How would you work within the coalition to establish a culture of inclusion, respect, and value? How would you promote community engagement, cultural awareness, health equity, and access to resources?


  • Health disparities/social determinants of health: Focus on vulnerable or high-risk groups and on decreasing disparities between groups. You can select a specific group with a focus on experience of care, services, and resources (quality and satisfaction); improving the health of the population; and reducing per capita cost. This will be the focus for the coalition.

To complete this assignment you need to create topic headings for each section as noted in the instructions and exemplar paper.

  • Contributing Factors: Analyze the impact of factors that contribute to this chronic population health concern.
    • Examine the situation from a population health perspective.
    • Provide context surrounding this concern.
    • Identify the affected groups, and the environmental, social, and financial factors.
  • Coalition to Address the Population Health Topic Selected: Form a collaborative coalition to address this chronic population health concern.
    • Consider, among others, key community members, stakeholders, constituents, clinical providers, administrators, health care and community organizations, and local civic and state agencies, etc., when making your selections.
    • Select 5–10 members.
      • Who must be included?
      • Why?
    • How will member selection contribute to the goal?
    • Develop a table as demonstrated here and in the exemplar paper to list your selections and the rationale for inclusion (add rows as needed):
Coalition Team Members and Their Contribution
Coalition Team Members Contribution
  • Issues Affecting Collaboration: What potential issues might arise affecting collaboration?
  • Strategies to Optimize Collaboration: What strategies are needed to optimize collaboration and communication among coalition members?
  • Ethical Considerations: Explain potential ethical issues that might be relevant for the coalition to consider in addressing its mission.
    • Consider access to care, financial barriers, environmental constraints, and the distribution of resources.
    • Explain how ethical principles, e.g., beneficence, non-maleficence, autonomy, justice, might be relevant for the coalition to consider in addressing its mission on a micro and meso level.
      • Micro level: individual care encounters.
      • Meso level: how systems are organized to deliver and ensure quality care for patients and populations (Ho & Pinney, 2016).
    • Consider how the coalition might utilize one of the three professional ethical codes or a code relevant to your practice, e.g., public health, nursing,
      health administration, in their work within the coalition and with the selected population.
    • What evidence supports your conclusions?
  • Collaboration, Diversity, and Inclusion: Explain the principles of diversity and inclusion applicable to the formation of your coalition and its interactions with the community.
    • Consider the impact of a diverse team on achieving coalition goals.
    • How would you work within the coalition to establish a culture of inclusion, respect, and value?
    • How would you promote community engagement, cultural awareness, health equity, and access to resources? Resources can include, but are not limited to medications, transportation, and environmental resources.
    • What are some best practices for communication for this group?
    • What evidence supports your conclusions?
  • Literature Review to Address the Population Health Topic Selected: Explain how literature and research in the field can be used to develop best practices for addressing this chronic population health concern.
    • Locate two current, peer-reviewed studies published within the last five years that coalition members should consider as foundational to developing an evidence-based intervention for the situation.
    • Briefly summarize the findings, then focus on how the coalition might use this information for their work, connecting with the scholar practitioner
      model (from theory to evidenced-based practice).
  • Conclusion.

Describe the Korean cultural practice tae-kyo. Is this practice congruent with allopathic recommendations for prenatal care? How do food choices among Koreans differ with pregnancy and postpartum?

NUR505 Div. in Adv HLTH Pract

After studying Module 5: Lecture Materials & Resources, discuss the following:

Jay and Sue Kim, ages 29 and 26 years and married for 2 years, immigrated from South Korea and settled in Los Angeles. They have lived in a small one-bedroom apartment since their arrival. Both graduated from the same Korean university with baccalaureate degrees in English literature. They have one child, Joseph, age 1 year. When they arrived in the United States, Jay was unable to find a job because of his poor proficiency in English, despite his major in English literature. He eventually obtained a job with a moving company through a church friend. Sue is not working because of their son. Although the Kim’s did not attend a church before immigration, they are now regularly attending a Korean Protestant church in their neighborhood.

Sue is pregnant again, determined by a home pregnancy kit, with their second child and concerned about the medical costs. They did not use any contraceptives because she was breastfeeding. Because of financial limitations, Sue did not initially have prenatal care with her first pregnancy. However, she did keep up with the Korean traditional prenatal practice, tae-kyo. Eventually, she received help from her church and delivered a healthy son. She is not sure whether she can get financial help from her church again but is confident that her second child will be healthy if she follows the Korean traditional prenatal practices.

Jay is concerned about job security because he recently heard from colleagues that the moving company might soon go bankrupt. Although Jay has not been satisfied with his current job (he thinks that he is overqualified), this news is still a cause for concern. Moreover, Sue’s recent pregnancy has made Jay more stressed, and he has started drinking alcohol. Joseph cannot stand up by himself and still wants to be breastfed. Although Sue has tried to give foods such as oranges, apples, steamed rice, and milk (because she is now pregnant), Joseph refuses to eat them and cries for breastfeeding. Joseph’s weight is low-normal for same-age babies.

  1. Describe the Korean cultural practice tae-kyo. Is this practice congruent with allopathic recommendations for prenatal care?
  2. How do food choices among Koreans differ with pregnancy and postpartum?
  3. Describe cultural attitudes toward drinking among Koreans.
  4. Identify two or three culturally congruent strategies a healthcare provider might use to address Jay’s drinking.

Identify and describe a health promotion program theory or conceptual model. Explain how the model or theory is applicable to the initiative.

Community Needs and Health Screening Initiative


For this assignment, you will pick one recommended screening from the United States Preventive Task Force A and B Recommendations.

An initiative is a project or event, so something in the community is ideal; workplace location for employees is also fine. Please include the following suggested level one headings, so content is clear and easily identified.

Theory or Conceptual Model

  • Identify and describe a health promotion program theory or conceptual model.
  • Explain how the model or theory is applicable to the initiative.

Population Screening Purpose

  • Identify the screening topic as an A or B preventive screening from the USPSTF.
  • Include two components of topic-related community statistics numerically (e.g., mortality, prevalence).
  • Describe target population characteristics, including age and sex or risk factor, and match the guidelines.
  • Clarify the county and or neighborhood of the population.
  • Provide descriptions on the local population to be screened, including three components: number of persons in the county possibly affected based on sex, age, and racial diversity of the county or state.
  • Include current rates of screening or factors that would impact the need for screening.


  • Provide details of the community or workplace event, including three components: type of area or building, time, and day (e.g., Monroe County Senior Center at 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. 4/20/21).
  • Include reasoning and explanation of appropriateness.

Screening Activity

The screening activity plan meets the preventive guidelines process, is descriptive, and includes:

  • Education component description
  • Measures tested
  • Evidence the tests are aligned with guideline recommendations
  • Demonstrates possible positive measure, and normal and abnormal ranges
  • Follow up and referral content process
  • Three clear and measurable outcome goals
  • Explanation of how each outcome is affected by the activity


Provides a detailed cost analysis to perform screening in table form and includes (but is not limited to) the six following line items:

  • Testing instrument costs with source for pricing
  • Staff costs as appropriate for screening
  • Rental cost estimate
  • Simple supply costs
  • Any attendee cost
  • Total

You may use volunteer staff but not donations of items. Cost analysis for feasibility needs to be demonstrated. Cost analysis total and summary statement should be included.


Provide a summary of your screening, general benefit to the community, and why it is important. A person should be able to read your paper and understand what you are screening, where, when, the costs, and how it is supported in the guideline. Ideally, a person would be able to duplicate your screening initiative based on the clarity you present.

Format expectations:

  • Follow all assignment directions.
  • Include an introduction and conclusion.
  • Information in paragraphs and paper organized to convey the content to the reader.
  • Paper length paper should be 3–4 pages of content.
  • Follows APA in paper format, reference page, in-text citations, or headings.
  • Use four or more credible peer-reviewed sources.

Master’s-prepared nurse educators, leaders, nurse practitioners, and all specialty nursing fields contribute to health promotion in populations across the life span. This assignment is focused on preventive screening applications in the community, workplace, or school settings. You should be able to apply this knowledge to their specialty focus as it relates to health promotion and epidemiology.

Define the clinical key question of interest. Identify the studies of the database search that represent the highest levels of evidence found Identify the statistics discussed in the study as it relates to confidence intervals or statistical description.

MN504 Unit 4

Descriptive Statistics Overview


The purpose of this assignment is to review the statistics presented in the articles you reviewed in relation to your clinical topic. You will provide a brief overview of statistics in the studies.  The PICOT question the reflects the clinical areas of interest is;

: For the emergency department (ED) patients (P), does implementing an emergency department information system (EDIS) (I), compared to the day-to-day manual approach (C), reduce ED wait time, and overcrowing (O), within three months.


  1. Define the clinical key question of interest.
  2. Identify the studies of the database search that represent the highest levels of evidence found Identify the statistics discussed in the study as it relates to confidence intervals or statistical description.
  3. Discuss the statistical results of the studies identified.
  4. Write a 3- to 5-page paper reviewing the evidence as it relates to confidence.
  5. Follow APA 7th edition format.

Describe your literature search 600 words. How did you search for relevant literature on your chosen health related topic?

The Prevention of UTI in Elderly

Describe your literature search 600 words.

► How did you search for relevant literature on your chosen health related topic?

► Which data bases did you use? i.e. CINAHL, google scholar, Medline, Cochrane library

► Select your search terms….

► Specific terms – Start your search by using words that are specific to your research topic

► Spellings – search terms spelt in different ways? UK and US spellings often differ,

► Single and *rat versions of a word.

► Combine terms using AND, OR and NOT

As a registered nurse you will have a significant role in leadership, not only in relation to the position of trust nurses hold and are held in but also in relation to how the role extends beyond influencing patient care and outcomes. What else does leadership mean for the New Graduate RN?

Question 2

Question – As a registered nurse you will have a significant role in leadership, not only in relation to the position of trust nurses hold and are held in but also in relation to how the role extends beyond influencing patient care and outcomes. What else does leadership mean for the New Graduate RN?

As a registered nurse you will have a significant role in leadership, not only in relation to the position of trust nurses hold and are held in but also in relation to how the role extends beyond influencing patient care and outcomes. What else does leadership mean for the New Graduate RN?

Question 2

Write answer to the following question in ONLY 150 words and include at least 4 references.

Question – As a registered nurse you will have a significant role in leadership, not only in relation to the position of trust nurses hold and are held in but also in relation to how the role extends beyond influencing patient care and outcomes. What else does leadership mean for the New Graduate RN?

Identify the demographic that you would like to give your presentation to and then select a community site where that demographic can be found.

Benchmark community teaching plan

Assessment Description

The purpose of this assignment is to plan and develop an outline for your community teaching plan and gain feedback from a community health representative in your local community. The teaching plan developed in this assignment will be used to develop your Community Teaching Presentation due in Topic 5. Complete the following:

  1. Identify the demographic that you would like to give your presentation to and then select a community site where that demographic can be found.
  2. Complete the “Community Teaching Acknowledgement Form,” found in your topic Resources. This form requires a handwritten signature from the appropriate representative selected, allowing permission for you to teach your selected topic at that site.
  3. Complete the “Community Teaching” template resource, found in your topic Resources. This form will help you organize your teaching plan and create an outline for the written assignment due in Topic 5.
  4. Review the plan with the representative that signed the “Community Teaching Acknowledgment Form” and request feedback (strengths and opportunities for improvement). The feedback received will be used to refine the teaching plan in Topic 5.

Explain, in your own words, how each of the issues or trends identified by Keating impacts nursing education. Examine the role that faculty development would play in mitigating the impact of the issues and trends on nursing education.

Faculty Development

Review the 6 “major issues and trends in nursing education as they apply to the nursing faculty role in curriculum development” identified by Keating (2014, p. 57), available in this week’s University Library Resources.

Write a 900-word paper in which you:

o Explain, in your own words, how each of the issues or trends identified by Keating impacts nursing education.
o Examine the role that faculty development would play in mitigating the impact of the issues and trends on nursing education.

Describe the disease process for MG. List (2) local community resources available that can provide support such as: Nutrition. Transportation.

MDC 4, Myasthenia Gravis Pamphlet.


As a new nurse, you have had clients with Myasthenia Gravis (MG) and are concerned about their level of understanding of the disease process. You have taken on the task of developing a teaching pamphlet to provide clear discharge instructions including information on the disease, support resources, medication teaching, and signs and symptoms of Myasthenic Crisis. You will include the following information in the pamphlet.

  1. Describe the disease process for MG.
  2. List (2) local community resources available that can provide support such as:
  • Nutrition.
  • Transportation.
  1. Psychosocial needs such as support groups.
  2. Include medication administration instructions and the importance of timing of medication delivery.
  3. Include signs of symptoms of Myasthenic Crisis and when to notify health care provider.