Choose a topic that is complex but manageable. Once you have identified a technical object, research it. Describe each part of the object in detail, including its dimensions, materials, principles(s) of operation, function, and relation other parts.

Object: Bicycle

You will choose your own topic (with exception of the not allowed technical objects listed in the previous section) for this assignment. The subject of your description must be a technical object (e.g., clock radio, digital thermostat, Roomba, CPAP machine, blender, food processor, etc). Because you must accurately describe an object in at least 500 words, do not pick something too simple such as a paper clip, pillow, table. Choose a topic that is complex but manageable. Once you have identified a technical object, research it. Take time to learn about what the parts are called, and how the parts work. This might require you to read background information or otherwise inform yourself about the topic.

Audience and Content Requirements:
Your primary audience would be someone who has little experience with the object that you are describing (e.g., if you select a food processor, then you need to imagine an audience of people who have little experience with the object, perhaps novice cooks).

Regardless of the object, your final paper should be at least 500 words; you must include ALL of the following contents in your description (given in order of how the content should appear in your paper):

Introduction (DO NOT label the introduction “introduction” per APA guidelines)
Orient your audience by providing a one-sentence definition of the object (first sentence)
Preview its various parts (2-3 sentences)
Discuss its uses and functions (1-2 sentences)
Preview the content of your description (1 sentence)
Detailed Description of the Object
Describe each part of the object in detail, including its dimensions, materials, principles(s) of operation, function, and relation other parts (2-3 paragraphs)

Use the present tense
When introducing a new concept or term, you do need to provide a brief definition for a non-technical audience, e.g.:
“The bezel, or outer ring connecting to the lugs, allows the wearer to set a different time zone”
You will notice in this sentence the definition for the term “bezel” is a subordinate clause and is not its own separate sentence. You can also use parenthesis for definitions in the same sentence.

Re-state the major use(s) and function(s) of the object to solicit the audience’s support or awareness of the object
Document Design and Illustrations

Whom will you include in your task force? What outcomes measures will you audit? Where will you obtain the data to determine your baseline and goal regarding the percentage of readmissions within 30 days of discharge? What specific outcome do you want to achieve? What standard or benchmark will you use for the outcome? What does your organization use as a benchmark for readmissions within 30 days of discharge? Describe the intervention you will use to achieve your goal?

Week 6 Post

Zanderville Healthcare Systems, a regional, acute care facility in the foothills of the Appalachians is committed to delivering quality healthcare to its local and neighboring communities. The population it serves is diverse by gender and ethnicity. The primary payer for healthcare services is CMS. Over the past six months the acute care facility has experienced a 25 % increase in readmissions from this payer group within the first 30 days of discharge. The economic impact on the health system has been negative and patients’ satisfaction with their hospital experience has declined. Senior leadership has charged you, the nurse executive, to convene an ad-hoc task force to perform an outcomes audit and propose an intervention. Currently patients receive a follow-up telephone call about 7 days following discharge. You decide to use an evidence-based practice approach and have the following information for the “working” PICOT:

P: CMS patients readmitted within 30 days of discharge

I: What will we do differently to impact the improved outcome     (State what this is)

C: Follow-up phone call 7 days after discharge

O: Reduce readmission rate of CMS patients from ____ to ____…..

T: Over next six months

If this were happening in your organization, discuss:

  • Whom will you include in your task force?
  • What outcomes measures will you audit?
  • Where will you obtain the data to determine your baseline and goal regarding the percentage of readmissions within 30 days of discharge?
  • What specific outcome do you want to achieve?
  • What standard or benchmark will you use for the outcome? What does your organization use as a benchmark for readmissions within 30 days of discharge?
  • Describe the intervention you will use to achieve your goal?

Then, restate the completed PICOT using the information you have collected related to the intervention and outcomes.

What is a personal power base and what is (or has been) your plan for building one? Have you had any experience with having to rebuild it because of a position change or change in practice location? What was that experience like? What is the relationship between having a strong personal power base and the ability to empower others?

Week 5 Post

This week’s collaboration focuses on two power concepts, personal power base and empowerment, and how they are related. Regardless of the type of formal power a nurse may have, whether a novice or expert in the role as leader, each must develop a personal power base. Part of becoming a transformative leader is learning to empower others and is related to having a personal power base.

Annotate/bold each topic addressed in response:

1. What is a personal power base and what is (or has been) your plan for building one?

2. Have you had any experience with having to rebuild it because of a position change or change in practice location?

3. What was that experience like?

4. Empowering others is reciprocal in nature. What does this mean?

5. What is the relationship between having a strong personal power base and the ability to empower others?

References must be within the past 5 years

What is your approach to solving this problem? Using a specific motivational theory, describe how you would create a healthful work environment within that organization. Describe at least three theory-based strategies you will use to create this environment you described.

Week 4

Nurse leaders, whether at the unit or organizational level, play a pivotal role within any given organizational structure in creating a healthy, motivating work environment. These environments are ones that encourage workers to perform their best and continue to develop professionally. The underlying belief about motivation is that behaviors and actions of individuals are driven by internal and external factors. They possess these in varying degrees and are not the same for everyone. Motivational theory provides the foundation for creating strategies for motivating people to perform well and be satisfied in their jobs.

Consider this scenario:

You are the nurse administrator of a medium sized health system with a multigenerational workforce. Over the past year, there has been a noticeable decrease in employee satisfaction scores, presence of low morale, and attrition has begun. Attrition has not met the critical point and you are taking action to prevent it getting worse.

1. What is your approach to solving this problem?

2. Using a specific motivational theory, describe how you would create a healthful work environment within that organization.

3. Describe at least three theory-based strategies you will use to create this environment you described.

Summarize vital criteria you would require in the ensuing RFP and vendor demos (if applicable) to make your final selection recommendation. Describe the selection process requirements: demonstrations, presentations, testing, installation, etc. Evaluate the importance of interprofessional stakeholder feedback from demonstrations, presentations, testing, and installation. Discuss ratings by third-party organizations, such as KLAS Research. Discuss any feedback from site visits or current user interviews.

Electronic health record (EHR) system.

Imagine that you have been invited to join a strategic leadership team to upgrade or replace the existing electronic health record (EHR) system.
Wireless hardware solutions and mobile device options may also be included.
Mobile functionality (mobile EHR interfaces) increases EHR adoption and communication between providers and health care facility staff.
Review several vendors and their products.
Summarize the top five vendors and their products.
Explain why you chose these vendors.
Write a 750-1,000-word request for proposal (RFP) that includes the following criteria:
Summarize vital criteria you would require in the ensuing RFP and vendor demos (if applicable) to make your final selection recommendation.
Describe the selection process requirements: demonstrations, presentations, testing, installation, etc.
Evaluate the importance of interprofessional stakeholder feedback from demonstrations, presentations, testing, and installation.
Discuss ratings by third-party organizations, such as KLAS Research.
Discuss any feedback from site visits or current user interviews.
Discuss the details of their pricing models and contracts, including contractual duration, cost of severing the contract early, support fees, upgrade fees, and service-level agreements.

Perform and document an internet search of community resources for a specific mental health illness. Explain the resources available and include a local organization. Describe the purpose and the efficacy of the organization. Express the role of APRN in telehealth care delivery and how students can monitor its usefulness in primary care.

ARNP role in telehealth

1. Perform and document an internet search (database, key words, top listings) of community resources for a specific mental health illness.

2. Explain the resources available and include a local organization.

3. Describe the purpose (Mission and Vision statement is a guide ONLY) and the efficacy of the organization (how many needs are met).

4., Express the role of APRN in telehealth care delivery and how students can monitor its usefulness in primary care.

Develop an implementation plan outline for an enterprise health care system. In your outline, include a description of the following elements and how you would address them in an EHR implementation plan.

Implementation Plan Outline

Assessment Description
The purpose of this assignment is to become familiar with the EHR implementation process by creating an implementation plan outline.

Develop an implementation plan outline for an enterprise health care system. In your outline, include a description of the following elements and how you would address them in an EHR implementation plan:

  • Impacted health care settings within the enterprise health care system
  • Challenges of implementing EHRs
  • Project management methodology and tools used
  • Health care system organizational structure
  • Needs for interoperability and interfaces between information systems
  • Education and training requirements
  • User acceptance testing considerations

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.


This assignment aligns to the following AMIA 2017 Core Competencies for Health Informatics Curricula at the master’s degree level:

-F2: Information Science and Technology: Shows How

-F4: Health Information Science and Technology: Shows How

-F7: Social, Behavioral, and Information Science and Technology Applied to Health: Shows How

Identify an outcome of nursing practice in your area of practice that can be improved. Identify a practice that can be changed or implemented that may influence the outcome.

Application of Concepts from Caring Science

Identify an outcome of nursing practice in your area of practice that can be improved.

For example, if you work in home health, you may identify that throw rug use by fall-risk patients is too prevalent. You may be able to use the problem that inspired the theory concepts that you developed in week two. Identify the concept in Watson’s Theory of Caring that could represent or include the outcome. In our example, the outcome would be the changes in self through the change in the patient’s floor covering practice. Identify a practice that can be changed or implemented that may influence the outcome. Identify the concept in Watson’s Theory of Caring that includes the practice. In our example, the practice could be to improve the understanding of fall hazards through engagement in a teaching-learning experience, one of Watson’s Caritas Processes. Identify exactly how these two concepts will be measured with their operational definitions. Develop a proposition between the two. Present your outcome in an APA formatted paper meeting the University’s standards for a written assignment.

References: 3 to 10. There should be enough to support the links between the concepts of the problem and the concepts of Watson’s Theory of Caring


What are some of the differences in the type and timing of symptoms of both AIDS and AIDS-related opportunistic infections that Praman will encounter when he begins his work in Thailand? Many of the clients served by the agency Praman worked with in Seattle were homosexual males. In the area where he will be working in Thailand, many of the infected persons he will be working with are females who have spent time working in the commercial sex trade in tourist areas. What differences and similarities will he encounter in dealing with his new group of clients?

HIV Case Study

Case Study:  Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infections and the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

The spread of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and of the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) that results from prolonged exposure to the HIV virus is the most significant epidemiological occurrence of the latter part of the Twentieth Century. Changes in sexual behaviors in the 1960s and 1970s associated with the “sexual revolution” created a fertile societal environment for the spread of disease.  In particular, male homosexuals were the segment of the population most significantly impacted by the infection in the years during which these diseases initially began to spread.

Praman M. is the son of parents who emigrated from Thailand to the Seattle area in the 1950s. Praman went to nursing school, and worked in a primary care setting before developing a desire to work with persons infected by HIV. He has spent the past four years employed at a facility that provides a range of medical and social service to persons living with HIV and AIDS. At this time, Praman has decided that he wants to go to work with an international non-profit that prides services to people living with HIV/AIDS in developing countries.  He has agreed to join this organization and return to his ancestral homeland for a three-year service commitment working in a rural area some 200 miles from Bangkok.

  1. What are some of the differences in the type and timing of symptoms of both AIDS and AIDS-related opportunistic infections that Praman will encounter when he begins his work in Thailand?
  2. Many of the clients served by the agency Praman worked with in Seattle were homosexual males. In the area where he will be working in Thailand, many of the infected persons he will be working with are females who have spent time working in the commercial sex trade in tourist areas. What differences and similarities will he encounter in dealing with his new group of clients?


Write three short article critiques using original research articles within the last 10 years that compare different forms of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.

Different forms of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins

Article Critique:

Write three short article critiques using original research articles (not review articles) within the last 10 years that compare different forms of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins (one for each). It doesn’t need to be an exercise study; any study comparing different forms in adults or animals will work. However, try and avoid clinical populations. A review article may not be used for these assignments. The critique must include the following: introduction, purpose, participant description, procedures/methods, results, discussion, and your personal reflections.