How might the bill impact your own nursing practice if passed? If not passed? How might you communicate your concerns about or support for this bill to peers and legislators based on nursing practice, standards, or patient outcomes? How might this bill impact your community if passed?

Health care policy

Address how this bill might relate to a professional nursing practice standard if passed? If not passed? (Choose one standard from the ANA Scope and Standards of Practice textbook)

o How might the bill impact your own nursing practice if passed? If not passed?

o How might you communicate your concerns about or support for this bill to peers and legislators based on nursing practice, standards, or patient outcomes?

o How might this bill impact your community if passed?

Discuss the best approach for meeting and communicating with your selected elected official for your healthcare concern. What is your rationale for this approach?

Week 4: Challenges in Lobbying Strategies NR-506

Discuss the best approach for meeting and communicating with your selected elected official for your healthcare concern. What is your rationale for this approach?

Prepare for the presentation to the selected elected official regarding the healthcare concern and the proposed resolution.

Week Four Assignment:  preparation of presentation to elected official


Description of the Assignment

For this assignment, the focus is preparation for the presentation to the selected elected official regarding the healthcare concern and the proposed resolution.  A video presentation of the healthcare concern and its proposed resolution will be prepared and presented.  Following completion of this, a written self-evaluation is required.

Criteria for Content

  1. Video Presentation:

Content: The video presentation is to include the following elements:

  • Introduction of self
  • Presentation of healthcare policy concern
  • Presentation of student identified solution to the healthcare policy concern
  • Summary

Evaluation of video presentation includes the following elements:

  • Content:
    • Introduction of self
    • Presentation of healthcare policy concern
    • Presentation of student identified solution to the healthcare policy concern
    • Summary
    • Information is relevant to healthcare concern and its solution
  • Method of Delivery:
    • Effective opening
    • Stayed connected to audience
    • Grammar was correct
  • Style of Delivery:
    • Eye contact
    • Voice clarity
    • Gestures
    • Appearance
  1. Paper Content:
  • Overview of the healthcare policy concern and solution: This section provides a concise but comprehensive overview of the healthcare policy as well as the solution. Required content includes:
  • Identification of the healthcare policy
  • Identification of the student identified solution
  • Relevance to the community or population group
  • Identification of communication techniques: This section requires the delineation of communication techniques useful to the upcoming presentation to the selected elected official. Required content includes:
    • Identification of the selected elected official and position
    • Rationale for the selection
    • Identification of 4 (four) beneficial communication/presentation techniques
    • Providing scholarly resources that support the use of the identified communication techniques
  • Self-evaluation of video presentation: This section provides an opportunity for self-evaluation of the video recording.  The student must self-evaluate oneself in each major content area by identifying one positive and one area to improve (i.e. content, method of delivery, and style of delivery):
    • Content:
      • Introduction of self
      • Presentation of healthcare policy concern
      • Presentation of student identified solution to the healthcare policy concern
      • Summary
      • Information is relevant to healthcare concern and its solution
    • Method of Delivery:
      • Effective opening
      • Stayed connected to audience
      • Grammar was correct
    • Style of Delivery:
      • Eye contact
      • Voice clarity
      • Gestures
      • Appearance
    • Conclusion: This section requires a summary of the key points from the video and paper assignment.

Preparing the Assignment

Criteria for Format and Special Instructions:

  1. The video presentation will be recorded via the use of Kaltura. Review the How to Use Kaltura instructional videos prior to recording your video assignment.
  2. The video presentation will last a minimum of 3 minutes and no longer than 5 minutes.
  3. The paper (excluding the title page and reference page) should be at least 2, but no more than 4 pages. Points will be lost for not meeting these length requirements.
  4. Title page, body of paper, and reference page must follow APA guidelines as found in the current edition of the manual. This includes the use of headings for each section of the paper except for the introduction where no heading is used.
  5. A minimum of 4 (four) appropriate research-based scholarly references must be used.
  6. Required textbook for this course, dictionary and Chamberlain College of Nursing lesson information may NOT be used as scholarly references for this assignment. For additional assistance regarding scholarly nursing references, please see “What is a scholarly source” located in the Course Resources tab.  Be aware that information from .com websites may be incorrect and should be avoided.  References are current – within a 5-year time frame unless a valid rationale is provided and the instructor has approved them prior to submission of the assignment.
  7. Ideas and information from scholarly, peer reviewed, nursing sources must be cited and referenced correctly.
  8. Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are followed and consistent with formal, scientific writing.


Review the presentation from the American Medical Informatics Association about linking informatics strategies to patient outcomes. How does standardized data entry relate to improving patient safety and improved care outcomes?

Nursing 376

Formative Assessment 1: Role of Informatics in Patient Care

Assignment Content

Using Word, create your response in a minimum of 500 words and upload when complete.

Review the presentation from the American Medical Informatics Association about linking informatics strategies to patient outcomes. How does standardized data entry relate to improving patient safety and improved care outcomes?

The information in the AMIA presentation is from 2014. How has meaningful use changed since its creation? Provide examples from your own clinical practice, current events, or industry journals.


AMIA Informatics Strategies & Tools to Link Nursing Care with Patient Outcomes in the Learning Health Care System by Patricia C. Dykes PhD, RN, FAAN, FACMI, Judy Murphy RN, FHIMSS, FAAN, FACMI, Dana Womack MS, RN, March 31, 2014

Course Textbook

Hebda, T., & Czar, P. (2019). Handbook of informatics for nurses & healthcare professionals (6th ed.) Prentice Hall/Pearson. Chapter 1

What is the Clinical Decision Support Consortium (CDSC), and what is its purpose?  What is the four-stage approach the CDSC used to develop clinical decision support?  What was the biggest challenge the CDSC faced?  How did the CDSC overcome that challenge?  What role did collaboration play in improving the care for patients at the point of care?  How does clinical decision support improve patient care?

Clinical decision support systems

Students will describe how clinical decision support systems are used to improve patient safety and care.


Reflect on the following in a minimum of 550 words:

This reflection is comprised of TWO sections highlighting cloud-based decision support and clinical decision support experience, collectively totaling a minimum of 500 words. This activity is meant to help you solidify your knowledge in preparation for the competency assessment.

Complete your reflection by responding to all prompts.

1) Cloud-Based Decision Support

The Clinical Decision Support Consortium project is funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality and illustrates how clinical decision support is scalable from one population to another.

Watch Cloud-Based Decision Support to see how a clinical decision support tool built and housed in Boston benefited a small rural community far from the city.

Answer the following: 

  • What is the Clinical Decision Support Consortium (CDSC), and what is its purpose?
  • What is the four-stage approach the CDSC used to develop clinical decision support?
  • What was the biggest challenge the CDSC faced?
  • How did the CDSC overcome that challenge?
  • What role did collaboration play in improving the care for patients at the point of care?
  • How does clinical decision support improve patient care?

2) Clinical Decision Support Experience

Answer the following:

  • How have you used clinical decision support systems in practice?
  • How have your clinical support systems improved patient safety and outcomes?
  • What are some of the biggest challenges to implementing and using a clinical support system?
  • If you have not had an opportunity to use a clinical support system, what do you see as some of the benefits and challenges with these types of systems?
  • After researching these clinical support systems, would you advocate for your organization to adopt a clinical support system? Why or why not?



Course Textbook

Hebda, T., & Czar, P. (2019). Handbook of informatics for nurses & healthcare professionals (6th ed.) Prentice Hall/Pearson. Chapter 10


Clinical Decision Support Systems

Eberhardt, J., Bilchik, A., & Stojadinovic, A. (2012). Clinical decision support systems: potential with pitfalls. Journal Of Surgical Oncology, 105(5), 502-510.

Mitchell, J., Revere, L., & Ayadi, M. F., (2014). Association of clinical decision support systems on process of care measures and quality outcomes for patients with heart failure. Academy of Information & Management Sciences, 17(2), 99-111.

Review the presentation from the American Medical Informatics Association about linking informatics strategies to patient outcomes. How does standardized data entry relate to improving patient safety and improved care outcomes?

Nursing 376

Formative Assessment 1: Role of Informatics in Patient Care

Assignment Content

Using Word, create your response in a minimum of 500 words and upload when complete.

Review the presentation from the American Medical Informatics Association about linking informatics strategies to patient outcomes. How does standardized data entry relate to improving patient safety and improved care outcomes?

The information in the AMIA presentation is from 2014. How has meaningful use changed since its creation? Provide examples from your own clinical practice, current events, or industry journals.



AMIA Informatics Strategies & Tools to Link Nursing Care with Patient Outcomes in the Learning Health Care System by Patricia C. Dykes PhD, RN, FAAN, FACMI, Judy Murphy RN, FHIMSS, FAAN, FACMI, Dana Womack MS, RN, March 31, 2014


Course Textbook

Hebda, T., & Czar, P. (2019). Handbook of informatics for nurses & healthcare professionals (6th ed.) Prentice Hall/Pearson. Chapter 1

Write an essay discussing the warning signs of cancer, what they are, and how to determine self-exams and early prevention techniques.

Warning signs of cancer

Write an essay (minimum of 2 page) discussing the warning signs of cancer, what they are, and how to determine self-exams and early prevention techniques. Ensure to write in paragraph format, no bullet points.

Write a two- to three-page paper on cancer. The paper should include the following:
The etiology and pathophysiology of cancer
What contributes to the development of cancer
• What the difference between benign and malignant is

Write a short narrative for each concept map that supports and further explains how the concept map is constructed.

Bio-psychosocial Concepts for Advanced Nursing Practice

The Vila Health scenario.
You will have a total of two concept maps. One will show the acute care facility with three diagnoses, and the other will show a home health community setting with three diagnoses.
A short narrative for each concept map that supports and further explains how the concept map is constructed.

Explain the various adverse effects and complications that the client may experience as a result of receiving external radiation to the upper chest area. What methods may be used to treat the adverse effects the client is experiencing?

Caring For Clients With Cancer

Sallie Dean, a 42-year-old female client with a history of lung cancer, is being treated with outpatient teletherapy (external radiation) treatments. After the treatment, she complains of fatigue; localized skin burns, owing to which the skin is dry and red; and a dry, hacking cough that has developed gradually after several treatments. The client asks the LPN/LVN at the cancer treatment center to discuss treatments for her symptoms.

a. Explain the various adverse effects and complications that the client may experience as a result of receiving external radiation to the upper chest area.

b. What methods may be used to treat the adverse effects the client is experiencing?

Provide observations and thoughts on the activities in your practicum during Weeks 5, 6, & 7. Describe your preceptor’s leadership style. How does this affect the people they lead. Do staff members express feelings of support and helpfulness? Are there examples of dictating rather than leading? Does the leader say or do things designed to “build up” staff or have you seen missed opportunities?

Assessment Description

Journaling provides a valuable tool for recording, reflecting on, and reviewing your learning. This approach provides an opportunity for you to “connect the dots” and observe the relationships between and among activities, interactions, and outcomes.

Unlike a personal journal of thoughts and feelings, this leadership journal is a record of your activities, assessments, and learning related to this academic experience.

Journal entries should include a record of the number of hours spent with your nurse leader each week.

Write a journal entry of 750-1,500 words on the subject of purpose, including the following:

Practicum Activities Reflection: Provide observations and thoughts on the activities in your practicum during Weeks 5, 6, & 7.

Application of Leadership: Describe your preceptor’s leadership style. How does this affect the people they lead. Do staff members express feelings of support and helpfulness? Are there examples of dictating rather than leading? Does the leader say or do things designed to “build up” staff or have you seen missed opportunities?

Practicum Project Preparation: Describe your communication plan for your stakeholders. Who will be notified of what and at what time? What education is needed and for whom?

Leadership Video Reflection: Reflect on at least two things you learned from the “Servant Leadership – Issue of Rule” video.