What is magnitude of Cancer in KSA? Mention the most types of cancers prevalence in KSA. What are the interventions applied to prevention these risk factors in KSA?

Cancer in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Write a short essay to discuss risk factors associated with Cancer and prevention methods in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Support your answer with evidence and examples)

  1.  What is magnitude of Cancer in KSA? (2 marks)
  2.   Mention the most types of cancers prevalence in KSA. (1 mark)

iii. What are the main causes and contributory factors of Cancer in KSA? (3 marks)

  1. What are the interventions applied to prevention these risk factors in KSA? (4 marks)


Provide some background information about the topic. Why is it important? Use data to support your argument. Explain your search and methods – List a minimum of four keywords that you used for your search, the databases you used to perform your search, and how you selected the articles you are reviewing.

Assignment # 4: Literature Review


State the topic you selected and why.


Provide some background information about the topic. Why is it important? Use data to support your argument.
Explain your search and methods – List a minimum of four keywords that you used for your search, the databases you used to perform your search, and how you selected the articles you are reviewing.

Synthesis of the Literature Discussion

Synthesize what you have learned from the articles you have evaluated.
Summarize the overall findings of the articles.

Application to Nursing Practice

Describe how these can be applied to nursing research and practice.


Provide a brief conclusion to wrap up the contents presented in the paper.

Reference Page

Provide a reference page with appropriate APA-formatted citations of all sources used within the paper.

Describe the evidence-based literature on population health interventions for identified priority health needs. Summarize and cite at least two (2) articles that describe interventions.

Teaching hand hygiene

Describe the evidence-based literature on population health interventions for identified priority health needs. Summarize and cite at least two (2) articles that describe interventions.

The priority health concern for this project is teaching hand hygiene or hand washing skills to these toddlers.


Create a document explaining your procedure. Use this document to provide patient education on your assigned procedure.

Colonoscopy: Patient Education

Create a document explaining your procedure. (Colonoscopy) You will use this document to provide patient education on your assigned procedure. (Colonoscopy)

Your creation must give the patient clear, concise, thorough information. The following information is required:
Explain the procedure
Why it is being performed
Where it is being performed
Patient prep
What happens before, during, and after the procedure
Post-op expectations and recovery timeline
How the patient should expect to receive their results

Read the following Case study on Depressive Disorder with psychotic features. Discuss the Pathophysiology of this disorder. List three Nursing Diagnoses based on this Case study and complete a Mental.

Clinical assignment:

Written Work: Complete the following written paperwork
a. Read the following Case study on Depressive Disorder with psychotic features.
b. Discuss the Pathophysiology of this disorder.
c. List three Nursing Diagnoses based on this Case study and complete a Mental.
Health Care Plan for one. Use the format given to you in your course materials. {4 Nursing interventions and rationales for each interventions. Also 4 evaluations of the goals you set (hint: you decide if the goals where met or unmet).
d. What Diagnostics Tests/Labs would be used with this patient?
e. List four Meds used with Depression and psychoses and address each of the following categories: Generic Name, Trade Name, recommended dosage, mechanism of action, drug classification, side effects, and nursing implications.
f. Meds: cymbalta, seroquel, trazodone, zyprexa, Latuda, Vraylar
g. Complete the Erickson form based on your case study details.

Case study:
JR is a 28 y/o F, Married, employed and in Medical school. She is a high achiever and has very high standards for herself. She can be very self-critical when she fails to meet them. Lately, she has struggled with significant feelings of worthlessness and shame due to her inability to perform as well as she always has in the past.
For the past few weeks Jessica has felt unusually fatigued and found it very difficult to concentrate at work. Her coworkers noticed that she is very irritable and withdrawn, which is quite different from her typically upbeat and friendly disposition. She has been complaining about hearing voices and seeing people who are not there. She also complains of hurting all over and began to call in sick frequently and has begun to stay in bed all day, crying or sleeping.

At home, Jessica’s husband has noticed changes as well. She’s shown little interest in sex and has had difficulties falling asleep at night. Her insomnia has been keeping him awake as she tosses and turns for an hour or two after they go to bed. He’s overheard her having frequent tearful phone conversations with her closest friend, which have him worried. When he tries to get her to open up about what’s bothering her, she pushes him away with an abrupt “everything’s fine”.

Although she hasn’t ever considered suicide, Jessica has found herself increasingly dissatisfied with her life, tired of hearing the voices and seeing things. She gets frustrated with herself because she feels like she has every reason to be happy, yet can’t seem to shake the sense of doom and gloom that has been clouding each day.

Definition of Terms
Define the following terms and bring to Mental Health Clinical – (First day):
1. Anhedonia
2. Apraxia:
3. Labile:
4. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS)
5. Tardive dyskinesia
6. Flight of Ideas
7. Loose Associations
8. Confabulation
9. Neologisms:
10. Word Salad:
11. Perseveration:
12. Echolalia:
13. Mutism:
14. Hallucination
15. Illusion
16. Pychosis

17. Delusions:
a. Persecutory:
b. Grandiose:
c. Reference:
d. Control or influence: e. Somatic:
18. Transference:
19. Countertransference:

Tyramine (List six foods high in this chemical

In the absence of Roe v Wade. Discuss its “impact on nursing” in the state of California. Discuss the many ways nursing will be affected, positively and negatively.

Roe v Wade


APA 7th edition.

In the absence of Roe v Wade. Discuss its “impact on nursing” in the state of California. Use California state proposition 1 as well as any ballot measures recently passed by Governor Gavin Newsom which pertains to abortion as resources. (attached as PDF) Discuss the many ways nursing will be affected, positively and negatively.

Examples: Can nurses be penalized for assisting in abortion of patient from out of state where abortion is illegal?, which ballot measure passed protects this?, Will there be a shortage of nurses due to influx of patients from out of state? How will nurse practitioners in California who work in abortion clinics be affected?

What protein transports oxygen in our body and explain its structure? What cell secretes antibodies and explain the various functions of antibodies. What are the different types of antibodies and give two characteristics for each?

Signature Assignment: Pernicious Anemia Case Analysis

Teri goes to see her PCP after feeling depressed last couple of months as well as experiencing a seizure earlier this week. The physician orders a few test, results are shown below:

Low hematocrit
Low levels of Vit B12
Low Oxygen levels
Presence of autoantibodies against the parietal cell
Peripheral blood smear shows abnormal RBC (large pale RBCs)

After viewing the results, Teri is diagnosed with Pernicious Anemia; a condition in which autoantibodies destroys the parietal cells found within the stomach.

Address each of the following regarding Teri’s case:

Since the parietal cell is destroyed, which substance(s) is Teri lacking as a consequence?
What is the correlation between destruction of parietal cells and Vit B12 deficiency?
Due to her condition, Teri lacks Pepsin. Explain why.
If Teri were healthy, explain what her RBCs would look like?
What is hematocrit?
Low oxygen levels stimulate her body to create new RBCs by stimulating which process? Explain that process in depth.
What protein transports oxygen in our body and explain its structure?
What cell secretes antibodies and explain the various functions of antibodies.
What are the different types of antibodies and give two characteristics for each?
Explain the structure of an immunoglobulin.

Define the clinical key question of interest. Identify the studies of the database search that represent the highest levels of evidence found Identify the statistics discussed in the study as it relates to confidence intervals or statistical description.

Stress Urinary Incontinence


The purpose of this assignment is to review the statistics presented in the articles you reviewed in relation to your clinical topic. You will provide a brief overview of statistics in the studies.


Define the clinical key question of interest.
Identify the studies of the database search that represent the highest levels of evidence found Identify the statistics discussed in the study as it relates to confidence intervals or statistical description.
Discuss the statistical results of the studies identified.
Write a 3- to 5-page paper reviewing the evidence as it relates to confidence.

Identify the quality rating of the research-based article according to the JHNEBP model. Analyze the results or conclusions of the research-based article and explain how the article helps answer your EBP question.

Skin to Skin After Cesarean Section

A. Discuss the impact of a clinical practice problem on the patient(s) and the organization it affects.

1. Identify the following PICO components of the clinical practice problem:

• patient/population/problem (P)

• intervention (I)

• comparison (C)

• outcome (O)

2. Develop an evidence-based practice (EBP) question based on the clinical practice problem discussed in part A and the PICO components identified in part A1.

Note: Refer to “Appendix B: Question Development Tool” for information on the creation of an EBP question.

B. Select a research-based article that answers your EBP question from part A2 to conduct an evidence appraisal.

1. Discuss the background or introduction (i.e., the purpose) of the research article.

2. Describe the research methodology.

3. Identify the level of evidence using the Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice (JHNEBP) model.

Note: The article you select should not be more than five years old.
Note: Refer to “Appendix E: Research Evidence Appraisal Tool” for information on how to level a research-based article.

4. Summarize how the researcher analyzed the data in the article.

5. Summarize the ethical consideration(s) of the research-based article. If none are present, explain why.

6. Identify the quality rating of the research-based article according to the JHNEBP model.

Note: Refer to “Appendix E: Research Evidence Appraisal Tool” for information on how to establish the quality rating.

7. Analyze the results or conclusions of the research-based article and explain how the article helps answer your EBP question.

C. Select a non-research article from a peer-reviewed journal that helps to answer your EBP question from part A2 to conduct an evidence appraisal.

1. Discuss the background or introduction (i.e., the purpose) of the non-research article.

2. Describe the type of evidence (e.g., case study, quality improvement project, clinical practice guideline).

3. Identify the level of evidence using the JHNEBP model.

Note: The article you select should not be more than five years old.
Note: Refer to “Appendix F: Non-Research Evidence Appraisal Tool” for information on how to level the non-research-based article.

4. Identify the quality rating of the non-research-based article according to the JHNEBP model.

5. Discuss how the author’s recommendation(s) in the article helps to answer your EBP question.

D. Recommend a practice change that addresses your EBP question using both the research and non-research articles you selected for Part B and Part C.

1. Explain how you would involve three key stakeholders in supporting the practice change recommendation.

2. Discuss one specific barrier you may encounter when implementing the practice change recommendation.

3. Identify one strategy that could be used to overcome the barrier discussed in part D2.

4. Identify one outcome (the O component in PICO) from your EBP question to measure the recommended practice change.

E. Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

F. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

Martha Rogers believed that nursing is a separate and essential discipline and a unique field of study. She worked hard to establish nursing in higher education. Explain the importance of this shift and how it impacted nursing as a profession.

King and Rogers

Consider what was happening in nursing in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s with the change from diploma programs to an associate degree program. Martha Rogers believed that nursing is a separate and essential discipline and a unique field of study. She worked hard to establish nursing in higher education. Explain the importance of this shift and how it impacted nursing as a profession.

Your initial posting should be at least 400 words in length and utilize at least one scholarly source other than the textbook. Please reply to at least two classmates. Replies to classmates should be at least 200 words in length.