Identity based on status and class often seems very rigid in the past. Discuss the importance of status and class in greek society; be sure to include specific examples showing how people could change status and class.

Greek History and Culture

1) Compare and contrast the political and economic systems of the Bronze Age Aegean with the political and economic practices of Greece  the 5th century B.C.

2) Identity based on status and class often seems very rigid in the past. Discuss the importance of status and class in greek society; be sure to include specific examples showing how people could change status and class.

3)Ancient sources tend to portray Sparta as an unchanging society at least since the time of Lycurgus. What evidence do we have for change in Spartan social and political history?

How have you researched this topic, what theoretical approaches, historical perspectives, cultural theories will you use? Semiotic analysis? Content analysis? Psychoanalytic theory? What are the key academic sources you will use? How are these approaches relevant to your argument?

Film and television analysis

A clear outline of your dissertation’s argument, aims and objectives.

This should be a short introductory paragraph: what is your dissertation arguing and why, what main points will you make to prove your overall argument?

· A discussion of how the dissertation will be structured, chapter by chapter

You need to give a rough outline for the topics or points for each chapter, what argument and theoretical approaches/academic standpoints you will use. This will also function as your dissertation plan. You can tie this in with the next section:

· A discussion of the research methods to be used (e.g. textual analysis, surveys, socio-historical contextualisation)

How have you researched this topic, what theoretical approaches, historical perspectives, cultural theories will you use? Semiotic analysis? Content analysis? Psychoanalytic theory? What are the key academic sources you will use? How are these approaches relevant to your argument?

· A critical evaluation of primary and/or secondary research resources to be used.

Here you should indicate what sources you have already accessed/will access: as a rough guide, choose 5 key academic sources and explain briefly how they are useful to your dissertation. You can quote from them if you wish, but you must reference them fully and correctly using Harvard APA.

· A full bibliography in APA, including any media texts (film, music, website, etc.) mentioned

You can also include an Indicative Research List of sources you have not yet accessed but will, under your Bibliography.

Analyze the cinematography and/or mise-en-scene, making an argument that connects the formal elements to a deeper meaning of the film.

Moonlight: The Dinner Scene Analysis

Pick a single scene from ″Moonlight″ movie by Barry Jenkins. (Analyze the ending scene; the dinner scene between Chiron and Kevin.) Analyze the cinematography and/or mise-en-scene, making an argument that connects the formal elements to a deeper meaning of the film.
Use your own words to describe it. In case of using outside sources make citations in MLS format

Identify some of the director’s most important films. What honors and awards did the director receive? Provide a sampling of critical opinion about the director’s work.

Tim burton

The final paper, with its bibliography, is to be turned in before the end of week eight.  The coversheet, bibliography, and any graphs or images, or appendix does not count toward paper length.  The body of the paper should have a one inch margin on all four sides, be doubled-space, and use a standard font style (such as Times New Roman, Courier, or Arial) and font size (11 or 12).

Your assignment is to write a 5-7 page research paper on one of the following: (a) an important film director, (b) a specific film, or (c) the development of a particular element of film making.  The description of each of these options is below.


(a)   You should select a director who was active (directed more than 3 movies) during the time period of 1950 – 2000.  In your term paper, give me the basic details of the director’s life and career. Identify some of the director’s most important films. What honors and awards did the director receive? Provide a sampling of critical opinion about the director’s work (i.e. film reviews or articles). View at least two films by your director and comment on them (one of them can be a film you would have watch previously for the class). Do not summarize any plots. Write about how this director used the following in these films: Editing (montage), Sound and Music, Cinematography, Special Camera Work (steady cam, hand held, optical effects), Special Effects (this can include stunt work).

Identify three editing techniques used in three specific scenes. Explain how the editing helped in the coherence, continuity, rhythm, transitions, emotional impact, tempo, time expansion or compression, or mise-en-scene.

Hacksaw Ridge Assignment Instruction

Film Evaluation Class

Subject: Editing, Image & Music

Film to be evaluated:  Hacksaw Ridge


John Gilbert won the Academy Award for best editing for the film Hacksaw Ridge in 2016. As you watch the film this week, identify three editing techniques used in three specific scenes. Explain how the editing helped in the coherence, continuity, rhythm, transitions, emotional impact, tempo, time expansion or compression, or mise-en-scene. You do not have to write a full essay but at least a full, descriptive paragraph. (no more than one page). Describe the scene and the technique used. Please prepare to discuss in class.



Film Link:



Book Link: The Art of Watching Film

Go to Page Overview:  Chapter 6 (Editing)




Compare and Contrast the two major characters in this movie describing their different personality traits (Bill Murray as Bob Wiley and Richard Dreyfuss as Dr. Marvin).

Compare and Contrast the two major characters in this movie describing their different personality traits

Compare and Contrast the two major characters in this movie describing their different personality traits (Bill Murray as Bob Wiley and Richard Dreyfuss as Dr. Marvin). Look at Dr. Marvin’s professionalism or lack there of and any ethical and confidentiality issues and responsibilities observed in the movie. Include in your paper the different theories and theoretical perspectives learned and observed throughout the movie and apply them in your psychological analysis. Also include some therapeutic techniques observed throughout the movie. (please include academic support) to increase clarity to your paper.

What could have been better? – describe why this is and how it could have been improved.

Analyze the cinematic techniques used in two student films (you will find them here:!AsVUAH0iD62_m11Uw2-lV7BguKOt?e=LBVCSG )
You should discuss screenwriting, direction, cinematography, editing, sound, and you may discuss other areas if you wish. Make sure you use the correct terminology from the slides.

What the films have done well? What could have been better? – describe why this is and how it could have been improved. Is one better/weaker than the other in certain aspects? Why do you think this is, what could they have done differently? Are there things that they didn’t do that you think would have made a difference?

Use the slides from the scriptwriting, directing and cinematography to help you think of the key aspects covered and that you may want to discuss.

How does Moonlight represent ‘Little’s’ struggles as intersectionality related to sexuality, ethnicity and gender?

Analyze a scene from Moonlight. The analysis must answer the question ‘How does Moonlight represent ‘Little’s’ struggles as intersectionality related to sexuality, ethnicity and gender? You should write up this analysis in no more than 700 words.

Discuss how the specific film you picked shows the characteristics of the category it is in.

The purpose of the film journal is to allow students the opportunity to view and discuss films that coincide with class discussions. The journal itself will consist of entries of at least 200 words on a films picked from the following categorical list.

A student may pick any film from each category to view and discuss The entry will consist of a general response to the film and an in-depth discussion on how the film relates to in-class lectures.  Discuss how the specific film you picked shows the characteristics of the category it is in.

 What did you think of the ABC 20/20 report on the backstory and the criminal investigation? Did it change your take on the movie or any of the real life characters?

What did you think of the ABC 20/20 report on the backstory and the criminal investigation? Did it change your take on the movie or any of the real life characters?

One of the CNN articles says that some exotic dancers have spoken out about the film on social media because they feel the film equated their work with criminal activity.

Do you feel like this film paints an open minded portrait of women just trying to make a living? Or does it indict their entire profession?