Identify and describe at least two competing needs impacting your selected healthcare issue/stressor. Describe a relevant policy or practice in your organization that may influence your selected healthcare issue/stressor.

Assignment: Developing Organizational Policies and Practices

The Assignment (1-2 pages):

Developing Organizational Policies and Practices

Add a section to the 2-3 page paper you submitted in Module 1. The new section should address the following in 1-2 pages:

Identify and describe at least two competing needs impacting your selected healthcare issue/stressor.

Describe a relevant policy or practice in your organization that may influence your selected healthcare issue/stressor.

Critique the policy for ethical considerations, and explain the policy’s strengths and challenges in promoting ethics.

Recommend one or more policy or practice changes designed to balance the competing needs of resources, workers, and patients, while addressing any ethical shortcomings of the existing policies. Be specific and provide examples.

Cite evidence that informs the healthcare issue/stressor and/or the policies, and provide two scholarly resources in suppochort of your policy or practice recommendations.


What is the pathophysiology of asthma? What are the current recommendations for managing Hannah’s asthma and to help prevent asthma episodes? How should Hannah handle future episodes that start at school?


Hannah McGregor, a 9-year-old with asthma, lives at home with her parents and two brothers, who are 6 and 4 years old. Hannah developed asthma at approximately 5 years of age and has had wheezing episodes that were generally controlled by rescue medications. Two weeks ago, Hannah had a severe asthma episode that started at school and was possibly associated with the paint or glue used on a project. She did not have any quick-relief medications at school, and she delayed going to the school nurse so that she could finish her project. By the time her mother arrived to pick her up, Hannah was in respiratory distress. After receiving treatment in the emergency department (ED), Hannah was admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit.

Hannah and her mother are in the health center to meet with the provider to learn more about asthma management. At today’s visit, Hannah’s lungs are clear to auscultation, and her peak expiratory flow reading is in the green zone. Mrs. McGregor reports that she has given all prescribed medications since the hospitalization. Both Hannah and her mother are motivated to prevent a future hospital admission if possible. The nurse uses a model to show Hannah how asthma narrows her airway and makes it difficult to breathe. The nurse then works with Mrs. McGregor and Hannah to develop a plan for asthma control with daily medications.

Question 1

What is the pathophysiology of asthma?

Question 2

What are the current recommendations for managing Hannah’s asthma and to help prevent asthma episodes?

Question 3

How should Hannah handle future episodes that start at school?

Question 4

What arrangements are needed for Hannah to have access to her medications at school?

Question 5

What are common triggers for asthma?


Describe the problems, stressors, and strengths that this community faces/has. Discuss a bill in the legislature that would help to improve outcomes for your community? Create a plan that you can apply to target the nursing diagnoses you chose and the legislation.

Homeless men and/or women

Apply critical thinking strategies as well as the information you learned in this course to create this project. Group will choose a specific community from a vulnerable group.

Find a specific Healthy People 2030 goal for this population, and for the problem, you want to address.

Find a healthy people 2030 goal for schools Identify specific objectives for teens such as reducing the number of STI’s or teen pregnancies.

Use the nursing process in a step-by-step format (legislation will be included here): Assessment: assess your population through a windshield survey (Use guidelines in your textbook). Address components succinctly to provide your final presentation in approximately 15 minutes. Obtain statistics for this community by using census data and other reputable statistics.

Nursing Diagnosis: Describe the problems, stressors, and strengths that this community faces/has. Formulate 1-2 nursing diagnoses. Remember if you come up with a diagnosis you must also come up with a nursing intervention for that particular diagnosis.

Legislation: Discuss a bill in the legislature that would help to improve outcomes for your community? If this law is enacted, how would it improve the life of those in your targeted community. What could you present as evidence that this would benefit your community?

Nursing Plan: Now create a plan that you can apply to target the nursing diagnoses you chose and the legislation. Make an appointment to meet with someone in the community who can give you valuable information that will help you with your planning and interventions.

Nursing Interventions: This is where you will begin to form a teaching plan to address the problems you found and the interventions you will use to combat these problems. Use specific teaching and learning interventions by targeting the cognitive and developmental stage of the participants.

You must research the specific teaching strategies that will apply to your population. Use culturally competent teaching methods

Nursing Process: Evaluation: This is where you will reflect on the project. What did you learn? Do you think your plan will work? What could you do better in the future? Do you the legislation will pass why or why not? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the plan?

Identify objective data related to people, places, and social systems that help define the community.


Who are on the street (e.g. women, children, men)? How are they dressed? What are they doing? What do the people look like? How are the different ethnic groups residentially located? How would you categorize the residents: upper, upper middle, middle, lower class? How did you come to this conclusion? Is there any evidence of communicable diseases, alcoholism, substance use disorder, mental illness? How did you come to this conclusion? Are there animals on the street? What kind? Place – don’t include statistics here, include information about how you know you have left an area simply by driving through


Where is the community? What are its boundaries? Natural boundaries? Human-made boundaries? Are there geographic features that may pose a threat? What plants or animals could pose a threat to health?

Location of Health Services

Where are the major health institutions located? What health institutions may be necessary for a community of this size but are not located in the community (e.g. a large community with few or no acute care or ambulatory care facilities)? Are there clinics, hospitals, dentists, or other health care providers in the area?

Human-Made Environment

Do you see major industrial areas with heavy industrial plants? Do the roads allow easy access to health institutions? Are the roads marked by signs that are easily seen and understandable?


What is the quality of the housing? How old are the houses? Are there single or multifamily dwellings? Are there signs of disrepair and decay? If so, explain. Are there vacant dwellings? If so, explain.

Social System

Are there schools in the area? Are they in good repair? Are there parks and outdoor recreation opportunities? What churches are in the community? What schools, community centers, clinics, or other services for the community are provided by the churches? Does the community have public transportation that provides accessible service? What supermarkets and stores are available in the neighborhood? Is there evidence of police and fire protection in the area? Are there social agencies?


Perform an internet search to determine if there is a certification for therapists who engage in the chosen therapy, identify the certifying body or bodies, and describe the education and training required for certification or levels of certification.

Integrating Manipulative and Body-Based Therapies into Practice


Develop a project related to a Manipulative and Body Based therapy of interest to them. Write a paper defining the chosen therapy and its uses, comparing two types of the chosen therapy, and discussing how the therapy has been or could be used in the student’s practice.

Use a minimum of 2 peer-reviewed journal articles for this section of the project. J

The body of the paper should be 1 ½ – 2 pages in length. The second section of the project (see below) should be included as an addendum to the paper.

Part 2

Perform an internet search to determine if there is a certification for therapists who engage in the chosen therapy, identify the certifying body or bodies, and describe the education and training required for certification or levels of certification. If there is no certification available for the chosen therapy, the student will compare requirements from two programs that offer training in this therapy.

Then write an opinion of whether or not consideration of certification is important when recommending use of complementary therapies for their patients and provide reasons for their opinions. Include the website(s) used for this section in your reference list and include citations.


Of the list provided in the video, what healthy habits do you already use in your daily regimen? What healthy habits mentioned that you do not currently use, what might you consider adapting into your life?

Mindfulness Reflection

Week 1 reflection:
Of the list provided in the video, what healthy habits do you already use in your daily regimen?
What healthy habits mentioned that you do not currently use, what might you consider adapting into your life?

Present your position on a current health-care issue in a one-page paper, following the assignment guidelines below. You can select your issue topic from newspapers, national news magazine articles, professional journals, or professional association literature.

Policy Organization and Financing Healthcare

Week2 Position Paper

Present your position on a current health-care issue in a one-page paper, following the assignment guidelines below. You can select your issue topic from newspapers, national news magazine articles, professional journals, or professional association literature.

Your position paper should:

  • Be quickly and easily understood.
  • Be succinct and clear.
  • Appear very professional with the legislator’s name and title on top and your name and your credentials at the bottom.
  • Condense essential information in one, single-spaced page, excluding the title and reference list pages.
  • Be written using correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, syntax, and APA format.
  • Clearly describe the issue that you are addressing in the opening paragraph.

Include 3–4 bullet points regarding why you are seeking the legislator’s vote, support, or opposition. Bullet points should be clear and concise but not repetitive and should reflect current literature that substantiates your position.

Summarize the implications for the nursing profession and/or patients.

Conclude with two recommendations that you wish to see happen related to your issue, such as a vote for or against, a change in policy, or the introduction of new legislation.


Identify the relevant subjective and objective assessment information related to the client’s condition and place the findings in the assessment data box below.

Engage Fundamentals: Gas Exchange Clinical Judgment Case Study with Concept Map

Case Study

The nurse is caring for Oliva Jamison, 77 years old, and was admitted to the medical unit with exacerbation of COPD. Vital signs upon admission to the unit is: Blood Pressure 156/88, Pulse 101; Respiratory Rate 28, Temperature 97.8°F. The client reports worsening shortness of breath, extreme fatigue, decreased appetite, and a weight loss of 15 pounds over the past three months. The nurse notices the client is lying flat in bed and currently on 2L O2 via nasal canula with an oxygen saturation level of 88%. Other symptoms include a dry cough, inspiratory and expiratory wheezes upon auscultation of breath sounds. Respiratory treatments (albuterol) are ordered every 4 hr as needed. The client reports having little or no family support.

Assessment Questions

  1. Identify the relevant subjective and objective assessment information related to the client’s condition and place the findings in the assessment data box below. (Recognizing cues; Assessment)
  2. Based upon assessment information, identify and prioritize the top 3 client problems. Write one client problem in each of the Client Problem boxes below. (Analyze Cues; Analysis and Prioritize Hypothesis; Planning)
  3. Below each client problem, determine and enter the relevant assessment information that supports the identified client problem. (Analyze Cues; Analysis and Prioritize Hypothesis; Planning)
  4. Identify important nursing interventions that should be taken to address each client problem and enter them in the related intervention box for the associated client problem. (Take Action; Implementation)

Discussion Questions

  1. Discuss special considerations to be made for clients from diverse backgrounds. (Recognize Cues; Assessment)
  2. Elderly client with no family support.
  3. Clients from diverse backgrounds (i.e. age, culture, socioeconomic status).
  4. Identify potential client problems. (Analyze Cues; Analysis)
  5. Instruct students to provide a rationale for their choices.
  6. Discuss nursing interventions to address the identified potential client problems. (Generate Solutions; Planning)
  7. Instruct students to provide a rationale for their choices.
  8. Discuss the desired client outcomes related to the performed interventions identified in the concept map as well as for potential client problems. (Generate Solutions; Planning)
  9. Discuss client responses that demonstrate an improvement of the client problem.
  10. Identify client responses that indicate worsening of the client condition. (Generate Solutions; Planning)
  11. Discuss safety considerations that should be included when planning care for this client (i.e. fall risk). (Generate Solutions; Planning)
  12. Identify client education the nurse should provide for this client (i.e. diet, activity, ADLs). (Take Action; Implementation) Discuss client outcomes you would anticipate based on the performed nursing interventions (i.e. improved SPO2 with raising head of bed, increasing amount of oxygen being delivered). Identify how achievement of client outcomes would be evaluated. (Evaluate Outcomes; Evaluation)
  13. Discuss ways to modify or revise the plan of care when client outcomes are not met. (Evaluate Outcomes; Evaluation)


Submit a 3-4 page summary paper on the public policy meeting. Include headings in your paper that address these components: The purpose of the meeting, key participants, key agenda items, and meeting logistics.

Policy Organization and Financing Healthcare

Public Policy Meeting Assignment

Submit a 3-4 page summary paper on the public policy meeting.

Include headings in your paper that address these components:

The purpose of the meeting, key participants, key agenda items, and meeting logistics

Background information and a description about the committee

One specific topic that was discussed at the meeting and an explanation of the committee process

An analysis of the key stakeholder positions related to the topic discussed

Key interactions that occurred at the meeting

Outcomes of the meeting including the specific topic focus


Discuss the major provisions of the bill. Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the legislation by explaining the background and all relevant facts. Discuss any relevant history related to the legislation, pertinent votes, and issues that are stalling the legislation, etc.

Policy Organization and Financing Healthcare

Review of a Bill Assignment

Select an active bill at the state or federal level that impacts the professional practice of nursing. In a 3-4 page paper (excluding the title and reference pages), summarize the provisions of the bill and clearly explain what the bill will accomplish.

Your review of a bill paper should:

Discuss the major provisions of the bill.

Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the legislation by explaining the background and all relevant facts.

Discuss any relevant history related to the legislation, pertinent votes, and issues that are stalling the legislation, etc.

Use primary sources for this information.

Identify key supporters and those who do not support the bill. Explain why some of these individuals support the bill and why some do not.

Explore the positions of the key stakeholders in the bill, both pros and cons. Do not make assumptions about potential key stakeholders. Examine this area carefully so you are correctly reflecting the stakeholders positions.

Discuss how the bill would impact a nurse’s ability to provide safe and quality care or to practice to the highest scope of the nursing license.

Explain specific actions that nurses can take to assist with the passage or defeat of the legislation

Use Current APA Style, headings and references as appropriate.


Think about what you envision as a wonderful nurse. In a paragraph, define this nurse. Examples to include are the attitude of this nurse, how this nurse portrays caring, and how this nurse shows professionalism.

Why Nursing?:Writing Assignment

Think about what you envision as a wonderful nurse. In a paragraph, define this nurse. Examples to include are the attitude of this nurse, how this nurse portrays caring, and how this nurse shows professionalism.

Think about the reasons that you have chosen nursing as your course of study and future profession. For this paper you will need to state the top 2 reasons you have chosen nursing. You will also need to discuss these 2 reasons as to why they have made the top 2 of your list.

Pick out two attitudes that you hope to work on during the semester: Communication skills, emotional stability, empathy, and flexibility, attention to detail, interpersonal skills, physical endurance, and problem-solving skills, quick response, and respect. For this paper you will need to discuss the two attitudes that you hope to work on especially how to implement them this semester whether in class or clinical. Address why you chose these two attitudes as well. Please use this paper as an honest evaluation of yourself and the attitudes you hope to truly work on during the semester.