Explain what contributed to the development from this patient, history of PUD? What is the pathophysiology of PUD/ formation of peptic ulcers?

Knowledge check: gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary disorders

In this exercise, you will complete a 5 essay type question. 2 pages for all the 5 questions, three paragraphs to four paragraphs for each questichoon and with a reference ( APA foramat)


Scenario 1: Peptic Ulcer

4 points 15 A 65-year-old female comes to the clinic with a complaint of abdominal pain in the epigastric area. The pain has been persistent for two weeks. The pain described as burning, non-radiating and worse after meals. Denies NI8N, weight loss or obvious bleeding. She admits to frequent belching with bloating. PMH: seasonal allergies with Chronic Sinusitis, positive for osteoarthritis, Meds: Claritin 10 mg po daily, ibuprofen 400-600 mg po prn pain Family Hx-non contributary IZiVs har’egS:IPZ:it: ntre:rattl’ofaell”adadrnill; trsVIZII:m” wklitirdurigkT1177atews=aesa day, an 6a-7Lcups of coffaee per day. She denies illicit druguse, vapingaor unprotected sexual encounters. Breath test in the office revealed + unease. The healthcare provider suspects the client has peptic ulcer disease.

Questions: Explain what contributed to the development from this patient, history of PUD?


Scenario 1: Peptic Ulcer A 65-year-old female comes to the clinic with a complaint of abdominal pain in the epigastric area. TO pain has been persistent for two weeks. The pain described as burning, non-radiating and worse after meals. Denies NW, weight loss or obvious bleeding. She admits to frequent belching with bloating. PMH: seasonal allergies with Chronic Sinusitis, positive for osteoarthrilis, Meds: Claritin 10 mg po daily, ibuprofen 400-600 mg po prn pain Family Hx-non contributary Social history: Separated recently pending divorce; stressful situation with trying to manage two homes. Works as a Legal Assistant at a local law firm. She has 35 PPY of smoking, drinks 1-2 glasses of wine a day, and 6-7 cups of coffee per day. She denies illicit drug use, vaping or unprotected sexual encounters. Breath test in the office revealed + urease. The healthcare provider suspects the client has peptic ulcer disease.

Question: What is the pathophysiology of PUD/ formation of peptic ulcers?


Scenario 2: Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) A 44-year-old morbidly obese fernale comes to the clinic complaining of ‘burning i my chest an ba ft‘rie2nt:Vteirs’yr”.1nYptno’rr,LiitTrntsaYclidPtTtrZ:WvhIche:gedsgitilt eTaasrts4bO Et::11:ta;e1: rslieLhrasdaw a raVttrasar; w”de2r pfilr STee ssa7ss tswYarstasdgceO:ghrig;:tt InZhItt.:tti=shhaesigeYetr7?ncttivenrigrgdw’iltahs her sleep. Sheltdheniesipalpitations, shortness of breath, or nausea.

PMH-HTN, venous stasis ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, osteoarthritis of knees, morbid obesity (BMI 48 kg(m2) FH:non contributory Medications: Lisinopril 10 mg po qd, Bentyl 10 mg po, ibuprofen 800 mg po q 6 hr prn SH: 20 PPY of smoking, ETOH rarely, denies vaping Diagnoses: Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Question: If the client asks what causes GERD how would you explain this as a provider?

QUESTION 4 4 points

Scenario 3: Upper GI Bleed A 64-year-old male presents the clinic with complaints of passing dark, tar, stools. He stated the first epise occurreas wee, but it was only a small amount after he had eaten a dinner of beets and beef. The episode today was accompanied by nausea, sweating, and weakness. He states he has had some mid epigastric pain for several weeks and has been taking OTC antacids. The most likely diagnosis is upper I bleed which won’t be confirmed until further endoscopic procedures are performed.

Question: What are the variables here that contribute to an upper GI bleed?


Scenario 4: Diverticulitis tti5c1′ :rt.:Its:X=1’1T r:I=Igntrs:VeadY trIZ s’llielpailsteMo=c7 !bar:We:1. re ..pvi IsZes today was accompanied by nausea, sweating, and weakness. She states she has had sorne LLO pain for several weeks but described it as “coming and going”. She says she has had a fever and abdominal cramps that have worsened this morning. Diagnosis is lower GI bleed secondary to diverticulitis.

Question: What can cause diverticulitis in the lower GI tract?



Write an essay explaining why you desire to work with the medically underserved populations of Newark NJ. It should be double spaced and no more than two pages.

Medically undeserved population

Newark, the largest city in New Jersey, is defined as a majority/minority urban area. Newark residents are disproportionately impacted by various SDOH, including lack of health insurance, poverty, extreme homelessness, limited English language proficiency, and low education attainment. There exists a great need for professionals trained to provide culturally competent health care to Newark’s immigrant populations and other individuals with low literacy and limited English proficiency. Poverty is also a key determinant of health and the top risk factor for poor health and death for the city’s residents. Newark residents have an average life expectancy at birth of 76.6 years, which is lower than the average life expectancy for the state (80.7 years) and nationally (79 years)9. Data from the National Center for Health Statistics show that in 2017, Newark had higher mortality rates for female breast cancer, cardiovascular disease, and colorectal cancer, compared to the national average Additionally, data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that Newark has a higher prevalence of diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity compared to the national rate. There is a significant need for integrated primary and behavioral health care, including substance and opioid use disorder prevention, screening, and treatment services among Newark’s medically underserved populations (MUPs).

Write an essay explaining why you desire to work with the medically underserved populations of Newark NJ. This should be double spaced and no more than two pages.

Discuss the differences between your chosen disorder and one other bipolar and related disorders in relation to the diagnostic criteria including presentation of symptoms according to DSM 5 TR criteria.

Bipolar I, Bipolar II

For this assignment, you will write a 5–6-page paper on the topic of bipolar and bipolar and related disorders. You will create this guide as an assignment; therefore, a title page, introduction, conclusion, and reference page are required. You must include a minimum of 3 outside scholarly supporting resources in addition including 2 course provided resources.


In your paper, you will choose one of the following diagnoses: Bipolar I, Bipolar II, Cyclothymic Disorder, Substance/Medication-Induced Bipolar and Related Disorder, Bipolar and Related Disorder Due to Another Medical Condition. Your paper will include discussion for your chosen diagnosis of bipolar and related disorder on the following:

  • Prevalence and Neurobiology of your chosen disorder
  • Discuss the differences between your chosen disorder and one other bipolar and related disorders in relation to the diagnostic criteria including presentation of symptoms according to DSM 5 TR criteria.
  • Discuss special populations and considerations (children, adolescents, pregnancy/post-partum, older adult, emergency care) for your chosen bipolar and related disorder; demonstrating critical thinking beyond basics of HIPPA and informed consent with discussion of at least one for EACH category: legal considerations, ethical considerations, cultural considerations, social determinants of health.
  • Discuss FDA and/or clinical practice guidelines approved pharmacological treatment options in relation to acute and mixed episodes vs maintenance pharmacological treatment for your chosen bipolar and related disorder.
  • Of the medication treatment options for your chosen disorder discuss side effects, FDA approvals and warnings. What is important to monitor in terms of labs, comorbid medical issues with why important for monitoring.
  • Provide 3 examples of how to write a proper prescription that you would provide to the patient or transmit to the pharmacy.


Complete the learning activities and readings in Unit 11: Critiquing Research Reports. Read and think about the guidelines and questions used to critique research reports. In addition, if you have access to Woo (2019) Canadian Essentials of Nursing Research, review critiques of two research articles that appear in Appendix C and D.

Critiquing Research Reports

Go to the AU library homepage. Locate and download either a quantitative or a qualitative research study that is of interest to you from a peer-reviewed journal. This article needs to be a report of a research study published in the past five years.

Tip 1: If this is not clear to you, review Unit 1: The Value of Research and Evidence-Based Practice. There you will find details as to how to access the AU Library.

Tip 2: Ensure that the study you select is a research study reporting on original research (i.e., it is not a literature review or summary of previously completed research).

Complete the learning activities and readings in Unit 11: Critiquing Research Reports. Read and think about the guidelines and questions used to critique research reports. In addition, if you have access to Woo (2019) Canadian Essentials of Nursing Research, review critiques of two research articles that appear in Appendix C and D.

If you are accessing Sociological Inquiry Principles: Qualitative and Quantitative Methods, go to Chapter 14, “Reading and Understanding Research” and carefully review Table 14.2, Questions Worth Asking While Reading Research Reports.

If you are accessing Canadian Essentials of Nursing Research, review Table 4.1, Guide to a Focused Critique of Evidence Quality in a Quantitative Research Report, or Table 4.2 Guide to a Focused Critique of Evidence Quality in a Qualitative Research Report. The second columns of Tables 4.1 and 4.2 list some key critiquing questions, while the third column cross-references more detailed guidelines in various chapters throughout the book.

Prepare a paper of 8–10 pages in length (excluding the title and reference pages), double-spaced, using 12-point Arial or Times New Roman font and the most current edition of APA format.

Related to content, include the following sections:

Tip 1: Use these sections as headings and subheadings to organize your paper and your thoughts. These headings and subheadings will cue the reader (your tutor) to the specific subtopic you are addressing.

  • Introduction
  • Research Problem and its Significance
  • Literature Review
  • Research Question and Subquestions
  • Methods
  • Research Approach (Qualitative or Quantitative)
  • Research Design
  • Ethics
  • Sample/Sampling
  • Data Collection
  • Results
  • Data Analysis
  • Findings
  • Validity (for quantitative research studies only)
  • Trustworthiness (for qualitative research studies only)
  • Discussion
  • Implications
  • Conclusion
  • Presentation
  • Clearly written
  • No or minimal use of jargon
  • Well-organized

Use specific examples from the research study for each section and each bullet point.
Work towards accuracy as well as a “critique-like” tone to demonstrate evidence of critical thinking.
Suggest realistic alternatives to improve and enhance the quality of the research.

Related to the format, include the following:
Title page
Introductory paragraph
Headings and subheadings
Concluding paragraph
References list
In-text reference citations
Paper is 8–10 pages in length, excluding title page and references list
Content is accurate and critique-like
Grammar, spelling, and punctuation are accurate

Accurate APA format
Note: APA format is to align with the most current edition of the APA manual.

Choose a different topic. Present on the topic of their root cause analysis paper. Each presentation will be approximately 5-10 minutes long. Be Professional in Presenting.

Needles sticks

Presentation on Root Cause Analysis

Each student will choose a different topic. Each student will present on the topic of their root cause analysis paper. Each presentation will be approximately 5-10 minutes long. Be Professional in Presenting.

A voice over presentation should be done by the student. The voice over PP presentation must be uploaded on canvas. See canvas course shell and weekly outline for due dates.

Topics to be covered in your Voice over PowerPoint presentation:

  • Introduction to sentinel event or medical error
  • Background information
  • Problem statement
  • Plan of Action
  • QSEN competencies Included
  • Summary
  • References

You may use electronic media, VISUAL aids in your PP presentation. Keep in mind that you are limited to 10 minutes.

  • Short Voice


Briefly discuss practicum experiences that have contributed to achieving practicum objectives. Evaluate and describe your progress toward meeting practicum objectives for this course.

Mental Health practicum/clinicals Objectives

The student will complete a write-up that will demonstrate progress, growths, practicum gaps, how he/she met practicum objectives or if partially met or not met, and revision. The student will also discuss and include the preceptor’s evaluation.

Here are the points that should be covered in the assignment:

Part I: Briefly discuss practicum experiences that have contributed to achieving practicum objectives.

Part II: Evaluate and describe your progress toward meeting practicum objectives for this course.

Part III: Identify and discuss areas for improvement and plan to enhance practicum experiences. Students will provide preceptor with DNP Handbook Form 8: Preceptor Evaluation of PMHNP/DNP Student. Evaluation must be completed by the preceptor. Students are encouraged to discuss evaluation with preceptor. Evidence that practicum objectives and midterm assessment discussed with practicum preceptor. A signed PDF copy of Form 8: Preceptor Evaluation of PMHNP/DNP Student must be attached to Objectives Part II Assignment.

Format/Presentation: Current APA Format, Limit 6 pages, Times New Roman, 12-point font, 1 inch margins, correct spelling and grammar.


Analyze the evidence. Was the research presented in the article objective or bias? Describe the article’s strength and weakness. Provide your opinion, what did the article mean to you?

Primary Care in Nursing

Article Review:

INTRODUCTION: First review and summarize the journal article.

Describe what the article is about.

Present a clear, non-biased understanding of the article’s topic.

Mention the article name and source.

What makes the article important? “The main topic of this journal article is ….”


MAIN BODY: Critically review the article.

Analyze the evidence.

Was the research presented in the article objective or bias?

Describe the article’s strength and weakness.

Provide your opinion, what did the article mean to you?

Highlight the positive or negative points. “This article presents the material (well / not well) because …

Why should or should not the article be recommend reading?

Was the article successful or a failure in relaying information based on the topic?


CONCLUSION: Conclude with what you learned from analyzing the article.

What knowledge was gained from reading this article?

What do the results cited in the article indicate?

Do not present new or additional information in the conclusion, stay focused on the article topic at hand.


Keep a journal of the foods you consume for a week. Using the concepts in the text and in the powerpoints, examine your diet for deficiencies and overabundance of specific nutrients.

KNLS/HLTH 134 Diet Analysis Assignment Paper

Your assignment is to keep a journal of the foods you consume for a week (seven consecutive days). Using the concepts in the text and in the powerpoints, examine your diet for deficiencies and overabundance of specific nutrients.

Your paper should explain your process of keeping track of your food consumption and your analysis of your diet.


What do you believe are the advantages and disadvantages of having a single shared consensus-driven model of terminology use? How can a single agreed model of terminology use help to integrate knowledchoge into routine clinical practice?

Nursing informatic

  • What do you believe are the advantages and disadvantages of having a single shared consensus-driven model of terminology use? How can a single agreed model of terminology use (with linkages to a single terminology) help to integrate knowledchoge into routine clinical practice?


Develop/explain the process of implementation and evaluation for your Community Health Promotion Plan Proposal.

Community Health Promotion Plan Proposal

In this assignment, you will use the health promotion/risk reduction education or intervention plan based on the need identified in your Community Health Promotion Plan Proposal.

Develop/explain the process of implementation and evaluation for your Community Health Promotion Plan Proposal. Part of the development of the health promotion/risk reduction plan development is to include the implementation and evaluation phases of the plan.  Support your processes with examples from studies you have read in this course.

  • Introduction: State the recommendations from the Community Health Promotion Plan Proposal you developed.
  • Timeline for implementation and duration of the plan/intervention: state a reasonable amount of time for both based on findings from the literature. Be sure to cite your sources and explain the rationale behind the timeline.
  • Resources needed to implement: Identifies available community resources. Clearly describes needs for additional resources such as staffing needs and funding and provides justification for these resources
  • Community Partners and Stakeholders and their roles: who are the community partners/stakeholders needed to implement the program? What is the point of delivery (an individual or community)? What would be the roles of their roles in implementing the plan
  • Recommendations for evaluation: staffing needed (specialists needed to evaluate outcomes); what possible sources of funding for the evaluation phase; what community partnerships and stakeholders should be involved in the evaluation?
  • Summary/Conclusion: include expected outcomes based on the literature.