Research the pros and cons of the current legal drinking age in the United States. Is 21 years of age the correct time to legally allow a citizen to purchase and consume alcoholic beverages?

Hospitality Question

Explained in a 2-3 page write-up, you will thoroughly research the pros and cons of the current legal drinking age in the United States. Is 21 years of age the correct time to legally allow a citizen to purchase and consume alcoholic beverages?

▪ You must state definitively your position on this topic and then empirically support your position and refute alternative positions, citing facts, figures, case studies, experiments, and statistics that support your belief.

▪ Prepare a short oral summary of your current event to share with a small group during the following synchronous class session for participation points.

▪ Works Cited and in-text citations should be included for written submissions. A minimum of (2) sources is required.


What are some of the pros and cons of a management deal vs a lease deal? Which one of these deals would you be more inclined to incorporate in your future/next business venture?

Management deal vs A lease deal

What are some of the pros and cons of a management deal vs a lease deal? Which one of these deals would you be more inclined to incorporate in your future/next business venture?


Define authenticity and commodification and discuss their application to Airbnb and hotels. As part of this discussion consider the question – what’s a more authentic travel experience, a hotel, or an Airbnb? Provide recommendations on how a destination can manage the issues you have identified drawing on examples from other destinations and what can be done to take advantage of the opportunities and overcome the challenges.

What’s a more authentic travel experience, a hotel, or Airbnb?

Consumers are often seeking authenticity when they travel to connect to a place and its people. Organisations such as Airbnb have developed their reputation on the premise that it provides visitors with an ‘authentically’ local experience. This reputation for authenticity can have both negative and positive impacts for local communities.

Debate exists on what provides a more authentic travel experience, a hotel, or an Airbnb? Your task is to consider the sections below to address this topic and present your arguments.

Your essay should comprise of the following section:

a) Introduction (150 words)

b) Define authenticity and commodification and discuss their application to Airbnb and hotels. As part of this discussion consider the question – what’s a more authentic travel experience, a hotel, or an Airbnb? (300 words)

c) Using supporting research, discuss the positives and negatives of authenticity (300 words)

d) Provide recommendations on how a destination can manage the issues you have identified drawing on examples from other destinations and what can be done to take advantage of the opportunities and overcome the challenges (300 words)

e) Conclusion to summarise key points (150 words)


• You should make use of your own research on Airbnb, knowledge gained from classes, as well as other academic research to support information presented.
• Your essay should be well-referenced, using a mix of industry sources, academic books, and research journal articles.
• Submit your essay as a Word Document to Turnitin via MyWAI.
• Refer to this article as a starting point : What offers a more authentic travel experience, a hotel or Airbnb?- Lonely Planet

What are the time frames in which the different events documented occur? Why is it a documentary and not a narrative film?

Evaluation Criteria:

Write a clear, organized, and coherent text of approximately 500-600 words.

Your analysis and interpretation of the film content should show familiarity with the whole film, as well as an ability to engage in detail with a specific part of the film and integrate cinematographic scale (brief explanation).

It is essential that you synthesize in what ways this documentary serves as a vehicle for historical knowledge.

When referring to the film content, you may refer to situations and information learned through the film, but you should also incorporate what you have learned about documentary film.

When referring to aspects of film form, it is important to use the correct terminology, and to offer a very detailed description.

Note taking:

As preparation for writing, you will need to watch the film more than once, and take notes as you watch it. Try to answer these questions:

On first viewing:
-Where does the film take place?
-Who are the people who are given a voice?
-What did you learn through this documentary?
-What are the time frames in which the different events documented occur? -Why is it a documentary and not a narrative film?

On second viewing:
-Select a significant moment or scene in the documentary that engages directly with historically useful information
-Which elements of film form help convey this information in a powerful way?

Benefits of using the Leavitt’s Diamond change model to overcome the organization’s challenges in managing change.

Imagine you are a consultant hired by your current employer or an organization you are familiar with. Your task is to analyze your selected organization’s current use information systems to support and enhance the effectiveness of innovation, reengineering, and continuous improvement as drivers for organizational change. What works and what does not? Finally, Benefits of using the Leavitt’s Diamond change model to overcome the organization’s challenges in managing change.
Deliverable should include:
Current use of information systems to support and enhance the effectiveness of innovation, reengineering, and continuous improvement.
What works and what does not work in using information systems to support innovation, reengineering and continuous improvement.
Benefits of using the Leavitt’s Diamond change model to overcome the organization’s challenges in managing change.

What do you think about Pine and Gilmore’s suggestions to create experiences in the article and reinforced in the videos?

Hospitality: Guest Service Management Class.

Of the seven guest service topics (see “Individual Assignment Topics” in Assignments Tab or in Modules) that are available, you are assigned to write a 3 to 4 page, not including cover and reference pages, double-spaced, reflective/thought paper on the topic of your choice. This paper is to be in APA style with cover and reference pages, although abstract is not required. You must use at least 4 unique research citations, only one of which can be from the chosen “assignment topic” and the remaining three from other research on your topic.

Guiding Questions

1. How is experience different from service?
2.How does “experience” actually work to differentiate a service operation?
3.What do you think about Pine and Gilmore’s suggestions to create experiences in the article and reinforced in the videos?