Briefly summarize the film in which you apply your knowledge of the difference between the film’s story and its plot.

Please choose a film from this list of approved choices.
Note: You should watch your chosen film twice—once to ensure that you have grasped the storytelling and once to take more specific notes on aspects of the film you wish to discuss. If you would like to write about a film that is not on this list, you must email your professor for approval in advance or you may not receive credit on this assignment.

Your paper should be organized around a thesis statement that clarifies what you will attempt to accomplish in your paper, and how you will proceed. Review the Final Film Critique sample, which provides an example of a well-developed analysis as well as insight on composition.

In your paper,

Identify your selected film, including writer, director, year of release, and genre.
Briefly summarize the film in which you apply your knowledge of the difference between the film’s story and its plot.
Describe one of the broad theories you have learned about in class (auteur theory, genre theory, formalist theory) and analyze your selected film through that lens.
Evaluate the use of three specific techniques and design elements employed in the film as they contribute to the overarching narrative and theme of the film. This can include elements of mise-en-scène (e.g., lighting, sound, composition of frame, costuming, etc.) and editing (e.g., cuts and transitions, shots used, angles, etc.).
Describe the connection between this film and society (i.e., politically or culturally, positive or negative) and draw conclusions about its impact.

Describe one of the broad theories you have learned about in class (auteur theory, genre theory, formalist theory) and analyze your selected film through that lens.

Please choose a film from this list of approved choices.
Note: You should watch your chosen film twice—once to ensure that you have grasped the storytelling and once to take more specific notes on aspects of the film you wish to discuss. If you would like to write about a film that is not on this list, you must email your professor for approval in advance or you may not receive credit on this assignment.

Your paper should be organized around a thesis statement that clarifies what you will attempt to accomplish in your paper, and how you will proceed. Review the Final Film Critique sample, which provides an example of a well-developed analysis as well as insight on composition.

In your paper,

Identify your selected film, including writer, director, year of release, and genre.
Briefly summarize the film in which you apply your knowledge of the difference between the film’s story and its plot.
Describe one of the broad theories you have learned about in class (auteur theory, genre theory, formalist theory) and analyze your selected film through that lens.
Evaluate the use of three specific techniques and design elements employed in the film as they contribute to the overarching narrative and theme of the film. This can include elements of mise-en-scène (e.g., lighting, sound, composition of frame, costuming, etc.) and editing (e.g., cuts and transitions, shots used, angles, etc.).
Describe the connection between this film and society (i.e., politically or culturally, positive or negative) and draw conclusions about its impact.

Drawing on Jordan Peels films, how might he be considered an auteur.

Demonstrates substantial intellectual self-confidence and originality of thought. Shows a rigorous
understanding of key aspects of the topic and a thorough acquisition of coherent and detailed
knowledge. Incisive argument is sustained throughout, bringing together theory and practice where
appropriate. Organises material systematically. Makes critical use of a very wide range of scholarly
literature and primary sources. Work is set within the context of current research in the field and of
ideas with techniques which are at the forefront of the discipline and shows an impressive understanding
of the limits of knowledge. Shows impressive qualitative and quantitative ability where appropriate.
Writing is polished, accurate and fluent. Presentation uses appropriate scholarly conventions.

Write a summary and review about the event and its cultural significance.

Watch the following youtube video: Mexico’s Celebration of Life: The Day of the Dead | Festivals | TRACKS

Watch this youtube video about the Day of the Dead festival and write a summary and review about the event and its cultural significance.

What makes psychological horror films successful in the genre?

What makes psychological horror films successful in the genre?

Can you give some theory research behind two films/directors who have worked in this genre? (Alfred Hitchcock for example).

How is pregnancy conveyed in films? What are the common tropes of pregnant characters? Is mental health portrayed well in typical horror films?

What are the 2 most common types of editing in these films? How can you build tension within the confines of one house?

How are period films set in the 1980s difficult to produce in the modern day? What difficulties might we face?

How did the film influence subsequent writers and directors?

The critical reception of the film at the time of its release and its subsequent influence: How did critics and audiences respond to the film? Is there any evidence that the film changed its viewers’ understandings of history? How did the film influence subsequent writers and directors? What is the current range of opinion, among film critics and historians, of the film’s significance?

 How did historians interpret the past represented in the film at the time of its release?

How did historians interpret the past represented in the film at the time of its release? What is the dominant interpretation of the past represented in the film currently? In what ways does the film conform to, depart from, or challenge these interpretations?

How well do the films Malcolm X and Selma depict the distinct approaches to African American liberation of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, Jr

How well do the films Malcolm X and Selma depict the distinct approaches to African American liberation of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, Jr. as described by James Cone in his essay “Demystifying Malcolm and Martin”? Your comparative analysis should draw from the films themselves of course, but should also consider the articles by Keith Corson and Richard King. Cone asserts that “blacks and other Americans interested in justice should never celebrate Martin without giving equal place to Malcolm” (p. 36). To what extent do you agree or disagree? Be sure to explain your rationale.

Discuss the creation of the ‘monstrous feminine’ in a film of your choice

Discuss the creation of the ‘monstrous feminine’ in a film of your choice (do not use Ridley Scott’s Alien),

Discuss what you understand by this claim in relation to the films of Buster Keaton.

‘Film comedy was particularly bound to the vaudeville tradition, which defined the “cinema of attractions,” and was more resistant than most genres to the pull towards classical narrative’ (Henry Jenkins). Discuss what you understand by this claim in relation to the films of Buster Keaton. (You might also refer to the work of other silent screen comedians.)