Address the challenges of talent management in the service industry and present some best practices as well as a reflection on some real-world cases.

you are required to write about “Talent Management in Service Industry.” In your paper, you need to address the challenges of talent management in the service industry and present some best practices as well as a reflection on some real-world cases. Table of Content format 1. Cover page 2 Title 3. Abstract 3.1 The abstract is comprising of 200 to 250 words. 4. Introduction 4.1. Introduction to the service industry and differences between human resource management policies in your selected industry and other industries 5. Literature review 5.1 Comparing and analysing successful and unsuccessful real-world cases of “talent management processes in the service industry.” 6. Conclusion and Discussiofktn 7. References 8. Appendix (if applicable)

Analyze the competition for the product, and the overall marketing environment.

Analyze MAC’s primary target market. What are the niche characteristics of the product and the traits of the primary target market?
Analyze the branding MAC, including the intended audience and the product positioning. What influence, if any, does the brand have on its product category?
Analyze the competition for the product, and the overall marketing environment.
Synthesize product strategies for the company to achieve business success. Why will those strategies yield success? What would you recommend the company do in terms of this product to assure its long-term success?
Cite any resources you use.
Be sure your analysis presents a focused purpose through strong organizational skills. Also be sure it presents evidence through strong paraphrasing/summarizing and appropriafktte tone and sentence structure.

what retention scheme was put in place by the Government to avoid the negative impact of covid 19 on employess

1. what retention scheme was put in place by the Government to avoid the negative impact of covid 19 on employess
2. What are the challenges that have emerged from the retention scheme put in place
3. Has other support been offered to employees in the cinema industry that are noty entitled to the retention scheme.
4. Has the retention scheme put in place by the government for employees in the cinema industry reduced the rate of redundacies.

Evaluate what it means to be an HR professional with reference to the CIPD’s most current Profession Map.

Understand what is required to be an effective and efficient HR professional.
AC 1.1 Evaluate what it means to be an HR professional with reference to the CIPD’s most current Profession Map.
Maximum score2
1.1 PASS A good start! Well done you have identified one item from each, to include Core Knowledge, Core Behaviour and Specialist Knowledge. You have made clear why these are important To improve your answer even more you could provide more detail here in why these areas in particular are important to success and to professional working in the area you describe. Always push yourself to be even more specific with your answers. For example why did you choose these areas in particular? Why are these particularly relevant to success.
2 / 2
1 Understand what is required to be an effective and efficient HR professional.
AC 1.2 Describe the elements of group dynamics and
conflict resolution methods.
Maximum score2
1.2 REFER This is not quite right Mustafa as you need to provide both an example of theory (a model) and of application too. For your conflict examples, although correct in principle , you could also refer to theory here too DEVE?LOPMENT Please discuss a model for team dynamics e.g. Tuckmans model and, with reference to an example, show how this was applied to a team you worked with
1 / 2
2 Be able to perform efficiently and effectively as an HR professional.
AC 2.1 Apply project management techniques.
Maximum score2
2.1 PASS You have outlined a project your have been involved with and have then clearly described two project management tools that you could use. Again this is demonstrated a knowledge of the practical application of some of the tools you have learnt through the course material You have shown how these tools were used in the project you describe which again demonstrates both an understanding of business models and application of these models in practice.
2 / 2
2 Be able to perform efficiently and effectively as an HR professional.
AC 2.2 Apply problem-solving techniques.
Maximum score2
2.2 PASS You have clearly shown how problems were resolved during the project, with reference to a specific technique. Good use and application of theory here, which demonstrates your understanding at a deeper level.
2 / 2
2 Be able to perform efficiently and effectively as an HR professional
AC 2.3 Apply a range of methods for influencing, persuading and negotiating with others.
Maximum score2
2.3 REFER this is not quite right Mustafa, as you need to address this part clearly and specifically ACTIONS Please describe, using examples of each, how you persuaded, influenced and negotiated
1 / 2
3 Be able to apply CPD techniques to construct, implement and review a personal development plan.
AC 3.1 Undertake a self-assessment of HR professional practice capabilities to identify continuing professional development needs.
Maximum score2
3.1 PASS Well done you have provided a clear self assessment by evaluating your competence again each of the three key areas of Core Knowledge, Core Behaviour and Specialist Knowledge. Well done You have used the CIPD professional map to do this which is good as it provides a clear structure and can be referred to again as you progress
2 / 2
3 Be able to apply CPD techniques to construct, implement and review a personal development plan.
AC 3.2 Produce a plan to meet personal development objectives based on an evaluation of different options.
Maximum score2
3.2 PASS You have clearly given some thought to your PDP, setting some clear objectives. These objectives seem sensible in relation to the gaps you have identified in your self assessment and how you will meet your identified learning and development needs Constantly review to consider and even wider range of activities to achieve the goals you have set. You could consider different ways in which you could develop the skills you require It is advised to perhaps review the timescales set regularly to ensure you are on track and to highlight early any potential issues in achieving them withfktin the time you have set

Analyze how each business transaction affects the accounting equation.

Excel Page 1
-Analyze how each business transaction affects the accounting equation.

Excel Page 2
-Apply calculations to determine the solutifkton for accounting equation scenarios.

Discuss the basis of your company’s competitive advantage and the potential challenges to its strategy.

For your final paper in MGMT410, you are to submit a case study analysis. This case study analysis will be based on H & M Fashion (see attached pdf) and a minimum of 3 FULL pages of text.

You may not use a paper or any part of a paper from a previous class. This is plagiarism, a violation of AMU’s policies on Academic Dishonesty outlined in the AMU Student Handbook.


Read the case study and answer the following three questions in your paper.

Assess the effectiveness of your company’s leadership.
Discuss the basis of your company’s competitive advantage and the potential challenges to its strategy.
What growth strategies might your company pursue?
You are to support your ideas, arguments, and opinions with independent research, include at least two (2) supporting references or sources (NOT Wikipedia, unknown, or anonymous sources), and format your work in accordance with 7th edition APA formatting which includes:

A Title Page, ***On your Title Page, include the name of your selection.***
An Abstract with (3-5) Keywords
A minimum of 3 FULL pages of written content, Times New Roman, 12 font, 1″ margins, left justified, and
A Reference page
(See the attached document titled, APA Format Sample Paper for further details on APA.)

Your Title Page, Abstract, and Reference page DO NOT count towards the 3 full pages of written content.

While this is a management course, it is expected you will adhere to academic standards of writing which include spelling, grammar, and writing mechanics.

How will you address your own positionality (i.e. power and privilege) in this dynamic?

Check Your Power, Check Your Privilege, Check Your Language
Approach this forum as though you were part of a virtual role-playing game.

While this forum asks you to perform an imagined role, I have no doubt that this scenario will become a reality– albeit somewhat altered– for many of you in your future careers.

1) Here is the setting:

a) You are a coach/instructor/leader/director of a team, troupe, or organization.

You can choose to oversee any organization– be it dance, football, basketball, cricket, gymnastics, karate, etc. The sky is the limit. I encourage you to draw upon your personal background/experiences here, if possible.

b) While this is a large organization, you are responsible for coaching/instructing a group of 12 individuals, ranging from 13-15 years.

*You can determine the gendered make-up of your group, which might or might not be relevant.

c) Since your organization was formed ten years ago, members of the dominant culture (read white settler-community) have dominated the team. These individuals have long-standing relationships, as do their parents.

d) After 6 members of the team left two years ago, 6 new players joined. These athletes are Indigenous– and they have the same skills and abilities as the other 6 players.

e) Recently, the board of your organization has received the following complaints from Indigenous parents:

-that coaches, staff, and veteran parents are referring to Indigenous members of the team as “them”, “they”, and “their”, while the original team members are referred to as “us”, “our” and “we”;

-that parents are “nice” to Indigenous parents, but that these veterans do not make any effort to speak to new families during practices; and, that veteran parents physically separate themselves from Indigenous families at all competitions ;

-that Indigenous players were not part of a recent competition and that Indigenous members of the team are feeling excluded, alienated, and ostracized;

-that an Indigenous player was called a racist slur; and,

-that members of the team are fighting against one another during practice due to this divisiveness.

2) It is your job to step up and heal the fractured relationships and racial divisions on your team. And, your job is on the line.

You are asked to mediate an open discussion among parents and teenagers, so that the behaviour of veteran members of the team and their parents align with the organization’s anti-racism and diversity policies.

3) In this forum, you will discuss how you will prepare to host this meeting. Address the following:

a) How will you take a culturally-informed approach to this dialogue? And, how will you ensure that Indigenous athletes and families are not re-victimized through this process?

b) What is the significance– and underlying message– when coaches, staff, and veteran parents use “they” and “them” when referring to Indigenous athletes, while referring to the original team members, etc. as “us”, “our” and “we”?

What does the this language suggest about the culture of your organization? What does this language infer? How do these particular terms “other” Indigenous athletes, thus contributing to racial divisions? How do you think these particular terms alienate Indigenous players and erode self-esteem? What is your role as a coach/instructor in changing the use of this language?

c) How would you address both the overt and covert racism on your team at both the level of athletes and parents? How would you build these relationships, so that you are an active agent in reconciliation?

d) How will you confront issues related to privilege– even if it upsets certain parents?

e) How will you address your own positionality (i.e. power and privilege) in this dynamic?

To achieve full marks, students will draw upon the language, concepts, and theories from this course and provide thoughtful and insightful responses to the questions posed in this forum (3 a-e).

A meaningful response demands more than just 1 or 2 lines.