Why are attractions and entertainment important components of the tourism industry? How does seasonality create marketing management, and financial challenges for attraction and entertainment operators?

Hospitality Question


  1. Why are attractions and entertainment important components of the tourism industry?
  2. How does seasonality create marketing management, and financial challenges for attraction and entertainment operators?
  3. Explain the similarities and differences between heritage attractions and commercial attractions.



  1. Examine the Figure 9.2 below. Why the spike in visitors to the White House in Washington in April? Hint:  Think about flowers.
  2. What events are offered to tourists to attract them to Virginia Beach in the shoulder or off-seasons? Consult the site visitvirginiabeach.com
  3. What is the name of the National Monument in Hampton, Virginia, and what is its significance? Is this a Heritage or Commercial Attraction or Live Entertainment?  What is the difference between a National Monument and a National Park?  (Look this up on the internet)
  4. As mentioned above, Norfolk is considering a casino on the waterfront, and there has been much controversy, both pro and con.
  5. Enter Norfolk Casino in your browser and you will see several articles listed about the economic benefits and risks of the casino, and of an attempt by the Norfolk Casino group to halt the project.
  6. Read as many articles as there are listed and present the pros and cons, both economic and social, of the project as discussed in the various articles
  7. After doing the reading, present your own argument, either pro or con, and sate why you feel that way.

How effectively do employees generate revenue?

Hospitality Question

How effectively do employees generate revenue?

Determine the optimum recruitment strategy and articulate how the performance of the new hire will be assessed and measure.

Hospitality Question


Modern organizations face an unprecedented level of internal and external challenges in recruiting and selecting employees with the result that human resources and business leaders must be able to critically analyze their existing practices and as necessary adapt or transform these in order to have an effective workforce.

For this team assignment, student teams (teams of 5 students) will act as consultants to the company presented in the case study and help them resolve their current recruitment and selection challenges. In so doing, will address challenges faced by the business, and prepare customized job descriptions and job postings/advertisements. To round out this assignment, students will determine the optimum recruitment strategy and articulate how the performance of the new hire will be assessed and measure.

The purpose of the comprehensive team assignment is to:

  • Gain an in-depth knowledge of the processes used by organizations to recruit and select employees.
  • Enhance critical thinking, research writing and presentation skills.
  • Strengthen teamwork, planning and time management skills.
  • Develop customized job descriptions, baseline hiring qualifications, job advertisements or postings, interview questions, applicant screening tests for a manager and a front-line employee position and strategies to increase the validity and reliability of the recruitment and selection process.
  • Locate and correctly reference secondary sources related to recruitment and selection and important aspects of the situation the HR professional faces. NOTE: General information from the Internet is not acceptable.
  • Develop a better understanding of ethical behaviour in organizations as it relates to recruitment and selection of employees.

Review the assignment in its entirety to ensure you fully understand the requirements. If you have questions please ask.

Provide your reflection, your major takeaways, gaps you identified, and suggestions to resolve these gaps or actions you would want to have taken if you had the opportunity to do so. For example: Did you find any product or service gaps based on the type of the hospitality organization or the type of the guests? What would you do differently as a manager to resolve these gaps?

HFT3003 “Eyes of the World”

Part 1: On-site experience & observation:

This on-site experience requires between one and four hours on site (alone). Take field notes immediately after your experience as a guest. Write your paper later, using the field notes as reference materials. You must recognize that global issues and systems are experienced differently at local scales in the hospitality and tourism industry. These could include differences in service standards, etiquette and accepted behavior, clientele and target market, etc. based on the hospitality operation (chain vs. independently owned, American vs. ethnic), Furthermore, you should compare and contrast how these global issues and systems are experienced at different scales in the hospitality and tourism industry. Additionally, these may include diversity representation (gender, age, ethnicity, etc.). Describe your experience as it happened and in the first person only: “I felt”…”I found myself wondering”…”I worried that”…”I think they should have”. Be sure to reflect on all that you learned about being the guest in the setting experienced. Use past tense when you write. This paper will be well composed; typed, a minimum of three full pages, double-spaced with one-inch margins all around, no misspellings, grammatically correct, and using 12-point font. A cover page will be used to give details, including, as appropriate, the title of your experience (be creative!), location, date of the experience, your name, and submission date.


Choose TWO the following three options: Hotel lobby, restaurant, or an event:

Hotel Lobby: Think about which hotel you might visit and your reason for doing so. Do not go to a hotel with which you are already familiar (you work there or have spent considerable time there). Also, consider what you wear and how it will affect your presence to others. Sit for half an hour doing nothing, just relaxing. Go to the front desk or concierge and request a brochure for the hotel. Return to your seat for the remainder of the time. During your experience, take in as much as you can of the atmosphere and ambiance. What stands out to you as you relax in the lobby area? What is the function of the lobby? Is it of value? How were you regarded and treated by hotel personnel and other guests? What would you say about this establishment’s service ethic? Did you notice any differences in service based on the type of guests?

Table Service Restaurant: Select a restaurant unfamiliar to you where you can go alone, for about an hour. Order whatever your budget allows. Do not read or use your cell phone. Again, take in the experience. Be conscious of how you feel and why. Do not write about feeling lonely! You are observing the service operation of a restaurant. Be sensitive to your experience as a guest: be observant! How was the service, and how did you react or behave? How similar do you think the experience of other guests is to yours? Why? How were you regarded and treated by the restaurant personnel and other guests? What would you say about this establishment’s service ethic? Did you notice any differences in service based on the type of guests?

Major Event: Attend a special event that is not business/career related. Plan to spend at least a half-day or evening alone, being a participant, doing whatever the situation calls for. Select something that promises to be fun, then see what happens to you as you interact at the event. What is the function of this event to the visitor, to its community, and to those who organized and provided the event? How does it relate to the field of hospitality, and how does hospitality relate to the event you experienced? Does planning the event require specific expertise? How were you regarded and treated by the event personnel and other guests? What would you say about this establishment’s service ethic? Did you notice any differences in service based on the type of guests?



Part 2: Reflection and Suggestions

Provide your reflection, your major takeaways, gaps you identified, and suggestions to resolve these gaps or actions you would want to have taken if you had the opportunity to do so. For example: Did you find any product or service gaps based on the type of the hospitality organization or the type of the guests? What would you do differently as a manager to resolve these gaps?



Part 3:

In this part you must use refernces.

What is the biggest threat to future food security?

For your midterm, you will research the threats to our food system and supply chain, does ecocide play a role, and how they might affect the human population.

You may use Google Scholar, the USF library, or other reliable resources.

Minimum 250 words,  Format: APA Citations References



Hospitality Question

  • https://www.studypool.com/questions/download?id=2758813&path=uploads/questions/2524496/20230228174611_6__thm_115_directions.pdf&fileDownloadName=attachment_3





How do you like to be managed? What is one of your weaknesses? Describe a time when you were faced with a stressful situation that tested your coping skills. What did you do?

Career Readiness

Targeted Application letter in response to one of the three job notices

Refined resume in response to one of the three job notices

Two appropriate questions YOU would like to ask the interviewer at the conclusion of your interview while being interviewed for this position above. Explain why you selected these questions.

Prepared Interview Question Responses – Prepare your responses for each of the following two questions:

  1. How do you like to be managed?
  2. What is one of your weaknesses?  Note: Do not just give a short answer. Write up exactly what you would say if asked during an interview.

Prepared Behavioral Interview Question Responses – Prepare your responses using the STAR method for each of the following two questions:

  1. Describe a time when you were faced with a stressful situation that tested your coping skills. What did you do?
  2. Tell me about a time when you went above and beyond when it would have been acceptable to just perform the bare minimum. Explain why you did this.  Note: Do not just give a short answer. Write up exactly what you would say if asked during an interview.

Perfect Pitch/Elevator Speech – Prepare a 30 second pitch about yourself, which could be delivered to a potential employer.

Graduate Schools – Research 3 graduate schools that have programs that might interest you should you decide to further your education. Please list the name of the university, the name of the school, the website, the official program degree name and the program description for each of these three.

Professional Associations – Research 3 professional associations that relate to a career that you are interested in pursuing. List the name of the associations, the websites, and a brief description of the association or the benefits of membership. Tell if there is a student membership rate or not and what the cost is for students and professionals to join.

Are there social norms that cause the infighting at the workplace where on the surface it looks like an operations issues? Is there possibly a gentleman’s agreement that makes one feel they can park illegally when it looks like a guest was mistreated by being towed?

Case study of the dream hotel

Case Study Instructions

1. Quality of the Answer
  1.      The questions were answered completely.

2.      Thoroughly explore the key parts of the question.

3.      Address all of the key issues that are inherent in the question along with indirect concerns that may impact the interpretation of the situation in the question.

§ ie., Are there social norms that cause the infighting at the workplace where on the surface it looks like an operations issues?

§ ie., Is there possibly a gentleman’s agreement that makes one feel they can park illegally when it looks like a guest was mistreated by being towed?

4.      Each decision must have rationale and ramifications attached.

2. Document is professionally presented (well organized, clear, complete, concise)
  1. The document must be presented in a manner as if you are presenting it to your boss for review.
  2. Assume that your boss does not have a lot of time to ready your submission so you need to be

§ clear (be sure that you are stating what you intend to in easily understood terms),

§ complete (fully address the situation per the instructions), and

§ concise (fluff is not necessary- not too long, not too short).

  1. It is also very important that your document is well organized.
3. Punctuation/Grammar
  1. Spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, wrong word errors, parallelism, tenses, etc.



What are the symptoms indicating on the case problem(s)? What is the root of the problem? What is your recommended solution?


Read  I Never Wanted to Be a Supervisor, (p.130), Good Food Case, and Old Housekeeper Case (Home/Week 7/Canvas) and answer on the following questions for EACH case:

  1. What are the symptoms indicating on the case problem(s)?
  2. What is the root of the problem?
  3. What is your recommended solution?
  4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the solution strategy?

Read “How Chipotle CEO Brian Niccol is transforming the employee experience in Business Insider: https://apple.news/ArU18ErysTZGPp1-KyAFnRgLinks to an external site.

and Wave of Job-Switching Has Employers on a Training Treadmill at  https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/03/business/economy/job-turnover-productivity.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShareLinks to an external site.

article and answer on the following questions:

  1. What were the three major points you learned and why did those points resonate with you? Explain.
  2. What points or information you found questionable or disagree with? Explain why.
  3. Based on what you have learned, what will you do as a hospitality and tourism student or a professional? For example, will you, in some way, behave differently? Will you do further investigations or readings? Are there things you will observe more closely or in a different way?


 A customer who books their airfare online will be looking for a cheaper ticket than a customer who books the same ticket through the airline’s physical office. Which statement best describes which concept?


Note: Select best answer and give reason:                    

Which of the following is an advantage of having a revenue management strategy?

  • Project management becomes more efficient.
  • The company is able to use up its assets.
  • It is easier to predict customer behavior.
  • It is a useful accounting information system.


Answer and Reason:

The _____ strategy involves placing a price on hospitality-related products in a way that provides value to a customer.

  • marketing
  • forecasting
  • pricing
  • dynamic

Answer and Reason:

A customer who books their airfare online will be looking for a cheaper ticket than a customer who books the same ticket through the airline’s physical office. Which statement best describes which concept?

  • Forecasting
  • Price sensitivities
  • Pricing strategy
  • Inventory management


Answer and Reason:

What is the meaning of Revpar?

  • Revenue par attendant room
  • Recreation par available room
  • Revenue par available room
  • Revenue par average room


Answer and Reason:

What is the meaning of GOPPAR?

  • Gross operation profit par available room
  • Goal profit par available room
  • Game par available room
  • Gross operation profit pay attendance room


Answer and Reason:

What is the meaning of ADR?

  • Average daily rate
  • Average daily room
  • Average daily rental
  • Average daily rack


Answer and Reason:

When the guest checks in at front desk, you should ask from guest?

  • Passport
  • Deposit
  • ID card
  • Reservation confirmation letter


Answer and Reason:

  • The Hubbart formula does not recover the hotel’s non-operating expenses. a.True
  • False

Answer and Reason:

The number of rooms of all types available for sale by a hotel is known as the hotel’s a.Rooms Level.

  • Rooms Inventory.
  • Product Placement.
  • Product Assortment. Answer and Reason:

Who manages a hotel’s central reservation system (CRS)?

  • Hotel GM
  • Hotel owner
  • Hotel FOM
  • Hotel franchisor Answer and Reason:

Customer relations skills such as courtesy and friendliness should be emphasized during a Business’s

  • Facilities Design.
  • Hiring Process.
  • Market Research.
  • Technology Planning


Answer and Reason:

The things that people buy in order to satisfy their economic wants are known as Free Goods.

  • Tangible Objects.
  • Economic Votes.
  • Economic Goods and Services.


Answer and Reason:

A major characteristic of a market economy is __________ ownership of property. Monopolistic

  • Government
  • Limited
  • Private


Answer and Reason:

  • Wal-Mart, Domino’s Pizza, and Avis Rent-a-Car are examples of Retailers.
  • Industrial Distributors.


Answer and Reason:

  • Have you submitted midterm test on Moodle by due deadline?
  • Yes



Identify and describe the concept and atmosphere within the given F&B outlet, taking into consideration the following influencing bases: Music – layout – décor – lighting – service style and menu offerings.

Protocol & Etiquette

Food & Beverage consumption and behavior in F&B outlets is heavily influenced by design milestones, this is evident in its atmosphere, serving style or facilities. The preferences of F&B outlets are also influenced by the consumers’ social class.

Finding various design/concepts of the eating places globally, the observation is that there are three eating places for different types of eating or behavioral preferences. Besides its design and facilities, however, we can further dilute this to two types, which are used by consumer to enjoy the food & service experience, and/or to enjoy the atmosphere of that specific concept.

Identify and describe the concept and atmosphere within the given F&B outlet, taking into consideration the following influencing bases:

Music – layout – décor – lighting – service style and menu offerings


  • Behavior
  • Adequate Inadequate
  • Social interaction
  • Table Manner
  • Attire
  • Others