Write a paper (3-5 pages) on how Human Resource plays a strategic role in an organization.

Human Resource Management

Write a paper (3-5 pages) on how HR plays a strategic role in an organization. Charter Oak requires all papers be written in APA format (Title Page, Body of Paper, References Page)

What political/legal forces affect the industry? What economic forces affect the industry? What social forces affect the industry? What technological forces affect the industry?

Apple, Inc. Strategic Analysis

I. Introduction to the Organization – History of the Company & Current Status — A. When was the organization founded, why and by whom? Discuss unusual history associated with the organization. B. Is it privately or publicly held? C. Who are its top executives in terms of experience, academic credentials, diversity, etc.? D. Discuss the organization’s Business Model? E. What is the impact of globalization on this organization? F. Other information?
II. Identification of the Industry and the Competitors – Provide NAICS code. Identify and discuss direct competitors. Compare competitors.
III. Analysis of the Macro-Environment (Includes identification & analysis of global factors & application of analysis to business situation)
A. What political/legal forces affect the industry?
B. What economic forces affect the industry?
C. What social forces affect the industry?
D. What technological forces affect the industry?
E. What are the threats and opportunities facing the organization?
IV. Analysis of the Industry (Include global considerations)
A. Strategic Group(s) in which the company exists and competitors in it/them.
B. Intensity of rivalry among existing competitors. (C). Threat of new competitors entering the industry; (D) Threat of substitute products or services; (E) Bargaining power of buyers and (F) Bargaining power of suppliers……( Use Porters 5 Forces analysis for B, C, D, E, and F).
G. Potential Profitability of the Industry – What organizations have succeeded and failed in the industry and why?
H. What are the Critical Success Factors for the industry?
V. What is the organization’s measurement and control system? (Include Global Considerations.)
A. Current financial position – Is the organization financially sound?
B. Compare with competitors and industry standards. (Use various financial analysis tools.)
C. What are the organization’s Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)?
VI. Analysis of the Organization (Mission, Vision, Core Values, Operating Guidelines, Core Competencies, Goals)
A. What is the mission of the organization? Has the mission changed over time?
B. What is the vision of the organization? Has the vision changed over time?
C. What are the organization’s core values and operating guidelines? Analyze current problems that conflict with the organization’s core values and operating guidelines.
D. What are the organization’s core competencies? How are they unique?
E. What are the organization’s broad and specific goals?
VII. Analysis of the Organization – Organization-Level and Business Unit Strategies (Identify Organizational Strategies (including Global Strategies) and Evaluate Their Application to the Organization.)
A. What are the current organization-level strategies? Business unit strategies?
B. To what extent is the organizational structure compatible with the organization’s strategies?
C. How are the strategies aligned with the goals?
D. Compare this organization’s strategies with those of competitors.
E. Use SWOT analysis and Gap analysis to suggest strategies.
F. Evaluate Strategy Application (advantages & disadvantages of each strategy).
G. Key performance indicators (KPI’s)
VIII. Analysis of the Organization – Functional Strategies. Articulate ways to coordinate use of financial & human resources and other functional areas to meet organizational goals & objectives.
A. Marketing – Finance – Operations – Purchasing – Human Resources – Information Systems
B. How well are the functional strategies aligned?
IX. Conclusion and Future of Organization – Comment about the organization’s profile for future competitiveness and success. What does the organization have to do right to succeed (organization’s Critical Success Factors)? What are the expected results in terms of short-and long-term profitability and survival?

When was the organization founded, why and by whom? Discuss unusual history associated with the organization. What is the impact of globalization on this organization?

Apple, Inc. Strategic Analysis

I. Introduction to the Organization – History of the Company & Current Status —

A. When was the organization founded, why and by whom? Discuss unusual history associated with the organization.

B. Is it privately or publicly held?

C. Who are its top executives in terms of experience, academic credentials, diversity, etc.?

D. Discuss the organization’s Business Model?

E. What is the impact of globalization on this organization?

F. Other information?

II. Identification of the Industry and the Competitors – Provide NAICS code. Identify and discuss direct competitors. Compare competitors.
III. Analysis of the Macro-Environment (Includes identification & analysis of global factors & application of analysis to business situation)
A. What political/legal forces affect the industry?
B. What economic forces affect the industry?
C. What social forces affect the industry?
D. What technological forces affect the industry?
E. What are the threats and opportunities facing the organization?
IV. Analysis of the Industry (Include global considerations)
A. Strategic Group(s) in which the company exists and competitors in it/them.
B. Intensity of rivalry among existing competitors. (C). Threat of new competitors entering the industry; (D) Threat of substitute products or services; (E) Bargaining power of buyers and (F) Bargaining power of suppliers……( Use Porters 5 Forces analysis for B, C, D, E, and F).
G. Potential Profitability of the Industry – What organizations have succeeded and failed in the industry and why?
H. What are the Critical Success Factors for the industry?
V. What is the organization’s measurement and control system? (Include Global Considerations.)
A. Current financial position – Is the organization financially sound?
B. Compare with competitors and industry standards. (Use various financial analysis tools.)
C. What are the organization’s Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)?
VI. Analysis of the Organization (Mission, Vision, Core Values, Operating Guidelines, Core Competencies, Goals)
A. What is the mission of the organization? Has the mission changed over time?
B. What is the vision of the organization? Has the vision changed over time?
C. What are the organization’s core values and operating guidelines? Analyze current problems that conflict with the organization’s core values and operating guidelines.
D. What are the organization’s core competencies? How are they unique?
E. What are the organization’s broad and specific goals?
VII. Analysis of the Organization – Organization-Level and Business Unit Strategies (Identify Organizational Strategies (including Global Strategies) and Evaluate Their Application to the Organization.)
A. What are the current organization-level strategies? Business unit strategies?
B. To what extent is the organizational structure compatible with the organization’s strategies?
C. How are the strategies aligned with the goals?
D. Compare this organization’s strategies with those of competitors.
E. Use SWOT analysis and Gap analysis to suggest strategies.
F. Evaluate Strategy Application (advantages & disadvantages of each strategy).
G. Key performance indicators (KPI’s)
VIII. Analysis of the Organization – Functional Strategies. Articulate ways to coordinate use of financial & human resources and other functional areas to meet organizational goals & objectives.
A. Marketing – Finance – Operations – Purchasing – Human Resources – Information Systems
B. How well are the functional strategies aligned?
IX. Conclusion and Future of Organization – Comment about the organization’s profile for future competitiveness and success. What does the organization have to do right to succeed (organization’s Critical Success Factors)? What are the expected results in terms of short-and long-term profitability and survival?

Does the organization undertake investments related to corporate social responsibility or the natural environment and sustainability that go beyond its narrow economic self-interest? If so, what kind of investments has it made?

Organization Analysis #3

Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility (This one should approach a page in length). Based on the original company you chose in the company analysis #1 (company identification): Square, Inc.

How would you characterize the ethical climate of your company?
What evidence is there to support your conclusion?
If there have been any problems, try to determine whether this was due to the isolated actions of rogue managers or to more systemic, organization wide problems.
Does the organization undertake investments related to corporate social responsibility or the natural environment and sustainability that go beyond its narrow economic self-interest? If so, what kind of investments has it made?

When you submit the answers for each analysis, it must be cited and grammatically correct, as well as have proper APA style references at the end. The questions should be answered in one or two paragraphs (no more than a half page) total and double-spaced.

Identity of Business. What does the firm do? What is its business model? How does it make money? Who are its target customers? What is the competitive landscape? How hard or easy is it for a new competitor to enter?

How Amazon Wins: By Steamrolling Rivals and Partners by Dana Mattioli

A. Identity of Business. What does the firm do? What is its business model? How does it make money? Who are its target customers? What is the competitive landscape? How hard or easy is it for a new competitor to enter?

B. Problem What needs to be adjusted or improved? What are the obstacles to better business performance? If the business is having difficulties what are the sources of the problems? (Consider – internal management shortcomings, aggressive competitors, change in preferences of target customers, new technology, …) If the business is doing fine what threats can you identify that management should pay attention to?

C. Recommendations What is your advice to top management? Be sure to support your advice with logical arguments. What are the alternatives to your recommendations and why are they not so good?

Special Question 1.S In the world of business it is common for companies to make similar copies of their rivals’ products. That is how firms compete with one another. Amazon also employs this tactic. To what extent is this an acceptable practice? What, if anything, is not acceptable? Explain your reasoning.

Special Question 2. Be a consultant for a small manufacturing company. Advise the company on how it can defend itself against Amazon competition. What tangible steps should it take?

How do sociability, dominance, and openness contribute to coaching effectiveness? How sociable, dominant, and open should a healthcare manager be in order to best coach employees for improved performance?

Coaching Assessment Critique

Part one of this week’s paper.
Complete the “Should You Be a Coach” and “The Coaching Scale” self-assessments below. Upon completion, critique the assessments based on their applicability and contribution to your own coaching readiness and skill. How do sociability, dominance, and openness contribute to coaching effectiveness? How sociable, dominant, and open should a healthcare manager be in order to best coach employees for improved performance?
Part two of this week’s paper.
Identify and clearly describe an experience you have had where you have coached someone or you were coached for improved performance at work. If you have never had a coaching experience, how do you think this may have impacted your performance? Critique this experience (or lack of) with regard to how the coaching was (or was not) provided.

In the video for this week,
( https://drive.google.com/file/d/163tgPK1G55rR6q5Xi_hlsrqxj-JQCjLB/view?usp=sharing ) several traits of effective coaches were discussed. How were these traits demonstrated in your example, if any? Critique the experience and provide suggestions of how you or the manager might have ensured a more positive outcome.
Minimum 4-5 pages of content – not including the title page, references or appendices.
APA format is required. Minimum of 2 academic and/or professional references.

Explain potential forms of discrimination based on labor laws and regulations when conducting a performance appraisal. Explain the advantages of performance appraisals and how they contribute to effective training and development.

Performance Appraisal [WLos: 1, 2, 3] [CLOs: 1, 2, 4, 5]

A performance appraisal is a regular review of employee job performance and contribution to organizational objectives, In many cases, performance appraisals are conducted at the end of the year to evaluate employee performance, as well as set performance for the next year. For this assignment, you will evaluate another function of HR and management and its contribution to effective performance anagemen. Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read the article Adapting the Performance Appraisal Process to Meet the Needs of h glace e. In your paper.
Work Tasks To Close updated –

• Discuss how performance appraisals are a function of HR and management.

• Analyze the basic components of an effective performance appraisal. , Explain how performance appraisals can contribute to organizational goaaand objectives.

• Explain the advantages of performance appraisals and how they contribute to effective training and development.

• Explain potential forms of discrimination based on labor laws and regulations when conducting a performance appraisal. For additional support with completing this assignment. please refer to the following tools:

• Finding HRJournals in the UAGC Library This tip sheet will support you in researching through the University of Arizona Global Cunpui Library. • What Is CRAAP: A Cuide to Evaluating Web Sources . This will assist you in determining the reliability of an HR website.

• Scholarly and Popular Resources(1) This tutorial explains the differences between scholarly and popular re$ources.

• Human Resource Rese;::;Irch \Nith Library OneSearch . This tip sheet will support you in researching through the university Ot AriZOna GIONICampus Library. The performance Appraisal paper

• Must be two to three double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according w APA style as outlined in the Writing Center’s C..J’A :atyle. 0 resource, Must include a separate title page with the following: tr Title of’ paper , Student’s name Course name and number, Instructor’s name , , , ,

For further assistance with thP torrnattilv, and the title page, refer to APA Formatting for Word 2013o. , Date submitted c,/iust include an introduction and conclusion paraP,raph. Fc)r a Sc.:3i 5 t:D nc e on writing tatt-ciat..IL:i-L•-, ::lons.losiorise , refer to the Writing Center resources. y-Pc2_,:ewecl_an,- I ,…)0711,–_-_,J__CrAtdhle SQui•ces o table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions Must use at least tv,ro scholarly. peer- r,:viewecl, or credible sources in addition to the course text. ,7,1b0Ut Wi-IPTher a. specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. YOLif instructor has the hnal say. about the l’ lust. dc, rut iiall,:ainv,iinforriari 011 uced from sources in APA ct le as outlined in the With-19 Center’s Orin Within YOU, P::-,ner o aide.. appiopttiter-tes of (71 SpeCifV.: source for a particular assignment,


. What are some of the costs and benefits involved in this investment in an HRIS? Which would you be sure to include in your BCA of this project and why?

Case Study 2

Answer only the case study questions which are

1. What approaches to justifying this investment might Sylvia consider?

2. What are some of the costs and benefits involved in this investment in an HRIS? Which would you be sure to include in your BCA of this project and why?

3. Explain how to estimate costs and benefits, both direct and indirect, in terms that Jim will understand. (Remember, Jim always has his eye on the “bottom line.”)

4. Explain how to calculate a BCA to justify the HRIS project. Would you use cost reduction or organizational enhancement (or both) as a strategy for justifying the purchase?

5. What are the three common problems that could occur in your BCA for an HRIS? How would you avoid them?

6. What are some of the ways you can use the HR metrics that would be available after the implementation of an HRIS to justify its purchase?

7. Finally, and most important, explain how variance estimates that can be generated for a BCA would be useful to Jim in the management of his company.

Textbook: Human Resource Information Systems (pp. 147-148). SAGE Publications. Kindle Edition.

Describe what the transition from employee to supervisor will be like for you, and what are some of the changes you will have to make.


Describe what the transition from employee to supervisor will be like for you, and what are some of the changes you will have to make.

Identify the key positions, titles, and assigned responsibilities in the organization. Discuss and illustrate the individual pressures faced and how the issues were handled or delegated to another position.

Ethical Analysis

Select a work-related ethical scenario that you (or someone close to you) have experienced. Organizations and names should be changed when identifying references in the assignment. Compose an essay that addresses the following requirements:

  • Identify the key positions, titles, and assigned responsibilities in the organization.
  • Discuss and illustrate the individual pressures faced and how the issues were handled or delegated to another position.
  • Describe how changing attitudes and behaviors evolved as the incidents occurred.
  • Compare and contrast the behaviors in the scenario with the philosophical theories of ethical decision-making that are referenced in Unit II. Examples may include Utilitarianism or Deontology application.
  • Illustrate any mishandling of the decision-making process that resulted in lessons learned.
  • Summarize what you have learned from an analysis of this event.

Your response should be at least 500 words in length (not including the references page) in APA style. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citation.