Create a 10-12 slide PowerPoint health promotion with speaker notes that outlines a teaching plan for the presentation of your PowerPoint, use Loom to create a voice-over or a video, and include an additional, slide for the loom link at the beginning and an additional slide for references at the end.

Environmental factors and health promotion presentation :

Accident prevention and safety promotion for parents and caregivers of infants

Create a 10-12 slide PowerPoint health promotion with speaker notes that outlines a teaching plan for the presentation of your PowerPoint, use Loom to create a voice-over or a video, and include an additional, slide for the loom link at the beginning and an additional slide for references at the end.

In developing your Power point , take into consideration the healthcare literacy level of your target audience as well as the demographic of the caregiver/patient (Socioeconomic life, language, culture and any other relevant characteristics of the caregiver for which the presentation is tailored.

Change your confidence level to 99% for the same data, and post a screenshot of this table, as well. Compare the margins of error from the two screenshots. Would the margin of error be larger or smaller for the 99% CI? Explain your reasoning.

Lab 7

Steps to Complete the Week 7 Lab

Step 1: Find these articles in the Library. Once you click each link, you will be logged into the Library and then click on “PDF Full Text”. (Provided PDF)

First Article: Confidence Intervals, Part 1 (Links to an external site.)
Second Article: Confidence Intervals, Part 2 (Links to an external site.)
Step 2: Consider the use of confidence intervals in health sciences with these articles as inspiration and insights.

Step 3: Using the data you collected for the Week 5 Lab (heights of 10 different people that you work with plus the 10 heights provided by your instructor), discuss your method of collection for the values that you are using in your study (systematic, convenience, cluster, stratified, simple random). What are some faults with this type of data collection? What other types of data collection could you have used, and how might this have affected your study?

Step 4: Now use the Week 6 Spreadsheet to help you with calculations for the following questions/statements.

a) Give a point estimate (mean) for the average height of all people at the place where you work. Start by putting the 20 heights you are working with into the blue Data column of the spreadsheet. What is your point estimate, and what does this mean?

b) Find a 95% confidence interval for the true mean height of all the people at your place of work. What is the interval? [see screenshot below]

c) Give a practical interpretation of the interval you found in part b, and explain carefully what the output means. (For example, you might say, “I am 95% confident that the true mean height of all of the people in my company is between 64 inches and 68 inches”).

d) Post a screenshot of your work from the t value Confidence Interval for µ from the Confidence Interval tab on the Week 6 Excel spreadsheet (Provided)

Step 5: Now, change your confidence level to 99% for the same data, and post a screenshot of this table, as well.

Step 6: Compare the margins of error from the two screenshots. Would the margin of error be larger or smaller for the 99% CI? Explain your reasoning.

Step 7: Save the Week 7 Lab document with your answers and include your name in the title.

Step 8: Submit the document

What are some of the security issues you might encounter if this were allowed? How would you address these issues? How is this issue addressed in your practice setting?

WEEK 7 NR-512

A new concept for some organizations is to allow nurses to bring in their own devices known as bring your own devices (BYOD) to use at work. What are some of the security issues you might encounter if this were allowed? How would you address these issues? How is this issue addressed in your practice setting?

What can be learned from the scenario you selected in the video? Describe the Leadership and Management role to make this a healthy work environment? Indicate what conflict resolution techniques were utilized in the changed portion of the scenario? What is the impact of Horizontal Violence and bullying in Nursing?

Module 6. Discussion Board. Professional Identity.

Use the link below to access background information of the video. Azariev, M., Darkwah, A., Hope-Gilpo, M., Langille, J., Moodie, K., & Reid, Thomas, B. (2011) What is Horizontal Violence . Read the proceeding article What is Horizontal Violence and watch the video. (Links to an external site.)
Next: You will need to view the You-Tube video below:

Note: the background information and videos supplied to you may not be used as support for your discussion

Horizontal Violence in Nursing :

Choose one of the scenarios from the second video and answer the following questions.

1-What can be learned from the scenario you selected in the video?
2-Describe the Leadership and Management role to make this a healthy work environment?
3-Indicate what conflict resolution techniques were utilized in the changed portion of the scenario?
4-What is the impact of Horizontal Violence and bullying in Nursing?
5-How does Horizontal Violence impact self-care, patient care, and other members of the healthcare team?

Who does the interviewee teach? What does your interviewee teach and where? Provide a reflection that compares your interview data to class readings and the literature that you reviewed prior to conducting the interview.

The Interview

Your interview paper should include:

Who does the interviewee teach?
What does your interviewee teach and where?

Trends and changes in nursing education as experienced by the person you interviewed.
A reflection that compares your interview data to class readings and the literature that you reviewed prior to conducting the interview (pay special attention to trends, themes, concepts, and changes in nursing education).

What you learned as a result of this assignment.
A conclusion discussing your personal thoughts, opinions, views, and insights related to the specific area of nursing education of your interviewee.

Based on our understanding of the HIPAA privacy and security rules, take a look at the scene below of the workstations being used by medical doctors to review patient records and discuss what is wrong with the practices depicted here.

Hippa in action discussion

Based on our understanding of the HIPAA privacy and security rules, take a look at the scene below of the workstations being used by medical doctors to review patient records and discuss what is wrong with the practices depicted here.
See image 1

Also consider this telemedicine discussion posted on LinkedIn in the Spring of 2020. Given our understanding of the HIPAA privacy and security rules, discuss what is wrong here.

see image 2

Explain how you will ensure your research is conducted in an ethical manner. Explain how you will recruit participants for your study, and how your recruitment process will remain ethical. Explain what quantitative data you will collect and how you will go about collecting this data.

Research proposal

For this section of your research proposal assignment, you will focus on the implementation plan, which includes considerations for ethics, recruitment practices, and a plan for how you will collect your data.

Note that you will not explain how to analyze your data in this section, but rather how you will go about collecting the data.

The following components must be addressed:

Explain how you will ensure your research is conducted in an ethical manner.
Include a copy of an informed consent that will be included for participants of your research proposal project.
Explain how you will recruit participants for your study, and how your recruitment process will remain ethical. Be sure to address any incentives (if applicable).
Explain what quantitative data you will collect and how you will go about collecting this data (survey, questionnaire, observation, etc.).
This paper is related to previous order 726456 Mentally Ill patients being discharge from hospitals and returning with the same or similar illness.

List the teaching strategies and approaches you plan to use for students to achieve the learning objectives. Provide a rubric for grading each of the course requirements, guidelines, and grading criteria. Provide the total percent value or the grade weight of each requirement.

Introduction to nutrition

You will develop a syllabus for an 8-week undergraduate nursing course. Introduction to nutrition.

For the purpose of this assignment, required, syllabi do not have to be simple, typed documents. You may choose to incorporate additional information (graphics, photos, comics, or designs) and other creative elements. However, be sure your syllabus includes at least the required information listed under the assignment guidelines section below in order to be considered for full credit.

Note: You may not copy a syllabus to turn in. Make this syllabus your own ideal of teaching your chosen course

When preparing your syllabus, pay attention to the organization and layout to ensure it is easy to read. Your syllabus should set the tone for your course and convey enthusiasm for the course topic; show how your course fits into a broader picture; communicate what, when, and how students will learn; clarify what students need to do to be successful; and communicate your expectations of student performance to satisfactorily complete your 8-week course.

Your course syllabus should include:

General information about the course: The instructor’s name (you), course title, course number, course credit hours, class days and time period (start and end times), class location (room number), and any prerequisites. You may also wish to include your office hours and contact information.

A course description: A description of the course and how students will benefit; this is similar to a catalog description of a course.

Course outcome objectives expected: A list of outcome statements describing the knowledge and skills that you expect students to have learned after completing your 8-week course. Your objectives should be:
-Appropriate to course and educational level
-Realistic and clear
-Stated in measurable terms

Required materials and learning resources: Textbook(s), supplies, and anything you may require students to bring to class each day

Instructional methods and activities: List the teaching strategies and approaches you plan to use for students to achieve the learning objectives (e.g., lecture, games, inquiry, discussions). If appropriate, you may want to include any special events or activities (e.g., field trips, experiments, guest speakers, projects).

Note: This section is a list of your instructional methods and activities and not an explanation or description of how they will be implemented.

Classroom policies or rules: This section should include any policies or rules that are specific to your course (e.g., classroom behavior, absenteeism, tardiness, late assignments, makeup work, and tests).

Evaluation methods: This section should include all graded course requirements with the percent value (of the total course grade) for each requirement. This is where you list each of the course requirements or means of evaluating student learning (e.g., tests, quizzes, assignments, presentations, group work).

You do not need to provide a rubric for grading each of the course requirements, guidelines, and grading criteria.

You do need to provide the total percent value or the grade weight of each requirement.

If using tests or quizzes, state the number of tests or quizzes and the grade weight for each.

provide guidelines and grading criteria (a rubric) for one of your required assignments

An outline and general time line of the course content: This section should be a table or flowchart depicting a schedule of the content to be covered over the 8-week period. In addition to the content, your table or flowchart should include:

-Estimated dates for when you plan to cover the content. Specific dates are not necessary, but some time line estimate should be provided (e.g., week 1 or class 1)
-Any activities, assignments, and tests, etc., with corresponding due dates
-Required readings for each date and any supplemental or suggested readings you may want to list

Describe why you want to be a student in the Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing along with a brief statement describing your career goals as a nurse.

Personal Statement

Describe why you want to be a student in the Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing along with a brief statement describing your career goals as a nurse.

Explain your belief of caring in nursing. Describe your professional identity including your beliefs, values, motives, and experiences. Discuss one to two professional organizations/associations you plan to be involved in during your nursing career.

Belief of caring in nursing

Introduction to the assignment (sections of the assignment: caring, professional identity, and professional organizations/associations)
Explain your belief of caring in nursing (self, nursing, environment, and profession)
Describe your professional identity including your beliefs, values, motives, and experiences
Discuss one to two professional organizations/associations you plan to be involved in during your nursing career
Conclusion (reflect on the criteria of the assignment; caring, professional identity, and professional organizations/associations)

Use at least two credible resources to support your findings. For example, one of the resources could be the website for a professional organization or association, and another resource could be a textbook. These resources must be integrated into the body of your paper using at least two in-text citations. Be sure to use proper APA format and style.
The document linked below contains the project rubric as well as helpful resources.