Explain what the importance of a father figure is within the movie , Boyz n The Hood and how it impacts the characters in the setting there in.

The impact of a Father Figure

Explain what the importance of a father figure is within the movie , Boyz n The Hood and how it impacts the characters in the setting there in.

What you liked. What you didn’t like. How does the film utilize some of the techniques in the chapter especially with special effects, makeup, and optical effects?

Planet of the apes 1968

Tell your thoughts on watching the original Planet of the Apes from 1968. What you liked. What you didn’t like. How does the film utilize some of the techniques in the chapter especially with special effects, makeup, and optical effects? Also, the film touches on a lot of themes of social commentary. Tell about the ones that you noticed. Include all points in paper noted in the film you see.

How has Alfred Hitchcock influenced African American cutlers and films

African American cutlers and films

How has Alfred Hitchcock influenced African American cutlers and films

How has Alfred Hitchcock influenced African American cutlers and films?

African American cutlers and film

How has Alfred Hitchcock influenced African American cutlers and film?

How was this media received by critics and/or the public when it was initially released? Have these attitudes shifted since its initial release? What are the possible implications or meanings of these attitudes?

Disney film part 2

This project calls you to expand upon your initial analysis through the incorporation of a second Disney film or television show.

Knowledge: This project may further your learning in relation to the following course learning objectives (CLOs):
CLO 4: Demonstrate a theoretical framework for critical analysis of Disney representations in terms of gender, race, class, sexuality, and nation
CLO 8: Demonstrate writing skills in feminist critical analysis on the politics of representation
CLO 1: Discuss and explain general concepts and themes in feminist film and media studies
CLO 2: Analyze the intersections of gender, race, class, sexuality, and nation
Skills: This project will support you in cultivating the following skills. These skills are applicable in all environments in which social justice approaches and critical thinking skills are needed.
Feminist media analysis, including written analyses
Revision and the incorporation of feedback
Intersectional and other feminist methods
Critical thinking including attention to the broader systemic contexts in which media is created
Informed by instructor feedback and your deepened understanding of course frameworks and approaches, you will expand upon your initial analysis through the incorporation of a second Disney film or television show. Your analysis will place your selected film(s) or television show(s) in conversation with one another. As needed, you may also deepen, shift, expand, or otherwise amend the initial analysis that you offered in Week Four.
While there is no required research for this project beyond your selected film(s) or television show(s), you are welcome to engage (cited) learning materials and elements from your own research as is generative.
While your selected media may or may not be assigned within our course, your analysis should expand upon the content of our learning materials and/or collective learning spaces. Potential films are not confined to Disney’s animated films but must be produced under Disney. For example, The Mandalorian is Disney-produced and would therefore be an appropriate focus for this assignment, while Star Wars films created before Disney purchased Lucasfilms would not.
Please watch (or re-watch) your selected Disney film or television show through intersectional and other feminist frameworks. While there is no required submission for this element of your project, the following guiding questions may be useful in engaging your selected media and/or structuring your eventual analysis.
How does reading your selected film(s) or television show(s) together deepen, shift, or expand your initial analysis and/or understanding of Disney media?
Informed by intersectional and other feminist frameworks, how are gender, race, sexuality, class, disability, and other intersecting social categories depicted within your selected media?
How are masculinity and/or femininity articulated within your selected media?
What flows of power and/or resistance are evident in your selected media?
What implicit and/or explicit narratives are told within your selected media?
When was this media produced? How does it reflect or relate to this moment or other broader social contexts?
How does your selected media affirm and/or trouble systems of oppression and their norms?
How does your selected media deepen, shift, or expand your understanding of interlocking systems of oppression including white supremacy, patriarchy, and ableism?
What creative modes of resistance and/or survival are enacted by characters marginalized within your selected media?
How was this media received by critics and/or the public when it was initially released? Have these attitudes shifted since its initial release? What are the possible implications or meanings of these attitudes?
Following this review of your selected media, you will synthesize your findings via a feminist media analysis essay that places your selected film(s) and/or television show(s) in conversation with one another (1000-1500 words). This project should reflect college-level writing practices and conventions, including proper citational (MLA (Links to an external site.)) practices. You are encouraged to make use of OSU’s Online Writing Support (OWS)Links to an external site. resources ahead of your submission in Week Seven. Detailed evaluation criteria are further discussed in the rubric.

Whats the difference between choosing hospice versus palliation. Should hospice be the pathway accepted, what needs to happen so that a hospital or SNF can provide hospice?

Watch the movie: Being Mortal

This movie shows the student’s understanding of hospice and the ethical challenges patients, family and physicians face when discussing options for end of life care.

To ensure the student has a good understanding of the materials, “Being Mortal” will combine all the information from LTC3020 into a real-life situation for the student to synthesize concepts and principles over the past 5 weeks.


After watching the movie, you are required to write a paper that includes the following:

The importance of mortality conversations with patient and family

The ethics behind continuing treatment when it appears to be futile to the prognosis of the patient

The difference between choosing hospice versus palliation

The eligibility for hospice according to the Medicare guidelines

Should hospice be the pathway accepted, what needs to happen so that a hospital or SNF can provide hospice?

Rashomon is clearly a product of a deeply patriarchal culture, especially in using the story of a rape the basis for a metaphysical contemplation of the unknowability of truth and reality. Does the film also contain its own skepticism about patriarchy as well?


Answer the Questions (150 WORDS EACH QUESTIONS)

1) Rashomon is clearly a product of a deeply patriarchal culture, especially in using the story of a rape the basis for a metaphysical contemplation of the unknowability of truth and reality. Does the film also contain its own skepticism about patriarchy as well?

2) The idea of a “tale within the tale” is a really neat way to look at a story as it might be in real life. We each perceive and remember incidences differently. our interpretation is impacted by our own unique experiences along with our cultural and societal views. This could explain how the characters all had a different view of the events that took place. Of course, you would not expect that the cause of death would change from a dagger to a sword. certain details should remain the same, but how it happened can be told differently from each different character. The one thing that I did not understand, is they would have known if the man was killed by a dagger, or a sword and could have ruled out at least one of the stories. I wonder why they did not leave the cause of the samurai’s death the same? making it harder for us to know who was telling the truth.

3) At least when Cleo from 5 to 7 was made, Varda was the best known woman filmmaker in the world. What effect do you see of a feminine subjectivity at work here?

What are some of the more intriguing claims he makes in regards to how filmmakers should engage with image-sound relations, and what might be some examples – from the sound films (listed below) – of the creative deployment of sound?

Sound Film

In 1929 – in the transitional period from silent to sound film – the filmmaker V.N. Pudovkin published an article (“Asynchronism as a Principle of Sound Film”) that considers the way sound might be utilized as a new expressive element in cinema. What are some of the more intriguing claims he makes in regards to how filmmakers should engage with image-sound relations, and what might be some examples – from the sound films (listed below) – of the creative deployment of sound? Your analysis can focus primarily on one type of sound (dialogue, ambient sound, music) or on their combination, but it should not lose sight of the way audio is being combined/integrated with image. The more precise you are in your description of how sound is being deployed, and the effectiveness of this deployment, the better. For this reason you should limit the number of films
you consider here to two or three at most. If you like you can also bring into play some of the observations in the course textbook about the way sound influences/transforms cinema aesthetics.

What messages does this film give about relationships between parents and children? How does it express those ideas about relationships? Explain in detail in your own words.


Understanding Media Texts- Explain your answer in detail (5 sentences) in your own words. Do not copy from notes, other students, the Internet, etc.
1. What messages does this film give about relationships between parents and children? How does it express those ideas about relationships? Explain in detail in your own words.


If the actor seems unnatural in the part, is it because he or she tends to be over dramatic or wooden and mechanical? Is this unnaturalness more apparent in the way the actor delivers the lines or in the actor’s physical actions?

Film to be evaluated: Darkest Hour

Provide a paragraph to discuss Gary Oldman’s portrayal of Sir Winston Churchill. Discuss one of the following areas. Do you agree or disagree with their assessment?

•Is the actor consistently believable in the portrayal of the character, or does he or she occasionally fall out of character?

•If the actor seems unnatural in the part, is it because he or she tends to be over dramatic or wooden and mechanical? Is this unnaturalness more apparent in the way the actor delivers the lines or in the actor’s physical actions?

•In which specific scenes is the acting especially effective or ineffective? Why?

Book link: The Art of Watching Film
Please read Chapter 10 – go to Page Overview to find the chapter.