What history would it be necessary to collect from the patient? Consider what physical exams and diagnostic tests would be appropriate to gather more information about the patient’s condition. How would the results be used to make a diagnosis?

Chest Pain

Review the Week 7 DCE Focused Exam: Chest Pain Rubric provided in the Assignment submission area for details on completing the Assignment in Shadow Health.

Consider what history would be necessary to collect from the patient.
Consider what physical exams and diagnostic tests would be appropriate to gather more information about the patient’s condition. How would the results be used to make a diagnosis?

Instructions: Diagnostic result – Include any pertinent labs, x-rays, or diagnostic test that would be appropriate to support the differential diagnoses mentioned

Differential Diagnoses (list a minimum of 3 differential diagnoses). Your primary or presumptive diagnosis should be at the top of the list (#1). Use references.

What are some functional medicine practices that could be promoted to improve this situation or patient circumstances? What role can a nurse play in this change?


Mental health and brain health are huge national topics in the media today. As nurses, we are often on the sidelines for national, state, and local policy change, but at our patients’ side (or bedside) during their times of suffering. Dementia comes to mind when I think of our changing healthcare landscape. What are some functional medicine practices that could be promoted to improve this situation or patient circumstances? What role can a nurse play in this change? Research your chosen topic(Dementia) and associated functional medicine interventions. Next, find out who your local or state representative might be that could benefit from this information. Write a letter educating your chosen policy maker on this topic. Reference at least two studies or respected resources that can validate your thoughts on the topic. You can copy and paste a link.

Provide a summary of your scholarly article and state how nurses are able to use the information in your selected article to identify and care for women and their families who are affected by this condition.

Postpartum Depression or Psychosis

Find a scholarly article about Postpartum Depression or Psychosis.

Provide a summary of your scholarly article and state how nurses are able to use the information in your selected article to identify and care for women and their families who are affected by this condition.

Write and submit your paper according to the Scholarly Writing Guidelines

Which events led you to choose nursing as a career at this stage in your life? Why are you choosing to pursue this degree at NYU?

Why nursing?

Which events led you to choose nursing as a career at this stage in your life? Why are you choosing to pursue this degree at NYU?

Describe the clinical findings that correlate with M.K.’s chronic bronchitis. Based on current literature, review the types of treatment and recommendations that would be appropriate for M.K.’s chronic bronchitis?

Week 6 Assignment: Comprehensive Case Study on COPD, Heart Failure, Hypertension, and Diabetes Mellitus

Points 150 Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
A comprehensive case study report describes clinical case in order to provide new insights on a process, phenomenon, or observation within the biomedical setting. As such, case study reports are not merely descriptions of a patient’s clinical features, diagnoses, needed treatments and prognosis. Instead, a case report should have a well-defined thesis statement, in which the case itself serves as strong evidence supporting for the thesis statement.

Review the following case study describing a patient with a number of frequently observed comorbidities. For this assignment, you will evaluate the various clinical characteristics of this patient. In addition, you will review the literature – as you have done for previous assignments – and explain how these clinical characteristics relate to the pathophysiology of the observed comorbidities. In order to do this, you have been provided with a series of prompts to discuss in your evaluation. Make sure that you are integrating these into a single narrative, and are not separating your responses by question number. As part of this, you should include an introduction with a well-defined thesis statement, transition sentences that connect the different ideas, and a conclusion. Submit your answers using APA format, well-written sentences, and detailed explanations. Your analysis must be scientifically sound, necessary, and sufficient. Paper must be a minimum of 6 pages, plus references and title page.

You must also include a bibliography of at least 3 sources (with at least one non-Internet source). Your textbook may not be included as a source for this assignment. Refer to the rubric for more information on how your assignment will be graded.

Case Study

M.K. is a 45-year-old female, measuring 5’5” and weighs 225 lbs. M.K. has a history of smoking about 22 years along with a poor diet. She has a history of Type II diabetes mellitus along with primary hypertension. M.K. has recently been diagnosed with chronic bronchitis. Her current symptoms include chronic cough, more severe in the mornings with sputum, light-headedness, distended neck veins, excessive peripheral edema, and increase urination at night. Her current medications include Lotensin and Lasix for the hypertension along with Glucophage for the Type II diabetes mellitus.

The following are lab findings that are pertinent to this case:


As you develop your case study, be certain to address the following issues as they relate to common comorbidities observed in patients.

Describe the clinical findings that correlate with M.K.’s chronic bronchitis. Based on current literature, review the types of treatment and recommendations that would be appropriate for M.K.’s chronic bronchitis?

Describe the type of heart failure would you suspect with M.K. Based on current literature, review the pathogenesis of how this type of heart failure develops.

According to the American Heart Association 2017 new guidelines, and M.K.’s B.P. value, describe the stage of hypertension is she experiencing. Based on current literature, review the rationale for her current medications for her hypertension. Also, discuss the impact of this disease in the U.S. population.

According to the lipid panel, what other condition is M.K. at risk for? Based on current literature, review what other medications should be given and explain why. What additional findings in the patient correlate with both hypertension and Type II diabetes mellitus.

Based on current literature, review the significant of the lab value for HbA1c. Explain how this value relates to normal/abnormal body function in the patient.

Explain your role and describe how the committee will work together and achieve effective interprofessional collaboration. Describe how the group will communicate. How and when they will meet. Describe how ideas will be shared and decisions made.

PowerPoint Presentations

Create a 6-8 slide presentation (with detailed speaker’s notes) on how you would select, foster collaboration among, and educate a team dedicated to solving a diversity issue.

Assessments 2 and 3 are based on the same scenario, so you must complete them in the order in which they are presented.

Finding, organizing, and motivating teams is a key leadership skill as is the ability to communicate and present information.

In this assessment, you will continue your work from Assessment 2 by creating a 6–8 slide PowerPoint presentation for the diversity project kickoff meeting.

Review the Guidelines for Effective PowerPoint Presentations [PPTX] for guidelines and hints for an effective presentation.
Use the PowerPoint Template [PPTX] to complete this assessment.

Imagine that your boss Lynnette follows up with you in an email shortly after reading your views on leadership and collaboration: Prepare a presentation to serve as a brief but substantive introduction for the first meeting with a group of 4–5 members who will participate on the committee tasked with addressing the diversity issue. The presentation should be 5–7 minutes and use 6–8 slides with detailed speaker’s notes so I can understand your approach. Not a lot of time or space, so keep things pretty high level. Do the following:

Briefly outline the project goals and highlight 2–3 of the initial priorities to be addressed by the group. Also, explain why they are important.
Explain the composition of the team and why you chose them. Note that you will not know the exact individuals yet, but assume we will recruit the people with the desired qualities and characteristics you outline in the presentation. Consider the following:
Include a group of professionals you believe can help define the problem and ultimately make recommendations on how to address it.
Make sure each member is either trained in, sensitive to, or has experience with the concept of workplace diversity.
Give some thought to having some members from outside the organization.
Provide member profiles: their diversity, qualifications, experience, internal versus external, and so forth.
Explain your role and describe how the committee will work together and achieve effective interprofessional collaboration.
Describe how the group will communicate. How and when they will meet.
Describe how ideas will be shared and decisions made.
Describe roles, group function, and structure.
Describe the basic characteristics of a diverse workplace.
Provide a convincing argument regarding the benefits of a diverse workforce using support from current research.

Define the composition of a team with characteristics that could effectively address a diversity issue. Describe the basic characteristics of a diverse and inclusive workplace. Explain the benefits of promoting and supporting diversity within an organization using scholarly resources.

PowerPoint presentation

For this assessment:

  • Create a 6–8 slide PowerPoint presentation in response to the content defined in the above scenario.
  • Create an audio recording (5–7 minutes) of the PowerPoint presentation using or similar software.

Presentation Guidelines

Your assessment should also meet the following requirements:

Length: 6–8 PowerPoint slides (not including title slide) that would accompany a 5–7 minute oral presentation.

Notes: Prepare detailed speaker’s notes describing items on each slide so that the viewer can accurately interpret the deeper meanings and intentions that would have been conveyed orally. Support your claims, arguments, and conclusions with credible evidence from 2–3 current, scholarly or professional sources.

Visuals: Create visuals that are easily read and interpreted. Use colors, fonts, and formatting and other design principles that make the information clear and generally add to the aesthetic of the presentation.
Refer to the scoring guide for details on how your assessment will be evaluated.

Example Assessment: You may use the following to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like:

Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

Competency 1: Apply qualities, skills, and practices used by effective health care leaders.
Outline goals and initial priorities that reasonably reflect the project.

Competency 2: Apply practices that facilitate effective interprofessional collaboration.
Outline a plan that effectively fosters interprofessional group collaboration.

Competency 3: Apply ethical codes and diversity best practices in health care organizations.
Define the composition of a team with characteristics that could effectively address a diversity issue.
Describe the basic characteristics of a diverse and inclusive workplace.
Explain the benefits of promoting and supporting diversity within an organization using scholarly resources.

Competency 4: Produce clear, coherent, and professional written work, in accordance with Capella writing standards.
Create an organized presentation that clearly communicates all specified content.

Based on your example, to what extent does this work of art make a social contribution? What aesthetic value does the work have? How does it reflect the human condition? How does it relate to your life?

Social justice art


Although social justice art is not a topic exclusive to the 20th and 21st centuries, the distribution of information regarding controversial art with gender, race, sexual, and/or environmental themes has increased with the proliferation of media. Choose an example of a social justice work of art from the 20th or 21st centuries from any discipline of the humanities (music, literature, sculpture, film, television, etc.). Then, address the following:

Identify the work and the medium.
Based on your example, to what extent does this work of art make a social contribution?

What aesthetic value does the work have? How does it reflect the human condition? How does it relate to your life?

Has this work ever been censored? If so, explain the circumstances.

Are governments ever justified in censoring art? Why or why not?

Examine some of the influences of this work of art. What was the public reaction to this work? Does it effectively portray its message?

Argue whether or not this work should be considered art. Explain why using terms learned in this course.

Include an accompanying statement from the artist(s) and a statement from a critic to support your points.

Writing Requirements (APA format)
Length: 1.5-2 pages (not including title page or references page)

1-inch margins

Double spaced

12-point Times New Roman font
Title page
References page (minimum of 1 scholarly source and 1 primary source)

If not, what population or culture do you feel has a need? Could you create an intervention plan for that population? Why are you interested in that population? What is their need?

Part 1: Need and Population Brainstorm

As you look over your previous coursework and work, is there a population that you focused on? Homelessness among young adults.

If not, what population or culture do you feel has a need?

Could you create an intervention plan for that population?

Why are you interested in that population?

What is their need?

Is this a need across the population, or just within a specific setting?

Describe your practicum experience and your preceptor.

How will this site support your goals and objectives?


Should societal and cultural norms about behavior be considered by community mental health nurses? Why or why not? What is the role of the school nurse?

Specialty Nursing Practice

We focused on specialty nursing practice this week, and I ask that each of you reflect on what you read and answer the following questions. Your response length will vary based on your perspective. However, you must use APA formatting where applicable. No peer responses are required.

Specialty Nursing Practice Questions:

Question #1

Should societal and cultural norms about behavior be considered by community mental health nurses? Why or why not?

Question #2

What is the role of the school nurse? Include examples of their required skills in your answer.

Question #3

Occupational health nurses often come across four types of exposures and hazards found within the workplace. What are they and how should they safely approach those types of exposures?

Reference for photos from textbook

DeMarco, R. F. & Healey-Walsh, J. (2020). Community and public health nursing: Evidence for practice. (3rd ed.). Wolters Kluwer.