How are elements like character development or foreshadowing impacted by the choice of storytelling methods?

Choose a film from this list of approved choices download. Note: If you would like to write about a film that is not on this list, you must email your professor for approval in advance or you may not receive credit on this discussion.

In at least 250 words, describe the relationship of story to plot in your chosen film. Be sure to

Identify the title, writer, director, major actors, and the year of the film’s release.
Summarize the story of your chosen film (what happens) in one sentence.
Summarize the plot of your chosen film (what motivates the sequence of events) in about five sentences.
Discuss whether the action in your film is presented chronologically or non-linearly. In your discussion, address the following:
What are some of the effects of this choice on the audience?
How are elements like character development or foreshadowing impacted by the choice of storytelling methods?
You must use at least two outside sources, in any combination of embedded video clips, still photos, or scholarly sources. All sources should be documented in APA style as outlined by the University of Arizona Global Campus Writing Center (Links to an external site.). Please view the video Posting in a Discussion in Canvas (Links to an external site.) for guidance on how to integrate multimedia with your response.

Guided Response: Respond substantively (150 to 175 words) to at least two of your classmates’ posts. In your responses, reference your initial post and show how your ideas relate to those of your peers, extending the discussion. Provide support for your position. Substantive responses use theory, research, experience, and/or examples to support ideas and elaborate on the discussion topic.

Choose one of the following topics, then write a proposal.

Choose one of the following topics, then write a proposal.

  1. Japanese film industry
  2. The intersections of Japanese cinema with industries and filmmakers in Europe, the United States, and East Asia.
  3. Japanese Animation (Anime, copyright)

Briefly describe your choice and explain its significance for Global Studies.

This assignment requires you to use concepts as tools, to read and observe with intent, and to engage critically and thoughtfully with your surroundings as a global citizen.

Please include 3-4 of the following concepts and theories in essay.

Key Concepts and Theories:
Climate change/crisis
Sharing economy

As you answer the questions below, your review will develop a critical analysis of globalization. Make sure that you answer all of the questions below in your assignment:

1. Briefly describe your choice and explain its significance for Global Studies.
2. Identify and define the concepts (or theories) that are relevant for your analysis.
3. Explain how you applied these concepts/theories in your analysis.
4. Explain what you learned from this exercise.

Answer all parts of the assignment. Provide definitions of the key concepts and theories relevant for your analysis from the required readings for these units. Support your arguments with empirical and theoretical evidence from the supplementary readings for these units. Illustrate major points with specific examples and/or figures obtained from scholarly sources with complete citations. If you want to use additional resources that are not in your reading list, confine your research to academic sources and reputable popular publications (of the sort included in the readings for this course) and provide complete references. Note that Wikipedia will not be accepted as an academic source.

What is the relationship between the screenplay and the film on screen?

Describe and evaluate a particular practice/process of screen writing or compare two different screenwriting approaches(e.g. writing for TV, writing within a Hollywood industrial context, writing within an UK independent context, writing the specscript, etc.)

Discuss and evaluate/challenge a particular theory of screenwriting or screenplay narrative that we have discussed in class. Do you agree with it? Do you disagree? Why?

How are the various narratological elements (story/characters/theme/plot/setting, etc.) presented and developed in the screenplay text?Within these four general issues and broad questions above, here are some examples of topics/questions that you may wish to explore and attempt to answers specifically:

What is the relationship between the screenplay and the film on screen?

Howis the narrative of a specific screenplay constructed on the page?

How does a specific screenwriter describe and develop plot or story or characteror setting, etc.on the page?

How is character/plot/setting,etc.described and developed in a specific film genre (e.g. horror, musical, etc.)?

What writing techniques (e.g. imagery, dialogue, action, etc.) does a screenwriter use in a specific screenplay or across many of his/her screenplays?

How does character change in a specific script?

How do a screenwriter’s practicesand/ornarrative constructioncompare to the screenwriting manuals rules?

How do screenwriting practices differ in different social and industrial contexts(e.g. screenwriting in Hollywood vs. screenwriting in the UK, or writing for TV vs. writing for film, etc.)?

How does a specific screenplay compare to a screenwriting theory (i.e. Steven Price’s distinction between screenplay and novelistic character)?

Write a short treatment for a feature documentary film based on an original concept about an existing subject

In a Microsoft Word document, write a short treatment for a feature documentary film (between 60-120 minutes) based on an original concept about an existing subject (person, place, or thing). The treatment must be between 1-2 pages, preceded by a cover page featuring the title of the documentary, your name, and the due date of the assignment (the 1-2 pages does not include the cover page). The treatment must be double-spaced, in Times New Roman or Cambria (12-point font, 1-inch margins). The treatment must be written in normal prose, i.e. paragraph form, and in present tense.

Your treatment should demonstrate how your film will connect to the audience on an emotional level, how your documentary will educate/inform, and what will make your documentary both visually and aurally interesting. Documentaries can be highly stylized, so think about how your film could be visually dynamic.

Your treatment must include each of the following six elements:

Log Line: a few words or a phrase that encapsulates your documentary’s overall goal and message
Principal Themes and Points of Exposition: what are you exploring – i.e. terrorism, fandom, a scandal, body positivity, etc. and describe planned shooting locations/events that will be featured throughout the film’s narrative
Mode(s): discuss what mode or modes your documentary will use/what techniques from the mode(s) will be used – review the 6 modes in Nichols – you can mix them/play with them in your own way
Genre(s): discuss which genre your documentary represents and how it represents that genre – review the lecture slides
Content: describe what we will see and hear (cinematography style – hand-held, static, etc. and music, sound effects between shots, etc.)
Overall Goal: end with emphasizing/stating the overall goal – what human truths are you exploring? What critical/personal perspective are you offering on the human condition/what aspect of the human condition are you hoping to change the viewers’ perspective on?
For inspiration, review Friedmann’s discussion of Treatments (p. 74), the student examples on Canvas, and, of course, the lecture slides.


The following items will be considered when grading the Documentary Treatment:

Basic Requirements: 5 points – is your treatment in the correct file format and meet the correct word processing specifications (font, margins, etc.)?
Grammar/Spelling: 10 points – did you write in complete sentences with proper grammar? Did you avoid run-ons? Did you use informal language/slang in your writing? Did your script lack polish in terms of proofreading errors/typos (this is a writing class after all)? Is your treatment “readable” overall?
Cover Page: 10 points – did you follow the directions for the cover page?
Content: 75 points – did you include all six specified elements in your treatment? Did you give detailed descriptions for each element? Did you incorporate the Nichols reading in discussing the mode(s) in your documentary? Did you think/plan for a visually and aurally engaging film? Did you describe a clear message/goal for your documentary? Did you present a fully developed idea/vision for a finished film? Did you write in normal prose and present tense?

Analyze the commercial to describe what kinds of appeals it uses to convey its messages.

For this assignment, choose one of the commercials from Super Bowl LV which can be found at 2021 Super Bowl Commercials. Drawing on the fifteen basic appeals Fowles discusses, analyze the commercial to describe what kinds of appeals it uses to convey its messages. The commercial you select must be at least thirty seconds in duration. NOTE: Over time, selected commercials may become inaccessible online due to copyright infringements.

Provide an opening paragraph that introduces the topic and the commercial. In one sentence at the end of your introduction, provide a thesis statement that gives the reader a specific sense of what overall conclusion(s) your paper will show. In this sentence, summarize the kinds of appeals you will suggest the commercial uses and how these provide the basis for the connections upon which the commercial conveys its message(s).
In the remainder of your paper, use the specific details of the commercial to explain the overall message(s) of the commercial, the connections the commercial uses to convey its message(s), and which of the fifteen basic appeals from Fowles’ essay the commercial uses to make those connections. Note that you do not need to apply all fifteen appeals from Fowles’ essay, nor should you apply all fifteen. Rather, focus on two or three appeals and specifically demonstrate how the commercial you have chosen uses those appeals.
In the body paragraphs provide specific examples from the commercial you have chosen and clearly explain how these specific details illustrate your points. In other words, link your specific examples to the opinions expressed in their topic sentences. All examples and all topic sentences should link to the argument that appears in your thesis statement. Make sure you include enough commentary to make your reasoning clear. This assignment asks you to develop your own interpretations from what you see when you look at the commercial. You will be graded on the overall essay format and how well you express and support your ideas. If you use essays from the course texts, be sure to cite them appropriately. See Step 7 of the “General Instructions for Papers” in this lesson for directions on how to cite the essays properly.
Create a fitting, descriptive title for your paper. You can summarize the content to follow or you can devise a clever title connected to what the body of your paper discusses.
Be sure to have a clear conclusion

Discuss where each film fits along Schatz’s “four stages of generic evolution,” and how each film addresses the themes of its genre.

Part 1 (2 pages) (Assigned films: Gone With the Wind; Casablanca 1942; ) Pick one film screened for class and any second film in the same genre. Drawing on Thomas Schatz’s Hollywood Genres and Tina Olsin Lent’s “Romantic Love and Friendship,” discuss where each film fits along Schatz’s “four stages of generic evolution,” and how each film addresses the themes of its genre.

How did the Movie show the struggles of the Deaf community?

This is a reaction paper. The Paper is at least one page long. It should answer the following questions:
1. How is Deaf portrayed in this movie?

2. What is the value of ASL?

3. How did the Movie show the struggles of the Deaf community?

4. How did the struggles of the Deaf Community make you feel?
The Movie is called Through Deaf Eyes.

Compare and contrast the formal strategies of TWO of the following filmmakers in the early sound period

Compare and contrast the formal strategies of TWO of the following filmmakers in the early sound period: René Clair, Marcel Pagnol, Jean Renoir. Illustrate your argument with analysis of precise film examples.

To what extent can Metin Erksan’s directorial approach in Dry Summer (1963) and Time to Love (1965) be considered ‘feminist’?

To what extent can Metin Erksan’s directorial approach in Dry Summer (1963) and Time to Love (1965) be considered ‘feminist’?