How does looking through the lens of the humanities affect your understanding of diverse cultural works and the reasons for their creation?

Impact of diversity

  • Evaluate the impact of diversity in the study of the humanities by considering the following:
    • How does looking through the lens of the humanities affect your understanding of diverse cultural works and the reasons for their creation?
    • How could learning more about cultural works from other cultures equip you with skills or new perspectives for experiences in your life (work, community, family, and so on)?


Identify the components of the human resource model and describe how they interact. Describe the key elements in workforce planning.

Discussion Essay

(1) Identify the components of the human resource model and describe how they interact.

(2) Describe the key elements in workforce planning.

(3) What criteria would you delete, change, or add to the human resource model or to workforce planning based upon a Christian worldview?

Requirements: 750 words minimum in proper APA format

Writing Assignments should reflect critical thinking and include an integration of the following required components:

  • A Title Page:
    (which includes your Title, Name, Course Name and Number, and Date of Submission)
    Abstract/Executive Summary
    Table of Contents Page
    Headings throughout
    Written in Third-Person
    Integrated Biblical Scripture for Each Section
    Reference Page


Has there been a search or seizure within the meaning of the Fourth Amendment in this case?In other words, was there a search or seizure of Dan’s garbage that triggers Fourth Amendment issues?

Case Study

The writing assignment asks you to analyze a scenario and decide whether law enforcement officers follow Fourth Amendment procedural rules in gathering evidence. First, read the scenario below.

Your neighbor Dan has recently been arrested and charged with manufacture and possession of methamphetamine in violation of your state’s law. The charges are based on evidence that police officers found in Dan’s garbage can, including glass bottles and jars, metal cans, plastic tubing, empty Pseudoephedrine cardboard boxes, and household use batteries with residue matching the chemical compounds of methamphetamine. Dan placed the garbage can at the curb for weekly garbage pickup. A police officer riding with the garbage truck driver picked up Dan’s garbage – Dan’s garbage was kept separated from all other garbage.

Based on the items found in Dan’s garbage can, police officers prepared and obtained a search warrant to search Dan’s house where they found additional evidence of illegal narcotics.

Dan’s attorney plans on filing a motion in court, asking the court to suppress/exclude the evidence found in Dan’s garbage can on the basis that the police officers violated Dan’s Fourth Amendment rights when they took his garbage.

For your written assignment this week, you are to write a paper identifying the legal issues and discussing Dan’s procedural rights in the case. Be sure to support your discussion and analysis with research:

  • Explain whether the wording of “persons, house, papers and effects” in the Fourth Amendment applies to Dan’s garbage.
  • Has there been a search or seizure within the meaning of the Fourth Amendment in this case?In other words, was there a search or seizure of Dan’s garbage that triggers Fourth Amendment issues?
  • Does Dan have a “reasonable expectation of privacy” in his garbage can sitting at the curb? Why or why not?
  • Discuss whether you feel that the judge properly issued the search warrant for Dan’s house.
    • In other words, what is the standard of proof for police officers to obtain a warrant? Be sure to define probable cause.
  • Will Dan’s attorney be successful in his motion to have the evidence excluded? Why or why not?

Be sure to prepare your assignment following APA citation and format requirements. You must include proper citations to any source you relied on for information that you include in your paper.


What value does science fiction have for thinking critically about our contemporary world? When is more data collection not necessarily better?

Select one the following five essay questions :

  1. What value does science fiction have for thinking critically about our contemporary world?

In answering this question, you must explain your reasons and provide evidence to support your argument. You must also refer to one or more of the following writers and concepts in your essay and identify how these are relevant to your response.

  • Key writers: William Gibson, Neal Stephenson, Kim Stanley Robinson, Ernest Cline, Greg Egan
  • Key concepts: cyberspace, cyberpunk, ecopunk, imaginaries, dystopia / utopia, artificial life
  1. When is more data collection not necessarily better?

In answering this question, your response should focus on a specific example or case of a technology that involves data collection or uses data. You should justify your answer to the essay question through argument, examples, and evidence. You must refer to one or more of the following thinkers and concepts in your essay, and clearly link their work to your response.

  • Key thinkers : Rob Kitchin, Kate Crawford, David Beer, Os Keyes, Ivana Bartoletti, Lisa Gitelman, Virginia Jackson & Nick Couldry.
  • Key concepts: Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Metric Power, Algorithms, Bias
  1. Should robots be designed to perform roles that humans carry out?

In answering this question, explain the social or practical roles that robots currently play and the critical debates around robots doing work that humans perform. Your response needs to be argued through use of examples and evidence and you must refer to one or more of the references in the week 11 Module on Canvas.

  • Key Thinkers: Martin Ford, Sherry Turkle, Marianne Van Den Boomen, Chris Chesher, Frank Pasquale, Stuart Russell
  • Key Concepts: robotics, automation, humanoid robotics, android, anthropomorphism , social robots, domestic robots, workplace robots, machine perception
  1. What does it mean to say that warfare is mediated?

Explain how the mediation of war has changed in the twentieth and twenty-first century with reference to one or more of the following thinkers and concepts in your essay, and clearly link their work to your response.

  • Key historical figures/thinkers: Marshall McLuhan, Paul Virilio, Jean Baudrillard
  • Key thinkers: Henry Jenkins, danah boyd, Nick Couldry, Andrew Hoskins, Stefania Milan.
  • Key concepts: participatory cultures, digital war, techniques of the observer, destructive creation, simulacra, mediatisation, cloud protesting
  1. What are some of the key social and environmental issues that emerge with the rise of smart cities?

Your response needs to be argued through use of examples and evidence and you must refer to one or more of the following thinkers and concepts in your essay, and clearly link their work to your response.

  • Key thinkers: Le Corbusier, Vincent Mosco, Shannon Mattern, Ben Green, Jennifer Gabyrs
  • Key concepts: smart cities, smart homes, smart city imaginaries, urban datafication, internet of things, urban inequality, surveillance, electronic waste


What is covert research? What are advantages of covert research? What are disadvantages of covert research? What ethical principles support the choice for covert research?

Chose one question to answer

These questions are all about social research ethics.

  1. What is covert research? What are advantages of covert research? What are disadvantages of covert research? What ethical principles support the choice for covert research?
  2. What ethical principles should be considered when doing research with indigenous communities?
  3. Can a researcher overlook concerns of anonymity and confidentiality and still be ethical in her/his research? Why or why not?

The answer needs fully addresses the question by drawing on relevant information, concepts and theories and demonstrate a clear understanding of course themes.


What prior knowledge and or preconceived/expectations ideas did you have before participating in this activity? What did you find compelling about this experience? What changed in your thinking based on this experience? Are there now any behavioral changes that you can anticipate for yourself?

Awareness and appreciation of experience of minority status

In an effort to gain awareness and appreciation of experience of minority status, this assignment is designed to increase your knowledge of the experiences of others by stepping outside of your  typical experience. Students will complete a 2-hour field experience that is culture-specific to  explore a culture different from your own. This might include attending a service at a church that  primarily serves members of a particular ethnic group, a gay pride festival, a cultural festival, a  trip to a cultural center, visit to a reservation, shop at a grocery store or bakery, attend an art exhibit etc. The event must be something where you can participate and interact with others that  occurs during the weeks of this course. The possibilities are truly endless, bounded only by your  interests and curiosity.

After attending the event, write up a 4-6 page (NOT including cover page or reference page)  APA formatted reflection paper that covers the following topics: (please make sure to include  these as section dividers/headers in your paper)..

(a) Summary of Event

In your own words describe this event and your interaction with people attended this  event. (Less than one page)

(b) Awareness of Own Cultural Values and Biases

What prior knowledge and or preconceived/expectations ideas did you have before participating in this activity? What did you find compelling about this experience? What changed in your thinking based on this experience? Are there now any behavioral changes that you can anticipate for yourself?

(c) Awareness of Client’s Worldview

Describe how this event might be different from a similar event within your own culture. If you were seeing a client from this culture, what might your experience tell you about her or his worldview? How might intersections of identity impact their worldview?

(d) Culturally Appropriate Intervention Strategies

Based on what you learned during this experience and from your readings and experiences in class, what are some themes that you might want to explore when working  with clients from this culture? Make a list of community resources available to the  cultural group (e.g., associations, counseling services, foundations, community clinics,  community outreach groups).



Briefly discuss the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path. What did the Buddha say was the fundamental problem(s) of life? What did you find interesting about these religious teachings?

Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path

Briefly discuss the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path.  What did the Buddha say was the fundamental problem(s) of life?  What did you find interesting about these religious teachings?

Briefly discuss the concept of Nirvana in Buddhism.

Research a sect of Buddhism and share at least 4 things that you learned about this sect.  Also, share why you found this sect to be interesting.


The relationship between culture and expression: What is the relationship between the possible intent of the creator and your own interpretation of its meaning? Explain how your values have shaped and are shaped by your expression and that of others.

Natural curiosity on cultural works

For the purposes of this assignment, imagine you are a researcher of human cultures, an anthropologist who is looking from the future back to our world today. In this position, you develop a natural curiosity about cultural works and how they represent a particular culture. You are also curious about how cultural works influence the environment in which they exist. You are new at your job, and your first project is to conduct a thorough analysis of today’s culture via a cultural work, looking to understand how it represents culture and how it reflects its cultural environment. The results of your analysis will be used to craft the copy for a brochure accompanying a museum exhibit about cultural works of the current year.


Analysis of a Cultural Work

As an anthropologist, you will start your task by analyzing the work of human creative expression that you selected in Module Four. With this work in mind, respond to the questions below. Remember, the insights you gain here will be used to write the copy that will go in the museum exhibit brochure.

Answer the following questions:

  1. Describe the work in detail. Consider the following:
    1. Where did you see the work?
    2. What elements or characteristics stand out to you?
  2. Describe the purpose of the work. Consider the following:
    1. What do you think the creator intended to express?
    2. Were they successful?
  3. Use the work to explore how acts of creative expression impact and are impacted by the people and situations that surround them. Consider the following:
    1. What contributions does the work selected make to continuing a dialogue about that culture and the importance of its works?
  4. State questions you have after thinking deeply about this work. What more do you want to know regarding the following?
    1. The relationship between culture and expression: What is the relationship between the possible intent of the creator and your own interpretation of its meaning?
    2. Explain how your values have shaped and are shaped by your expression and that of others.
  5. Explain how you would approach answering these questions:
    1. What would you study about this work that might address the questions you stated?
    2. Where would you find information to address the questions?

      Next, draw conclusions about how the work you selected relates to the humanities:

  6. Explain why you believe humans have a need to express themselves through created works of cultural and historical significance.
    1. Describe a culture shift or event related to the work you selected. This could be a cultural shift that influenced the creation of the work, or it could be a cultural shift that came about because of it.
    2. Explain how a concept or resource you encountered in this course has informed your explanation. Be sure to cite any sources used.
  7. Explain how you think the act of human creative expression impacts and is impacted by the culture in which it was created.
    1. Explain the relationship between human creative expression and the culture in which the work you selected was created using the insights you gained from studying it.
    2. Explain how a concept or resource you encountered in this course has informed your explanation. Be sure to cite any sources used.
  8. Explain how you believe human creative expression can impact issues we deal with in the present day (contemporary to your coursework, not the future scenario posed above). Be sure to be specific about the issues you are addressing.
    1. Use the insights you gained from studying the work you selected to explain how creative expression can impact today’s issues.
    2. Explain how a person or concept encountered in your study of the humanities has informed your explanation. Be sure to cite any sources used


Analyze how Hammurabi’s laws stood the test of justice for the female population and reflect the attitude of the Mesopotamian society for women from the lens of social change.

Codes of conduct for women

Analyze how Hammurabi’s laws stood the test of justice for the female population and reflect the attitude of the Mesopotamian society for women from the lens of social change.

Discuss the status of women while analyzing his codes of conduct for women. Comment on your agreement or disagreement to his codes for women. Give examples from his laws while speaking about them. Do you think Hammurabi’s laws brought a social change in the times, especially for women?


Using specific examples, explain how these dimensions relate to leadership effectiveness in your home country and the other country. Then

On two of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions.

Using specific examples, explain how these dimensions relate to leadership effectiveness in your home country and the other country. Then, summarize what you believe the role of an effective leader is in a global society. Identify one characteristic, skill, or strategy leaders need to possess in order to be effective in a global society. Explain why this skill is critically important for global leadership effectiveness.

Note: Include the names of the two countries you selected in the first line of your post. Be sure to respond to a colleague who discussed at least one different culture from the ones that you did.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.