Identify significant health disparities in your at-risk group. Research and propose recommendations to decrease one of these disparities. Write a 2-page paper in the form of a proposal to area leaders to address the disparity in your community.

Practicum Step 2:

In this assignment, you will

Use your assessment data from week 3 to identify significant health disparities in your at-risk group.(substance abuse)
Research and propose recommendations to decrease one of these disparities.
Write a 2-page (500 word) paper in the form of a proposal to area leaders to address the disparity in your community. Your proposal should include:

A description of the disparity.
The influences the disparity has on healthcare delivery.
The influences the disparity has on similar populations in other countries and the provision of global healthcare.
Recommendations to address the problem.
Any graphs or charts in your document that are needed to support your proposal.
Save and submit your assignment in Week 5 Drop Box.

Describe how these disparities or challenges affect how people in these areas receive care and how it affects them long term individually.

How healthcare disparities influence different quality of care in urban versus rural areas

Describe the problem :
The focus is how the disparities in healthcare in urban vs rural areas actually affect the quality of care, certain barriers, lack of accessibility and affordability and why they occur.

Significance of problem: What health outcomes result from your problem?

Or what statistics document this is a problem?

The purpose of this paper is to describe how these disparities or challenges affect how people in these areas receive care and how it affects them long term individually.

Write a 3-4 page paper using APA format. See the week 5 assignment rubric for grading details. Summarize your assessment findings, using the same headings that were used in the Health Promotion Assessment Worksheet. Identify ONE priority topic of concern with a health education need and discuss your rationale for selecting this topic. Develop a nursing diagnosis based on the topic of concern.

Assignments Week 5 Assignment 5.1: Application of a Health Promotion Assessment

Due No Due Date Points 70 Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
Conduct a health promotion assessment using the Health Promotion Assessment Worksheet Download Health Promotion Assessment Worksheetfound under the Practicum Assignment tab and the grading rubric as your guide.

Write a 3-4 page paper using APA format. See the week 5 assignment rubric for grading details.
Summarize your assessment findings, using the same headings that were used in the Health Promotion Assessment Worksheet.
Identify ONE priority topic of concern with a health education need and discuss your rationale for selecting this topic.
Develop a nursing diagnosis based on the topic of concern.

Upload your summary paper into the assignment drop box by Sunday at 11:59 pm Mountain Time week 5
See Week 5 Assignment Rubric Download Week 5 Assignment Rubric for grading details

Describe the principles of genetics and genomics. After you pick one, create a brief 3-slide presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint® and a free recording software.

Genetics week 5

Describe the principles of genetics and genomics.

As you work with your preceptor, you learn that she is planning a training session for all new nurses to familiarize them with principles of genetics and genomics using data from a three-generation family pedigree. She asks your help in building a pedigree and genogram to reflect inherited genetic disease processes. You agree to do some reading and describe a genetic disorder and provide a genogram that would indicate how this disorder is transferred over generations. Your preceptor asks you to pick one from this list:

  • Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
  • Hemochromatosis
  • Neurofibromatosis
  • Turner Syndrome
  • Von Willebrand Disease

After you pick one, create a brief 3-slide presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint® and a free recording software compatible with PC and MAC computers, Screencast -O-Matic©. Follow these instructions to download and use this software to create your presentation.

Utilize critical thinking to research a topic in patient care that focuses on current issues in healthcare and summarize possible interventions that would improve patient outcomes.

Impacts of healthcare on patient care.

Objective: Utilize critical thinking to research a topic in patient care that focuses on current issues in healthcare and summarize possible interventions that would improve patient outcomes.

Explain how your proposed policy and practice guidelines will affect how the stakeholder group does its work. How might your proposal alter certain tasks or how the stakeholder group performs them? How might your proposal affect the stakeholder group’s workload? How might your proposal alter the responsibilities of the stakeholder group? How might your proposal improve working conditions for the stakeholder group? Explain how your proposed policy and practice guidelines will improve quality and outcomes for the stakeholder group. How are your proposed changes going to improve the quality of the stakeholder group’s work? How will these improvements enable the stakeholder group to be more successful? What evidence supports your conclusions or presents alternative perspectives?

Policy Proposal Presentation

Create a slide presentation of 8-12-slides, for one of the stakeholder groups identified in your Assessment 2 Policy Proposal, which addresses current performance shortfalls, the reasons why new policy and practice guidelines are needed to eliminate those shortfalls, and how the group’s work will benefit from the changes.

The presentation requirements outlined below correspond to the scoring guide criteria, so be sure to address each main point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed. In addition, be sure to note the requirements for presentation format and length and for supporting evidence.

Summarize your proposed organizational policy and practice guidelines.
Identify applicable local, state, or federal health care policy or law that prescribes relevant performance benchmarks that your policy proposal addresses.
Keep your audience in mind when creating this summary.
Interpret, for stakeholders, the relevant benchmark metrics that illustrate the need for the proposed policy and practice guidelines.
Make sure this is a brief review of the evaluation you completed in your Assessment 1 Dashboard Benchmark Evaluation.
Make sure you are interpreting the dashboard metrics in a way that is understandable and meaningful to the stakeholders to whom you are presenting.
Explain how your proposed policy and practice guidelines will affect how the stakeholder group does its work.
How might your proposal alter certain tasks or how the stakeholder group performs them?
How might your proposal affect the stakeholder group’s workload?
How might your proposal alter the responsibilities of the stakeholder group?
How might your proposal improve working conditions for the stakeholder group?
Explain how your proposed policy and practice guidelines will improve quality and outcomes for the stakeholder group.
How are your proposed changes going to improve the quality of the stakeholder group’s work?
How will these improvements enable the stakeholder group to be more successful?
What evidence supports your conclusions or presents alternative perspectives?
Present strategies for collaborating with the stakeholder group to implement your proposed policy and practice guidelines.
What role will the stakeholder group play in implementing your proposal?
Why is the stakeholder group and their collaboration important for successful implementation?
Deliver a persuasive, coherent, and effective audiovisual presentation.
Address the anticipated needs and concerns of your audience.
Stay focused on key policy provisions and the impact of practice guidelines on the group.
Adhere to presentation best practices.
Proofread your presentation slides to minimize errors that could distract the audience and make it more difficult for them to focus on the substance of your proposed policy and practice guidelines.

Explain the type of work setting you are discussing and whether interprofessional teams are currently present. If interprofessional teams are present, indicate a team function that could be improved. If interprofessional teams are NOT present, indicate what type of team you think might be possible in the setting. Describe a nursing action item for each component below that could contribute to: interprofessional team support; how this might impact the culture of your unit or organization; and possible impact on patient outcomes.


For this assignment, consider the concept of interprofessional teamwork and patient outcomes. Look to your current workplace as an example. (If you are not currently employed, look to a past workplace or clinical practice area.) Apply the components of the iCARE concept to interprofessional teams in a short paper. (Body of the paper to be 3 pages, excluding the title page and references page)

iCARE components are:
Evidence-Based Practice (EBP)

How could you contribute to an interprofessional team and patient outcomes through nursing actions of: compassion, advocacy, resilience, and evidence-based practice?
Select one scholarly nursing article from CINAHL as a resource for your paper.

Additional scholarly sources can be used but are optional.
When searching in the CINAHL database, please limit your search word to one component of the paper you wish to emphasize, such as ‘Resilience’. Searching for the term iCARE will not produce the results you need.
Elements of iCARE paper
Title page
Below are the headings to be used for this assignment.
Title of your paper as the heading for the introduction (Do not use the word Introduction, just the paper title from your title page. See page 61 of the APA Manual, 7th edition for an example).

Explain the type of work setting you are discussing and whether interprofessional teams are currently present. If interprofessional teams are present, indicate a team function that could be improved. If interprofessional teams are NOT present, indicate what type of team you think might be possible in the setting.

Describe a nursing action item for each component below that could contribute to: interprofessional team support; how this might impact the culture of your unit or organization; and possible impact on patient outcomes.
Evidence-Based Practice

Summary: Include a summary statement of how iCARE components can support interprofessional teams and patient outcomes. Address how you may be able to influence this process of support for interprofessional teams overall in your unit or organization.
References: List any references used in APA format.

Write an essay paper about how nursing has evolved from Florence Nightingale till today. Examples are education, practice, research etc..

Nursing Evolution:

Write an essay paper about how nursing has evolved from Florence Nightingale till today. It can be about any subject. Examples are education, practice, research etc..

What to expect to see after implementing your intervention? And repost my PICOT with that incorporated?

Week 5: Research Summary Assignment NR-505

Uploaded the assignment guideline, an exemplar so you can see how it can be formatted and two assignments from week 2. The assignments from week 2 have the concern issue and my picot. I was told by my instructor after I wrote (assignment from week 2 file) to choose a single intervention and comparison group being absent from that intervention. She suggested including a measurable outcome. What to expect to see after implementing your intervention? And repost my PICOT with that incorporated? If you have any question let me know.

Which Medication decision did you select? Why did you select this Medication Decision? Be specific and support your response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources, including the primary literature. Why did you not select the other Two Medications options provided in the exercise? Be specific and support tour response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources, including the primary literature. What were you hoping to achieve by making this decision?

Assessing and Treating Patient With Impulsivity, Compulsivity, and Addiction


Mrs. Maria Perez is a 53-year-old Puerto Rican female who presents today due to a rather ” embarrassing problem”. Mrs. Perez admits she had ” problems” with Alcohol since her father died in her late teens. She reports that she has struggled with alcohol since her 20’s and has been involved with Alcohol Anonymous ” on and off” for the past 25 years. She states that for the past 2years, she has been having more and more difficulty maintaining her sobriety since the opening of the new ” Rising Sun” casino near her home. Mrs. Perez states that she and a friend went to visit the new casino during its grand opening at which point she was” hooked”. She states that she gets ” such a high” when she is gambling. While gambling, She “enjoys a drink or two” to help calm her during high-stake games. She states that this often gives way to more drinking and more reckless gambling. She also reports that her cigarette smoking has increased over the past 2 years and she is concerned about the negative effects of cigarette smoking on her health.

She states that she attempts to abstain from drinking but she gets such a “high” from the act of gambling that she needs a few drinks to “even out”. She also noticed that when she drinks, she doesn’t smoke “as much”, but she enjoys enjoy smoking when she is playing at the slot machines. She also reports that she has gained weight from drinking so much. She currently weighs 122lbs., which represents a 7lbs. weight gain from her usual 115ibs weight. Mrs. Perez is quite concerned today because she borrowed over $ 50,000 from her retirement account to pay off her gambling debts, and her husband does not know,

Mental Status Exam: The client is a 53-year-old Puerto Rican female who is alert and oriented to person, place, time, and events. She has dressed appropriately for the weather and time of the year. Her speech is clear, coherent, and goal-directed. Her eye contact is somewhat avoided during the clinical interview. When you make eye contact with her, she looks away or looks down. She demonstrates no noteworthy mannerisms, gestures, or tics. Her self-reported mood is “sad”. Affect is appropriate to the content of the conversation and self-reported mood. She denies visual or auditory hallucination, and no delusions or paranoid thought processes are readily appreciated. Insight and judgment are grossly intact, however, impulse control is impaired. She is currently denying suicidal or homicidal ideation.


(1) Review the resources, including the MEDICATIONS, and reflect on the psychopharmacology treatment you might recommend for the assessment and treatment of the patient requiring Impulsivity, Compulsivity, and Addiction. THE ASSIGNMENT: 5 PAGES. You are asked to make THREE DECISIONS concerning the medication to prescribe to the patient. Be sure to consider factors that might impact the patient’s pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic process. At each decision point, you should evaluate all options before selecting your MEDICATION DECISION. Make sure that you researched each option and that you evaluate the decision you have selected in relation to the patient’s condition as a whole, addiction, and behaviors. Be sure to research using the primary literature. THE Medications are; (1) Vivitrol ( naltrexone) injection, 380 mg Intramuscular in the gluteal region every 4 weeks. (2) Antabuse ( disulfiram) 250 mg orally daily (3) Campral (acamprosate) 666 mg orally three times/day. (1) Introduction to the case (1 Page ): Briefly explain and summarize the case for this Assignment. Be sure to include the patient-specific factors that may impact your decision-making when prescribing medication for this patient.

DECISION # 1: ( 1 Page )

  • (a) Which Medication decision did you select?
  • (b) Why did you select this Medication Decision? Be specific and support your response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources, including the primary literature.
  • (c) Why did you not select the other Two Medications options provided in the exercise? Be specific and support tour response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources, including the primary literature.
  • (d) What were you hoping to achieve by making this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the learning resources ( including the primary literature).
  • ( e) Explain how ethical considerations may impact your treatment plan and communication with patients. Be specific and provide examples.


(1): What medication from the THREE medications above will you give or continue to give or increase/ decrease the dose or maintain at the given dose to increase the effectiveness and stability of patient treatment?

  • (1) Why did you select this medication? Be specific and support your response with clinically relevant and specific- patient resources, including the primary literature.
  • (2) Why did you not select the other Two medication options provided in the exercise? Be specific and support your response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources, including the primary literature.
  • (3) What were you hoping to achieve by making this decision? Support your response with evidence and references including the primary literature.
  • (4) Explain how ethical considerations may impact your treatment plan and communication with the patient. Be specific and provide examples.

DECISION # 3 ( (1 PAGE) What medication will you give either decrease/ increase or change or maintain at given doses to achieve therapeutic effectiveness?

  • (1) Why did you select this decision? Be specific and support your response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources, including the primary literature.
  • (2) Why did you not select the other two medication options provided in the exercise? Be specific and support your response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources including the literature.
  • (3) What were you hoping to achieve by making this decision with this medication option? Support your response with evidence and references to the learning resources including the primary literature.
  • (4) Explain how ethical considerations may impact your treatment plan and communication with the patient. Be specific and provide examples.

CONCLUSION (1 Page) Summarize your recommendation on the treatment options you selected for this patient. Be sure to justify your recommendation and support your response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources, including the primary literature. Support your rationale with a minimum of SIX academic resources by utilizing the primary and secondary literature.

(7) This paper should include the TITLE PAGE, INTRODUCTION, SUMMARY, AND REFERENCES. PLEASE answer all parts of the Assignment questions expectations with reflective critical analysis, APA writing rules, and style.

(8) NOTE WRITER #63396 JUST FYI: On previous Order # 739425, I scored a very poor Grade because of the decision made on the choice of medication i.e. ZOLPIDEM 10mg that should not be given to the patient in the case who has a history of Alcohol according to my Instructor for” it could be lethal” Please evaluate and research the medication Decision you select for contraindication or negative medication interaction with the patient’s history or condition to avoid interaction or lethal outcome to the patient. Thanks for your work.