Search for recent, relevant data or the scope of the problem. Determine the impact of the problem at all levels – individual, facility, micro, and macro system.

Scope of the problem

Search for recent, relevant data or the scope of the problem. Determine the impact (financial, health, etc.) of the problem at all levels – individual, facility, micro, and macro system.

• Document good info on the scope of the problem (error)



Watch the 3 videos about implementing an evidence-based practice. Find a current research article (<5 years) that discusses a new way of doing something that you do in your workplace.

Evidence Based Practice Plan

Assignment: Watch the 3 videos about implementing an evidence-based practice. Then find a current research article (<5 years) that discusses a new way of doing something that you do in your workplace. You are the unit manager. The parts of your paper should include:

An overview of the procedure or policy you want to change, and why it should be changed. Support your ideas with the article you found.

An explanation about the ideas that are in the 3 videos about how to implement change, and which of those ideas you would use.

An explanation of how you would implement and monitor this change. Would you have meetings? Informational sessions? Use coaches? Use selected staff to pilot the change? Implement gradually or all at once? This is not so much about the new procedure itself as it is about how you would introduce it. Support this with professional references about change.

A timeline for implementation of this change

An explanation of how you would evaluate the change process. Again, this isn’t about the procedure or policy itself, it’s about how you would evaluate how smoothly the change went.


Critically analyze the situation and create a plan that would have helped to resolve the conflict and promote collaboration among the group.

A plan to Resolve Conflict and promote collaboration

Using your example of conflict in your professional practice (from Week 4 Discussion 1: Conflict in the Workplace), build on the readings, videos, and peer input you received.

Critically analyze the situation and create a plan that would have helped to resolve the conflict and promote collaboration among the group.
Your plan should include a minimum of five scholarly references not counting assigned texts, and be seven to eight pages long (page count does not include the cover page or references list). Review your conflict scenario and include the following:

Comprehension: Review the details of the conflict scenario, identifying the type and effects of the conflict.

Application: Relate course content on delegation, empowerment, group dynamics, and constructive group roles and behaviors to the identified conflict scenario.

Analysis/Synthesis: Clarify understanding of the internal and external variables contributing to the conflict. Create a plan that would have helped to resolve the conflict and promote a high-functioning healthcare team.

Evaluation: Summarize the value of effective conflict-resolution skills for the nurse leader.

Provide an example of an effective group or team at your place of work. Identify the membership, mission, and goals of the group. How does nursing leadership promote effective communication and interpersonal collaboration within this group?

Communication Leadership and Team building

For this assignment 3 sources are required. you can use Diane L. Huber 6th edition chapter 7 and 8 on communication Leadership and Team building and working with effective groups as one of the sources to make it 4 sources.

Provide an example of an effective group or team at your place of work. This is not generally employed staff working together performing expected duties, but a specifically designated group/team/committee with a set agenda and focus. Examples might be a Patient Education Committee, Policy and Procedure Committee, Falls Committee, Accreditation Workgroup, etc.

Identify the membership, mission, and goals of the group.

How does nursing leadership promote effective communication and interpersonal collaboration within this group?

Avoid using ANY identifiers in all assignments. This includes, and is not limited to, those covered by HIPAA, coworker/colleague identifiers, employment identifiers etc.

Describe the organizational culture’s capacity to support. What would a visiting potential staff recruit experience about the institution’s culture that would attract them to work there?

Week 5: Organizational Culture and Climate: Assessment and Analysis

Address all components of the Organizational Culture and Climate Assessment and Analysis Paper as outlined  “Assignment Directions and Criteria”.

This assignment has two steps and requires that you do an actual assessment and analysis of the healthcare organization within which you work.

Step 1: The Assessment Tool

Complete the Organizational Culture and Climate Assessment Tool (Links to an external site.).

Step 2: The Analysis

Analyze the findings from your assessment following the outline below. Support your analysis and conclusions with specific evidence from your assessment and scholarly sources. The paper will contain the following components with headings as required.


  • Stated purpose
  • Definition of organizational culture vs climate
  • Broad overview of components of the paper
  • Organizational culture and climate analysis
  • Summary of assessment findings
  • Mission, vision, and goals reflected in culture and climate
  • Strengths and Opportunities for improvement
  • Climate reflective of culture
  • Healthy, safe, person-centered care environment capacity

Describe the organizational culture’s capacity to support.

What would a visiting potential staff recruit experience about the institution’s culture that would attract them to work there?

Nurse leader’s role in setting the organizational culture and climate to promote a healthy work environment?


Two strategies to address the opportunities for improvement

Alignment of Personal Leadership Profile and Organizational Culture and Climate


Broadly address the what has been accomplished in the paper

Benefits of the completing the assignment


Based on your reading in chapter 60, why do you think the issues presented in this chapter persist in today’s workforce culture?

Issues in Today’s Workforce Culture

Based on your reading in chapter 60, why do you think the issues presented in this chapter persist in today’s workforce culture?

Post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources.


Discuss how the perspectives for the PICOT differ depending on the discipline represented by each stakeholder? What impact will they have on the group process and in team building? How is the group process and team building effected by the organization’s culture and climate of transparency and safety? How will the outcomes of the committee be impacted?

Organizational Culture and Climate on Group Process and Team Building – C

You are the unit director of the emergency department and part of an ad hoc interdisciplinary committee newly formed to address a 30% rise in arrival-to- provider time over the past six months. Six months ago, the ED consistently recorded an arrival-to-provider time less than the national benchmark of twenty minutes. The arrival-to-provider time is presently over one hour. A root cause analysis study finds that arrivals to the ER have increased by 50% and the lobby is usually filled to capacity. Often patients must stand due to lack of adequate seating. FTEs have not been added and staffing is consistently short due to call-offs. Patients are not being discharged from inpatient beds in a timely manner. The task for the committee is to propose a solution for the problem.

Looking at this through the lens of an evidence-based quality improvement process, what would you propose as the PICOT for this initiative? Who are the stakeholders represented in your group? (Remember, this is an internal organizational issue, and while patients are impacted by the issue and are the beneficiaries of the work done, they would not be included in this type of task force)

(for your review, see the example for developing a PICOT below or refer to the Nurse Executive Track CGE Academy webinar located in resources and announcements)

Discuss how the perspectives for the PICOT differ depending on the discipline represented by each stakeholder? What impact will they have on the group process and in team building? How is the group process and team building effected by the organization’s culture and climate of transparency and safety? How will the outcomes of the committee be impacted?


Write a paper on your selected pathophysiology topic. Explore and discuss the disease process, clinical manifestations, nursing actions, and treatment for the disease selected. Identify why this disease process was of interest to you.

Parkinson’s Disease

Write a paper on your selected pathophysiology topic.

The objective is for you to further exploring and discuss the disease process, clinical manifestations, nursing actions, and treatment for the disease selected. Identify why this disease process was of interest to you.

  • You need to use minimum of two references for this assignment one can be your textbook.
  • The second reference must be academic in nature, such as peer review journal article.
  • General medical websites will not be accepted as a second reference.


What is the National Database of Nursing-Sensitive Quality Indicators? What are nursing-sensitive quality indicators? Which particular quality indicator did you select to address in your tutorial?

Nurs-FPX4040 Informatics and Nursing Sensitive Quality Indicators

For this assessment, imagine you are a member of a Quality Improvement Council at any type of health care system, whether acute, ambulatory, home health, managed care, et cetera. Your Council has identified that newly hired nurses would benefit from comprehensive training on the importance of nursing-sensitive quality indicators. The Council would like the training to address how this information is collected and disseminated across the organization. It would also like the training to describe the role nurses have in accurate reporting and high-quality results.

The Council indicates a recording is preferable to a written fact sheet due to the popularity of audio blogs. In this way, new hires can listen to the tutorial on their own time using their phone or other device.

As a result of this need, you offer to create an tutorial orienting new hires to these topics.

You determine that you will cover the following topics:

Introduction: Nursing-Sensitive Quality Indicator

  • What is the National Database of Nursing-Sensitive Quality Indicators?
  • What are nursing-sensitive quality indicators?
  • Which particular quality indicator did you select to address in your tutorial?
  • Why is this quality indicator important to monitor?

Be sure to address the impact of this indicator on the quality of care and patient safety.

Why do new nurses need to be familiar with this particular quality indicator when providing patient care?

Collection and Distribution of Quality Indicator Data

  • According to your interview and other resources, how does your organization collect data on this quality indicator?
  • How does the organization disseminate aggregate data?
  • What role do nurses play in supporting accurate reporting and high-quality results?

As an example, consider the importance of accurately entering data regarding nursing interventions.

The focus of Assessment 4 is on how informatics support monitoring of nursing-sensitive quality indicator data. You will develop an training module to orient new nurses in a workplace to a single nursing-sensitive quality indicator critical to the organization. You will address how data are collected and disseminated across the organization along with the nurses’ role in supporting accurate reporting and high quality results.

Select a single nursing-sensitive quality indicator that you see as important to a selected type of health care system. Choose from the following list:

  • Staffing measures.
  • Nursing hours per patient day.
  • RN education/certification.
  • Skill mix.
  • Nurse turnover.
  • Nursing care hours in emergency departments, perioperative units, and perinatal units.
  • Skill mix in emergency departments, perioperative units, and perinatal units.
  • Quality measures.
  • Patient falls.
  • Patient falls with injury.
  • Pressure ulcer prevalence.
  • Health care-associated infections.
  • Catheter-associated urinary tract infection.
  • Central line catheter associated blood stream infection.
  • Ventilator-associated pneumonia.
  • Ventilator- associated events.
  • Psychiatric physical/sexual assault rate.
  • Restraint prevalence.
  • Pediatric peripheral intravenous infiltration rate.
  • Pediatric pain assessment, intervention, reassessment (air) cycle.
  • Falls in ambulatory settings.
  • Pressure ulcer incidence rates from electronic health records.
  • Hospital readmission rates.
  • RN satisfaction survey options.
  • Job satisfaction scales.
  • Job satisfaction scales – short form.
  • Practice environment scale.


Locate at least one relevant clinical practice guideline, two reputable websites and a selection of credible journal articles. Summarise three themes from the current evidence and recommendations for this situation. Relate these findings to the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards.

Task 1: Summary of three themes from the best available evidence around the clinical problem (600 words total)

Locate at least one relevant clinical practice guideline, two reputable websites and a selection of credible journal articles. Summarise three themes from the current evidence and recommendations for this situation. Relate these findings to the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards.

Add brief notes using bullet points to each of the blank boxes. Make sure you add the author and date of publication to each summary e.g. (NMBA, 2020).

Identify three themes within the best available evidence about the clinical problem

Note. Each theme will for a 200-word paragraph. Find your evidence f rom at least one relevant clinical practice guideline, two reputable websites and a selection of credible journal articles related to the clinical problem.

Note. To plan each paragraph by providing a bullet pointed list of the key evidence that relates to each theme. Relate these f inding to the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards (2nd ed.).

Note. Do not just paraphrase the relevant standard. Identify how the standard links with the guidelines or relevant research.

Theme 1: 200 words

e.g. nebulised medication Point one (Author, Date).

Point two (Author, Date).


Which Standard?

How does it relate to finding?

See week 4 and the ALC Moodle site for assisting with referencing.

Theme 2: 200 words Point one (Author, Date).

Point two (Author, Date).


Theme 3: 200 words Point one (Author, Date).

Point two (Author, Date).


Task 2: Provide evidence-based recommendations for the ward/department (400 words)

Provide three to four clear evidence-based recommendations able to be incorporate into the ward’s policies and into

clinical nursing practice. Justify your recommendations. Be sure to include in-text citations for your recommendations.

Add notes to columns 1 and 2 to help structure your paragraph.

Provide 3-4 clear evidence-based recommendations for the ward/ department Justify your recommendations with evidence f rom best practice guidelines and evidence-based nursing practice. Use information researched from paragraph 1 to assist you. There might be more than one piece of evidence for each recommendation.

Include a citation for each piece of evidence.

Para 1. 100 words Add recommendation. e.g., Use of . . . Point one (Author, Date).

Point two (Author, Date).


Para 2. 100 words Add Point one (Author, Date).

Point two (Author, Date).


Para 3. 100 words Add Point one (Author, Date).

Point two (Author, Date).


Para 4. 100 words Add

Point one (Author, Date).

Point two (Author, Date).


Task 3 Reflection (200 words)

Finally, write a reflection paragraph on the purpose of evidence-based nursing practice and how this can assist you in your clinical nursing decision making.Ensure that you have clear sentences in your reflection that show your views on evidence-based nursing practice and how you can use evidence to make clinical nursing decisions. Your reflection must be written in the first person