When a liquid is compressed its Gibbs energy is increased. To a first approximation the increase in molar Gibbs energy can be calculated using (/) , GP V T ∂∂ = assuming a constant molar volume. What is the change in the molar Gibbs energy for liquid water when it is compressed to 1000 bar

Chemistry 340 Physical Chemistry for Biochemists

  1. One mole of nitrogen is allowed to expand from 0.5 to 10 L. Calculate the change in entropy using the ideal gas law.
  1. (a) Integrate the Gibbs-Helmholtz equation to obtain an expression for ∆G2 at temperature T2 in terms of ∆G1 at 1 T , assuming ∆H is independent of temperature.

(b) Obtain an expression for ∆G2 using the more accurate approximation that ∆ =∆ + − ∆ H H TT C 1 1 ( ) P where T1 is an arbitrary reference temperature.

  1. When a liquid is compressed its Gibbs energy is increased. To a first approximation the increase in molar Gibbs energy can be calculated using (/) , GP V T ∂∂ = assuming a constant molar volume. What is the change in the molar Gibbs energy for liquid water when it is compressed to 1000 bar?
  1. An ideal gas is allowed to expand reversibly and isothermally (25 °C) from a pressure of 1 bar to a pressure of 0.1 bar. (a) What is the change in molar Gibbs energy? (b) What would be the change in molar Gibbs energy if the process occurred irreversibly?
  1. Helium is compressed isothermally and reversibly at 100 °C from a pressure of 2 to 10 bar. Calculate (a) q per mole, (b) w per mole, (c) ∆G, (d) ∆A, (e) ∆H, (f) ∆U, and (g) ∆S , assuming helium is an ideal gas.
  1. Toluene is vaporized at its boiling point, 111 °C. The heat of vaporization at this temperature is 1 361.9J g . − For the vaporization of toluene, calculate (a) w per mole, (b) q per mole, (c) ∆H, (d) ∆U, (e) ∆G, and (f) ∆S.


Determine Tony’s acid-base imbalance. Describe possible causes of the imbalance. Identify the signs and symptoms that Tony is exhibiting as a result of the acid-base imbalance.


Describe strategies for safe, effective multidimensional nursing care for clients with acid-base imbalances.

Tony is a 56-year-old, Hispanic male that presented to the Emergency Room with complaints of shortness of breath, which he has been experiencing for the past two days. He states “I haven’t felt good for about a week, but couldn’t afford to miss work.” He complains of a cough, fever, and feeling exhausted. Past medical history includes asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and diabetes. Upon physical examination, you notice that Tony is struggling to breathe, his respiratory rate is 36 breaths per minute and labored, heart rate 115 beats per minute, blood pressure 90/40 mm Hg, and his pulse oximetry is 84% on room air. You notify the MD. He orders oxygen at 2 L via NC and an arterial blood gas.

Tony’s ABG results:

  • pH 7.28
  • PaCO2 – 55 mm Hg
  • PaO2 – 70 mm Hg
  • HCO3 – 30 mEq/L


In a 1-2 page Word document:

Determine Tony’s acid-base imbalance.
Describe possible causes of the imbalance.
Identify the signs and symptoms that Tony is exhibiting as a result of the acid-base imbalance.
List the multidimensional care strategies that are appropriate for the care of Tony.

Describe the differences between a board of nursing and a professional nurse association. Describe the board for your specific region/area. Who is on the board? How does one become a member of the board? Describe at least one state regulation related to general nurse scope of practice.

Regulation for Nursing Practice Staff Development Meeting

Nursing is a very highly regulated profession. There are over 100 boards of nursing and national nursing associations throughout the United States and its territories. Their existence helps regulate, inform, and promote the nursing profession. With such numbers, it can be difficult to distinguish between BONs and nursing associations, and overwhelming to consider various benefits and options offered by each.
Both boards of nursing and national nursing associations have significant impacts on the nurse practitioner profession and scope of practice. Understanding these differences helps lend credence to your expertise as a professional. In this Assignment, you will practice the application of such expertise by communicating a comparison of boards of nursing and professional nurse associations. You will also share an analysis of your state board of nursing.

To Prepare:
• Assume that you are leading a staff development meeting on regulation for nursing practice at your healthcare organization or agency.
• Review the NCSBN and ANA websites to prepare for your presentation.

The Assignment: (8- to 9-slide PowerPoint presentation)
Develop a 8- to 9-slide PowerPoint Presentation that addresses the following:

• Describe the differences between a board of nursing and a professional nurse association.
• Describe the board for your specific region/area.
o Who is on the board?
o How does one become a member of the board?
• Describe at least one state regulation related to general nurse scope of practice.
o How does this regulation influence the nurse’s role?
o How does this regulation influence delivery, cost, and access to healthcare?
o If a patient is from another culture, how would this regulation impact the nurse’s care/education?
• Describe at least one state regulation related to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs).
o How does this regulation influence the nurse’s role?
o How does this regulation influence delivery, cost, and access to healthcare?
• Has there been any change to the regulation within the past 5 years? Explain.
• Include Speaker Notes on Each Slide (except on the title page and reference page)


I live in the state of Maryland in the United States.
NCSBN video – https://www.ncsbn.org/boards.htm
ANA website – https://www.nursingworld.org/

Identity self-help groups from the local directory or local medical centers. This can be a group sponsored by the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI), Al-Anon, Parkinson’s disease group; AIDS support groups, bereavement support group or local Hunger Relief Organizations.

Community Experience Report


There are a wide variety of community-based treatment settings in which psychiatric-mental health nurses practice. Mental Health Community Experience is to provide students with the opportunity to compare psychiatric services and identify nursing roles, responsibilities and activities in the community setting. Your campus will determine the number of hours and experiences that you will be required to participate in.  You will probably spend more time than you will be given clinical hours credit for because these are unsupervised clinical experiences.

The community experience must include date and time of attendance with a written report. The campus will determine the community experience hours. Evidence of attendance is documented on the Community Experience Documentation Form on the following page. The form is signed by the group leader, nurse, administration or court officers indicating the organization, address, contact information and number of hours performed. The report must be in APA format, 800 – 1,000 words in length due on the 7th week of clinical. The assignment must earn 76% by the grading rubric and meet the requirements of the specific criteria on the Clinical Evaluation Tool. The report must follow the criteria on the Community Experience Rubric and also include personal reflection and a brief summary of what was learned during the community experience. In addition, include discussions of how the nurse could serve a positive role model and discuss the nursing process within the community setting.

You are the representative of West Coast University and the nursing profession. You are required to dress and conduct professionally in all community experiences. Business casual attire is mandatory. Your phones must be turned off at all times. Be on time and do not leave the groups or hearings early because this may create a disruption in the meeting or court proceedings. Always maintain confidentiality and do not document patients or participant’s names.


Mental Health Community Treatment Settings may include:

Community Experience No. 1: 12 step programs

The student may attend a 12-step program such as Alcoholic Anonymous (AA); Cocaine Anonymous (CA); Narcotic Anonymous (NA); Emotional Anonymous (EA) or Overeater Anonymous (OA). You can find the time and location of meetings by calling a 12-step program on the local directory. Ask for the place and time of the meeting near your home. For safety reasons, it is best that you go with another student. Do not go in groups of more than 2, as this tends to be overwhelming in the group process and limit your interaction with program participants.

Community Experience No. 2: Mental Health Court

Arrive 30 minutes before the first hearing. Attend LPS Conservatorship hearing and Writ of Habeas Corpus (Latin for “present in the body”), which must be granted to anyone on a 14-day hold or a 30-day hold upon request by the patient. Analyze the moral, legal, and psychiatric implication of involuntary commitment. In your discussion, include the reason the patient is being held involuntarily, psychiatric diagnosis and medication prescribed. Do not document the name of the patient.

Community Experience No. 3: Self-help Groups

Identity self-help groups from the local directory or local medical centers. This can be a group sponsored by the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI), Al-Anon, Parkinson’s disease group; AIDS support groups, bereavement support group or local Hunger Relief Organizations.

Additional community experience:

Psychiatric Adult day care settings, Partial Hospitalization Programs, School Counseling Centers. Community experience must have psychiatric foundation and approved by your clinical faculty.


How do hospitals ensure they are meeting the needs of vulnerable populations within the communities that they serve? What factors should be considered to ensure that nurses working in acute care settings meet the six Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) Aims for Improving Healthcare Quality?

Improving Healthcare Quality

How do hospitals ensure they are meeting the needs of vulnerable populations within the communities that they serve? What factors should be considered to ensure that nurses working in acute care settings meet the six Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) Aims for Improving Healthcare Quality?


Select at a theoretical model and apply it to patients’ perspectives of care highlighting how the model can help identify potential points of intervention and improve HCAHPS scores.

Hildegard Peplau: Interpersonal Relations Theory & Patients’ Perspective of Care

* Formulating the topic: Be clear when writing the introduction to the topic and how the selected model can help identify potential points of intervention
* Your subject area will be Patients’ Perspectives of Care. You will select at a theoretical model (Hildegard Peplau: Interpersonal Relations Theory) and apply it to patients’ perspectives of care highlighting how the model can help identify potential points of intervention and improve HCAHPS scores.
* Summary/Critique of articles & influence of the theory (current & future trends) on nursing practice
* Your practice recommendations including policy change

How do you think the confidence interval that was presented in the study was calculated? Explain the mathematical concepts could you extract from this article/study.

Open Stax statistics Textbook: Chapter 8

Minimum of 1 scholarly source
In your reference for this assignment, be sure to include both your text/class materials AND your outside reading(s).

Confidence Intervals

In everyday terms, a confidence interval is the range of values around a sample statistic (such as mean or proportion) within which clinicians can expect to get the same results if they repeat the study protocol or intervention, including measuring the same outcomes the same ways. As you ask yourself, “Will I get the same results if I use this research?”, you must address the precision of study findings, which is determined by the Confidence Interval. If the CI around the sample statistic is narrow, you can be confident you will get close to the same results if you implement the same research in your practice.

Consider the following example. Suppose that you did a systematic review of studies on the effect of tai chi exercise on sleep quality, and you found that tai chi affected sleep quality in older people. If, according to your study, you found the lower boundary of the CI to be .49, the study statistic to be 0.87, and the upper boundary to be 1.25, this would mean that each end limit is 0.38 from the sample statistic, which is a relatively narrow CI.

(UB + LB)/2 = Statistic [(1.25 + .49)/2 = .87]

Keep in mind that a mean difference of 0 indicates there is no difference; this CI does not contain 0. Therefore, the sample statistic is statistically significant and unlikely to occur by chance.

Because this was a systematic review, and tai chi exercise has been established from the studies you assessed as helping people sleep, based on the sample statistics and the CI, clinicians could now use your study and confidently include tai chi exercises among possible recommendations for patients who have difficulty sleeping.

Now you can apply your knowledge of CIs to create your own studies and make wise decisions about whether to base your patient care on a particular research finding.

Initial Post Instructions

Find an example of a confidence interval in the news, scholarly source or medical journal. Summarize the article/study. Does the article/study include the sample size and the level of confidence used to create the confidence interval? Explain what the confidence interval means in context of the news article or scholarly source.

Follow-Up Post Instructions

Respond to at least two peers or one peer and the instructor. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification.

Here are some suggested responses

How do you think the confidence interval that was presented in the study was calculated?
Explain the mathematical concepts could you extract from this article/study.

Expand our ideas about advocacy related to big legislative and policy matters. What does this look like? What are some of the current issues where nurse advocacy can have a positive influence?

Discussion Post

There are many ways that nurses can be advocates for health and healthcare. You have become familiar with how that works from the bedside perspective in terms of making sure that your patient’s have the treatments that they need to combat their illnesses. Now we are going to expand our ideas about advocacy related to big legislative and policy matters. What does this look like? What are some of the current issues where nurse advocacy can have a positive influence? For this week’s discussions please choose one of the topics below to explore. Find an article, piece of legislation, and/or activist group to explore. Identify different ways that nurses can be involved to positively impact the future of health care.
1. Climate change and healthcare
2. Social justice/inequity
3. Racism and health
4. Gun Violence
5. Vaccines and public health

In the United States, health disparities and inequities disproportionately affect racial and ethnic minorities. Much of this inequity is rooted in social determinants of health such as housing, education and nutrition. Two pieces of legislation, the Health Equity and Accountability Act of 2020 and the Improving Social Determinants of Health Act of 2020, would seek to eliminate these disparities while correcting the conditions that cause and perpetuate them. These bills are particularly important during the COVID-19 pandemic, as minority communities bear a disproportionate burden of COVID-19 morbidity and mortality.

Using specific evidence-based strategies to promote health literacy. Explain and discuss in simple terms how cigarette smoking causes coronary artery disease.

Coronary artery disease

Using specific evidence-based strategies to promote health literacy. Explain and discuss in simple terms how cigarette smoking causes coronary artery disease.


Briefly explain and summarize the case for this Assignment. Which decision did you select? Why did you select this decision? Why did you not select the other two options provided in the exercise?

A Middle-Aged Caucasian Man With Anxiety

Examine Case Study: A Middle-Aged Caucasian Man With Anxiety. You will be asked to make three decisions concerning the medication to prescribe to this patient. Be sure to consider factors that might impact the patient’s pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes.

At each decision point, you should evaluate all options before selecting your decision and moving throughout the exercise. Before you make your decision, make sure that you have researched each option and that you evaluate the decision that you will select. Be sure to research each option using the primary literature.

Introduction to the case (1 page)

  • Briefly explain and summarize the case for this Assignment. Be sure to include the specific patient factors that may impact your decision making when prescribing medication for this patient.

Decision #1 (1 page)

  • Which decision did you select?
  • Why did you select this decision? Be specific and support your response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources, including the primary literature.
  • Why did you not select the other two options provided in the exercise? Be specific and support your response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources, including the primary literature.
  • What were you hoping to achieve by making this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources (including the primary literature).
  • Explain how ethical considerations may impact your treatment plan and communication with patients. Be specific and provide examples.

Decision #2 (1 page)

  • Why did you select this decision? Be specific and support your response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources, including the primary literature.
  • Why did you not select the other two options provided in the exercise? Be specific and support your response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources, including the primary literature.
  • What were you hoping to achieve by making this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources (including the primary literature).
  • Explain how ethical considerations may impact your treatment plan and communication with patients. Be specific and provide examples.

Decision #3 (1 page)

  • Why did you select this decision? Be specific and support your response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources, including the primary literature.
  • Why did you not select the other two options provided in the exercise? Be specific and support your response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources, including the primary literature.
  • What were you hoping to achieve by making this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources (including the primary literature).
  • Explain how ethical considerations may impact your treatment plan and communication with patients. Be specific and provide examples.

Conclusion (1 page)

  • Summarize your recommendations on the treatment options you selected for this patient. Be sure to justify your recommendations and support your response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources, including the primary literature.