Locate 4 scholarly articles related to your intended Concept paper topic. Indicate where you obtained the article and correctly format the 4 articles as a reference list. Correctly develop a reference list for the following sources.

A Nurse’s Role


For the following assignment worth 100 points (40 points for Part I, 60 points for Part II), correctly format the following sources as an APA reference list. Format only the articles listed below as if you were using them in a paper’s reference section. Do not create a reference of all of the references listed in each article.

Part I- locate 4 scholarly articles related to your intended Concept paper topic. Indicate where you obtained the article (ex- journal, online journal, book, etc) and correctly format the 4 articles as a reference list.

Part II Correctly develop a reference list for the following sources. Be sure to put your reference list in alphabetical order. Each answer is worth 15 points. Journal Article Emergency Global Issues: A Nurse’s Role by Cole Edmondson, Cindy McCarthy, Silvia Trent-Adams, Cindy McCain, June Marshall.

Published in The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing – January 2017 – Volume 22 – Issue 1, Manuscript 2. DOI: 10.3912/OJIN.Vol22No01Man02

Book Wong’s Essentials in Pediatric Nursing- Tenth edition – By Marilyn Hockenberry, David Wilson, Cheryl Rodgers – 2016 – Elsevier – St. Louis, Missouri Chapter from an Edited Book Chapter 4 – Education of the Emergency Nurse – By Nicholas A. Nelson – pp. 59-65 – name of book, Emergency Nursing: The Profession, The Pathway, and The Practice – editor = Jeff Solheim. 2016

– Sigma Theta Tau International, Indianapolis, Indiana Blog Off the Charts: Blog of the American Journal of Nursing, author Jacob Molynuex, Hospital Closing Hit Rural Communities Hard, But Aren’t Inevitable, published September 26, 2017, https://ajnoffthecharts.com/hospital-closings-hit-rural-communities-hard-but-arent-inevitable


Write a 500 word APA formatted paper explaining the similarities and differences between leadership and management. Provide 2 references other than your text book.


Write a 500 word APA formatted paper explaining the similarities and differences between leadership and management. Provide 2 references other than your text book.


Review the DNP Project Process Guide and the Term Plan document provided in the DNP capstone resources website. Consider your individual plans and goals related to your DNP Project, in addition to meeting with your faculty advisor to help you focus on the requirements for this Assignment.

Assignment 2: Term Plan

You are required to submit the term plan document that details your goals for the term and gives dates for when you will accomplish each goal.

To obtain a grade of Satisfactory for your enrollment in this course, refer to the following possible outcomes to help in planning for your DNP Project:

1. You should aim, at a minimum, to complete all the requirements necessary for Phase 1 of the DNP Project to complete this component of this course successfully during your first term. Completing the requirements for Phase 1 of the DNP Project ONLY, will require a subsequent enrollment in NURS 8703 for the completion of the DNP Project.

Photo Credit: Pixel-Shot / Adobe Stock

2. You may find that you will be able to complete all the components of Phase 2 of the DNP Project to complete this component of this course successfully during your first term. Completing the requirements for Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the DNP Project ONLY, will require a subsequent enrollment in NURS 8703 for the completion of the DNP Project.

3. You may find that you will be able to complete Phases 1-6 of the DNP Project of this course successfully during your first term. Completing Phases 1-6 successfully, will complete your DNP Project and will not require any subsequent enrollment in a DNP Project course.

To Prepare
Review the DNP Project Process Guide and the Term Plan document provided in the DNP capstone resources website.
Consider your individual plans and goals related to your DNP Project, in addition to meeting with your faculty advisor to help you focus on the requirements for this Assignment.

The Assignment
Complete the Term Plan document by addressing all the components on the Term Plan. Be sure to clearly detail your individual plans and goals related to your DNP Project.

Complete a rigorous review of evidence. Review Appendix D, Evidence Level and Quality Guide, which will be used to grade the evidence. Utilize the appraisal tools below as you review the evidence for your project.

Phase 1 Design

Step 1: Faculty Advisor: during week 1 of NURS 8702, meet with the faculty advisor to review the requirements for the project.

Step 2: Term Plan

      • Complete the term plan and submit to project course classroom by day 7 of week 1 of the course

Step 3: Team Meeting

      • Set up a meeting with the organization representative, and faculty advisor to clearly identify the practice problem and goal(s) to be achieved. Identify project mentor and any additional stakeholders. Discuss strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to the project. Complete minutes of the meeting.

Submit the completed forms to assess organization and stakeholders to the classroom

Have the site approval signed by the organization leader, project mentor, and faculty advisor:

Step 4: Approvals

      • MY DR:Upload and submit the completed site approval for committee and program director review once the faculty advisor confirms in the classroom that the site approval is ready for a formal rubric review.

Step 5: Question Development


Step 6: Evidence Search

      • Complete a rigorous review of evidence. Review Appendix D, Evidence Level and Quality Guide, which will be used to grade the evidence. Utilize the appraisal tools below as you review the evidence for your project.
      • Upon completion of the evidence review submit the following documents into the classroom for faculty advisor approval.



Select a scholarly research or other article on the assigned topic and introduce the article in your own words. Apply the research findings or article content to course concepts. Provide objective and subjective analysis of the article.

Annotated bibliography

NOTE: three articles three (250-300 words for each article )

Read at least three scholarly articles on nursing and leadership styles. Summarize and critically analyze each article separately (250–300 words for each article’s annotated bibliography).

For each article, determine the following:

Comprehension: Select a scholarly research or other article on the assigned topic and introduce the article in your own words.
Application: Apply the research findings or article content to course concepts.
Analysis: Provide objective and subjective analysis of the article.
Evaluation: Summarize the value of the content to nursing leadership and nursing.

Provide a discussion of how healthcare delivery has changed. Include the role of nursing leadership in the changes. Include a discussion on the likely role of nursing leadership in future challenges.

Historical Healthcare Challenges

Write a 2000-2500 word essay addressing each of the following points/questions. Support your ideas with at least three (3) scholarly citations in your essay. Use strict APA guidelines to format the paper. The cover page and reference page do not count towards the minimum word amount and an abstract and table of contents are not necessary and if included are not part of the overall word count.

Healthcare challenges have changed dramatically in the last ten years. Provide a discussion of how healthcare delivery has changed. Include the role of nursing leadership in the changes. Include a discussion on the likely role of nursing leadership in future challenges.

Philosophies should be reviewed periodically. Brainstorm concepts that should be addressed in the General Hospital philosophy. Review the current philosophy below and decide if it should be edited and, if so, how?

Strategic & Operational Planning

In 300 words, respond to the following scenario:

Philosophies should be reviewed periodically. Brainstorm concepts that should be addressed in the General Hospital philosophy. Review the current philosophy below and decide if it should be edited and, if so, how?

Philosophy of General Hospital: General Hospital is committed to assessing and meeting the physical, emotional, spiritual, environmental, social, and rehabilitative health needs of the citizens in the region. The worth, dignity, and autonomy of individuals (customers, employees, and others) are recognized, as is each individual’s right to self-direction and responsibility for his or her own life. Individual uniqueness will be considered when assessing needs and delivering quality care. Educational pursuits, research, and public service programs will be used to promote innovations and improvement of health care in the region. General Hospital personnel will work in collaboration with customers and in partnership with other organizations to provide cost-effective services.

You have just accepted the nursing leadership role in a long-term care facility. Identify the management process and list the activities you will need to do to plan, organize, staff, direct, and evaluate.

Theories of Leadership & Management Development

In 300 words, respond to the following scenario:

You have just accepted the nursing leadership role in a long-term care facility. Identify the management process and list the activities you will need to do to plan, organize, staff, direct, and evaluate.

A staff nurse has just attacked you and your ideas about using evidence-based practice. How will you handle the situation?

Conflict Management & Negotiation

In 300 words, respond to the following scenario:

A staff nurse has just attacked you and your ideas about using evidence-based practice. How will you handle the situation?

What characteristics does a change agent possess? What type of resources are useful to implement a change?

Change Agents in Nursing

What characteristics does a change agent possess? What type of resources are useful to implement a change?