What Leadership roles to RN’s play and what are their responsibilities that come with it? Write about the topics.

Clinical Reflection/Journaling

Leadership Roles and Responsibilities of the RN within the Healthcare Team including the RN’s role as a delegator. What Leadership roles to RN’s play and what are their responsibilities that come with it? Write about the topics. (Minimum 2 pages) Submit in Canvas Drop Box

How do ACOs differ from the health maintenance organizations (HMOs) of earlier years What role does health information technology (HIT) play in the newer models of care?

Accountability in Healthcare

This assignment will be at least 1500 words. Address each bulleted item (topic) in detail including the questions that follow each bullet. There should be three (3) sections in your paper; one for each bullet below. Separate each section in your paper with a clear brief heading that allows your professor to know which bullet you are addressing in that section of your paper. Include a “Conclusion” section that summarizes all topics.

This week you will reflect upon accountability in healthcare and address the following questions:

Briefly define an Accountable Care Organization (ACO) and how it impacts health care providers:
How do ACOs differ from the health maintenance organizations (HMOs) of earlier years
What role does health information technology (HIT) play in the newer models of care?
What is the benefit of hospitals partnering with primary care providers?
How does bundling payments contain healthcare costs?
How does pay for performance (P4P) improve quality care?
Briefly discuss the value-based purchasing program?
How do value-based purchasing (VBP) programs affect reimbursement to hospitals?
Who benefits the most from value-based reimbursement and why?
How does the VBP program measure hospital performance?

Demonstrate knowledge of how decision-making in nursing practice relates to clinical reasoning and critical thinking, taking into consideration the many facets of decision-making in nursing.

Final paper

This semester we have reviewed a various Issues and Trends in Contemporary Nursing Practice. Many objectives have been addressed and met. Please take a moment to reflect on the objectives of the course and develop an 8-10-page scholarly paper stating how you have met the outcomes of this course.

Course Outcomes

Demonstrate understanding and competence in making decisions in nursing which will promote client-centered care, taking into consideration ethical, clinical, cultural, spiritual, and political implications.

Demonstrate intentional learning with reflection as it relates to decision-making in nursing.

Understand processes of making decisions in nursing, and apply evidence in supporting concepts and processes which relate to practice.

Demonstrate knowledge of how decision-making in nursing practice relates to clinical reasoning and critical thinking, taking into consideration the many facets of decision-making in nursing.

Demonstrate leadership in organizational, local, and global environments as it relates to decision-making in nursing.

Communicate effectively and therapeutically, with and without the use of technology, while making decisions in nursing practice.

Propose evidence-based, culturally-competent nursing care which promotes standard safe practices along with error and hazard prevention and quality improvement practices.

Participate as a collaborative team member in understanding and implementing client care, and in promoting the health of clients while making decisions as nurses in practice.

Final Project – a scholarly paper is written in BSN465 on achievement of the eight outcomes associated with BSN465. The learner writes an APA formatted paper on meeting the course outcomes listed above.

After you view the case study, reflect upon what you have learned and how it is related to the learning materials. Compare the case study to your nursing practice and give a similar example from your experience in which you might have run into an ethical situation.

Interactive case study journal

Click on this link to view the DNR Interactive Case Study.

After you view the case study, reflect upon what you have learned and how it is related to the learning materials. Compare the case study to your nursing practice and give a similar example from your experience in which you might have run into an ethical situation.

Submit your entry by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. (Pacific time). Your reflection content should be a minimum of 500 words, equal to five to six paragraphs, and is worth 50 points.

Prioritize nursing care strategies for clients with cardiovascular disorders.

Cardiovascular Disorder

Prioritize nursing care strategies for clients with cardiovascular disorders.

Cardiac disease a one of the leading causes of death in the United States. Since it is so prevalent, you want to ensure your co-workers are fully prepared to care for patients. You are hosting a lunch to provide a refresher on heart disease and how to care for patients. During the lunch, you will present a PowerPoint Presentation to your co-workers.

cardiac diseases: Coronary artery disease

Provide a detailed overview of the disease process
Multidimensional care including risk reduction, health promotion, and nursing interventions specific to the disease process

Create an infographic for a lower respiratory system disorder.

Pulmonary Education Infographic

Compare strategies for safe, effective multidimensional nursing practice when providing care for clients with lower respiratory disorders.

You are a nurse on a pulmonary rehabilitation team at an outpatient clinic in your community. You are updating educational resources to educate clients who want to know more about health promotion and maintenance and improving pulmonary health related to their lung conditions.

Create an infographic for a lower respiratory system disorder that includes the following components:

Risk factors associated with the common lower respiratory system disorder.
Description of three priority treatments for the lower respiratory disorder.
Description of inter professional collaborative care team members and their roles to improve health outcomes for the lower respiratory system disorder.
Description of three multidimensional nursing care strategies that support health promotion and maintenance for clients with the lower respiratory system disorder.
Description of a national organization as a support resource for your client specific to the lower respiratory system disorder.

Discuss the potential disease processes and signs and symptoms related to the disease process that Jose may be exhibiting? How would you provide multidimensional care to include cultural, psychosocial, spiritual, physical, and emotional needs for Jose?

Male Reproductive Disorder

Jose is a 55-year-old Hispanic, male, migrant worker who speaks limited English. He presented to the emergency room with complaints of edema of the scrotum, urinary retention, and hematuria. He does not have any pertinent past medical history. He is married and has five young children. He states he has been having problems for a while but delayed seeing the doctor because of his work schedule and limited money. The doctor performs a digital rectal examination in the office and finds that Jose’s prostate is enlarged.

Initial Post
Male reproductive disorders can make a great impact on the patient’s life. Based on the case study, answer the following questions in your discussion post.

Discuss the potential disease processes and signs and symptoms related to the disease process that Jose may be exhibiting?
How would you provide multidimensional care to include cultural, psychosocial, spiritual, physical, and emotional needs for Jose?

How did your perceptions change? What did you learn that was unexpected? Describe your thinking about your thoughts and feelings regarding the new learning you experienced.

Journal 8 week

Your Weekly Practicum Journal is:

  • A personal, introspective subjective account of your practicum experience and how your practicum experience relates to Healthy People 2020 and course objectives. Include events that occurred in your practicum experience, and be sure to describe your thoughts and feelings about those events. How did your perceptions change? What did you learn that was unexpected? Describe your thinking about your thoughts and feelings regarding the new learning you experienced.
  • Connected to South University’s College of Nursing Conceptual Framework Pillars (Caring, Communication, Critical Thinking, Professionalism, and Holism)
  • Connected to prior coursework and experiences through reflective analysis.
  • Written in a scholarly, academic style using APA style format. Two or three sentences are not sufficient nor are daily logs/reports of activities.

Describe how the nursing profession is viewed by the general public. Discuss factors that influence the public perception of nursing. Describe ways to educate the general public on the professional nurses role and scope of nursing within a changing health care system.

Discussion questions topics 2

Describe how the nursing profession is viewed by the general public. Discuss factors that influence the public perception of nursing. Describe ways to educate the general public on the professional nurses role and scope of nursing within a changing health care system.

Discuss some of the psychophysiological aspects of stress. Which evidence-based stress management interventions do you apply to clinical practice? How effective are they?

Stress and Safety

Part A: Discuss some of the psychophysiological aspects of stress. Which evidence-based stress management interventions do you apply to clinical practice? How effective are they?

Part B: What resources do you use to determine safety and effectiveness of complementary and alternative medicine?