major impact of the Cold War and the Reagan Doctrine specifically on Central America during the 1970’s and 1980’s? Were the actions of the United States justified in these instances? Why or why not?

Impact of Cold War and the Reagan Doctrine on America

What do you feel was the major impact of the Cold War and the Reagan Doctrine specifically on Central America during the 1970’s and 1980’s? Were the actions of the United States justified in these instances? Why or why not?

Write a three to five paragraph essay that explains the Seven Years War and discusses specifically how did Britain emerge victorious? Explain the series of events between the early 1750s and 1760s that culminated with the Treaty of Paris in 1763.

Seven Years War

You are to write a three to five paragraph essay that explains the Seven Years War and discusses specifically how did Britain emerge victorious?The essay should explain the series of events between the early 1750s and 1760s that culminated with the Treaty of Paris in 1763.

Create a thorough critique which offers their opinion about whether or not the historian’s argument is persuasive. Analyze the author’s approach. What primary and secondary sources does he/she use?

The Rape of Nanking: Literature Review

For this assignment, students will give a (very) brief summary of the book, identify the historian’s argument, create a thorough critique which offers their opinion about whether or not the historian’s argument is persuasive (be sure to include a discussion of sources), and finally, thematically and comparatively tie what was read in the book into other topics discussed learned in class.

You should never give more than one page of synopsis maximum. Make sure you include all parts of the assignment in your paper, including author’s intent, the critique, and the thematic tie-in with class. For the critique you will want to analyze the author’s approach. What primary and secondary sources does he/she use?

Compare and Contrast slavery from the Antebellum era to what’s known today as Modern Day Slavery or Human Trafficking.

Modern Day Slavery or Human Trafficking

Compare and Contrast slavery from the Antebellum era to what’s known today as Modern Day Slavery or Human Trafficking.
Your project is informational in nature. You are NOT arguing that one is worse than the other.
You are informing your audience about them both, and comparing/contrasting them one to the other.
600+ word, multi-paragraph essay with a Title Page and a Works Cited Page (three sources minimum, not Wikipedia).

Sources to use:



Describe the history that the monument represents and why the protestors feel it is wrong and harmful. Propose an alternative monument that you think would be more effective.

Extra Credit Historical Monuments Assignment

With the recent emergence of protest movements over historical representation, historical monuments have become the focus of debates and protests. For ten extra credit points, using news articles, identify a protest movement against a historical monument depicting a person or aspect of U.S. History prior to 1865, especially a topic we may have covered in class. Describe the history that the monument represents and why the protestors feel it is wrong and harmful. Propose an alternative monument that you think would be more effective.

Describe how the film’s need to entertain its audience shaped the way the historical events/people were presented. Did this cause the film to be so radically altered as to be of little value in terms of informing us about the history? Was there some aspects of the film that did have some educational value?

Extra Credit Film Assignment

The way most people are exposed to history is through film, thus it is important to think about how movies shape our understanding of history. For ten extra credit points, watch a film (non-documentary) that depicts historical events and people any time period between the pre-contact (pre-1500s) and the Civil War (1865) periods. After you watch the film, post a response (reply of at least 250 words) to ONE of the following questions:

1) Describe how the film’s need to entertain its audience shaped the way the historical events/people were presented. Did this cause the film to be so radically altered as to be of little value in terms of informing us about the history? Was there some aspects of the film that did have some educational value?

2) If you were to remake this film so that a new perspective could be presented, which characters and events would you focus on? How would you re-shoot some of the scenes? How would the overall story and message of the film change?

Critically assess the validity of any popular beliefs, common misinformation, or stereotypes relevant to your research topic. In what ways do non-academic popular sources inform or misinform their audiences about the historical reality of your research topic?

Essay Paper – Latin America

The bulk of your paper should be making the case for your argument. You should examine the major arguments of each author. How similar or different are the conclusions in the secondary sources (i.e. articles) to each other and to relevant secondary sources from class.

In addition, you should discuss the types of primary sources examined by the authors to develop their arguments. What kinds of information did the authors find in their primary sources? How does that information support their findings? If an author includes statistical data (i.e. charts and tables), what sources did they examine to produce such data or was that data borrowed from another academic source?

Assess the validity or strength of the authors’ arguments on the basis of the sources, especially primary sources (e.g. declassified government documents, lawsuits, laws/legal codes, interviews, images, political speeches, etc.) they examined. If no primary sources were examined or cited by the author, then is their work the opinion of a specialist with years of research behind them or the opinion of a hobbyiest or a politicized opinion? If only one type of primary source was examined by an author, assess how the examination of a more diverse set of primary sources may have strengthened, added nuance, or possibly detracted from their argument. How do the findings of one author, irrespective of source limitations or because of their source selection, support or contradict the findings of another author?

Your primary sources must be formally and methodically introduced—don’t refer to them as “my first” or “my second” primary source. Introduce and refer to each primary source as what they are (e.g. the 2000 national census of Mexico). Summarize the contents of your primary sources before examining and discussing their relevance to your research. That is, briefly explain the kinds of information typically found in such primary sources and the specific historical context in which each of your sources were produced. Then transition to your analysis. Were there other types of primary sources that you could have examined to strengthen your research findings? Lastly, determine how your analysis of primary sources supports or challenges or adds nuance to the findings in your secondary sources.

Critically assess the validity of any popular beliefs, common misinformation, or stereotypes relevant to your research topic. In what ways do non-academic popular sources inform or misinform their audiences about the historical reality of your research topic?

Conclude. Your conclusion should remind the reader of the research question of your essay and answer it, summarizing your analysis of the secondary and primary sources examined in your paper. You’re welcome to make any final comments on the state of the field with regard to your research topic.

While there are no limits to the number of parties nor the ideologies they express, there are two major political parties that dominate U. S. politics, the Democrats and the Republicans. You are planning a career in politics. Which party would you choose and why?

U. S. political parties

George Washington warned against forming political parties. He believed that they would be divisive to the nation.

While there are no limits to the number of parties nor the ideologies they express, there are two major political parties that dominate U. S. politics, the Democrats and the Republicans.

You are planning a career in politics. Which party would you choose and why?

Every early society that we have studied has provided an explanation of where they come from and why. But what, exactly, are creation myths? How were they preserved and what can they tell us about the people who passed them down to us? Why?

1. Creation myths. Every early society that we have studied has provided an explanation of where they come from and why. But what, exactly, are creation myths? How were they preserved and what can they tell us about the people who passed them down to us? Why?

2. Religion and politics. We have seen several societies in which religious and political power were closely connected. In what ways did these cultures combine religion and politics, and to what end? What problems, if any, did this combination present? And how did societies respond to any potential problems? Why?

3. War and imperialism. Many empires rose and fell in Mesopotamia, Egypt, Anatolia, Greece, and elsewhere. How were empires built and for what purpose? Who benefited? And how did empires collapse? Why?

4. International and social relations. Kingdoms and empires often came into physical conflict with one another, as did different classes and interests within the same society. But sometimes they reached peaceful resolutions to their disputes. What did different governments and social classes fight over and why? What methods or tools did they employ to achieve peaceful outcomes? How successful were these outcomes? Why?

5. How to understand the history of western civilization. Every society that we have studied had remarkable individuals who were highly successful in achieving their goals. Some of them even had the title of “the Great” added to their names, men such as Ramesses, Cyrus, and Alexander. However, we have also seen instances of the collective power of people in groups. What is “History”? And is it best understood as the outcome of the actions of “great men,” the outcome of “social movements,” or both? Why?

Which of your two selections do you consider most impactful on Westward Expansion during 1800-1848? Explain why. Analyze the effects of the ideology of Manifest Destiny on the two historical events that you chose from the list.

Week 3 Discussion: Manifest Destiny and the Mexican War of 1846

For the initial post, pick two (2) of the following historical events:

  • The Lewis and Clark Expedition
  • The Missouri Compromise
  • Independence of Texas
  • Mexican War of 1846-1848
  • The California Gold Rush
  • Then, address the following for your selections:

Which of your two selections do you consider most impactful on Westward Expansion during 1800-1848? Explain why.
Analyze the effects of the ideology of Manifest Destiny on the two historical events that you chose from the list.