define the patient, family, or population health problem that will be the focus of your capstone project. Assess the problem from a leadership, collaboration, communication, change management, and policy perspective.


In a 5-7 page written assessment, define the patient, family, or population health problem that will be the focus of your capstone project.

Assess the problem from a leadership, collaboration, communication, change management, and policy perspective.

Plan to spend approximately 2 direct practicum hours meeting with a patient, family, or group of your choice to explore the problem and, if desired, consulting with subject matter and industry experts.


Explain what pathophysiological changes have occurred for the two cases to experience the chosen problem. Identify and discuss the similarities and differences between the presenting assessment data related to the chosen problem for each case.

Priority problem

This assessment requires you to choose one (1) priority problem.

Then use the two (2) case studies to apply your knowledge of evidence-based nursing practice and the clinical reasoning cycle to demonstrate your understanding of how to plan and evaluate person centered care for each person.

Step One

Select one (1) priority problem from this list:

  1. Potential for impaired safety: increased falls risk
  2. Potential for impaired skin integrity
  3. Impaired hydration

Step Two

Thoroughly read and compare the two (2) case studies (see the end of the task description).

Step Three

Use the following headings (tasks i-iv) and address points in relation to your chosen problem and the two (2) case studies. Support your responses using peer reviewed, current and relevant literature

  1. Interpretation of Assessment Data

Explain what pathophysiological changes have occurred for the two cases to experience the chosen problem.

Identify and discuss the similarities and differences between the presenting assessment data related to the chosen problem for each case. In you discussion you must demonstrate your understanding of age and developmental based differences between the cases and the presentation of assessment data relevant to the chosen problem.

  1. Development of Goal for Care using SMART Framework

From the position of your chosen problem, use the SMART framework to write a goal for care for each case (i.e. there will be two goals). The goal for care should consider the uniqueness of each case.

The SMART framework headings MUST be used to present your goal. Supporting evidence is NOT required for task (ii).

iii. Evidence-Based and Person-Centred Interventions to

Address the Goal for Care:

Choose two (2) evidence-based interventions (at least one must be nurse initiated) to address the goal of care.

Justify your choice of intervention and discuss how the two (2) interventions need to be modified to meet the unique needs of the cases based on their age and developmental differences.

Note: The same two interventions will be recommended for both cases, but you need to discuss how these would be modified to suit the needs of the individual.

  1. Evaluation of the Efficacy of Interventions:

Discuss how a nurse would evaluate the efficacy of the two interventions and the similarities and differences in the approach to evaluating the cases based on their age and developmental differences.

For each case identify the expected positive changes in assessment data indicating the intervention was effective.


Select a PEER reviewed EBP Research paper from a professional advanced practice journal related to your APN track. What is the significance of the findings for professional practice in your specific APN track?

PEER reviewed EBP Research paper

Submit a 4-5 page, 7th ed. student APA paper, not including title and references.

Select a PEER reviewed EBP Research paper from a professional advanced practice journal related to your APN (Advanced Practice Nurse) track. My APN track is Psych-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner, therefore you will need to pick a Psychiatric/Mental Health article ….that is < 5 years old.

Evaluate the paper using the following criteria.

  • Identify your APN track.
  • What method did you use to find the article?

Journal name and year of article publication.

  • Title and all authors.
  • Identify the topic and question under study (PICOT if given) (The word PICOT is a mnemonic derived from the elements of a clinical research question – patient, intervention, comparison, outcome and time)

Subjects – how many and how were they identified?

  • What were the research methods used in the study? Methodology
  • What did the findings show?

Interpret the finding. (i.e. p value and sign levels.) What does this mean?

  • What is the significance of the findings for professional practice in your specific APN track?

Psych-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner

Submit a link to the article at the bottom of the paper

Identify which of the MSN essential(s) this assignment meets (The MSN essentials or domains are attached as a PDF document below for your review to select the appropriate one)


Describe your approach to identifying and analyzing peer-reviewed research. Identify at least two strategies that you would use that you found to be effective in finding peer-reviewed research. Identify at least one resource you intend to use in the futuchore to find peer-reviewed research.

Nursing research

Write a 2- to 3-paragraph reflection and narrative in which you address the following: * Describe your approach to identifying and analyzing peer-reviewed research. * Identify at least two strategies that you would use that you found to be effective in finding peer-reviewed research. * Identify at least one resource you intend to use in the futuchore to find peer-reviewed research


How did the information presented in your peer’s Patient Education Blog differ from yours? Would you use this blog to educate your patients?

Peer review 2 classmates’ Patient Education Blog (minimum 250 words each)

Review 2 classmates’ Patient Education Blogs and respond using the PT EDUC BLOG. Peer Review Tool.docx Download PT EDUC BLOG. Peer Review Tool.docx as a guide (the responses must be in paragraph form). How did the information presented in your peer’s Patient Education Blog differ from yours? Would you use this blog to educate your patients?



Discuss the access, cost, and quality of quality environments, as well as recent quality initiatives. Reflect on the relationship between quality measures and evaluation and role development.

Access, cost, and quality of quality environments

Discuss the access, cost, and quality of quality environments, as well as recent quality initiatives. Reflect on the relationship between quality measures and evaluation and role development.

Describe this relationship and note how the role of the APN might change without effective quality measures.

1750 word limit (not including reference)

Infographics are visual representations of information. They can include numbers, text, images, or any combination of the three. Just as in traditional writing assignments, infographics can take on any of the various rhetorical modes — informative, instructive, descriptive, persuasive, etc. Infographics provide a quick way to convey a lot of information. For example, this infographic from the American Association of Nurse Practitioners conveys data related to NPs much more concisely than another paragraph inserted here could have (

Students will create an Infographic on the topic of Advanced Practice Nursing. You will create an infographic that is easily understood by the lay public or general population. The infographic should provide information useful to communicating the “What, Why, When and How” of APN.

  1. Student will select a platform (tool) for building their infographics. There are plenty of great infographic platforms out there. Most are free, but may require that you do set up an account. Check out, Easelly, Piktochart, and Visme (links in online course module).
  2. Create the Infographic using one of the above platforms.
  3. Post completed infographic in PDF format



In the adult Hispanic patient population with type II diabetes, how does patient access to providers who have completed cultural competency training compare to those providers who did not regarding their Hgb A1C values, patient satisfaction, and hospitalization rates within one year?

Intervention study /therapy

Individually, select an intervention study or therapy study for critique.

The article should be classified as an experimental design, e.g., random controlled trial; or quasi-experimental design.

The article must be related to the PICOT question.

For now, your goal is to determine whether the article is relevant to your patient’s care.
By Sunday of this week (Week 4), begin using the Article Critique Guide (which is also the grading rubric) to draft your responses to the article’s Abstract, Introduction, Discussion, and Conclusion. Do not focus on the Methods and Results section(s) at this point.
Submit your draft for the relevant sections by following the Submission Instructions below.
This is a formal written assignment. AMA or APA style applies to the final submission.
Your final submission will be limited to four (4) pages, plus a cover page.
Your assignment is to be in a written format, not submitted on the article critique guide.

Article must be related to this PICOT Question?

PICOT Question:
In the adult Hispanic patient population with type II diabetes, how does patient access to providers who have completed cultural competency training compare to those providers who did not regarding their Hgb A1C values, patient satisfaction, and hospitalization rates within one year?

What are three (3) strengths and three (3) weaknesses of the policy? What would you like to see added, removed, or changed about the policy?

Health policy analysis summary

Summary Outline
I. Title Page

II. Summary of Analysis of Chosen Topic

III. Reflection on Analysis

What are three (3) strengths and three (3) weaknesses of the policy?
What would you like to see added, removed, or changed about the policy?
Should the community the policy impacts be expanded or changed and why?
What is your role as a Nurse Practitioner in ensuring the contents of the policy is known by the clients you serve?
Are there any other thoughts or observations about the policy that you would like to include?

IV. References in APA Format

What are ways healthcare professionals can help with ethics and quality care? What communication strategies were said to decrease ethical risk during program evaluations?

Ethics in health care

It should answer these three questions.

  1. Why is it important to have ethics in health care?
  2. What are ways healthcare professionals can help with ethics and quality care?
  3. What communication strategies were said to decrease ethical risk during program evaluations?


Determine which is most likely to be the correct diagnosis and explain your reasoning using at least three different references, one reference from current evidence-based literature from your search and two different references from this week’s Learning Resources.

Skin condition

Choose one skin condition graphic (identify by number in your Chief Complaint) to document your assignment in the SOAP (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan) note format rather than the traditional narrative style. Refer to Chapter 2 of the Sullivan text and the Comprehensive SOAP Template in this week’s Learning Resources for guidance. Remember that not all comprehensive SOAP data are included in every patient case.

Use clinical terminologies to explain the physical characteristics featured in the graphic. Formulate a differential diagnosis of three to five possible conditions for the skin graphic that you chose. Determine which is most likely to be the correct diagnosis and explain your reasoning using at least three different references, one reference from current evidence-based literature from your search and two different references from this week’s Learning Resources.