Identify the main technologies in the autonomous vehicle industry. Using the technology readiness levels, assess how technology is limiting the emergence of this industry.

Autonomous Vehicles: Technological Changes and Ethical Challenges

Case: Orr, J., A. Abbas, and J. Dann (2018) “Autonomous Vehicles: Technological Changes and Ethical Challenges” USC Marshall. (Harvard Business School Press)

Assignment 2: Identify the main technologies in the autonomous vehicle industry. Using the technology readiness levels, assess how technology is limiting the emergence of this industry. (In order to receive credit, limit your answer to 500 or fewer words

Find out, whether your colleagues’ presumptions about the influences on the housing price are true. Test the hypothesis by using the provided output. Which hypothesis are supported by your data? Which factor has the strongest influence on the housing price?


You are hired by a market research company in order to analyze the housing market in New York City. You and your team are supposed to provide information about the housing prices and about factors, that influence the prices of houses, to local politicians. Your team has developed certain presumption about factors influencing the price of a real estate:
– H1: The more bathrooms a house has, the higher is the price of the house.
– H2: The more bedrooms a house has, the higher is the price of the house.
– H3: The more fireplaces a house has, the higher is the price of the house.
– H4: The older the house is, the lower is the price of a house.
Unfortunately, you are the only person in the team who knows how to conduct a quantitative analysis and how to use SPSS. You have collected a random sample of 1057 houses in New York. In order to investigate on your colleagues’ presumptions, you conducted a descriptive analysis, a correlation analysis as well as a regression analysis in SPSS. Please find the document with the output tables in canvas. Now you want to interpret your data.

1A: Provide an interpretation of the descriptive statistics of the variable “Price”. What to the different values say about the housing prices in NY? As your clients (the politicians) have a very limited knowledge of statistics, write in full sentences and use your own language to explain the different values in a clear and understandable way (N, range, minimum, maximum, mean, standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis). (6P)

1B: Interpret the outcomes of the regression tables. How well does the overall model explain the difference in the housing prices? Explain the different values per each variable in the coefficient table – interpret the B-value, the Beta-value and the significance level for each variable. Use your own language and explain your findings in full sentences. (5P)

1C: You want to find out, whether your colleagues’ presumptions about the influences on the housing price are true. Test the hypothesis by using the provided output. Which hypothesis are supported by your data? Which factor has the strongest influence on the housing price? Justify your answer by referring to the output. (5P)

Anna is conducting a qualitative case study on bullying in middle school. She aims to explore students’ perceptions of bullying and its impact on the school’s social environment. To conduct her study, she needs to apply for funding. To do so, Anna needs to submit a proposal where she explains her research methods. You need to help Anna develop this proposal by developing two sections of the proposal: data collection, and data analysis sections. For the purpose of this proposal, you need to answer the following questions (base your answers on scientific literature):
2A: Define and explain what a qualitative case study is. What is a case and how can we define a case? (5P)
2B: Explain why a qualitative case study research method is suitable for her topic. (2P)
2C: What are the practical steps that Anna has to undertake to conduct her data collection? (3P)

When we discuss about the quality and trustworthiness of qualitative research, we need other criteria than in quantitative research. Traditionally, qualitative researchers assess the credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability of their research. Give a definition to each of the categories and explain how researchers can ensure the presence of the criteria in their research. Your answers must be based on scientific literature.

Below the descriptions of three variables are provided. What is the measurement level of the variables? Explain your answers.
4A: Family firm measure: the variable is coded as “1” when the company is a family firm and “0” otherwise. (Baù et al, 2018)

4B: Performance measure: Firm performance is measured using Return on Assets (calculated as net income divided by total assets), an established accounting-based performance indicator. (Ruigrok etal, 2007)

4C: Number of employees: In the survey, respondents were asked to indicate whether the firm had 1) less than 5 employees, 2) 5-50 employees, or 3) 51-150 employees. (adapted from Wei-Loon Koe etal. 2014).

Discuss how you can select a random sample for a quantitative study. Therefore, first explain what a random sample is.

Evaluate and analyze the competencies to show in concrete ways how each would apply to the City Manager once that position has been filled.

Assignment 5: Leading Change

Scenario: You are a Special Assistant to the Mayor or city with a population of about 1 million. The city has grown very rapidly with as several high tech companies have moved into the area to take advantage of the quality of life and the graduates of a nearby university. The Mayor and City Council want to continue attracting high tech companies. The City Manager has retired. The Mayor has tasked you to determine what qualities the new City Manager should have to lead this change for the city.

Summary: From the readings discuss political transitions and the effects on managers, as well as the relationship of political appointees and career civil servants. Also, describe the six competencies in Leading Change, page 170-173.

Analysis: Evaluate and analyze the competencies to show in concrete ways how each would apply to the City Manager once that position has been filled.

Recommendations: Develop a performance plan that describes measurable goals for the Leading Change.

Choose a pay for performance method from the following categories: Individual, Group, or Organizational performance and use the Internet to locate the website of a company which has recently introduced a new pay system.


Topic: Choose a pay for performance method from the following categories: Individual, Group, or Organizational performance and use the Internet to locate the website of a company which has recently introduced a new pay system.

Then assess from the information, the drivers that were making the change necessary for the company, the steps and rationale of the system, implementation steps they utilized, and their results. Be sure to provide any URLs you used as a reference source for your answer.

Define out what product selection requires, how departments align on with the products while working with the companies objectives. What do they need to consider for the approach for the production selection?

Operations Management

Group Project – The CONOPS creation for clothing manufacturer Kibby and Strand

Add a forecasting plan to the concept of operations created in Unit 1. The plan must include: 1) data items to be collected, and how they are used in forecasting work for Kibby and Strand; 2) the statistics required to analyze the data; and 3) a list of charts and graphs needed to brief leadership on forecasting future work and workload. The team needs to justify why each chart and graph is required.

Kibby and Strand’s workload is based on new contracts the company solicits. Add a production selection plan to the concept of operations created in Unit 1 that an operations manager can use in deciding the order in which contracts should be placed in the production process.

Should include the following:
-Product Selection

Define out what product selection requires, how departments align on with the products while working with the companies objectives. What do they need to consider for the approach for the production selection?

Production Plan

What would some of the various methods K & S would consider when defining out the production plan? Like Due date, critical ration, processing time, etc. Which one did they choose?

Forecasting Plan
What does forecast represent for Kibby and Strand? What do they currently purchase for their forecasts? What could they use for their forecast? What will we use, linear regression? Will they use Qualitative approach too?

-Industry Forecast
This is where we need a linear regression graph to determine potential growth. Why did we use this? What about the qualitative research? What would they show?

In light of the research discussed in this case, in your opinion, how should sexual harassment be punished? What laws relate most closely to sexual harassment? What legal protection, if any, should exist to protect an innocent individual from false charges of sexual harassment?

Power Plays at Work

Recent research shows that more than 30 percent of  female workers in the United States have been harassed  at work—virtually all of them by men. Forty-three percent  identified the male harasser as a supervisor, 27 percent as  an employee senior to them, and 19 percent as a coworker  at the same level. In 2012 (the last year for which there is  complete data), nearly 13,000 charges of sexual harassment  were filed with the EEOC, 84 percent of them by women.

Why does sexual harassment (mostly of women) occur  in the workplace? “Power,” says researcher Debbie Dougherty,  who conducted a study in conjunction with a large Midwestern  health care organization. “It was the common answer. It came  up repeatedly,” says Dougherty, a specialist in communications and power in organizations. She also found that men  and women understand the idea of power differently, and that  difference in understanding may play an important part in the  persistence of harassing behavior in the workplace:


  • For most men, power is something that belongs to superiors—managers and supervisors—who can harass because they possess the power to do so. By definition, a  male coworker cannot actually harass a female coworker  who’s at the same level because he doesn’t possess  sufficient power over her.


  • Women, on the other hand, see power as something that can be introduced into a relationship as it develops; it’s  something more than the mere formal authority built  into the superior’s job description. Harassment can be  initiated by anyone who’s able to create the perception  of power.

Case Questions

  1. In light of the research discussed in this case, in your opinion, how should sexual harassment be punished?
  2. What laws relate most closely to sexual harassment?
  3. What legal protection, if any, should exist to protect an innocent individual from false charges of sexual harassment?
  4. How might sexual harassment relate to bullying?

Power Plays at Work. Review the information on this



Research your chosen company, and then briefly summarize the history of the company from start-up until the present time. Include some information about how much it has grown and why this growth has occurred.

Managerial Decision Making – Unit III Essay

Choose one of the following companies:






Walmart, or


Research your chosen company, and then briefly summarize the history of the company from start-up until the present time. Be sure to include some information about how much it has grown and why this growth has occurred. Then, develop and elaborate your own theories as to how boundaries and framing may have affected some of the decisions that led the company to where it is today. Be sure to include the following elements in your case study:

how bounded awareness can improve the decision-making process, at least one example of boundaries exhibited by the company, and at least one example of framing concerning the company.

Your case study should be a minimum of two pages in length, and it should be formatted according to APA guidelines. Include the following three headers in your case study: Introduction and History of the Company, Example of Boundaries, and Example of Framing. You must include at least two academic references to support your work (the textbook may be one of those references). Any information from these resources must be cited and referenced in APA format.

Write an essay including a brief explanation of how you know about the behaviour of the leaders you are discussing: for example, did you work for them? Or alongside them? If so, for how long?

Leadership theories

Assessment is by one assignment, a critical essay of 6000 words (100%) which integrates theory and practice. The assignment must include a clear structure with an abstract, a list of references and, where appropriate, appendices and diagrams. You must make appropriate use of journal articles and texts. References should follow the Harvard system – see the guide at

1. A critical literature review of key theories of the nature and exercise of leadership in organisations (40% of the available marks)
2. A critical evaluation of the behaviour of selected leaders that you have encountered in the course of your career, in relation to a range of theories of leadership (40% of the available marks)
3. A summary of the learning you can take from this assignment for your own practice and development as a leader (20% of the available marks)

Note the mark allocations to each part of the assignment.

For part two of the assignment, you should include a brief explanation of how you know about the behaviour of the leaders you are discussing: for example, did you work for them? Or alongside them? If so, for how long? In order to enable you to undertake a thorough analysis, you are advised to discuss only two, or at most three, individuals. Make sure that you analyse their behaviour in relation to published theories of leadership.

For part three of the assignment, you should include specific points about what you will do to develop your leadership capabilities.

To preserve confidentiality, anonymise the organisation or organisations you discuss in the assignment, eg by calling them Company X, or Governmental Organisation Y, or International Organisation Z. Similarly, where you write about private individuals, call them manager A, or leader B.

How can leaders help organizations with future work trends such as globalization, technology, changing demographics, new behaviors, and mobility? Pick one trend and explain in more detail.

Envision the Future

Video: TEDx Talks. (2012, January 10). Draw your future | Patti Dobrowolski | TEDxRainier [Video]. YouTube.


What can leaders do to help others in the organization “see” the future?

How can leaders help organizations with future work trends such as globalization, technology, changing demographics, new behaviors, and mobility? Pick one trend and explain in more detail.

Summarize and describe the 5 areas that managers mentor their employees. Describe the 4 competencies on leading people.

Developing and Mentoring Employees on Leading People

Scenario: You have been promoted to an organizational unit whose performance has been less than stellar. This organizational unit is very diverse in terms of race/ethnicity, gender, generational, and LGBT employees. A new Governor has been elected and he is depending on your Department to deliver on his campaign promises to create a more effective state government. You have seven supervisors who report to you.

Summary: Summarize and describe the 5 areas that managers mentor their employees on page 150.

Analysis: Leading people: Describe the 4 competencies on leading people in chapter 8.3.3 pages 173-174. Part of your analysis is how the 5 areas work together to develop and mentor employees.

Recommendations: Develop your recommendations for managers to mentor (use the 5 areas from your summary and the four competencies in 8.3.3) the employees on leading people. Use concrete examples of what actual activities will be used for each of the 5 areas in your summary. Include a brief implementation plan.