Identify a policy that currently exists to address this dilemma, and analyze the policy according to the ethical fram

Ethical fram

Read your articles, considering a current ethical challenge or dilemma in that sector, and why this dilemma/challenge is occurring. Identify a policy that currently exists to address this dilemma, and analyze the policy according to the ethical fram

Describe the ethical dilemmas presented by the topic and the merits of the policy you identified as it pertains to all stakeholders impacted (i.e., the agency, public safety, the offender, etc.).
Discuss what the social, economic, or political influences are on this topic.
Include the following sections in your paper:
Introduction—explanation of the background and context of the ethical issue you have chosen to analyze
Research/Analysis—analysis of whether the associated policy is adequate and ethical
Recommendations—what can be done to better address the ethical issue and policy
Conclusion—brief summary restatement of all sections
Before submitting your work, ensure that it adheres to APA formatting and style guidelines (visit APA Style (Links to an external site.) and APA Formatting and Style Guide (Links to an external site.) for more details).

Does the article include: introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, conclusion, references? Does the article introduce the problem or new concepts clearly? Does the article address problems of significant concern to sustainability and/or social responsibility?

Diversity and Social Responsibility

Suggested questions for the Article Critique submissions Answer the following questions and write not more than a two-page critique for each of the articles that you select

  1. Is the title appropriate? Yes/No
  2. Is the article theoretical, empirical, or both? Theoretical/Empirical/Both/Practitioner oriented
  3. Does the article include: introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, conclusion, references? Yes/List any missing item(s)
  4. Does the article introduce the problem or new concepts clearly? Clear/Unclear introduction
  5. Does the article address problems of significant concern to sustainability and/or social responsibility? Highly significant/Somewhat significant/Not significant
  6. List three important facts from the literature review that the author(s) use(s) to support the main idea(s) of their article. 1-, 2-, 3-, or lacks objective reasoning/uses biased or unreliable sources
  7. Are there any propositions or hypotheses? Yes/No If so, how many? Number___________.
  8. If yes, then are propositions or hypotheses logically derived from the theory or conceptual framework? All logically derived/Some logically derived/None logically derived/No propositions/hypotheses
  9. Was the sample size sufficient? Yes/No/No sample size mentioned If not, then it should have been about ____.
  10. Did the author(s) draw correct conclusions from the study/sample/analysis of their research intentions/hypotheses? Yes, all correct/Yes, some correct/No, all wrong/No hypotheses were tested/Not applicable
  11. Was the discussion supported by appropriate statistical analysis? Based on statistics analysis/Purely conjectural/Not applicable
  12. List any examples of bias or faulty reasoning that you found in the article. Free of bias and supported by reliable sources/Speculative reasoning/Biased use of sources/Promoting a perspective
  13. What information or ideas discussed in this article are also considered in your textbook and/or presented in this class? 1-, 2-, 3-, or All-new information
  14. Managerial implications of the findings? Yes, practical use(s)/Limited application(s)/Not actionable
  15. Did the article make a significant contribution to sustainability and/or social responsibility literature/fields? Very significant/Somewhat significant/Not at all significant/Can not determine
  16. Your opinion/analysis/critique. Open-ended presentation

Identify and briefly discuss what you feel are the downsides of globalization.

Downsides of Globalization.

After reading chapters 1 and 2, you should have in mind some of the downsides of globalization. In 1-2 pages, identify and briefly discuss what you feel are the downsides.

Discussion Questions

Sustainability leads to organizational longevity. It helps organizations deal with difficult social and economic environments. Considering this information, identify a case of a sustainable organization. Examine this by referring to a peer-reviewed article and answer the following:

Why sustainable organizations are important in our contemporary global community.
What beliefs and values influence sustainable organizational cultures and leadership strategies?

Over the last few decades, organizations around the world have heavily invested in leadership and organizational culture, leading to a ceaseless argument about their relationship. Consider your readings and based on your leadership experience answer the following questions:

How do you define the relationships among culture, organizations, and leadership?
What are the different ways leaders can impact organizational culture?
What is the impact of culture on an organization’s structure?

Discuss why you feel more comfortable using a “consideration” or an “initiating structure” style. (c) Our textbook suggests that the best leaders are high on both behaviors. Do you agree with it? Why? Why not?

Leader’s Self-Insight

Discuss why you feel more comfortable using a “consideration” or an “initiating structure” style. (c) Our textbook suggests that the best leaders are high on both behaviors. Do you agree with it? Why? Why not?

Create an Employee Engagement Survey including both the questions as well as the procedure you used to create them. The survey should have 15 to 25 questions. There should be a rationale for the objective of each question.

Employee Engagement Proposal

Specifically, you are asked to assume you are an internal HR Manager within the organization (it can be your own organization or fictitious), and that you are proposing an employee engagement “pilot study” to the senior leaders in your organization. The proposal will consist of the following five sections:

Definition of employee engagement (in general).

A brief overview of the organization and why employee engagement initiatives are needed (be sure to include discussion of motivational theory).
The benefits of conducting an employee engagement intervention for your organization, including the potential return on investment (ROI) and other benefits of this initiative (Note: you should include at least two references from the class readings regarding the benefits/ROI of engaged employees).
Creation of an Employee Engagement Survey including both the questions as well as the procedure you used to create them. The survey should have 15 to 25 questions. There should be a rationale for the objective of each question.

Define the characteristics of an INGO. Address how they are funded. Talk about special consideration in management of INGOs. Give information on how they are structured.

Governing and Managing International and Global Organizations (INGOs)

Chapter 17 in the Worth book talks about Governing and Managing International and Global Organizations (INGOs). Write a 2-3 page paper with the following elements:

Define the characteristics of an INGO.
Address how they are funded.
Talk about special consideration in management of INGOs.
Give information on how they are structured.

Formatting: Paper needs to be in 12 pt font; double spaced, 1” margins and you must identify at least three resources used for your paper.
Paper MUST be attached to the assignment link in Canvas or it will not be graded!

Be sure to cite any work that is not original thought.

What general principles seem to follow from this reading regarding Accenture beyond 2009?

Management of Information Techology

What general principles seem to follow from this reading regarding Accenture beyond 2009?

Create a budget using an Excel spreadsheet. It will be easier to start by looking at your personal budget or the budget for personal business. Include at least 6 months of activity and be sure to show if you are in a surplus or deficit.

Healthcare Finance

For this assignment, first, watch the three videos below on how to set-up an excel spreadsheet for a cash budget. Also, refer to p. 382-390 of your textbook (Cleverly & Cleverly, 2018) for the reading material on budgeting. Next, you will create a budget using an Excel spreadsheet. It will be easier to start by looking at your personal budget or the budget for personal business. Include at least 6 months of activity and be sure to show if you are in a surplus or deficit. Make sure to include a category for savings. See Table 16-6 on p. 390 of your textbook for a detailed example.

Complete all calculations within the spreadsheet to show your work. To create a formula in Excel, start with the “=” sign in the cell. For example, =2+2 would render 4 in the cell.

Constructing a Simple Cash Budget Using XL


How To Make A Budget In Excel


Webinar: Excel Basics for Analyzing Health Data



What were the elements of negligence in this movie (duty, breach of duty, legal cause, proximate cause, and damages)? What were some of the legal defenses employed? What were some of the legal and factual problems in the case?

A civil Action

The movie “A Civil Action” gives us a fictional account of the real legal case pertaining to the hazardous waste site that affected the children in the community of Woburn, Mass. The movie not only provides a description of the Woburn disaster but also an introduction to the issues surrounding environmental justice.

What were the elements of negligence in this movie (duty, breach of duty, legal cause, proximate cause, and damages)? What were some of the legal defenses employed? What were some of the legal and factual problems in the case?