What steps could you take to develop more resilience in your practice setting? How might you communicate a change in practice to patients and nursing peers?

Week 3 Discussion: Resilience and Change

Change is part of our daily healthcare environment. Clinical nursing judgments based on quality and safety, as well as protocols and standards, reflect our patient-centered care values.

What steps could you take to develop more resilience in your practice setting?
How might you communicate a change in practice to patients and nursing peers?

Describe the NP core competencies as identified by NONPF and discuss how you can attain basic mastery of those competencies.

NP core competencies

Describe the NP core competencies as identified by NONPF and discuss how you can attain basic mastery of those competencies.

This will be a 2-4 page paper (excluding the title page and references).
Literature support should be used and points are assigned.

-Peer reviewed articles that are non-research and nursing organization websites may be used.
-All articles must be current (not more than five years old, unless it is a hallmark reference; e.g., Institute of Medicine (IOM) (2010). The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.
-Paragraphs are a minimum of 4-5 sentences—thoughts should flow consistently in an objective, scholarly fashion.
-Avoid first person. With scholarly papers, opinions should be avoided unless specifically asked for.
-Use references to support your statements.
Quoting/block quoting should be avoided unless absolutely necessary. It is better to summarize the information. Too much quoting takes away from the information being presented.
-Level headers should be used within the text of the paper. The level headers should correspond to the assignment rubric. Level headers provide organization to the paper along with ensuring the required information is addressed.
Format your paper, citations, and references using correct APA Style.

How will you use the information from this coalition to support your desire to implement your policy? How would the leadership of the coalition impact your leadership and motivation for this policy

NR-506 WEEK 3

How will you use the information from this coalition to support your desire to implement your policy? How would the leadership of the coalition impact your leadership and motivation for this policy?

Identify high-volume or high-risk types of cases in the doctor’s office. Determine the usual care problems at the doctor’s office. Identify the standards of care applied in relation to the patient population. Describe the doctor’s office’s approach to quality improvement. How is this approach Implemented? Identify the style of leadership demonstrated at the doctor’s office and its relationship to the implementation of change.

Health care

As a nurse, Identify the nursing care delivery system (team nursing model) used in the doctor’s office. Identify the patient population usually served. (Diabetic patients, patients with high blood pressure, and COPD)

Identify high-volume or high-risk types of cases in the doctor’s office (cases of poor diabetes management, covid-19, uncontrolled high blood pressure)
Determine the usual care problems at the doctor’s office.

Identify the standards of care applied in relation to the patient population.
List the desired goals and/or outcomes (to provide education related to the illness, get baseline vital signs, review past medical history, provide referrals for medications, and schedule follow-up doctor appointments) to address the usual problems.

Describe the doctor’s office’s approach to quality improvement. How is this approach Implemented?
Identify the style of leadership (democratic, transformational, servant) demonstrated at the doctor’s office and its relationship to the implementation of change.

Discuss the use of evidence-based solutions to manage patient problems. How would this approach be implemented within the doctor’s office?

For a cultural group different from your own, list three culturally based behaviors that may not promote health, and explain how you would as a Nurse provide respectful health promotion education to that cultural group.

Health promotion education to that cultural group

For a cultural group different from your own, list three culturally based behaviors that may not promote health, and explain how you would as a Nurse provide respectful health promotion education to that cultural group.

Explore the history of nursing and choose two events/topics from history related to nursing and explain each one in detail and why they are important to the nursing profession.

History of nursing

Write a 1000-1500 word APA paper addressing each of the following points. Be sure to completely answer all the questions for each bullet point. There should be two main sections, one for each bullet below. Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading that allows your professor to know which bullet you are addressing in that section of your paper. Support your ideas with at least three (3) sources using citations in your essay. Make sure to cite using the APA writing style for the essay. The cover page and reference page in the correct APA do not count towards the minimum word amount. Review the rubric criteria for this assignment.

Explore the history of nursing and choose two events/topics from history related to nursing (ie education, practices, important people, etc.) and explain each one in detail and why they are important to the nursing profession.

Research two professional nursing organizations and discuss the following for each organization chosen:

  1. The name of the organization and why this organization is important to nursing
  2. What resources do they provide to members
  3. Cost of membership and how many members are part of the organization
  4. Current issues the organization is working on

Finally, after researching this question answer in detail: Why are Professional Organizations in general important to nursing as a profession?

Select a health-promotion intervention to change a health behavior of the identified group. Describe the framework of the social marketing of this plan by using the following framework: Identify the product, cost of implementation, availability of resources to implement, and the promotion of the plan. Explain the evaluation process to determine whether the social marketing was successful.

Health-promotion plan

In this writing assignment, you will present a health-promotion plan through the use of a social marketing model.

Submit a 3-4 page paper that summarizes the steps in the social marketing model to implement a health-promotion plan.

Step 1 Select a group and a behavior to change.

You may choose a family group, a social group, or a community group. Include information about environmental factors that may impact delivery of health promotion activities. For example, you might discuss if the group is rural or urban. access to transportation or computers and the impact (positive or negative) that these factors may have on routinely accessing health promotion information or attending group events such as health fairs. Describe the characteristics and makeup of the group you selected. Include your rationale for why this behavior is a concern and include qualitative and/or quantitative data to support your choice.

Step 2 Select a health-promotion intervention to change a health behavior of the identified group. This may be a health-promotion intervention that is currently being implemented, or something original that you propose. Clearly describe the intervention you would like to implement.

Step 3 Describe the framework of the social marketing of this plan by using the following framework: Identify the product, cost of implementation, availability of resources to implement, and the promotion of the plan.

Step 4 Explain the evaluation process to determine whether the social marketing was successful. Make sure that you include what benchmark or percentage of participants would indicate success.

Cite any sources in APA format.

Step 5 Save and submit your assignment.

When you have completed your assignment, save a copy for yourself in an easily accessible place and submit a copy to your instructor.

Reflect on your past experiences in nursing and consider how the role change to APN may challenge your knowledge and skills? Discuss on least 2 expectations/outcomes of your identified competency that you think you have met from your past nursing experiences? Discuss at least 2 expectations/outcomes of the competency that you have yet to meet from your past nursing experiences?

Nurse Practitioners

Competencies are there to help Nurse Practitioners to practice at an evolved level. This week we will reflect on the competencies required to be an APN.

Transitioning from the professional nursing role (RN) to advanced practice nursing role (Nurse practitioner) requires learners to intentionally reflect on what they know and what they need to know. Becoming familiar with the expected core competencies will help you understand the practice behavior expectations. In this week’s reflection discussion, choose at least 1 core competencies from the APN( nurse practitioners) role.

Reflect on your past experiences in nursing and consider how the role change to APN may challenge your knowledge and skills?
Discuss on least 2 expectations/outcomes of your identified competency that you think you have met from your past nursing experiences?
Discuss at least 2 expectations/outcomes of the competency that you have yet to meet from your past nursing experiences?
Reflect on actions you plan to take to further develop your thinking and skills on your identified competency as it applies to the advanced practice nurse role.

Determine if there was any self-care that needed to be performed. Put a plan in place for the next day and evaluate the plan. This would include asking people if they noticed changes or if they felt certain things would benefit them or you.

Db week 3 nr-504

I have to respond to my classmate. This what he wrote. Self-care is the act of caring for oneself in the midst of everything else going on. In order to adequately care for others you have to take care of yourself. Self-leadership is the ability to give yourself initiative and motivation. The two relate to competency as a leader because without self-care you cannot have self-leadership and without self-leadership you cannot lead others Leaders should inspire motivation in others and if you are unable to motivate yourself how can you motivate others? Being competent as a leader you have to be able to care for others and lead others. This competency is only brought about when you can do those things for yourself (Baron,2016).

According to the chamberlain model self is the first circle and all other circles blossom from the self, the circles flow into faculty/staff, patients, environment and transforming healthcare. When adequate self-care is present, it will flow into the other areas allowing you to care for everything else. When self-care is lacking it will also flow into the others. Once you are lacking in the self-care area it will emanate through the other tiers and you can never reach that final phase of transforming healthcare. You have to be able to lead yourself or follow yourself in order to have others follow. This will translate into the staff following to provide great care and getting to that transformation of healthcare (Gardner et.al. 2021).

The biggest way that self-care and leadership is in the principles of authentic leadership is that you have to have self-awareness. In order to evaluate your actions you have to be self-aware, which will lead to self-care and that care will help motivate you to change things which gives you self -leadership. The self-awareness will help you see what you are doing and allow you to see if you are implementing the principles adequately. By doing this, it is reflected in self-care and leadership because they will resonate in how you proceed. You will change your actions based on your findings(Baron,2016).

The implications in my future practice will resonate with my peers and students. I will evaluate my current practice and determine if I need to change anything. If I do I will develop and plan and implement it by motivating myself to adhere. Two recommendations I have for cultivating self-care and leadership is to continually be reflective on your practice. This means debriefing for 10-15 minutes a day with yourself and going over the highlights of the day. Determine if there was any self-care that needed to be performed , The second would be to put a plan in place for the next day and evaluate the plan. This would include asking people if they noticed changes or if they felt certain things would benefit them or you.

Create an Infographic on the topic of Telehealth. Create an infographic that is easily understood by the lay public or general population. The infographic should provide information useful to communicating the ‘What, Why, When and How- of Telehealth.


Week 4: Assignment – Infographic: Telehealth fPoints: ;00 I Due Date: Week 4, Day 7 I CLO: 4 I Grade Category: Assignments Assignment Prompt Infographics are visual representations of information. They can include numbers, text, images, or any combination of the three. Just as in traditional writing assignments. an infographic can take on any of the various rhetorical modes — informative, instructive. descriptive, persuasive, etc. InfograPhics provide quick way to convey a lot of information. For example, this infographic on Integrating Virtual Clinics conveys interesting data much more concisely than another paragraph inserted here could have:

Students will create an Infographic on the topic of Telehealth. Students should create an infographic that is easily understood by the lay public or general population. The infographic should provide information useful to communicating the ‘What, Why, When and How- of Telehealth. Students may Choose to focus on one or more the following suggested topic areas, however, students may choose