Analyze the stylistic and technical aspects of the film – what worked for you, what didn’t work, and why?

Write a 500 word paper on any Documentary film of your choosing. DO NOT WRITE ABOUT ANY FILMS DISCUSSED IN THE LEARNING MODULES. Submit your papers to the drop box in either the MS WORD file or a PDF file ONLY.

Give some background and context for the film you are analyzing; when was it made, who was the Director, what awards did it win, and any other information that helps provide context. Tell me what the film is about, who was interviewed or profiled, and summarize the film.

Analyze the stylistic and technical aspects of the film – what worked for you, what didn’t work, and why? Be as specific as possible, and cite information from specific scenes in the film to back up your opinions. This paper will be due , but late papers get a 10% penalty.  Be sure to both use and cite at least two sources; you lose 5 points if you do not do this

What they generally seen in a positive/negative light? Explain with at least 3 reasons for your answer.

Movie review for “The War With grandpa”

1.What they generally seen in a positive/negative light? Explain with at least 3 reasons for your answer.
2.In what ways could you relate to the main character? List at least 2.
3.How did others in the movie treat the elderly character? Explain with at least 3 examples.
4.Reflect on the movie pros/cons, what you thought about it, how it can educate others or mislead others about the elderly population, anything you reflected on should be discussed here.
5.Add Continuity Theory, Disengagement Theory, Social Exchange Theory, how it relates to the movie.
6. Discuss some ways (at least two) that a more positive spin could have been portrayed in the movie/book to show a more accurate view of the aging population.
7. Summarize this assignment.

Write a movie review for There Will Be Blood, using it as a lens to explore the concept of greed.

Write a movie review for There Will Be Blood, using it as a lens to explore the concept of greed.

Discuss the importance of communication in creative collaboration.

Discuss the importance of communication in creative collaboration.

What is your reaction to the video?

After watching the video,  create a Blog that addresses the following questions:

1. What is your reaction to the video?
2. How are flash mobs connected to our topic this week of Conformity & Obedience
3. Pick one concept/theory from the film and/or text/lecture. Define it in your own words and provide an example of how the flash mob illustrates that concept.

You can either number your responses or break them up into paragraphs for clarity. This helps so that the reader knows that the writer understands what question they are answering.

Get creative! Attach a picture, video, etc., to make your intro more interesting!

make sure to elaborate by providing examples from the experiment and course material. Minimum word requirement 500 words.

f you miss any of these requirements, your blog is automatically 5/10.


Choose an American film from the last ten years which exhibits some form of the blank style, irony or structure of chance that Sconce writes about. How has the smart film changed?

Choose an American film from the last ten years which exhibits some form of the blank style, irony or structure of chance that Sconce writes about. How has the smart film changed?

What are the themes and values communicated in this film?

Watch the film The Gods Must be Crazy the first one (1981)
Watch the film fully for the first time (you will watch it fully at least 2 times)

What are the themes and values communicated in this film? Cultural practices or ‘outsider’ perspectives (the people not in the majority or ideas not commonly accepted). What does the main character need to accomplish and why. How did you connect personally with those themes or activities?

How is this film and the way it uses the elements listed above different from a mainstream Hollywood film? How does this film tell it’s story that reflects it’s unique cultural values or ideas?

How were you affected by the film? What surprised you? What did you learn? How did you learn it? How do you think about the subject matter differently since seeing this film? What do you define as the part of the film that most resonated with your life?

Watch the film, Beauty and the Beast by Jean Cocteau and write a three page reflection paper about the use of mise en scene in the film.

Watch the film, Beauty and the Beast by Jean Cocteau and write a three page (at least) reflection paper about the use of mise en scene in the film.

include in your paper, your thoughts about:

camera movement,
camera angle and shot size,
wardrobe and
acting choices,
props and set decoration,
composition of the shots.
mood and feelings evoked
how do these elements work together to create the vision of the director. What do you think he wanted to achieve?
Choose one scene (not discussed in the previous lecture) to focus your analysis. List the time of the scene in the movie (ie. the father lost in the forest @ 10:14).

How might the film alter or change the past, or present one interpretation of the material that is actually in dispute.

Dunkirk, Watch the movie and simultaneously do research to find out what the film “got right” and what “it got wrong.” What is fictional? What is more accurate? How might the film alter or change the past, or present one interpretation of the material that is actually in dispute. Why is it important to figure all this out? Millions of people see these movies, so the ways reality is represented is really important, right? Why?
PARAGRAPHS: Scenes from the film, what they say about an incident or event, how it accords with “reality” or does not.

Describe the role of leadership in the movie. What types of leadership were used? In what ways does leadership help the group achieve their goals?

Write a 1,250-1,500-word analysis of a movie of your choice that the instructor approves: The Avengers (2012)

In order to obtain credit you MUST do the following: thoughtfully apply and develop at least two course concepts per section. DO NOT only summarize the movie. Critically assess the movie in order to provide an intellectual response to each of the questions below.

Provide a brief synopsis of the plot and main characters.
Describe the role of leadership in the movie. What types of leadership were used? In what ways does leadership help the group achieve their goals?
What methods are used to reinforce the group’s identity (verbal & nonverbal)? What do the leaders do to reinforce and support the group’s decisions?
How does the group handle conflict? Are these conflicts constructive or destructive? In what ways?
Are there any ‘sidebar’ conversations among group members? How do conversations like these help the group achieve their goals? Do these types of conversations negatively or positively affect the group? How so?
Does the leader remind the group of the group’s purpose/goal? How does this help the group? Why is this important for the group?
You must use a minimum of five cited and referenced sources.