Brief explanation of the family that the movie portrays include family structure and key members of the family. Include diversity issues, dynamics and communication in this section. Analyze the family environment.

Real Women Have Curves

Watch the movie: Real Women Have Curves (2002)

Part 1 (1 – 1.5 pages)

Brief explanation of the family that the movie portrays include family structure and key members of the family. Include diversity issues, dynamics and communication in this section.

Analyze the family environment.
Assess the family life cycle.

Part 2 (1 – 1.5 pages)

Apply the systems theory to the family (see pp. 166 – 169 of your text)

Discuss the different systems represented and apply the systems theory to the family.

Part 3 (.5 – 1 page)

Discuss social work in relationship to the family.

Discuss at least two ways you as a social worker can assist the family.
Social Work Roles (see chapter 1 of the text book)

Share three film ideas you might develop for this course and for each idea, detail the following five points.


Prompt: Share three film ideas you might develop for this course and for each idea, detail the following five points:

  • TITLE: can be a working title.
  • LOGLINE: a one-sentence description of the story.
  • PROTAGONIST: what does your hero want and why?
  • CONFLICT: who or what stands in your hero’s way?
  • THEME: what do you think this story will end up being about?

Restrict yourself to one sentence for each point. It is fine if they are very rudimentary.


Write an essay on what are the morals found in these Disney movies: Enchanted (2007), Luca (2021).

Movie Analysis

Write an essay on what are the morals found in these Disney movies:

  • Enchanted (2007) – 2 pages
  • Luca (2021)- 2 pages

Analyze Steelcase operational practices and state your opinion about their ethical culture. Summarize your conclusions and recommendations to their supply chain, logistical, and operational problems.


After watching the video on Steelcase and completing your reading assignments, research the company Steelcase and in a single Word document, APA format, minimum 7 full pages,  complete the following tasks:

Create a hypothetical demand forecast base on your research

Construct a process improvement model that optimizes operational yield at Steelcase

  1. Analyze Steelcase operational practices and state your opinion about their ethical culture.
  2. Summarize your conclusions and recommendations to their supply chain, logistical, and operational problems.


Using once the conflict perspective and another the functionalist perspective, explain how stratification, inequality, and social mobility are depicted by Chris Gardner (Will Smith) in the plot of the movie “The Pursuit of Happyness.” Moreover, which perspective you think best fits the plot of the film and why.

The Pursuit of Happyness

Using your sociological imagination, watch the 8 short clips below from the movie “The Pursuit of Happyness” (2006) directed by Gabriele Muccino and answer the following question:

Q. Using once the conflict perspective and another the functionalist perspective, explain how stratification, inequality, and social mobility are depicted by Chris Gardner (Will Smith) in the plot of the movie “The Pursuit of Happyness.” Moreover, which perspective you think best fits the plot of the film and why.
In your essay, you must use examples from the plot of the movie.

Watch the documentary called Visons of Lihht from the link and answer this question. ” After viewing the documentary Visions of Light explain three areas of cinematography discussed in the film that you found of particular interest. How does this film further your understanding of the filchoms we have previously viewed?”

Module 3 Discussion

Paper details:

Watch the documentary called Visons of Lihht from the link and answer this question. ” After viewing the documentary Visions of Light explain three areas of cinematography discussed in the film that you found of particular interest. How does this film further your understanding of the filchoms we have previously viewed?”


Watch any romantic comedy. Analyze any relationship in that comedy based on Knapp’s Relationship Model.

Kanpp’s Relationship Model Assignment-Netflix Movie: When Harry Met Sally

Watch any romantic comedy. Analyze any relationship in that comedy based on Knapp’s Relationship Model. (It’s likely easiest to analyze the main relationship in the film.)

  • Your analysis should prove you understand the steps, and can identify clear examples of these steps.
  • Not every step will be seen in the film.
  • If you find that there are not many steps, reevaluate OR choose a different film.


Using your sociological imagination, which sociological perspective (functionalist, conflict, or interactionist) fits best and explains the plot of the movie.

Mississippi Masala.

Using your sociological imagination, which sociological perspective (functionalist, conflict, or interactionist) fits best and explains the plot of the movie. Moreover, in your answer you must use the following concepts in the chapter: culture, sanctions, norms, ethnocentrism, cultural relativism. Finally, in answering the question at hand, you must use examples from the movie.
In your answer you must use examples from the movie plot to illustrate the bases of the sociological perspective pick.

What does Aristotle say are the six parts that must be present in every tragedy? According to Aristotle, who qualifies as a Tragic Hero? Is their suffering undeserved? Explain.

The Origins of Greek Drama

  • Download The Origins of Greek Drama
  • Watch the film Antigone (Links to an external site.). You can skip past the Chorus parts (where all the men speak together) if you prefer and just watch the main drama. The only Chorus part I encourage you to watch is at the end. Be sure to click on the Library link on the left side course menu before clicking the link above and starting the video.

Answer the following questions with complete sentences and well supported, convincing details. You will have to research sources for some of the answers. Use credible sources and make sure to properly cite them. Please number your answers.


  1. What does Aristotle say are the six parts that must be present in every tragedy?
  2. According to Aristotle, who qualifies as a Tragic Hero? Is their suffering undeserved? Explain.
  3. Clearly define the following in your own words: Hamartia and Hubris (explain how they are connected), Peripeteia, Anagnorisis, Mimesis, Catharsis.
  4. Next, match these terms – Hamartia, Peripeteia, Anagnorisis – with the actions of a character in Antigone –> What is their Hamartia and where do the moments of Peripeteia, Anagnorisis occur for the character? Example – When does Creon’s anagnorisis happen and what is it? What is Antigone’s hamartia or tragic flaw? (Keep this in mind – hubris is just one example of hamartia).
  5. What is the general story line and setting for the play Antigone? Be sure to include detailed information about the roles played by each of the following characters – Antigone, Eteocles, Polynices, Creon, Haemon and Ismene. Please write this in your own words. Do not plagiarize


Write a response to the documentary. A one page summary. Analyze the key events discussed in the documentary about one page. And an evaluation about one page.

The film is ”PBS facing eviction”

Write a response to the documentary. A one page summary. Analyze the key events discussed in the documentary about one page. And an evaluation about one page.

A summary is a comprehensive and usually brief abstract, recapitulation, or compendium of previously stated facts or statements.

Brief and comprehensive; concise and in your own words Analysis is the process of breaking a complex topic or substance into smaller parts in order to gain a better understanding of it.

An evaluation is the creation of a judgement about the value of something; assessment.