How does this film used the medium of animation in unique ways? How does it interact with the history of the form? How do the themes of race, gender, sexuality, nation and/or colonialism that we have been discussing appear in this film?


Write at least ONE short essay on films of your choice. In Focus 1 will look at animated films, and In Focus 2 will analyze blockbuster/franchise films. For each short (1000 word minimum) essay, you will choose a film within the assigned genre and analyze its cinematic form and content using the skills in film analysis you’ve developed in our class. This is your chance to demonstrate your knowledge of film terms (be sure to use specific and accurate terminology to describe the film elements you analyze) and your ability to apply your critical lens and analyze film. You can reference the assigned Film Experience chapter for that week, along with additional readings if required.

The goals are to:

Demonstrate your knowledge of relevant film terms, film production, and cinematic movements and styles.

Apply your knowledge of film production, genre, and form to create meaningful analysis of a film.

Create a unique and well-supported argument about your chosen film.



Choose (at least) one film/video in the required genre.

Have an introduction, a clear argument, evidence, and analysis.

Use appropriate film terms.

1000-word minimum.

Use MLA citation style if citing sources.

Questions to get you started (don’t answer them all! Pick one or two.)


  • How does this film used the medium of animation in unique ways? How does it interact with the history of the form?
  • How do the themes of race, gender, sexuality, nation and/or colonialism that we have been discussing appear in this film?
  • What does this film mean? How does it use its form (color, animation style, composition, plot, etc) to create those meanings?


What does it have in common with the films of that genre in the week three content? How is the film different? How does sound play a part in the film you watched? Identify at least three places that sound stood out in the film.

Week 3 Discussions

Page 1

Watch a film made in the last 25 years from one of the following genres – Melodrama, Science Fiction/Fantasy, or Horror. It cannot be from the genre that your favorite movie is from (the film you told us was your favorite in week one).

What does it have in common with the films of that genre in the week three content? How is the film different?

How does sound play a part in the film you watched? Identify at least three places that sound stood out in the film.

Page 2

Censorship in film has played an important role in commercial movie making. Do you think the film you watched for the movie on the first page would have been allowed to release with the same exact content under the Hays Code? Why or why not? Be explicit and support your claim with verbiage from the Hays Code itself.

Discuss at least 5 storytelling/narrative/plot devices or editing choices that you have seen in recent films or TV shows. How did these devices or choices help drive the story?

Week 2 Discussions

Page 1
Discuss at least 5 storytelling/narrative/plot devices or editing choices that you have seen in recent films or TV shows. How did these devices or choices help drive the story?
For example: In Walk, – You, Walk! (1912) Rose gets the help of friends to teach someone who mistreated her a lesson. This is common plot device in today’s situation comedies.

Page 2

After watching The Gold Rush, compare the content and style with modern comedy. Focus on the physicality of the performers and the filmmaking and not on the fact that modern comedy relies upon speech. Are there physical comedians today that can compare to Chaplin? Do modern comedies have the same blend of comedy and romance? Do you feel the humor of the silent comedies holds up and why or why not?

Summary of the movie –

Was the writer careless, turning in a draft and not fixing obvious typos? Did the writer include runon sentences or sentence fragments? Did the writer capitalize and italicize what needed to be, etc.?

College Level – Intro to Cinema (MCOM-1030)

Content: Was the tone objective and critical or did it sound promotional?

Structure: Did it have a thesis statement, a body that supported the thesis, and a strong conclusion?

Grammar: Was the writer careless, turning in a draft and not fixing obvious typos? Did the writer include runon sentences or sentence fragments? Did the writer capitalize and italicize what needed to be, etc.?

Research: Did the writer use appropriate sources — three sources with identifiable authors; journalists or authors rather than publicists or encyclopedias? Does the paper clearly attribute its facts?”

Write a research paper on the film, Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse.

Film innovated animation

Write a research paper on the film, Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse. The topic could be how the film innovated animation. Use academic sources when writing and researching this topic. 8 academic sources are the minimum. Please review the instructions in the attached PDF. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

What internal and external controls could have prevented this corporate bankruptcy? What moral or ethical dilemmas do you see in Enron’s operations?

Internal Controls Reflection: Enron “The Smartest Guys in the Room” movie

Write a two-page reflection after watching the movie.  Answer the following questions:

  1. What internal and external controls could have prevented this corporate bankruptcy?
  2. What moral or ethical dilemmas do you see in Enron’s operations?
  3. Who was the most compelling character/person and why?


Compare and contrast of both the novel and movie “American Psycho”. Give detail of each main character and they interactions with others. How they are alike and how they are not. give the author and directors Point of view in staying true to the story and the vision they have on How the main character should be portrayed.

American Psycho’s

Compare and contrast of both the novel and movie “American Psycho”. Give detail of each main character and they interactions with others. How they are alike and how they are not. give the author and directors Point of view in staying true to the story and the vision they have on How the main character should be portrayed. Include cited dialogue, and text from both the novel and movie. Give at least 4-5 work cited evidence for Bibliography. Tell the audience or reader How the film And movie apply to the time period it takes place.

What is the central theme of this film? How does Tony Stark’s depiction in this film build upon his prior appearances to continue his character arc?

Discuss the dynamics of the relationship between Steve Rogers and Tony Stark and its centrality to this story.

What is the central theme of this film?

How does Tony Stark’s depiction in this film build upon his prior appearances to continue his character arc?

Discuss gender and/or racial representation in this film.

The word “monster” is used multiple times in this film by different characters. How does the film invert the notion of what is monstrous?

Analyze the character Ultron. What motivates his actions? Does he see himself as a villain or something else?


How can a firm like LEGO utilize knowledge sharing to promote additional alliance opportunities? What are the advantages and disadvantages of LEGO utilizing virtual teams for alliance negotiation, implementation, and follow-up performance?

Subsidiary Initiative at LEGO North America

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapter 13 of the course textbook and review the closing case in Chapter 13 Subsidiary Initiative at LEGO North America.

Bring the case current by reviewing LEGO further and describing additional alliances for LEGO, since the 1999 alliance with Lucas films.

Answer three of the following five questions:

  • How can a firm like LEGO utilize knowledge sharing to promote additional alliance opportunities?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of LEGO utilizing virtual teams for alliance negotiation, implementation, and follow-up performance?
  • How can global alliances impact LEGO’s social responsibility strategies?
  • What impact does an “international culture mindset” have on an alliance’s success?
  • How can local culture impede alliance negotiations, and what strategies can LEGO employ to ensure success?


How does King use tension, dramatic irony, and foreshadowing to strengthen his work? How does his work shed a light on the human condition? Where do you see these strategies employed in other works of horror?

Strengthen of a King

How does King use tension, dramatic irony, and foreshadowing to strengthen his work? How does his work shed a light on the human condition?

Where do you see these strategies employed in other works of horror?

(e.g. Jigsaw’s employ of irony in his traps in the Saw series; tension in the Cube film trilogy; critiques of technology in the Black Mirror series). Reference at least three works–one has to be something we’ve read or watched in class, and aim for at least two outside sources (articles, essays, films, etc.)

One of the movie we watched in class was Cat’s Eye