Provide a research proposal factors associated with mortality in adult patients with sickle cell disease in Al-Ahsa, Saudi Arabia.

Research proposal Essay

Provide a research proposal factors associated with mortality in adult patients with sickle cell disease in Al-Ahsa, Saudi Arabia.


Compare and contrast philosophical and epistemological assumptions in the discipline of paramedicine. Critically analyse and evaluate the concept of generating theory from practice.

The development of paramedicine in Australia from 1970 to 2020. Education, qualifications and recognition of same.

You are required to develop a scoping literature review of the topic of your choosing from the modules completed within this subject. This topic may be something that interested you on during the session or may be something that you have had an interest in for some time. This task will assist you to develop skills that you will use to enhance your paramedic practice. You will use your skills to search databases, collate relevant articles, synthesise the main findings and themes, and analyse the studies to write a literature review. 2000 words.

This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:

  • Develop the necessary skills to critically evaluate published research to determine its relevance to paramedic practice;
  • Be able to examine and critically analyse current developments in paramedic practice including the professionalisation of the discipline;
  • Be able to articulate the philosophical underpinnings of paradigms in the discipline of paramedicine.
  • Compare and contrast philosophical and epistemological assumptions in the discipline of paramedicine.
  • Critically analyse and evaluate the concept of generating theory from practice.
  • Demonstrate an appreciation of the contribution of borrowed perspectives toward the development of paramedic knowledge.


What is your clinical decision making and rationale on acute pharmaceutical management? What do you order, and when might you adjust your treatment plan?

Clinical decision making

You are managing a 75-year-old male who developed a new onset atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response at the rate of 180–220, thought to perhaps be new over the last few days and intermittent in nature. He is currently a bit short of breath and lightheaded when ambulating.

What is your clinical decision making and rationale on acute pharmaceutical management? What do you order, and when might you adjust your treatment plan?


Choose a new health care topic you find interesting but are not familiar with. Conduct a search of the library databases and internet for four to five scholarly references less than five-years old.

The Effects of Video Games on Children

Apply the writing process to produce a 3-4 page paper (exclusive of title and reference pages).

Include the following aspects in the assignment:

Choose a new health care topic you find interesting but are not familiar with. Conduct a search of the library databases and internet for four to five scholarly references less than five-years old. [2015-2019]

Use the template for this assignment and prepare your outline based upon what information your search has provided.

Ensure your paper has a title page, content page[s], an introductory paragraph, with a minimum of two Level 1 headings, at least two Level 2 headings under each of the Level 1 headings, two Level 3 headings underneath two of the Level 2 headings with MEAL paragraphs under each heading, a conclusion [an additional Level 1 heading], and a reference page.

  • Ensure each of your references is used and properly cite with in-text citations.
  • Use correct APA formatting throughout.
  • Run your paper through Grammarly and revise accordingly.
  • Use the Scholarly Writing Checklist.
  • Include any suggested corrections from feedback for the Week 4 and Week 5 papers.
  • If you are an English Language Learner, ask a native English speaker for suggestions.
  • Use at least three methods of review/proofing prior to submission.


Which antipsychotics are considered first-generation and why are they used less often than second generation antipsychotics? Are second-generation antipsychotics more effective?


Answer the following questions: APA format citations with last 5 Years

Which antipsychotics are considered first-generation and why are they used less often than second generation antipsychotics? Are second-generation antipsychotics more effective?

Compare and contrast the following conditions: Tardive Dyskinesia, Acute Dystonia, Athetosis, and Tics.

Responses need to address all components of the question, demonstrate critical thinking and analysis and include peer-reviewed journal evidence to support the student’s position.


What was the United States’ reaction toward the disease and those infected in your readings? Why were people so afraid? What recent epidemics have impacted the United States health care system? What can we learn from studying previous epidemic outbreaks?

Quakery Medicine

This week’s reading dealt with various epidemics that affected the United States during the 19th and 20th centuries. From Cholera in the 19th century to AIDS in the late 20th century, the US health care system has had to battle several epidemics and diseases.

What was the United States’ reaction toward the disease and those infected in your readings? Why were people so afraid? What recent epidemics have impacted the United States health care system? What can we learn from studying previous epidemic outbreaks?

Write a 2-3 page reflection paper answering the questions above. You will need to support your answers with examples from the readings


Explain in detail how COVID has impacted the healthcare system and what it means for the patients, stakeholders, and healthcare professionals.

Impact of Covid in the Healthcare system

Explain in detail how COVID has impacted the healthcare system and what it means for the patients, stakeholders, and healthcare professionals.

While answering the following questions throughout the paper:

How has healthcare changed since the pandemic?

Describe healthcare prior to COVID and how it compares to healthcare today.

Where do you see healthcare in the next 5 years?

Will things ever go back to “normal” or will healthcare be forever changed?

How have you changed your delivery of healthcare since the beginning of the pandemic?

Do you see your delivery of healthcare changing in the future?


Write a research article review from current peer-reviewed article(s) related to the disease/condition you chose.


Write a research article review from current peer-reviewed article(s) related to the disease/condition you chose.

A research article review is NOT a report about a disease. It is a review of a research article or multiple articles relating to the disease. This may include new treatments, controversial therapies, advances in diagnostics, etc.

The article should be current (last five years) and peer-reviewed.

Reference at least 4 current (2016-2022) peer-reviewed research articles that focus on the topic of your report. These sources should correlate with your subject content.


Based on your readings write a 2-page essay on the biochemical basis and clinical implications of atherosclerosis.


Based on your readings (CH. 17 P.259 – CH. 19 P.317) write a 2-page essay on the biochemical basis and clinical implications of atherosclerosis. Your essay must be rich in molecular and mechanistic detail.

Length of assignment – Not more than 2 pages – The title and reference pages are excluded from the page count. – No abstract is needed. – Format of assignment – AMA – Number of citations – At least 3 – Acceptable sources – Peer-reviewed Journal articles and textbooks




Write about your thoughts on the movie, what surprised you, and what you learned new. Lastly, how do you think CTE will affect football players moving forward.

An essay about the movie “Concussion” starring Will Smith.

Write about your thoughts on the movie, what surprised you, and what you learned new. Lastly, how do you think CTE will affect football players moving forward.