Write an essay discussing on Mental health practice. Include a min of 11 scholarly sources. Ensure that you use scholarly literature.

Mental health practice

Write an essay discussing on Mental health practice. Include a min of 11 scholarly sources. Ensure that you use scholarly literature (digitized readings, research articles, relevant Government reports and textbooks) that has been published within the last ten 10 years (between 2012– 2022 inclusive)


Select a vulnerable population in your community. Conduct research on your chosen population via the Internet and by calling or visiting your local health department. Develop a maximum of 10 slides using PowerPoint to communicate your observations and research.

Vulnerable populations

Assignment Overview

Select a vulnerable population in your community (helpful hint: search within your zip code). To do this, conduct a windshield survey in your community. A windshield survey is completed by observing a population by looking out of a window of your car (or a bus or riding your bike) to identify a vulnerable population in your community. Conduct research on your chosen population via the Internet and by calling or visiting your local health department. Develop a maximum of 10 slides using PowerPoint to communicate your observations and research. An example listing of vulnerable populations has been included for your consideration.

Assignment Details:

Perform the following tasks:

Complete the reading assignment before attempting this assignment
Attend the instructor session to prepare for this assignment.
Complete the Windshield survey.
From the vulnerable population observed, research the population.
Identify the vulnerable population in detail.
Identify health risks and needs of the vulnerable population.
Identify resources that are available and those needed but not available.
Describe service gaps/interventions that could be used (primary, secondary, tertiary) that could fill gaps in resources.
Summarize your findings for each of the different categories.
Prepare a PowerPoint presentation (maximum of 10 slides) to communicate your observations and research.
Include the proper file naming convention: RN206_wk9_assn_jsmith_mmddyyyy

Vulnerable Populations to consider from the textbook:

  • Poor and homeless persons
  • Pregnant adolescents
  • Migrant workers and immigrants
  • Severely mentally ill individuals
  • Substance abusers
  • Abused individuals and victims of violence
  • Persons with communicable disease
  • People at risk of disease transmission
  • Persons who are HIV positive
  • Persons with Hepatitis B virus
  • Populations at risk of a sexually transmitted disease
  • Other suggestions:
  • Elderly
  • Children
  • Battered/abused women
  • Women with high risk pregnancies
  • Women with no risk to prenatal care
  • Recovering substance abuse
  • Substance abuse

Community Research PowerPoint

Prepare a power point presentation (10 slide max) that identifies each of the following.
Include and introduction, citation and reference slide.

Population; Describe in detail:

  • Demographics
  • Religion
  • Ethnicity
  • Culture
  • Employment
  • Socioeconomic status
    Health/Lifestyle Behavior

Health Risks; Identify and explain:

  • Health promotion
  • Health risks

Resources; Identify and describe the following availability in the community

  • Resources to meet population need
  • Programs to meet population need
  • Services to meet population need
  • Service Gaps/Interventions.

Identify services that are not currently available but would be valuable and improve outcomes for the vulnerable population. List as:

  • Primary interventions
  • Secondary interventions
  • Tertiary interventions
  • Summary; Summarize research plans to address:
  • Health promotion
  • Health risks

Look At The Helpful Reference List Below For Your Project:

*Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2021). National center for health statistics. (Links to an external site.)
*City Data (Links to an external site.). (2021)
*Unites States Census Bureau (Links to an external site.). (2021).
*United States Department of Health and Human Services. (2021).Healthy people 2030 (Links to an external site.).
*USA.gov.(2020). Data and statistics about the U.S. (Links to an external site.)
*U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (Links to an external site.). (2021).

For each one, decide which ones belong to the category of Control, Influence, or No Control/Influence. What strategies will you use to address each of these?

Week 2: Span of Control vs Sphere of Influence

You are participating in a leader development training program at your institution and the topic of discussion is making a distinction between a leader’s span of control and sphere of influence. You have been asked to write down your top three dissatisfiers in your job.

1. For each one, decide which ones belong to the category of Control, Influence, or No Control/Influence.

2. What strategies will you use to address each of these?

How will you integrate characteristics of the identified leadership approach into your leadership style? How does this integration inform your development as a transformational leader?

Week 1

Determine your leadership style using the following link to the Blake and Mouton Managerial Grid: Leadership Self-Assessment Questionnaire (Links to an external site.).

Compare your style to one of the following leadership approaches: mindful leadership, compassionate leadership, and appreciative leadership. Discuss the similarities and differences and address the following:

  • Share how your leadership style conforms to the characteristics of a transformational, transactional, or full-range leadership type.
  • How will you integrate characteristics of the identified leadership approach into your leadership style?
  • How does this integration inform your development as a transformational leader?


Briefly identify the population health problem you selected. Identify each data set you selected. Identify the variables in each data set you would need to examine the association of interest.

Population health problems

To prepare:
Consider a variety of population health problems and then select one of professional interest on which to focus for this Assignment.
Explore three data sources (data sets) presented in the Learning Resources that could aid you in describing the population and magnitude of the problem you selected. Consider the strengths and limitations of each data source.

The Assignment
In 3–4 pages (not including title page and references), analyze the data sources you selected by addressing the following:

Briefly identify the population health problem you selected.
Identify each data set you selected.
Identify the variables in each data set you would need to examine the association of interest.
Assess the validity of each data set. Has it been used for prior studies/publications?
Explain challenges you might face as a researcher in identifying a proper data set or securing permission to use it.

Describe and explain the elements associated with the quality assurance program required for the implementation of protocol implementation.

RES 403: Module 2–Project Activity

Module 2 – Course Project Activity By the conclusion of this course, the BSRT student will assess, evaluate, and develop a project that is directive of a community health concern utilizing the statistical data agencies of concern, and standards of care and assessment.

Utilizing all the materials you have studied thus far: Describe and explain the elements associated with the quality assurance program required for the implementation of protocol implementation. The activity assignment will be a component of the Final submission in the capstone course for the program. This activity of the course project will be applied to a respiratory care scenario in a holistic care model by the end of the course.

You will need to find and use at least 1-2 solid references in your research. Your paper will need to be in APA formatting including your cited references. This paper will be submitted through this assignment dropbox in WolfDen utilizing the Turnitin tool. You do not need a title page or abstract on these weekly summative course project parts, these papers are to get all your information, research, and thoughts together in one place. Make sure you still use APA formatting and use intext citations and list your references in APA format for practice as well. Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document. (Mac users, please remember to append the “.docx” e-4—Sion to the filename.) The name of the file should first initial and last name, followed by an re and the name of the assignment, an lidcore and the course number, and an underscore

In this discussion, identify the competency required by a practitioner to assume the management of a TDP (therapist-driven protocols) and explain in detail.

Module 02 Discussion Forum: Management of TDP

The AARC recognizes and supports the use of therapist implemented protocols defined as: Initiation or modification of a patient care plan following a predetermined structured set of physician orders, instructions, or interventions in which the therapist is allowed to initiate, discontinue, refine, transition, or restart therapy as the patient’s medical condition dictates.

Current medical literature supports the use of therapist implemented protocols as an effective tool for producing improved patient outcomes and appropriate allocation of services. Protocols have been attributed with:
• Helping respiratory therapists deliver appropriate and efficient care under conditions of an increased workload.
• Assuring that all treatments have established indicators.
• Reducing the volume of unnecessary care.

In this discussion, identify the competency required by a practitioner to assume the management of a TDP (therapist-driven protocols) and explain in detail.


Having Respiratory driven protocols in healthcare institution have been proven to be beneficial. Protocols with facilitate respiratory procedures and appropriate therapy at the appropriate time. Protocols allow therapist to use the education they have acquired to make clinical decisions that are needed during the care plan of the patient. It is important with a protocol for therapist to gather the proper clinical information and with that information make a proper assessment following the given protocol the signs and symptoms relate to.

While using therapist driven protocols it is important for therapist to not only be educated but have a report with the physicians so they are able to trust the therapist in the institution they work in and know that they have the skills required to take proper care of the patient within that protocol. Education and training is the most important part in a successful protocol.
According to an article written on Therapist driven protocols by the AARC, “The skilled therapist must demonstrate a thorough knowledge of:

  1. Anatomic alterations of the lungs caused by common respiratory disease
  2. Major pathophysiologic mechanisms activated in the cardiopulmonary system
  3. Common clinical manifestations that result from the pathophysiologic mechanism
  4. Treatment modalities used to correct the clinical manifestations.” When these things are done and these competencies’ followed a therapist will be successful in their institution TDP.



Identify at least two key stakeholders and their positions for or against the health policy change/reform. What resources do the stakeholders have and how did they obtain national attention?

Discussion post

Identify national health policy efforts that may improve patient care outcomes.

Identify at least two key stakeholders and their positions for or against the health policy change/reform. What resources do the stakeholders have and how did they obtain national attention?

As a nurse practitioner leader, how can you advocate for this policy reform either locally or nationally?


Review the differences between the sympathetic vs the parasympathetic nervous systems. What happens to the body during a “fight-or-flight” response?

Online final exam

Essentials of Pathophysiology – Final Exam Review Sheet Covers Material from Modules 1-10 Be sure to look over review sheets from Exam #1 and #2 – all previous information is fair game for the Final exam

1. Review the different levels of disease prevention such as primary, secondary, and tertiary as well as examples for each.

  • a. primary- alters susceptibility or reduces exposure for susceptible persons. focus is on prevention (immunizations/vaccines)
  • b. secondary- early detection, screening and management of disease (cancer screenings, pap smears etc)
  • c. tertiary- preventing further complication from initial disease (OT/PT, restorative care, rehabilitation)

2. Review the differences between the sympathetic vs the parasympathetic nervous systems. What happens to the body during a “fight-or-flight” response?

  • a. SNS- pupil dilate, heart rate increases, stops salivation, airways relax, inhibits gallbladder/stomach/intestine activity, secrete epinephrine and norepinephrine, relaxes bladder, promote orgasms
  • b. PNS-constrict pupils, stimulate salivation, constrict airways, inhibit release of glucose, stimulate gallbladder/stomach/intestine activity, contract bladder, promote erection of genitals.

3. Review the functions of the various organelles of the cell such as the nucleus, mitochondria, ribosome, lysosome, endoplasmic reticulum, peroxisome, golgi apparatus

4. Review the difference between active and passive immunity, know examples for each type.

  • a. Passive- antibodies are passed from an individual to an unprotected individual such as mother to fetus or infant via placenta or breast milk
  • b. Active- body’s immune response to live active infection or immunization, like vaccines, second exposure to elicit a quicker response, memory B and T cells.

5. What is edema? Review the various factors that can contribute to edema

  • a. accumulation of fluid in the interstitial space
  • b. caused by inflammation, blood vessel blockage, incompetent venous valves, and CHF, HTN

6. What is a hypersensitivity? Review the four different types of hypersensitivities: Type I (Anaphylactic), Type II (Cytotoxic), Type III (Immune complex), Type IV (Delayed cell-mediated). Know examples and mediating factors for each type.

  • a. antigenic response beyond what is considered normal i. type 1- anaphylactic (within 2-30 mins of exposure- IgE antigen) (food allergy) 1. hives, eczema, anaphylaxis,localized edema, throat constriction ii. type 2 – cytotoxic- involve IgG and IgM antibodies that bind to target cells & when combined with action, destroy target cells 1. transfusion reactions,Rh incompatibility, graves disease, myasthenia gravis iii. type 3- immune complex- IgG antibodies and antigens a. Rheumatoid arthritis, glomerulonephritis iv. type 4-delayed cell mediated- T cells a. contact dermatitis, mantoux screening for TB,

7. Review the differences between benign and malignant tumors.

8. Review signs and symptoms of peptic ulcer disease.

  • a. PUD symptoms: epigastric pain, hematemesis, dark tarry stools, ab pain before/after a meal
  • b. H.Pylori thrives in acidic conditions, slows the rate of healing ulcers and promotes ulcer formation in the duodenum and stomach.

9. Review differences between functional and mechanical bowel obstructions, know examples for each

  • a. mechanical obstruction- physical barrier (adhesions, tumors, hernia, impacted feces, volvulus, intussusception
  • b. functional obstruction- movement problems (paralytic ileus due to problems w/ peristalsis due to anticholinergics, opioids, anesthesia, low fiber diets)



Prepare an essay paper discussing on three types of medical professionals are certified nursing assistants (CNAs), licensed practical nurses (LPNs), and registered nurses (RNs). Include their responsibilities, Training and Pay scale.

The three types of medical professionals

Prepare an essay paper discussing on three types of medical professionals are certified nursing assistants (CNAs), licensed practical nurses (LPNs), and registered nurses (RNs). Include their responsibilities, Training and Pay scale.

Also provide a conclusion.