Think of some research question to do with some audiovisual medium. Select some short extracts from the chosen medium. Do basic annotation and segmentation of your extracts.

Basic annotation with Elan with any shots of your choice

1. Think of some (relatively simple) research question to do with some audiovisual medium.
2. Select some short extracts (2-3) from the chosen medium (relevant for your question).
3. Do basic annotation and segmentation of your extracts (i.e., shots, camera distance, camera angle).
4. Design 1-2 extra kinds of categories relevant for your research question and define these as controlled vocabularies, explaining the decisions you made.
5. Do the annotation of your segments using the CVs.
6. Discuss the results (briefly).
7. Email me a zip file containing the report (pdf), the annotations (Elan: eaf) and the video extracts (or links for downloading the video extracts).

To what extent can this process be seen in Seven Chances (w/Buster Keaton, 1925)? How are the norms of slapstick comedy adapted to the narrative demands of the feature-length format?

Film analysis assignment

It is Steve Neale and Frank Krutnik’s argument that the development of the multiple-reel “feature” film led comic filmmakers to experiment with various combinations of slapstick and genteel components (e.g., the narrative-based “situation slapstick” style in the case of Lloyd, sentiment in the case of Chaplin, etc.). To what extent can this process be seen in Seven Chances (w/Buster Keaton, 1925)? How are the norms of slapstick comedy adapted to the narrative demands of the feature-length format? Be sure to engage ideas from Neale and Krutnik’s “The Case of Silent Slapstick” essay in your argument.

Note: This is not a research paper, but a film analysis assignment. Nonetheless, insofar as you will likely need some context in order to situate these movies within screen comedy’s broader development, you may usefully consult the following:

Walter Kerr, The Silent Clowns (1975)
Rob King, The Fun Factory: The Keystone Film Company and the Emergence of Mass Culture (2009)
Robert Knopf, The Theatre and Cinema of Buster Keaton (1999)
Daniel Moews, Keaton: The Silent Features Close Up (1977)

Demonstrate cinema’s place within the culture of a specific period using one of the films discussed in class. What role does the film play in this period, what does it provide the audience, government, director?

Cultural Film Analysis – Godzilla 1954

Demonstrate cinema’s place within the culture of a specific period using one of the films discussed in class. What role does the film play in this period, what does it provide the audience, government, director? This question is focused on the external elements and how they help us understand the film analysed.

Choose and discuss one greater theme or context in the episode and the implications of the show’s conclusions and information.

A Close Analysis of “Deadly Dressers” select scenes and impact

Choose and discuss one greater theme or context in the episode and the implications of the show’s conclusions and information. To help guide your discussion, use at least one concept, vocabulary word, or piece of terminology from either our Social Sustainability lecture, “Language of Oppression” and/or the “Defining Culture and Identities” chapter. How does your choice help us think about the show? What would social sustainability say about this subject matter? You should also incorporate one scene that you analyze closely in order to help prove your point.

Discuss one character’s trajectory in the film. How do they change or not change? Is this character a “good” or “bad” character or are those terms too simplistic? Give at least one example from the movie to help back up your thoughts.

Crash, Paul Haggis 2004 Film

Discussion about the film, Crash (Paul Haggis 2004).

Briefly answer the following questions about the film:

What are your overall thoughts?

Discuss one character’s trajectory in the film. How do they change or not change? Is this character a “good” or “bad” character or are those terms too simplistic? Give at least one example from the movie to help back up your thoughts.

How can this film relate back to the theme of social sustainability, communities, and/or culture?

Link to the free online movie:

What is Chaplin trying to say about Modern Times by having the mechanized voice narrate this sequence? What does this tell us about Chaplin’s view of the values underlying modern forms of business and labor?

COMM 150N – The Art of the Cinema – Lesson 2 Response: Modern Times Video

The word count is at least 250 words.

Watch the clip from Modern Times and respond to these questions in about 250 words.

What is Chaplin trying to say about Modern Times by having the mechanized voice narrate this sequence?

What does this tell us about Chaplin’s view of the values underlying modern forms of business and labor?

Explain in your own words what Palmer meant in the film and whether or not we (society, human race) agree or disagree with him on this.

Technology and the Movie “Contact”

A major theme in the film Contact is technology.

Palmer Joss asks, “ Are we happier as a human race as a result of technology?” He goes on to say, “We have lost our sense of direction as a result of buying things at the mall, accumulating material goods, yet we feel empty inside than ever before.”

Explain in your own words what Palmer meant in the film and whether or not we (society, human race) agree or disagree with him on this.

Support your answers with how we are living and portions of the film.

Watch Christopher Nolan’s film Memento. Write no more than a 1-page synopsis, assuming the reader has not seen Memento. Provide an overall impression of the film and summarize the plot in chronological order, including as many salient details as possible.


1. Watch Christopher Nolan’s film Memento (released in 2000).

2. Write no more than a 1-page synopsis (use standard margins and pitch), assuming the reader has not seen Memento.

3. Include a 3-5 sentence executive summary at the top. Provide an overall impression of the film and summarize the plot in chronological order, including as many salient details as possible. Be sure to include your assessment of who set up whom, as well as an analysis of the Sammy Jankis storyline. Hint: Use language to distinguish what you think you know from what you know you know about the film.

Analyze: the title of the movie, narrative, storytelling, movie structure, writing, editing.

Trainspotting (1996) – Analyze the scene of the death of baby Dawn

Analyze the scene (visuals: camera movements, shots, depth of field, framework, setting; mise-en-scène: scene, props, wardrobe, makeup, performance, lighting, colors; sound: music, diegetic or non-diegetic sound, sound effects, silence, noise, voice-over.) in Trainspotting (1996), by Danny Boyle, where baby Dawn dies (from 38:48 to 42:14) and discuss it with the movies themes. Also keep in mind for your analysis: the title of the movie, narrative, storytelling, movie structure, writing, editing.

Does this alter your view of the film? Read some of the modern criticism of the book/film versus the adulation the film has received over the years. Do you agree or disagree with the critics and why?

Film Evaluation on To Kill A Mockingbird

Subject: Adaptations/Film & Society
The classic film To Kill A Mockingbird was released in 1962 in the midst of the civil rights movement of the U.S. Not only is it an adaptation of a classic novel, but clearly a film to address the social unrest and inequities of the justice system. Gregory Peck won the Oscar for his portrayal of the great, benevolent, defense attorney Atticus Finch. However, many were shocked with the release of Harper Lee’s book, Go Set A Watchman to discover an elderly Atticus Finch upholding white supremacy and segregationist views. Does this alter your view of the film? Read some of the modern criticism of the book/film versus the adulation the film has received over the years. Do you agree or disagree with the critics and why?

Film link: To Kill a Mockingbird Official Trailer #1 – Gregory Peck (1996) HD

Film link: To Kill A Mockingbird

Book: The Art of Watching Film
Read Chapter 13 & 15
Go to Page Overview for Chapter 13 – Adaptations & Chapter 15 – Film & Society