Name and brief summary of app and its features. Why you chose this app instead of others? What kind of investments would you make with this app?

Investing app to research

For this assignment, you will choose one well-known investing app to research. You will then write a one-page paper covering the following:

Name and brief summary of app and its features.
Why you chose this app instead of others?
What kind of investments would you make with this app?

You will also be responsible for using a minimum of 3 reliable sources. Textbooks are not to be used for one of the three reliable sources for this assignment; however, they may still be included as a supplemental reference.

Name and brief summary of app and its features. Why you chose this app instead of others? What kind of investments would you make with this app?

Investing app research

For this assignment, you will choose one well-known investing app to research. You will then write a one-page paper covering the following:

Name and brief summary of app and its features.
Why you chose this app instead of others?
What kind of investments would you make with this app?

You will also be responsible for using a minimum of 3 reliable sources. Textbooks are not to be used for one of the three reliable sources for this assignment; however, they may still be included as a supplemental reference.

As the business world continues to evolve, circumstances can change and guide you in a different direction. Should your goals that you provided above not transpire, what other opportunities would you explore?

Goals Essay

Q-1 What are your immediate career goals and how will you benefit from earning an MBA at Kenan-Flagler Business School?

Q-2 As the business world continues to evolve, circumstances can change and guide you in a different direction. Should your goals that you provided above not transpire, what other opportunities would you explore?

Discuss why you would invest in Exxon Mobil. Make sure your explanation is from an analytical point of view based on the stock market trends. Discuss why you would not invest in Sony. Make sure your explanation is from an analytical point of view based on the stock market trends.

Stock market trends

Discuss why you would invest in Exxon Mobil. Make sure your explanation is from an analytical point of view based on the stock market trends, but you can also include research that assisted you in making this decision. Cite your source(s) of information. Also state and a good price point you would intend to close your trade (and explain why) if you are currently at a 4% return, (You bought the stock at 91.77 and the last price is currently $95.41).

Discuss why you would not invest in Sony. Make sure your explanation is from an analytical point of view based on the stock market trends, but you can also include research that assisted you in making this decision. Cite your source(s) of information. Given a scenario that you made an 8%loss on your sony investment, discuss how you could have minimized your loss (for example, by using either another trade or a derivative). Be specific – that is give the details of what action you would have taken.





What is the payoff structure of the strategy you have suggested and what is the annualised return you are targeting based on your approach? Report on the actual profit and loss of your strategy over the period and analyse its realised performance relative to your forecast. Discuss why the strategy achieved the observed results.

Derivatives & Risk

Instructions on Assessment:
The assignment is an individual written piece of work (as opposed to a piece of written group work) and you are required to answer all three elements of the question.
The investment management department of your company has asked you to construct a speculative trading strategy using options. You have been instructed to invest £100,000 in an options trading strategy for a publicly traded company’s shares for the period between 25th February 2022 and 15th April 2022 (inclusive). You are encouraged to use European options for UK-listed companies from the non-financial sector, however this is not a requirement.

Section A: (1000 words, 35 marks)
For the company whose shares are to be the underlying for your options, set up a speculative option-based trading strategy given your view of the company, current market sentiment regarding the segment in which it operates, and likely market movements over the period.
You must support your analysis using real-world market data (appropriately evidenced) as well as suitable academic literature covering analysis methods such as, for instance, macroeconomic, news, fundamental, technical, etc. You must include screenshot evidence of the source of your options pricing in an appendix and discuss how the strategy you are proposing is consistent with your share price forecast and market outlook. Out of 35 marks awarded for Section A, 25 marks are allocated to your forecasting of the underlying and 10 marks are allocated to the justification of the speculative option strategy consistent with such a forecast.

Section B: (500 words, 10 marks)
What is the payoff structure of the strategy you have suggested and what is the annualised return you are targeting based on your approach? Assess the risk that your strategy will not produce the returns you have anticipated. You must also discuss and evaluate the risks that the use of an options derivative instrument has introduced to the investment management department.

Section C: (500 words, 15 marks)
Report on the actual profit and loss of your strategy over the period and analyse its realised performance relative to your forecast. Discuss why the strategy achieved the observed results.

Compare how your company’s stock performance to its industry. Did they outperform? Look at the stock exchange’s overall performance compared to cryptocurrency. Was the Equity Asset Class more attractive in 2021? Or was it the Crypto Asset Class?

Importance of investment research

This assignment is aimed at helping you understand the importance of investment research. At every financial institution, money managers are consistently tasked with finding valuable investments that will have sustainable growth. Your task will be to place yourself in the shoes of one of these institutional researchers, and select a stock you think is a good investment.

Select one company of your choosing in your favorite industry (ie: Apple, Tech Industry).

Then, explain the reasoning of your choice, and why you are passionate about the company (ie: Mission, Values, Purpose).

Give a summary of the company from creation to current day.

Then use the year 2021 as guidance as to how the company performed in the stock market. Be sure to include the ticker symbol (ie: AAPL).

Look at the company’s actions throughout that time period and give your reasoning as to why you believe the company performed well or poorly. Be sure to consider product releases and important events.

Then look into the company’s financials. You can use CNBC, Bloomberg, Google Finance, among others to find this information. Look at revenues briefly, and interpret which other indicators you think would be useful for an institutional researcher.

To conclude, compare how your company’s stock performance to its industry. Did they outperform? Then, look at the stock exchange’s overall performance compared to cryptocurrency. Was the Equity Asset Class more attractive in 2021? Or was it the Crypto Asset Class?

The goal of this exercise is to allow you to begin reflecting on what are important drivers of investment selection and performance. There are multiple factors that provide significant insights on whether or not an investment is a good choice. You should approach this assignment as a learning exercise, there is no right or wrong answer. Use rational thought and logical reasoning in your explanations. The assignment is expected to be well structured, coherent, and not greater than 1000 words.

Explain the role of the function in which they work, and how this role relates to other functions within their department and to the wider business. Describe the specific markets and supporting operational protocols as required by the employing organisation.

Financial Markets

Industry and Business Awareness:
1) Describe and explain the structure of the industry, and in particular the role and purpose of markets and the process of investing. How this impacts work of an investment manager/ How does an IM react in different economic situations

2) Explain the role of the function in which they work, and how this role relates to other functions within their department and to the wider business.

3) Describe the specific markets and supporting operational protocols as required by the employing organisation.

Additional info:
-Government- BOE-Interest rate setting, money market operations,

Monetary policy committee, Financial policy committee-How this affects the jobs of an investment Manager

-Primary Markets-Operational protocols of the market -How this affects the work of an investment Manager and wider business

-Secondary Market- Operational protocols of the market-How this affects the work of an investment manager and wider business

-How markets relate and function with each other

-What is the process of investing


Marking Criteria
Industry and business awareness Sound understanding of the structure of the Financial Services industry and in particular the role and purpose of markets and the process of investing; the role of the function in which they work; how this role relates to other functions within their department and to the wider business. Deeper knowledge of specific markets and supporting operational protocols as required by the employing organisation. 1. Demonstrates a sound understanding of the structure of the industry, and in particular the role and purpose of markets and the process of investing Demonstrates an in depth understanding of the structure of Financial Services and how these impact on the function in which they work

2. Demonstrates a sound understanding of the role of the function in which they work, and how this role relates to other functions within their department and to the wider business Acts as a role model for the function in which they work clearly demonstrating how their role relates to the wider business.

3. Has deep knowledge of specific markets and supporting operational protocols as required by the employing organisation. Is proactive in supporting operational protocols


How does client sentiment, subjective well-being, and advisor emotional intelligence influence investor proclivity to exhibit irrationality during a severe market shock?

Severe Market Shock

How does client sentiment, subjective well-being, and advisor emotional intelligence influence investor proclivity to exhibit irrationality during a severe market shock?

Demonstrate your level of understanding related to the capstone project topic, and provide background to the project by presenting literature related to the topic of the project.

Whole life insurance and estate planning

Follow the steps below to complete this assignment:

Review and revise the Introduction and Literature review chapters for submission.

The Introduction (600 plus words) should introduce the thesis. This is not a summary of the thesis. It is not a brief version of each chapter. It is an introduction to the topic. Introduce the subject. In general terms, what does your project address? Why is it important? Where does is fit in the overall field? The purpose of the introduction is to provoke the interest of the reader and to convince the reader that the topic is newsworthy and appeals to a reasonably wide audience.

The Literature Review should be 1000 plus words. The purpose of the review of literature is two-fold: (a) to demonstrate your level of understanding related to the capstone project topic, and (b) to provide background to the project by presenting literature related to the topic of the project. This chapter presents summaries of the relevant literature that provides support for the project. The related literature may include books, research articles, newspapers, popular literature, information from the Internet, and interviews with sources.

Describe how you addressed your capstone story in the production, distribution, and promotion of your final multimedia project. Explain how the various storytelling and media elements were used in your project and provide screenshots of these elements and/or hyperlinks to them.

Whole life insurance and estate planning

This is a discussion post. Please use the attached Discussion_Introduction_Peer_Reviews to refer to for more details on my specific topic of whole life insurance and estate planning.

Follow the steps below to complete your initial post:

Review the appropriate resources in the classroom.

Using the template (available below) and the following instructions to write a draft of your method and results. Specific guidelines:

The purpose of the Methodology and Results chapter is to describe how you addressed your capstone story in the production, distribution, and promotion of your final multimedia project. You will explain how the various storytelling and media elements were used in your project and provide screenshots of these elements and/or hyperlinks to them. You will also describe the results of your distribution and promotion efforts.

The sections of the Methodology and Results (700-1,500 words) chapter include:

Project Development: This section describes how you developed your topic into a multimedia report. It describes how you narrowed the broader subject, issue, problem or need into a compelling and informative multimedia story. It usually starts with a statement of the general area of concern and ends with a statement of the problem, issue or subject addressed in your final project in specific terms.

Project Execution: This section identifies and explains why specific media elements (text, audio, infographics, photographs, video, etc) were used to tell specific parts of the story (interview, action footage, b-roll, natural sound). This media selection should be based on the qualities of the medium and the story segment presented.

Project Distribution: This section describes the Introduction and Deliverables sections of the Distribution Plan completed in month 11. This section details the platforms on which various media elements from the final project were distributed (YouTube, Vimeo, Flikr, etc.).

Project Promotion: This section discusses the promotional efforts executed by the student on behalf of the final project. The Publication Timeline, Social Media Outreach and Traditional Media Outreach sections of the Distribution Plan (from NMD) form the basis of this section.

Project Results: This section reiterates the target audience for the final project and details the results of the Google Analytics/site statistics report generated based on the final project page. The Target Audience section of the Distribution Plan forms the basis for this section.