Examine the relationship between normality and the monster in the American horror film.

Using Robin Wood’s theory on the subject and with detailed reference to Night of the Living Dead (Romero, 1968), examine the relationship between normality and the monster in the American horror film.

Is television essentially different to film?

Is television essentially different to film? Refer to any two television episodes, at least one of which must have been screened on the module.

Explore how sets and camerawork are used to convey important information about the characters of Charles Foster Kane in Citizen Kane and Franzis in The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari.

Answer THREE of the following questions using provided documentation in additional material. Each answer should be in the form of an essay 600-900 words in length. Be as precise as possible, and take into consideration both technical and thematic aspects of the films in question:

1. Consider the symbolic meanings of Kong in King Kong (1933), and of the shark in Jaws. Show how the films make clear that these creatures are more than simply animals, and how the films suggest particular interpretations. For example, if Godzilla represents the atomic bomb in his first film, what do Kong and the shark represent, and why?

2. Double Indemnity and The Hitch-Hiker are both examples of the film noir. Compare their approaches to the creation of the film noir mood and suspense. What points in common do their approaches have, and what are the significant differences?

3. Explore how sets and camerawork are used to convey important information about the characters of Charles Foster Kane in Citizen Kane and Franzis in The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari.

Develop an analysis of one or more screen texts that remix, recycle or remediate other works exploring one or more of the following:

Develop an analysis of one or more screen texts that remix, recycle or remediate other works exploring one or more of the following:

the ethics of appropriation in the work examined
how and why the remix work engages with its chosen source material

Write a 1000 words over 3 defining moments of Han solo from The Empire Strikes back. What Identifies Han solo in this movie.

Write a 1000 words over 3 defining moments of Han solo from The Empire Strikes back. What Identifies Han solo in this movie.

Read chapter on The Mongol Empire and then do Film analysis Source

Film Analysis: Genghis Khan one of History’s Great Destroyers – utilize worksheet K under files – number and answer 8 questions  Read chapter on The Mongol Empire and then do Film analysis






Choose one of the clips from the “Editing” section and analyze the use of editing in one short paragraph.

Choose one of the clips from the “Editing” section and analyze the use of editing in one short paragraph. In your analysis, describe the transitions between specific shots and the overall effect this has on the scene.
Choose one of the clips from the “Cinematography” section and analyze the use of cinematography in one short paragraph. In your analysis, describe the way specific shots are composed, paying particular attention to the camera angles, types of shots, framing, color, and the overall effect this has on the scene.
In your discussion, evaluate the dramatic impact of the scene and interpret the scene based on your analysis. In your view, what mood, symbolism, or meaning results from the scene’s creative editing and cinematography?
Support your claims with examples from the required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references. You must use at least two outside sources, in any combination of embedded video clips, still photos, or scholarly sources. All sources should be documented in APA style as outlined by the University of Arizona Global Campus Writing Center (Links to an external site.). Please view the video Posting in a Discussion in Canvas (Links to an external site.) for guidance on how to integrate multimedia with your response.
Guided Response (due Monday, Day 7): Respond substantively (150 to 175 words) to at least two classmates who analyzed at least one different clip than you did in your initial post, focusing on the clip that you did not discuss. In your responses, reference your initial post and show how your ideas relate to those of your peers, extending the discussion. Provide support for your position. Substantive responses use theory, research, experience, and/or examples to support ideas and elaborate on the discussion topic.



Did the documentary you watch have areas where you felt it was biased

you must choose a documentary from one of these types (advocacy, visual poetry, direct cinema)- either one listed in the book or choose your own. Then you must respond to the questions below:
Q1: Did the documentary you watch have areas where you felt it was biased, not objective (meaning giving both sides of the story) or possible the facts were wrong (maybe proven wrong later after it was released)? Tell me why or why not you believe this.

Q2. Name the documentary you watch- what did you like about it? What would you have changed? How was this documentary different then other documentaries you have seen.

Each response must be a minimum of 5 sentences

What topics do you want to talk about? What it is, its background, what makes it noteworthy?

Find a topic about Japanese animation, and then write a essay based on the following questions:

  1. What topics do you want to talk about? What it is, its background, what makes it noteworthy?
  2. What’s your research goal (main points)?