What is Cystic fibrosis?

Hello, this might sound a little bit complicated, but you will need to read 2 articles to answer questions based on the PDF that is provided. You can add up to additional 3 articles back up the answers as well.

Example of the question is following:
What is Cystic fibrosis? (from refs provided plus your own research).
i) Describe the what the Cystic fibrosis
transmembrane conductance regulator is and how it
functions normally in terms of controlling ion balance and outline the types of mutations that can occur the CFTR. (you can include a figure to help explain)

Length of the essay:
– 2 pages maximum for you answers using the answer sheet provided (12 point font, 2 cm margins). The reference list may go on a third page

Identify potential risks for both the crew and patient during the transport of a psychiatric patient and how to minimise these.

You have been tasked to transport a 22 year old patient with newly diagnosed schizophrenia from a regional hospital to a secure psychiatric unit 500km away. The patient has been violent and has required sedation overnight.

Describe how you would prepare for and carry out this mission including your rational for aircraft selection, crew configuration, clinical considerations and pre, during and post flight management.

Discuss the issues around physical and chemical restraint during transport, your decision regarding the best approach to take and how you will carry out the restraint.

Identify potential risks for both the crew and patient during the transport of a psychiatric patient and how to minimise these.

Attach as an appendix to your assignment a brief guideline outlining best practice for the transfer of a psychiatric patient by your aeromedical service (either pre-hospital or inter-hospital).

Discuss how circadian dysrhythmia affects aviation safety and addresspreventive measures

Research and report on the nature of circadian dysrhythmia and its role in causing fatigue. Discuss how circadian dysrhythmia affects aviation safety and addresspreventive measures

Propose three hypotheses for why an antibiotic might not be effective.

If you could develop an antibiotic what would be its characteristics? Key points to remember:
Spectrum of coverage
Resistance patterns
Structure of bacteria
Disease processes
Propose three hypotheses for why an antibiotic might not be effective. These should also explain why the ineffectiveness of the antibiotic results in failure to treat the disease. Use references for your answer.

Carry out an investigation about one of the technologies used in Health Informatics, for example: EHR, CPOE, EMR, CDSS, eMAR, or electronic devices used in Health Care

My topic are: Health informatic and patient management

Include intro, a currently emerging healthcare technology system, goals for the product, data supporting the product, healthcare settings (including education), conclusion.

You should carry out an investigation about one of the technologies used in Health Informatics, for example: EHR, CPOE, EMR, CDSS, eMAR, or electronic devices used in Health Care
5 pages (excluding cover and reference pages)
APA formatted paper
3 References within 5 years (1 must be course textbook)


The two articles that you will be using are in the filled below.
Those article are approved by the professor ,so you must used it to do the research paper

Write an article discussing ONE recent development in health with a focus on pharmacy.

Write an article discussing ONE recent development in health with a focus on pharmacy. It might have occurred because of COVID-19 OR the new Community Pharmacy Agreement (7CPA).

What items should you consider in establishing the organization’s purpose?

In this coursework assignment, you will have to write 2 paragraphs. The 2 paragraphs combined MUST be at least 1 full page. Fo each paragraph, you will be responding to the following writing prompt:
Writing Prompt Begin
Paragraph #1: Please discuss the following scenario (taken from assigned readings from Chapter 1 which is listed in the attached reading and background material).
You manage a four-physician office practice in a competitive neighborhood. Vendors often bring lunches and gifts for your staff and samples of prescription medications that the physicians give to patients. Could this be a problem? Why or why not?
Paragraph #2: Please discuss the following scenario (taken from assigned readings from Chapter 1 which is listed in the attached reading and background material.)
You were recently hired to manage a new primary care physician’s office. The physician’s office will be located downtown in a major metropolitan area with significant competition. You need to establish the organization’s purpose and financial objectives. What items should you consider in establishing the organization’s purpose? What organizational purpose should you suggest to the physician owners? What should the financial objectives of the organization be?
End Writing Prompt
Other Instructions:
-Please make sure you are referencing the reading materials in your response.
-Your response, for each paragraph, must include at least one of the refences listed in the attached reading and background materials.
-You must cite your references both in-text and on the references page, per APA guidelines.

Describe one component of one of these categories (first, second, or third line of defense) and how it helps the body ward off pathogens.

The body can be described as having three distinct lines of defense; first, second, and third. Describe one component of one of these categories (first, second, or third line of defense) and how it helps the body ward off pathogens.

Discuss muscle contraction of the hamstring muscle group.

Has to be Harvard referenced

Discuss what type of joint the knee is.
Discuss muscle contraction of the hamstring muscle group.
Discuss how flexion is achieved.
Discuss the role of tendons in the process. If you have enough words, you can also include a brief discussion of the overall process of muscle contraction.

What is the effect of Telemedicine/Telehealth visits on reducing COPD exacerbations?

In adult patients with COPD, what is the effect of Telemedicine/Telehealth visits on reducing COPD exacerbations?