Discuss the Impact of TRT on individuals.

Discuss the Impact of TRT on individuals.

Examine a Centers for Disease Control advertising campaign that promotes the influenza (flu) vaccination.

Examine a Centers for Disease Control advertising campaign that promotes the influenza (flu) vaccination. Analyze the campaign to discover the target audience and the advertising techniques used. Then evaluate the effectiveness of these advertising techniques. Write a five-paragraph essay in which you explain how the advertising campaign effectively promotes the influenza vaccination to a range of audiences.

What factors contribute to generating a low Th1/Th2 ratio and what are some of the consequences? What is the Th1/Th2 ratio in utero?

Discuss the following as if you were explaining it to a parent: Immunostasis equates with the optimum levels of Th1 and Th2 cells for the individual to maintain health and wellness.

Discuss when a high Th1/Th2 ratio is necessary and what psychological, nutritional, or physical factors have been shown to increase this ratio.

What factors contribute to generating a low Th1/Th2 ratio and what are some of the consequences? What is the Th1/Th2 ratio in utero? Discuss the natural and environmental influences on the prenatal and neonatal immune system.

How would you explain to an expecting mom the factors influencing her developing baby and infant’s immune system?

How can a Th2 dominant child affect your chiropractic assessment and adjustment plan? NLM format, sources cited at the end of the paper.

Why do cases of sexual harassment and sexual assault continue to take place in the Army, despite all the training and education that take place?

Your essay should address the question, “Why do cases of sexual harassment and sexual assault continue to take place in the Army, despite all the training and education that take place?” (3) Your essay will be formatted as shown below.

I. Introduction (1-2 paragraphs) A. Opening statement B. Background information C. Purpose statement II. Body (2-4 paragraphs) A. (Point A) Why does sexual assault occur? Include supporting evidence. B. (Point B) Does our current approach to training reduce (or not reduce) the risk of sexual assault and harassment? (Could be tied to point A) C. (Point C) Supporting topic & evidence to support your thesis. D. (Point D) How do we end sexual violence in the military (recommendations/solutions)? III. Conclusion (1-2 paragraphs) A. Summarize the main points. B. Make a strong, memorable final statement. B-33 NOTES: • Essay must be 1-2 pages in length (title page does not count as a page). • Essay is an individual activity (although peer editing is allowed). • Essay must contain two references (ARs, personal interviews, peer review articles, etc.). • Essay is due on Day 1 of the Leadership Phase (provide students with exact date and time). • Commandant (or designated representative) will choose the best essay.

Explain how genetic tests can be used to diagnose your chosen disease.

Genes in Disease Essay.
Genes name Disease name
HFE. Haemochromatosis

Introduction (~400 words).
• Brief introduction to your gene and its function in health.
o Using figures it should be possible to address the following points from in this section:
 Its chromosomal location.
 How long is the gene?
 Does the gene have any introns?
 How long is the protein?
 How many transcripts have been described and what is the size of your chosen transcript?
Main body (~1000 words).
• Brief introduction to your disease.
• Explain how the mutation you have chosen impacts on normal gene function.
• Briefly state the inheritance pattern of your chosen gene/disease pairing.
• Explain how genetic tests can be used to diagnose your chosen disease.
• Explain how the disease can be treated/managed.
• Explain the prognosis for your disease.

Conclusion (~100 words).
Summarise the findings of your report. No new information should be introduced.

Identify the core components of the control strategy required to reduce the burden of this infection in your clinical setting.

Health care associated infections Task 2500 words As an infection control consultant, you have been brought in to your clinical setting (this could be your current place of work or a healthcare setting you are familiar with) to prepare a report and propose a set of infection control guidelines for the infection control team to manage the most significant respiratory infection in the setting. The report would be expected to include the following components: • A detailed description of the respiratory infection including the aetiology and epidemiology. • The specific infection control challenges pertaining to this infection should be discussed including analysis of risk factors for the acquisition of the infection and mode of transmission. • Examine, in detail, how these challenges impact on patient care. • Identify the core components of the control strategy required to reduce the burden of this infection in your clinical setting. (1500 words) The guidelines should provide a summary of the critical steps for prevention and management of this particular infection (500 words).Provide a rationale for your recommendations and evaluate the feasibility of implementation taking into account resource limitations. (500 words)Please use a font size no smaller than 12 point. Write in your own words. All sources must be cited in the text and a reference list must be provided at the end of the document. If an assignment includes tables or figures, please include these graphics within the Word document rather than uploading several different attachments or parts of an assignment. It is recommended that if you use tables or figures to illustrate your answer that these are not disproportionate in size compared to the text. It is generally recommended that you use no more than three tables or figures. Please note that tables and figure legends should be included in the word count 2500. Only references and appendices are excluded, and appendices (if used) should only include additional material which is not intended to be marked as part of the assignment. DIAGRAMS For an essay type task, adding in a diagram is an effective way of quickly and clearly illustrating key points. Diagrams can be ones you have produced yourself, which is preferable, or sourced from published work, if appropriate. For assignment tasks that specifically ask you to draw a diagram as part of the task it is important that this is your own work i.e. you have drawn the diagram yourself. Diagrams will be judged on their content and clarity and not on their artistic merit so please don’t worry if art is not your strong point.

Diagrams can either be drawn by hand on paper and scanned, or produced electronically using a graphics or drawing program, then inserted into Word. (Please use the “insert” command rather than “copy” and “paste”). However, any diagrams, figures, schematics or lifecycles must be labelled with a figure legend, properly cited and acknowledged, relevant and referred to in the text. Grade point 4 Very good engagement with the topic, very good depth of understanding and insight, very good argument and analysis. This work may be ‘borderline distinction standard’. ➢ Note that very good work may have some inaccuracies or omissions but not enough to question the understanding of the subject matter. A full discussion of the topic that includes all relevant information and critical evaluation. Almost all correct, none incorrect. 3 Good (but not necessarily comprehensive) engagement with the topic, clear understanding & insight, reasonable argument and analysis. The major points are discussed, but relevant, though less important considerations, are omitted. Most correct, a few incorrect allowed.

As an infection control consultant, you have been brought in to your clinical setting (this could be your current place of work or a healthcare setting you are familiar with) to prepare a report and propose a
set of infection control guidelines for the infection control team to manage the most significant respiratory infection in the setting.

The report would be expected to include the following components:
• A detailed description of the respiratory infection including the aetiology and epidemiology.
• The specific infection control challenges pertaining to this infection should be discussed including analysis of risk factors for the acquisition of the infection and mode of transmission.
• Examine, in detail, how these challenges impact on patient care.
• Identify the core components of the control strategy required to reduce the burden of this infection in your clinical setting.


Do the benefits of water fluoridation justify its imposition? Using an Ethical, Legal or Political theory or principle to do so.

Write a 1200- word essay on the following title:

• Do the benefits of water fluoridation justify its imposition? Using an Ethical, Legal or Political theory or principle to do so.

Demonstrate a critical and systematic analysis, and provide a well-argued and creative evaluation of the ethical and/or legal problem identified in the chosen question
You need to provide relevant literature to support your arguments in your assessment. A minimum of 15 References should be cited both in the text and at the end in a reference list.

What additional data would you ascertain and analyze regarding the gender differences that exist in the reasons behind TB stigma?

Class: Cultural Epidemiology
Academic Style: Chicago Style
When the Bough Breaks: attached

Question: What biomedical and social factors based on socioeconomic status, presence of institutional and social racism/sexism, and mental health can be found that link the documentary “When the Bough Breaks” and the article regarding TB stigma in Bangladesh? Based on the conclusions, results, and propositions found in both examples: What has worked to reduce the chronic stress levels of African American expectant mothers to combat chronic stress and promote reduced low-birth-weight/premature infants prevalence, and are these measures sufficient? What additional data would you ascertain and analyze regarding the gender differences that exist in the reasons behind TB stigma? Based on what we’ve learned thus far in the course, what would be your next step so far as research initiatives in either of these cases as an epidemiologist?

What is your impression of the new CNE’s plans for a layered change process to integrate patient care and nursing services across the healthcare system?

[[Please Use 11th edition AMA format; cover page/reference page, citations, and please use 2 outside sources**]] THANK YOU :)

Pacific Grove Healthcare System comprises six community hospitals located in a 100-mile radius, two major integrated physician organizations (IPOs), a healthcare plan, a hospice and home health service, and a freestanding rehabilitation center. The corporate executives recently hired a chief nursing executive (CNE) to simplify the reporting structure for all of the CNOs at each hospital and IPO. The new CNE has a PhD in nursing and is nationally recognized for his success in developing integrated systems for health care. The new CNE has just completed a 10-year engagement at another large healthcare system that made dramatic changes in nursing services resulting in a system-wide Magnet designation by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC). The CNE published many papers and spoke at national conferences about the challenges and successes of integrating nursing services across a multihospital system.

One of the first changes that the CNE made was to develop a new structure for nursing services that included several system-wide councils for (1) operations, (2) research and innovation, (3) professional development and scholarship, and (4) clinical excellence. The CNE announced that the intent and purpose of these system-wide councils were to facilitate planning, implementation of programs and services, and evaluation of the effectiveness of nursing services across the system. The CNE emphasized the importance and value of creating the system-wide councils and the need to lead the system effort and let go of the traditional unilateral decision making by inviting others in the organization to participate in decisions that affected patient care and nursing practice.

At first the CNOs at each hospital resisted reporting to the system CNE and participating in the expansion of membership on the various system councils to individuals other than the CNOs. They viewed this structure change as marginalization of their roles and power structure. The CNE met with them individually and as a group in a planning retreat to address their concerns and shared stories and case studies from his previous organization that illustrated the benefits and outcomes of integrating nursing across the system. As a group they developed a list of attributes that they believed essential for a fully functioning system and the strategic actions that would need to take place before nursing in the system could be completely integrated. They also discussed the benefits and barriers to system work. The CNE led them through a mind-mapping experience to expand their thinking about the challenges and opportunities in leading system work. From the mind-map bubbles, the CNOs explored scenarios that would illustrate some of the situations that they might be facing in the future. The group discussed possible leaders and the membership for each of the councils and decided to invite some of the top leaders from each hospital’s Magnet council structure to participate in the system-wide councils.

To facilitate the effectiveness of this change, the CNE also engaged the services of an academic partner from one of the local universities to facilitate a professional development curriculum focused on leading group meetings, building consensus, managing conflict, managing change, financial planning and management, and system integration. Once the membership was decided and the leadership selected for each of the system-wide councils, each of the members was invited to participate in the learning experiences to build their skills and competencies in system work.

The CNE invited all of the system council members and CNOs to participate in a retreat where he presented his vision for an integrated nursing service line across all system entities. He shared that “success” would have many definitions, but one measure of success would be system-wide Magnet designation. He presented the characteristics of a high-performing system with examples of cost savings, financial gains, and program and service expansions from other system organizations that had achieved integration of patient care and nursing services across their systems. He outlined several measures that would guide the evaluation of their work, including financial, quality, satisfaction, work environment, and patient-outcome metrics. He indicated that each hospital would continue to report their individual progress on these metrics, but the aggregate of all of the system entities was a better measure of system performance. Each of them would also be evaluated on system metrics in addition to their individual entity goals. Each of the councils would include clinical nurses who were active in their unit practice councils and their entity’s collaborative governance councils.

Bolstering his vision for integrated patient care and nursing services, the CNE mentioned several business partners whose companies were interested in funding and involvement in the Research and Innovation Council, which was a tremendous opportunity to expand patient care and nursing research efforts. Academic partners representing the local colleges would also participate in the Professional Development and Scholarship Council in an effort to provide additional opportunities and resources to advance the education level and leadership skills of clinical nurses and frontline managers. It was also suggested that patient representatives be selected to participate in the Clinical Excellence Council to ensure that the “voice of the customer” was heard as a focus area for planning. Clinical nurses and interprofessional partners would be invited to participate on the Operations Council to integrate efforts of nursing and other professional providers.

At the end of the planning retreats, the CNOs and others who had participated were excited but a bit overwhelmed at the layers of change that were planned for each of their entities and for the entire system for patient care and nursing services. Some had doubts about the value of such a change, but most trusted that the new CNE would be able to direct and facilitate such a change because of his experience and reputation for accomplishing a similar process in another organization. Most were eager and pleased to be empowered to participate in such a lofty goal of integrating nursing services across the entire organization.


1. What is your impression of the new CNE’s plans for a layered change process to integrate patient care and nursing services across the healthcare system?
2. What barriers do you think will challenge the efforts toward system integration?
3. How do you think that the CNE can ensure accountability of his CNOs to support such change and promote systemness in their own organization as opposed to promoting their own entity’s interests?
4. What other metrics or measures would you recommend to assess the success of the integration process?
5. Describe the attributes that you think would be essential for a fully integrated nursing system.
6. To achieve the attributes that you outlined in question 5, what developmental elements would be needed to achieve an integrated nursing system?

Describe your career objectives and reasons for choosing the Certificate in Medical Physics program

Please describe your career objectives and reasons for choosing the Certificate in Medical Physics program (including any previous experience with the field of medical physics). Also, use this as an opportunity to tell us about yoursefktlf and help us get to know you better.