Create a survey using the consumer perspective that could be administered to patients to review their experience at your facility in a patient-centered initiative,focusing on privacy.

Option #1: Patient Survey
As a healthcare administrator, it is important to be able to evaluate the effectiveness of your staff’s ability to follow rules like HIPAA and HITECH, as well as to facilitate patient autonomy.

Create a survey using the consumer perspective that could be administered to patients to review their experience at your facility in a patient-centered initiative,focusing on privacy. Be sure to include questions that will measure the safety of their personal information, procedures used to keep information private, and specific items that are required by HIPAA. Be sure to look at the survey from a patient perspective.

Your survey should include 10-15 questions, and include a paragraph for each question which specifies:

How you would use information gained from that question to improve healthcare in your facility, and
Any ethical implications of the questions you provided.
While the format can be in a survey format, with paragraphs explaining the necessity of the questions and how the feedback will be helpful to your facility, remember to cite your sources.

Your paper should be 3-4 pages in length. Be sure to include a cover page and references formatted according to the APA standard. Be sure to discuss and reference concepts taken from the assigned textbook reading and relevant research. You must include a minimum of three credible, academic or professional references beyond the text or other course materials.

Analyze why nursing should be a part of this plan. What can they bring to the table?

Choose one of the following chronic diseases to address in this component:

  • Hypertension
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
  • Diabetes Mellitus type 2
  • Childhood Asthma

Complete the following:

  • Detail the population including who the members are, contributing causes, past medical history, family/genetic components.
  • Evaluate the population including size, seriousness of disease, special needs, etc.
  • Assess the need for formal case management.
  • Argue the potential benefits to implementing a case management model including economics, quality of life/care, social disruption, etc.
  • Analyze why nursing should be a part of this plan. What can they bring to the table?
  • Identify other team members who should be included on a case management team. Why should they be on this team and what is their role?

Provide background information on the Healthy People 2020 objective including data for the objective, details on methodologies and measurements, and previous versions of the objective.

Title Page- This page includes Title, Student name/SID, Course/section and Date

Abstract- The abstract will be between 150- 200 words and provide adequate summary of the paper.

Introduction – Define the problem including person (who it impacts), place (where it impacts), and time (when it impacts).

Background – provide background information on the Healthy People 2020 objective including data for the objective, details on methodologies and measurements, and previous versions of the objective.

Current Research – Summarize current research on your topic from peer reviewed literature and authoritative sources (such as WHO, CDC, etc). The sources should be published within the last 10 years and provide information such as social determinants, risk factors, trends in the increase or decrease of the issue, population(s) impacted, and methods prevention or mitigation that are or are not effective.

Discussion – Based on the current research, describe whether it is consistent or inconsistent (agreeing or disagreeing research), gaps in the literature, etc.

Recommendations- Make recommendations concerning future research, types of interventions to be used, and any other future steps.

References- Includes at least ten references. References must be correctly numbered with appropriate citations in text. All references must adhere to the AMA Manual of Style Citation.


Describe how a Fatigue Risk Management System would work in an aeromedical operation.

You are the on call Flight Nurse/Paramedic for your flight team and you have nearly completed a 12 hour day shift in your unit/service when an urgent request comes in to retrieve a criticlly ill patient. The Flight Nurse/Paramedic who was going to replace you has called in sick and the nurse/paramedic replacing her is not flight qualified. The flight is to Invercargill and you are based in Auckland, the total mission time will be approximately 12 hours.
a. Considering the physiology of sleep, fatigue, and circadian cycles what are the fundamental issues with the above situation
b. How might fatigue affect your performance?
c. What fatigue management tools can you use to minimise the effects on your performance?
d. Describe how a Fatigue Risk Management System would work in an aeromedical operation.

What fatigue management tools can you use to minimise the effects on your performance?

You are the on call Flight Nurse/Paramedic for your flight team and you have nearly completed a 12 hour day shift in your unit/service when an urgent request comes in to retrieve a criticlly ill patient. The Flight Nurse/Paramedic who was going to replace you has called in sick and the nurse/paramedic replacing her is not flight qualified. The flight is to Invercargill and you are based in Auckland, the total mission time will be approximately 12 hours.
a. Considering the physiology of sleep, fatigue, and circadian cycles what are the fundamental issues with the above situation
b. How might fatigue affect your performance?
c. What fatigue management tools can you use to minimise the effects on your performance?
d. Describe how a Fatigue Risk Management System would work in an aeromedical operation.

Explain the pathophysiological processes of Chronic Bronchitis

Explain the pathophysiological processes of Chronic Bronchitis

References – Minimum of 2 professional references within 5 years
Professional website (.com is not professional – can use either .org, .gov or .edu

Reference page and in-text citations must be in APA format. You must use in-text citations cite all information that you use in the slides – after each entry/sentence.

Critically Appraise the prevention and control of Type 2 Diabetes in the Indigenous population in Australia.

Critically Appraise the prevention and control of Type 2 Diabetes in the Indigenous population in Australia. Briefly outline the epidemiology of Type 2 diabetes and its associated risk factors, with specific reference to the burden of disease and its risk factors in the chosen country population. Critically appraise the current approaches to prevention and control in Australia’s population; their strengths, weaknesses and challenges, and documented success and failures and reason for such outcome. Focusing primarily on population approaches to prevention and control; and if there are individual approaches which are prominent component in Type 2 diabetes to discuss

Why is this mineral important for the body

For this assignment, you have some more flexibility to discuss 2-3 minerals that you would like to discuss as it doesn’t have to be the 3 minerals you’re writing about in Discussion 6. For example, if you want to write about Iron, Copper, Selenium, Zinc, etc, you can. I recommend you branch out and use different minerals and avoid using the same content from your Discussion if writing about Calcium or Magnesium. Pick 2-3 minerals and write about the following for each:

What are their functions and why is this mineral important for the body
Talk about what happens (signs, symptoms, impact on health) when there is a deficiency. It’s very important that you provide some depth and not just one sentence. Tell the reader as much as possible about what happens if someone is deficient.
HEADERS: Very important that you use headers for each mineral you discuss
REFERENCE PAGE: This should be separate from your text and not on the same page as your Discussion/Conclusion
Paper should be at least 2 pages of content and in APA format. You are not penalized if you go over.
SPACING: Very important that your paper is double spaced or you will need to re-subm

Use and cite a minimum of 3 sources in National Library of Medicine (NLM) format

A disease will be assigned to you to research. You will need to include the following in your paper :
(a) the description and/or origin of the disease/disorder,
(b) drugs used to treat the disease/disorder (include 3 different types of drugs), and
(c) potential side effects of the drugs along with potential dental related complications that may arise due to the nature of the disease/disorder.
**The paper must be 3 pages in length (not including cover sheet or references), double space, Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, 1” margins.
References: Use and cite a minimum of 3 sources in National Library of Medicine (NLM) format; at least 2 references must be from a peer-reviewed journal.
APA formatting is required

Discuss laws in the State of California regarding end -of -life decisions and care.

This is a research paper you will be writing on the concept of end of life decisions and care in the State of California. This research paper MUST be a minimum of 8 pages – not counting cover, references, and exhibits page.
——————Begin Writing Prompt————
End- of -life issues are one of the top ethical and legal issues that health professionals will face in the 21st century. Write a research paper that will analyze the concept of end-of- life decisions and care. Your research paper needs to include the following:
1. Introduction on the current state of end of life decisions and care in California and how this will be the top ethical and legal issues that health professionals will face in the 21st century. Provide examples of current case studies.
2. Discuss laws in the State of California regarding end -of -life decisions and care. Describe the current laws in detail.
3. Discuss “consent” in end-of-life decisions
and care. Provide examples for illustration purposes.
4. Discuss whether healthcare ethics or institutional review boards participate in end-of –life decision and care issues. Discuss examples.
5. Discuss the role of government including HIPAA in end-of- life decisions and care. Discuss what is HIPAA and how it relates to end of life decisions and care. Provide examples.
—————-End Writing Prompt—————
Additional Important Instructions:
-Your answers/responses must be based on the reading materials listed in the attached filed, titled, “reading materials.”
-You must use a minimum of 10 sources, at least 8 of the 10 minimum sources must come from the list of “reading materials” attached to this order.
-Your answer to this writing prompt MUST be based on the readings from the attached, “reading materials.”
-You are welcome to use your own sources, but at least 8 of your sources must be from the list, titled, “reading materials.”
-Additionally, you must use at least three peer reviewed journal articles in your paper.
-Make sure you are answering ALL parts of the question prompts.
-To make sure you are covering all the required materials, please use sub-headings in your paper. This will also help your paper “flow” better.
-Make sure you are citing your references appropriately, per APA guidelines, both in-text and on the reference page.
-You must use at least 3 exhibits in your paper – this could be a chart or graph, or whatever you think would help the paper. You must refer to these three exhibits in your paper and make sure these “exhibits” are displayed in your “exhibits” page (at the end of your paper, after the references page).
Writing expectations include competency in the following:
-Sentence Structure
-Verb Tense and Agreement
-Pronoun Use
-Possessive Use
-Focus and Organization
-Thesis Statement & Conclusion

-Please do not forget to use sub-headings to make sure you are covering everything that is required! Please be very, very detailed in your responses to make sure you cover each topic extensively! Provide examples for each required topics/discussions.
-Please do not forget to use at least 3 exhibits in your paper to help you make your case/point. “Exhibits/Artifacts” should be in the “exhibits page” and not part of the minimum 8 pages of text. Although, you should refer to it in your paper.
-Must be double-spaced with 1-inch margins and typed in 12-point Times New Roman.
-Your Essay should have a Cover Page, References page, and Exhibits Page.
-Essays should be proofread for spelling and grammar mistakes.
-Essays should be in APA style.
-You must cite all texts used, including page numbers to avoid plagiarism.
-Your essay must have a thesis statement and conclusion that are both supported by research and analysis.